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DONAR Page 9

by Bonnie Burrows

  Lying prone as she was, Brianne felt lifted higher and higher with every lick, every suck, every stroke. Her body heaved, and her breaths deepened with rising pleasure. She thrashed her head from side to side as if in a fever of delight. The only other thing as beautiful as the brothers themselves was what they were doing to her. Their oral pleasuring of her, above and below, put Brianne in a rapture of sensuous beauty and made her fly and soar without wings.

  The pleasure reached a summit of wonder for Brianne. Her back arched, and she pushed her turgid sex into Donar’s face. She felt as if her spirit might come flying right out of her body as orgasm took hold of her. She let out a wail of joy from the way her entire being spun into release. Ultimately pleasured, she fell down onto the cushion of the divan, panting, laughing. “Oh, that was so good,” she gasped with sex-drunken laughter. “That was so good…”

  “It’s going to be better,” said Donar, lifting his face from her wetness and her bush and gazing up at her with still unfettered desire.

  “Yes, much better,” Conran said, looking up from her bosom into Brianne’s dazzled eyes. Then, to his brother: “You began this. You fuck her first.”

  With a libidinous grin, Donar said, “Fuck yes. My dick has been screaming for her.” He climbed up onto his knees while Conran moved aside. Conran kept a hand at Brianne’s bosom, kneading and squeezing, maintaining a post-orgasmic heat in her body. Brianne lifted her head; she wanted to see the exquisite thing that would happen now.

  She wanted to see Donar move his massive pillar of marble-hard flesh with the round and full basket of man-fruit behind it, aim his hot pink bluntness into the quivering wetness where his mouth had been, and slide it home. Brianne felt her entire being expand with a new unfolding of pleasure with Donar’s first stroke into her, stretching her inside and moving all the way to his balls inside her. Helplessly, joyously, she let her head fall back down. Conran moved his hand away and let his brother come down completely on top of her, enclosing her with his massive arms and claiming her mouth with a kiss that tasted of her sex. After savoring the first closure of her tube around his shaft, Donar began quickly to pump in and out of her, making his conquest complete.

  Brianne lifted her thighs up around him, the better to receive him. Shutting her eyes, she let him kiss her and thrust fast and hard inside her, at the same time feeling Conran shift on the divan beside her. The hand stroking up and down her thigh, Brianne knew, must be his, and it was wonderful—but nothing else wonderful in all the universe at this moment could compare with what Donar was doing so hotly and urgently between her legs.

  The only thing harder than his incredible muscles was the long and massive hardness that he drilled and pounded in and out of her, so deep, so very deep, so inexpressibly satisfying. Maddened with pleasure, he tore his mouth from hers, and their hot breaths and intoxicated moans mingled together.

  “I can tell she’s good,” said Conran, watching his brother work on top of her. Brianne felt the tip of Conran’s tongue lapping at her ear. “You like that, don’t you? You like my brother being in you.”

  It was all Brianne could do to moan incoherently, blissfully, in response while feeling up the fantastic muscles of Donar’s arms and shoulders and pushing herself up against the deep, deep strokes of his tool. The last corner of her mind that could think in the grip of such ecstasy wondered how she had ever lived this long without knowing such sex from such a man. It was a sex beyond any other she had ever felt. She could no longer imagine any kind of boundary between herself and Donar anymore.

  Donar pumped and pounded his throbbing meat inside her, gritting his teeth, cursing, grunting, as consumed with the ecstasy of what he was doing to Brianne as she was. He sped up his beats, moaning in an insanity of delight, until he gasped, “I’m coming! Fuck, I’m coming…!” Brianne held him tightly, ready for him.

  In a few beats more, it happened. He rammed his meat all the way into her, held himself there, and let go. Brianne felt the pulsation of his hard-on grow stronger, and knew that deep inside her right now a hot white river was flowing out of him. He grunted long and deeply, savoring his climax and his plentiful ejaculation, knowing he was filling her with man-dragon cream. Spent, he began to soften and settled down on top of her, kissing her lips gently, exhaling, “Damn…damn…fuck, that was good…”

  “Pull out,” said Conran. “My turn now.”

  Donar let his half-softened length slip out of Brianne. He rolled to one side and pulled her into his arms. Groggily, he said, “Take her from behind. I want her tits.”

  Turning up the corner of his mouth in a sexy grin, Conran said, “Good idea. I can hump her ass while I’m in her.” He moved himself into position behind Brianne, fitting their bodies together like spoons. Brianne began to breathe heavily again, anticipating one brother while his twin fondled her breasts and nipples. Kissing Donar, she felt Conran lift her thigh. Then she felt the passage of another massive and throbbing root into her entrance, which oozed with Donar’s warm seed. Her lips slid free of Donar’s mouth, letting her cry out in renewed euphoria with the stroke of Conran’s length all the way inside her and the rustling of his pubic hair against her bottom.

  “Oh…oh, yes!” Brianne cried, as overcome with joy from being entered by one brother from behind as she was from having the other brother on top of her. Now, she took in Donar’s fondling and kneading of her breasts while the stroke and thrust of Conran’s powerful piston in and out of her propelled her ever further into wondrous delight. His beats inside her felt as if they would go on to infinity, an infinity of sexual abandon.

  Conran pounded away, hard and fast, drilling Brianne’s wet and pulsing depths while beating his crotch and pubes against her buttocks. He reached around her uplifted thigh and found her woman-bud, and started to strum it in time with his thrusts, turning Brianne’s mind into a shimmer of delight.

  He grunted and groaned with the delicious rhythm of his pumping and the feeling of her tight wetness enclosing his shaft and rained kisses and love bites on her shoulder. Brianne moaned and whimpered along with him while clinging to Donar, who continued his play at her breasts. “That’s it,” said Donar. “Give her that dick. Make her love it. Give it to her…”

  Brianne found the voice to cry, “Don’t stop…oh, don’t stop…!”

  Hardly stopping, Conran pumped her harder, ever harder, grunting, “Fuck yes…fuck yes,” before clenching his teeth and dissolving into sounds as savage as his beats inside her. Finally, he pulled Brianne from Donar’s grasp. He let his rod slip out of her, slick and soaked, just long enough to put her on her back, climb on top of her, and slide it all the way to his round, firm balls back into her. Brianne almost screamed as Conran now lay atop her, humping hard for dear life, and she brought up her thighs around him as she had done his brother and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Conran pumped Brianne harder and harder, with beastly grunts, until he could stand it no longer. Throwing back his head, he let out an animal sound that signaled his own ultimate release. Brianne felt the red-hot throbbing inside her once again, the sign of Conran’s outpouring of thick white wetness that felt for both of them as if it would go on forever.

  Her entire body drank in the feeling of his orgasm hitting him, until he let himself settle down on top of her, his pecs pressing down against her breasts. The sound of Conran’s sated groans mixed with those of his brother’s deep post-coital chuckling. Eventually, Conran lifted his head from Brianne’s shoulder and lightly, softly kissed her, murmuring, “Damn, I knew you’d be a good lay, but…damn…”

  She tittered back at him, returning his kiss. The deed was done. Or rather, the deeds were done. And Brianne had no regrets, and she knew neither did they.

  Conran rolled off, and Brianne lay between the twins, letting them take turns kissing her while they played with her nipples and rubbed their leaking seed onto her folds and her mound, giving her a tingly feeling of lingering joy. Eventually, they were quiet and still, lying togeth
er under the stars and reliving the wonder of what the brothers had done to her.

  After a time, Brianne said with a sigh, “Well, that didn’t take long.”

  His brow furrowing, Conran mildly objected. “What do you mean, it didn’t take long? Donar and I always take our time and make it last. We don’t rush.”

  Brianne grinned, “No, that’s not what I mean. I mean…I have to admit something to you now. I had a sort of…understanding with myself when I got here. I made myself a little promise. I promised myself I wouldn’t let a thing like this happen, that I’d keep it professional between us. I should have known I couldn’t live up to that. Not when the two of you are just so perfect.”

  Donar kissed her chin, then her lips. “A promise like that,” he said, “is like a virgin’s cherry: easily broken.”

  At that, Brianne broke out into a laugh so raucous, she was grateful that they were halfway up a mountain and on a rooftop where no one could hear. The brothers laughed heartily with her.

  Eventually, they settled down again, and Brianne sighed. “I really mean it, though. I really did want to keep it on a professional level. It just wasn’t going to happen. It couldn’t be.”

  “I’m glad it couldn’t be,” said Donar. “Especially tonight. I think a lay together was what we all needed tonight. After everything that happened with our bloody uncle, we all needed a release.”

  “Well, that certainly was a release,” Brianne agreed.

  “And there’s no reason we can’t have a professional relationship and a naked one,” Conran said. “Donar and I both had the idea of keeping it on a clothed and platonic basis, and we should have known better. It’s against our nature, and we knew it.” He teased her nipple and kissed her forehead. “Nothing else could happen but this. And our work together isn’t going to change. We’re going to have that for a long time. Our work…and you.” He kissed her mouth, showing her that he meant it.

  Looking from the aroused expression of one twin to the other, Brianne wondered aloud, “So…what now? More of the same?”

  Arching an eyebrow, Donar replied, “Look down there. You tell us.”

  The brothers each propped himself up by an elbow while Brianne came up on both elbows and looked down their bodies at the returning erections. “Oh yes,” she said. “More of the same.”

  Conran and Donar stood up, and each of them offered her a hand. Brianne took their hands and let them pull her up. At once, they stood in a three-way naked embrace, Conran’s hardening phallus pressing into the cleft of her buttocks while Donar’s throbbed hotly against her abdomen. Donar kissed her, then let her turn her head and accept Conran’s kiss. “We have other plans for you tonight still,” said Conran. He tilted his head at the observation dome. “In there.”

  Donar slipped two fingers into Brianne's sticky sex, making her gasp. “And in there.”

  The twins led her from the pool deck into the dome, where the night’s real celebration would now continue.


  Escorted into the dome by the twins, Brianne stood with them on the ring of sensuously plush cushions by the circular fire pit in the middle. Conran waved a hand over the circular basin with coals strewn at the bottom and said, “Light.” At once, from jets under the coals, crackling fire leapt up and cast light and heat into the space.

  Not that they needed the heat. The aroused bodies of the naked trio were generating plenty of their own. Brianne had scarcely taken her eyes from the ample, bobbing erections of Conran and Donar. A thrilling feeling shimmered down her spine when Conran, having thus lit the literal fire, reached out and lightly pinched her nipple, and told her, “Now…down on your knees—please.”

  Brianne happily obeyed. While Donar sat himself down on the cushions to watch, Brianne descended to her knees before his brother—who moved in closer, put his fingers under her chin to lift her face, and with his other hand moved his straining maleness to her lips and eased it into her mouth. A desiring rumble went through Donar at the sight of his brother slowly but firmly pumping his huge tool in and out over Brianne’s tongue.

  Hungry for him, Brianne edged closer to take in the scent of his crotch as well as the sliding of his member and reached back to grasp his hard and flexing buttocks. Conran spread his legs a little wider and began to stroke a little faster in Brianne’s mouth, while Donar brought his face to Brianne’s own bottom to kiss her soft cheeks while moving his hand around to the other side to play with her mound and her newly moistening womanhood.

  Conran's male meat tasted as delicious to Brianne as it felt inside her. And her pulse quickened at knowing Donar had more just like it for her to feast on. With expert skill, he slid it through her lips and over her tongue with the perfect stroke and beat for her to enjoy without gagging. He knew exactly what he was doing, as was to be expected from a Lacertan man. But there was a greater delight still awaiting her when Donar took his lips from kissing all over her buttocks and called up to his brother, “Go down on your knees, Conran. And Brianne, go on all-fours and open your legs.”

  “I know what he has in mind,” said Conran. “Do as he says.”

  Conran let his fleshy pipe slip from Brianne’s mouth and dropped to his knees. Brianne went to her hands and knees and parted her thighs as requested. She could guess what Donar was about to do, and he did just that. He went down on his back and maneuvered his head down between her open legs and lifted his face to her sex to begin to lick and suck at it. Brianne’s groan of approval was cut short by Conran once again feeding her his pulsing length.

  Now, to her exquisite pleasure, she had one twin’s erection in her mouth while the other enveloped her lady parts with his mouth. Her juices flowed onto his tongue, and he inserted it into her crevice for more while Brianne supported herself with one hand and raised the other to Conran’s warm sac of chestnuts to tease and play with it.

  How much more of this—of them—would she be able to take? Brianne wondered. As much as she was enjoying this moment of orally-induced bliss and hoping it would go on a long time yet, she looked forward to finding out just how long she could bear up under such sustained ecstasy. Donar’s tongue probing her channel while his brother’s piece took command of her mouth, with neither of them showing any sign of letting up, gave her a sign that this was only the beginning of the sexing of her life, and only the first of many, many more such nights during her tenure on Lacerta. Conran and Donar were letting her know in no uncertain terms that she was completely in the power of two of the most carnal creatures in the galaxy.

  Donar slipped his tongue from inside Brianne and moved the tip of it up to the on-switch of her greatest pleasure. There he licked and flicked, sending sparks of joy whirling hotly through her body. All the while, Conran thrust away with his shaft, urged on by the squeezing of her palm and the teasing of her fingertips at the bulb of his seed. At length, the dual pleasures took hold of Conran so tightly that he simply held his length in Brianne’s mouth and let her have her wetly desiring way with it.

  He tossed back his head and groaned, long and lustily, letting her pull with her lips at his throbbing thickness, reveling in the way she sucked him. Brianne felt the tension building up in Conran and thought at first that he might soon come, spewing his cream right into her mouth. But he surprised her.

  Wincing not from pain but from the sudden cessation of pleasure, he slid his piece back and free of Brianne’s sucking, and grunted, “Damnit, I don’t want to come again yet. Not like this.” He leaned his face down to meet her as she gazed up at him, still fondling his balls. “Give my brother some of this. Suck him first.”

  Brianne gasped from her own sudden cut-off of pleasure when Donar took his mouth from her sex and climbed out from between her parted legs. He slapped her lightly on her bottom to get her attention, and she turned around from Conran to find Donar stretching out behind her with his own thighs invitingly open and his huge pole standing at attention. “Yes,” said Donar eagerly. “Suck me now, please.”

nbsp; Without hesitating, Brianne crawled over to where Donar sat waiting for her, presenting his big, hot-pink malenesss. She kissed him with the mouth that had a moment ago swallowed his brother’s meat; then, as Donar lay himself down for her, she descended on his body and engorged herself with what rose up from his crotch, trickling salty sap. Donar, eyes shut tightly, emitted a long and carnal grunt at the wet enveloping of Brianne’s mouth on his shaft.

  His body flexed, and his toes curled from Brianne’s pulling and sucking on his hard-on and her fondling of his large, round pouch. Brianne lay curled up between his legs and consumed him, while Conran repeated his brother’s earlier favor of lying behind her, kissing her bottom up and down, and fingering her sex.

  There was something else that Brianne wanted to taste, something to which she had not helped herself while sucking Conran but something she now wanted from the other twin. Letting his prong slide from her mouth, she licked her way down to the base of it, and from there her tongue found its way to the plumpness that held his cream. With a careful swallow, she took the entire sac into her mouth and relished the warmth and fullness of it against her tongue. “Oh, fuck!” cried Donar. “Suck my balls!” And she did. Brianne swirled her tongue around the pouch that was his most sensitive place, making him growl feverishly, showing how he loved it. A shock of new pleasure ignited inside her as Conran, perhaps envious that Brianne had not tasted of his berries as she now did his brother’s, began to bite the smoothness of her bottom, not to hurt but to induce another sensation, one that surprised and thrilled her.


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