The Fighter Duet: Two Full-Length, Red-Hot New Adult Fighter Romances

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The Fighter Duet: Two Full-Length, Red-Hot New Adult Fighter Romances Page 46

by Tia Louise

  Thinking back, I remember hearing her voice. She was crying and screaming. She was shouting my name and screaming she loved me. I fought my way to try and find her. At first it was like I was in the forest again, but the branches turned into arms, holding me back. It was the guards. Their arms were like tree limbs because they were skeletal. Nothing is alive in this place besides Mercy, Hayden, and me.

  Looking around, I think hard. Mercy, I’m here! I’m in the castle! You have to find me. Mercy! Our bond is still intact, and I’m sure at this close range, she has to be able to hear me. Still I get nothing. Silence is all that meets my ears.

  Grabbing the bars on the door, I growl in frustration, shaking them as hard as I can. “MERCY!” I shout. “Let me OUT!”

  Life behind bars is something I remember, but in this case, I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m here for trying to rescue the woman I love who was unjustly taken from me.

  Turning, I grab the frame of the wooden bed I overturned in the night and throw it at the bars with all my might. It smashes into three pieces and falls heavily on the floor. I grab one of the pieces and beat it against the lock. I will get out of here. I’m not staying a moment longer.

  Through the pounding of the wood against metal, I sense I’m no longer alone. It causes me to hesitate, and I look up, seeing him standing across the way from me, silently watching.

  “Let me out of here, Hayden. You have no right to hold me.”

  He’s wearing some kind of leather body armor, form-fitted to his slim frame. His hair is longer now, down his back, and I can’t miss the black claws on the tips of his fingers. His face is a stone, but he crosses to the door and opens it.

  “It appears we’ve been summoned.” Stepping back, he looks at me, but his expression reveals nothing.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, fear tingling in the back of my neck. “Has something happened to Mercy?”

  “Come with me,” is all he says, turning to exit the small space, taking the narrow stairway down the twisting tower. He’s moving fast, and I don’t have time to question. I follow him down, flight after flight, until we’re at the bottom.

  Reaching forward, he turns the circle of metal to open the door. We’re back in the landing at the entrance of his labyrinthine castle. He doesn’t stop there. He goes to the door and pushes it open, walking out into the gloom. It could be day or night. I’d never know.

  Walking ten paces away from the entrance, he turns and faces me. One of his hands grips my shoulder. “Close your eyes.”

  I do as instructed, and as if I blink, I open them again to find I’m standing in front of Mercy’s house—or Hayden’s—in our world. The sun is low in the sky, just beginning to set. Hayden’s clothes are transformed into a black tailored suit, but I’m still in my jeans, tee, and leather jacket. He walks straight to the mansion, up the stairs and through the front door. Looking back over my shoulder, all I see is the familiar expanse of green lawn. No rift or door or anything.

  Turning to the house, I jog up the stairs after him. I’ve got to get Mercy back, and he’s the only one who can help me do it. I’m through the doorway looking around when I see the one thing that almost knocks me down.


  “Koa!” I can’t help a shriek. The moment he appears in the doorway, I’m on my feet running in his direction. With a leap, I’m in his arms, holding him, burying my face in his neck. He smells so good, woods and water and delicious man-panther.

  “Mercy?” His voice breaks, and his large hands are on my face, smoothing my hair back. His green eyes glow with wonder, and I pull him to me, our mouths meeting for the first time in so long.

  His kiss is mesmerizing, lips crashing together, parting, tongues curling against each other. I press my body strong against his warmth, and his arms engulf me in the tightest embrace. It’s a feeling I dreamed about every horrible minute I was in that dismal castle, and now we’re together again in the most luxurious heaven.

  “Sorry to break up the reunion.” I recognize that voice and turn my chin with a smile. Koa’s lips move to my temple, and he inhales deeply at the line of my hair.

  “You smell so good,” he sighs. My eyes close, and I only want to hold him.

  “We have to get this over with.” Slayde is still talking, and I step back to smile at him. Pain flares in my elbow, and I let out a little yelp.

  “What’s this?” Koa’s voice is warm, full of concern, and I look up at him again, warmth flooding my chest at the sight of his beautiful eyes, his mocha skin, and his beard!

  “Your beard’s grown.”

  “I guess I was gone a while trying to find you.”

  “You were?” Wonder fills my voice, but his brow lines.

  “What happened to your arm?”

  Looking at the white bandage covering my elbow, I shrug. “Hounds of hell.”

  Koa’s jaw sets, and I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter. It’s taking a little longer to heal, but I’m going to be okay. And you’re here now.”

  Slayde is more insistent this time. “We need both of you in the study.”

  “Okay! Okay,” I grin, taking my man’s big arm, and resting my head on his bicep. He steps forward and shakes his friend’s hand.

  “What’s this all about?” Koa asks.

  “You’ll see,” Slayde’s voice is a loud whisper as he leads us through the door into the room that once served as my older sister’s office.

  Dylan is standing at the window, and when she sees us, she actually smiles. Penny is in a corner near a tall rubber plant as if she might hide behind it should things turn nasty.

  Hayden is sitting in one of the armchairs next to the sofa, legs crossed, and behind the desk is a big man I’ve only just met as Derek Alexander, Slayde’s boss. He’s very handsome, the size of Koa and equally fierce. His blue eyes are steely, and he’s looking down at a file open in front of him. My eyes fix momentarily on the heavy brass insignia ring on the middle finger of his right hand.

  “Based on the autopsy images we’ve examined from the death of Lord Hayden’s alleged immortal mate, we’ve discovered the victim was in fact, a shifter.”

  My mouth drops open, and my eyes flash to Hayden. His lips press together in a thin line.

  The man behind the desk meets his gaze. “I’m here on the authority of the High Council to dissolve the pact between you and the Quinlan family immediately. Hunter Strong did not cause the death of your immortal mate. The female Quinlan killed was a black bear shifter as indicated by the clan mark on her neck seen here.”

  He holds out a grainy photo, and when it’s my turn to look, I see a small bear paw tattoo high on the victim’s scalp. It’s exactly where my clan mark is located.

  “Had Hunter Quinlan in fact killed your immortal mate, he would be bound to provide you with companionship throughout eternity.” Derek Alexander’s voice is low and full of power. “As it stands, he only deprived you of the life of a shifter mate, which has been repaid in full. Twice.”

  This time when I look at Hayden, fierce rage burns in my chest. “You lied to us!”

  Hayden props his elbows on the arms of the chair, steepling his fingers in front of his mouth. “He still murdered my mate.”

  “It was further ruled an accidental death by the council.”

  “Perhaps,” is all Hayden says.

  Derek stands, closing the file and taking back the photo. “I have to catch my plane, but the council’s decision stands. Mercy is released from your claim, as is the rest of her family. The council expresses its deep disappointment in your actions as Lord of the Underworld, and their apologies go to the entire Quinlan-Strong pack.”

  Hayden rolls his eyes and stands. I cross the room before I can even think and slap him hard across the face.

  A sharp SMACK! echoes in the room, and for a half-second it’s silent. Just as fast everyone braces, preparing for a battle. Hayden only glares at me a moment before exhaling a breath and daring to chuckle.

  “You’ve always
had such fire, Mercy. If you had given me one more week…”

  “Get out,” I growl through gritted teeth. “I hope I never see you again.”

  He smirks in that infuriating way and shrugs. Just before he leaves, I stop him. “Why did you do it, Hayden?”

  Lifting his chin, he grins at me. “I’ve always wanted a lynx.” The door is open, but he pauses just inside it. “And Cora loved me. I thought I might find her again in one of you.”

  With that he’s gone. The men from the council are right behind him, and Slayde is quick to follow, patting me on the shoulder and shaking Koa’s hand. “I’m leaving with Derek, but I wanted you to know, I’m proud of you. I don’t know many shifters who would single-handedly storm the underworld.”

  Koa only shakes his head. “Don’t even. Thank you is not strong enough to express how I feel right now.”

  My heart is full as I watch them both. “My family owes you a huge debt of gratitude,” I say.

  “I was only working off the leads Koa found.” He’s at the door, but he steps back once more. “Take care of him, Mercy.”

  “I will,” I say, holding Koa’s arm and smiling as I watch them go.




  Doris is banging around her kitchen when we arrive back at my apartment. I vaguely remember Jim’s truck being left out at the campground, and I wonder if he ever went and retrieved it. I still don’t know how long I was gone.

  Mercy is on my arm. We haven’t stopped touching each other since I walked through the door and found her, and as much as I’m ready to head upstairs and make up for lost time, I touch her hand. “Give me just a minute,” I say, looking toward the house.

  “One minute,” she purrs, stepping forward and pulling my shoulders for a kiss. Our lips meet, and she catches my bottom one between her teeth. It’s enough to make me almost forget my errand.

  “Hold that thought,” I say, slapping her ass as I turn toward the house.

  Inside the small kitchen, my landlady is opening and closing cabinet doors, grumbling under her breath. “Where is that damned blood meal?”

  “Doris?” I hold the metal door as it closes to keep it from slamming. Still she jumps at the sound of my voice.

  “Kona! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  Looking down, I shake my head. “I don’t think you’ll have a heart attack.” Then I look up to catch her eye. “Who are you?”

  Moving to the other side of the kitchen, she turns the heat off under a large pot on the stove. “I’m your landlady Doris White. Are you doing those weed drugs all the kids are into these days?”

  Reaching for her arm, I stop her movements. “Cut the crap. Who are you really, Doris White? I know there’s a lot more going on here than little old lady bullshit.”

  Stepping back against the cabinet, she crosses her arms hard over her chest as if she’s pissed. For a moment or two she only looks at me, considering my question, turning it over in her mind like she’s weighing all sides of the matter.

  “It’s like I said before. I’m your great aunt. You’re my adopted sister’s kid.”

  “My great aunt?” Straightening, I try to think of any relatives I remember being adopted. “Why don’t I know about you?”

  “Your mother, my adopted sister’s kid, wanted a ‘normal life.’” She makes little curly cues with her fingers as she says normal life. “She didn’t like all this paranormal activity. Witches and such.”

  “My dad was a shifter.”

  “Exactly, and I blame his sorry ass for turning her away from her gifts.” She resumes banging around her kitchen. “Your mother was a beautiful witch. Her aura…” She straightens, pushing lavender hair out of her face, “was the most gorgeous shade of blue-violet. And her powers… Well, they were truly immense.”

  I feel like my head is spinning. “Are you trying to say—”

  “Your mother was a great witch? Why is that so hard for you to accept?”

  Thinking back, I can only shake my head, remembering. My mother was a professor. She made me come right home after school and do my homework. She cooked me mac and cheese and complained when I got into boxing. She disapproved of just about everything I did from the moment I hit puberty until I was kicked out of the pack.

  “She was always so… normal.”

  “Welp,” Doris sighs, holding up a hand and shaking her head. “That’s what she wanted. Your mother was perfect at anything she set her mind to doing.”

  “Well, she was perfectly fucking normal.”

  “Language, you brute!” She opens another drawer and lets out a little squeal. “Well, fuck me, I found it!”

  That makes me laugh. “So you drew me here?”

  She ducks her head and tilts her hand side to side. “With the help of the ley line. I needed you to save Mercy.”

  “How did you know I’d be able to save her?”

  Pausing mid-brew, Doris leans against the counter, and a dreamy look fills her eyes. “I knew from the moment I saw that beautiful baby lynx she was perfect for you.” She gives me a little smile and pats my arm. “Sounds like I was right, yes?”

  Shaking my head, I laugh. “How the hell did you know Mercy as a baby?”

  “Oh, her great aunt was my best friend. Persephone wasn’t very smart, but she was smart enough to get her ass out of the underworld.”

  Catching her narrow shoulders, I make her stop and face me. “What was in that vial?”

  She sighs. “I knew from your grades in school you never were one to apply yourself…”

  “You sound like my mom.”

  “I worried as soon as you got there, you’d drink from that River Lethe—”

  “Which I did.”

  She nods, pressing her thin lips together. “I concocted that little potion from the Narcissus flower. Loads of galantamine.”


  “It’s actually not such a mysterious ingredient. Scientists are testing it as a treatment for dementia.”

  Leaning back against the counter, I look up at the tiny flowers on my newfound aunt’s ancient wallpaper. “Have you ever felt like your entire life is not what you thought?”

  “All the time.” She pats my arm. “You get used to it in this business.”

  All at once, I’m feeling grateful, humbled… and undeserving. “After all I’ve done…” I look down thinking of my past, my record. “I don’t deserve her, Aunt D.”

  The small woman drops her spoon in the pot with a loud CLANG! She returns to stand right in front of me, holding both my arms. Her head barely clears the center of my chest.

  “You have a heart of gold, Koa.” Her eyes are serious, and I don’t miss she said my name right for the first time. “I knew you would redeem your past. After what you did, you’re worthy to rejoin your pack… if that’s what you want.” Releasing me, she gives me a wink. “You just needed Mercy.”

  I lean down and hug the little woman, who isn’t really my aunt. Still, I’ll go with it. “I guess that makes Jim my cousin?”

  “In a round about sort of way.”

  Straightening up, I have to ask. “What happened to him anyway?”

  “Ahh,” she shakes her head. “Wandered into the middle of a sparring spell I was crafting. Got hit right in the head, bless his heart. I thought we’d lose him for a little bit.”

  “He’s a good guy, though.”

  “He can’t help it. It runs in the family.”


  Koa’s strong arms surround me, and I close my eyes as my body hums with all the beautiful sensations of this moment. The sun has set, the moon is on the rise, and I know bright sunshine will greet us when the morning comes. My gorgeous panther is in my arms, and I’m taking deep breaths of freedom.

  When Slayde and I fell through the crack between the worlds, all I wanted was to get back here to my love. When I discovered he had gone after me, that he was left behind in the underworld, I almost had a breakdown.
  No one would let me return to find him, but I couldn’t rest knowing he was somewhere in that place searching for me. If Slayde hadn’t assured me he had a plan that included both breaking my family’s pact and freeing Koa, I would have sneaked away and returned on my own.

  “I was so afraid I wouldn’t reach you in time,” he says, kissing my neck, leaving a trail of fire following the path of his lips. “I kept getting trapped or being caught. I made stupid mistakes…”

  “I held onto your promise to save me the entire time,” I answer, circling my fingers in the sides of his hair as his lips move lower to my breasts.

  My breath inhales sharply as his large hands cup them, squeezing them as he kisses and slides his tongue over my sensitive nipples. We’ve been apart so long, my insides ache for him to fill me, stretch me, make me come.

  “I saw you the night I was taken.” His mouth moves lower, to the top of my ribcage. “The door slammed, but I saw your beautiful face.”

  He’s kissing a trail down my body, and I’m losing the ability to think. “Your gorgeous body was the only thing in my dreams. Oh!” I jump as his tongue makes a lazy pass over my clit.

  His mouth covers me, and he’s massaging, circling, driving me wild. “Oh, god!” I gasp, threading my fingers in his hair as my hips follow the movements of his mouth. It’s been so long since we were in this place.

  Slow passes, figure eights, his tongue moves down, and my hips rise off the bed. The tension in my pelvis tightens, and my eyes flutter closed as the orgasm ripples in my thighs.

  “Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” I’m on the edge, dying for him to take me.

  He gives me two more firm licks, and I lose it, shuddering, quaking, crying his name as he kisses my lower belly, grinning against my skin. I only have to wait a moment before he blows my mind. His enormous cock lines up with my core and with a hard, possessive thrust he’s inside, balls deep and pushing.


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