His Mate -Seniors - Book Three (His Mate - Seniors 3)

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His Mate -Seniors - Book Three (His Mate - Seniors 3) Page 1

by M. L. Briers

  Table of Contents

  Book Three



























  Book Three



  Copyright © 2017, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.

  Copyright © 2017, Cover Design by; Rebecca Pau at The Final Wrap.

  Table of Content



  Book Three



























  The moment that she entered the Inn, Pamela felt at home.

  There was something to be said for that zippy feel of magic in the air, and the air was certainly thick with it, as she walked through the large doors and took a moment to breathe it all in.

  Pamela eyed the young women behind the desk as she sorted through the mail. She noted the way that her head twisted to the side just a little when she felt the reach of Pamela’s magic hit her body. Her shields went up at the same time as her head lifted and her eyes took in the stranger in her Inn.

  “Here there be magic,” Pamela muttered to herself, allowing a contented smile to play at the corners of her lips as she set one foot in front of the other and strolled towards the witch.

  Sarah knew magic when she saw it, let alone when it hit her body like curious tentacles as it just had. She put aside the pile of mail and eyed the older woman that came towards her.

  If Sarah were to hazard a guess, then she would have said that the woman was in her middle to-late-sixties. On the whole; her hair was still jet black, but there were streaks of silver in the front and at the sides, and she had the most piercing blue eyes that Sarah had ever seen.

  “Can I help you?” Sarah asked, taking on the professional stance of the owner of the establishment that didn’t get many walk-ins through its doors, especially not the witchy kind.

  “Elders love Inn?” Pamela offered back.

  “Excuse me?” Sarah stared back blankly.

  “Matchmaking service for the elder witch?” Pamela offered again, feeling a little sorry for the woman who, she guessed, must just have been dropped into her new role without a full explanation of what it entailed.

  “I’m ….?” Sarah twisted her head to one side and gave it a little shake, not quite sure that she was awake, and if she was, she wasn’t entirely sure that she’d heard right.

  “Oh dear,” Pamela sighed, as she allowed her eyes to sweep the area for another member of staff that had a clue – any clue as to how to help her.

  “I think…” Sarah started, narrowing her eyes on the woman and wondering who she should call for lost elders that had obviously wandered off from, somewhere.

  “Can I speak to someone in charge?” Pamela asked, with something of a pitiful look for the woman who was quite obviously out of her league.

  “That would be me.”

  “Obviously not…”


  “You don’t seem to have a handle on your role,” Pamela said with a small shrug of her shoulders. The pretty blue printed summer dress that she wore moved effortlessly with her and clung in all the right places for the elder that she was hoping to snag.

  “What is it that you’re looking for?” Sarah’s hand slowly reached for the telephone. She guessed she should call the police and they could find the woman’s relatives or the home that she’d disappeared from.

  “Love, dear, shocking, isn’t it?” Pamela’s eyes were full of glee, and a big dollop of mischief, and there was a level of excitement in her voice that made her slightly breathless.

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t,” Dorothy bit out as she stalked in from the breakfast room with Angela rolling her eyes to the ceiling behind her. “I just said you probably shouldn’t.”

  “Well, too bad,” Angela huffed

  “Oooh…” Sarah eyed the women for a long moment.

  There were times when Sarah just knew that something was off, and she just knew who the culprit was going to be. She had a bad feeling that had started in the pit of her stomach, and it didn’t take more than a few moments for that feeling to become a rock.

  They didn’t.

  They wouldn’t.

  They couldn’t.

  I mean, how could they?

  Oh, I bet they bloody well did.

  Angela rolled her eyes down from the ceiling and met Sarah’s. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the look on the young witch’s face.

  “Something wrong, Sarah?” Angela asked, bringing Dorothy to a halt with her hand on her friend’s arm, as both elder’s turned their eyes from Sarah to the newest witch in their midst, and then back to Sarah again.

  “The…elders love Inn…” Sarah said, folding her arms across her chest and giving both women a knowing look.

  Angela swallowed down hard and looked guilty the moment that the words were out of Sarah’s mouth, but Dorothy twisted her head around and eyed her friend with equal amounts of shock and disbelief.

  “You didn’t?” Dorothy hissed and saw Angela wince.

  “I might have … put out a few feelers,” Angela said following up her uncomfortable moment with a grimace.

  “You didn’t…?” Dorothy said again but with more feeling that time.

  “Asked and answered, you senile old…” Angela bit down on her annoyance at being busted, and in such an open and surprising way, talk about an inopportune moment for it to land on her doorstep.

  “You…” Dorothy started for the third time, but Angela’s head snapped around on her neck, and she gave her friend a death glare to rival all death glares and br
ought her to an immediate silence.

  “Once more and I’ll zap you,” Angela hissed the warning back, and she meant it as well.

  “We spoke about this,” Dorothy grumbled.

  “Yes, we did.”

  “We said we wouldn’t…” Dorothy’s voice sounded accusing.

  “Yes, you did,” Angela looked as if she’d just swallowed a plate of frog’s legs by mistake.

  “But, you did it anyway?” Dorothy hissed in disbelief.

  “I…” Angela looked as if she’d just ingested a serving of snails to top it off. “Might have tested the waters,” she offered, looking guiltier than sin itself.

  “That’s some solid water you’ve got there,” Sarah pointed towards Pamela; who was waiting patiently for the drama to end, and the newest elder witch to grace the Inn gave a small sigh.

  “No matchmaking service?” Pamela folded her arms across her chest and stared at Angela.

  “There is…sort of,” Angela sighed back. “There’s a pack…” she lifted her hand and lamely pointed towards the front door.

  Her eyes followed the sound of scuffles, and her gaze fell upon a young witch in her early-twenties, who was trying to navigate through the small space of the open doorway, dutifully dragging a crate sized suitcase, and trying to balance a large bag which she’d draped over her shoulder.

  “Hold that thought, Summer! We might be leaving,” Pamela announced to her granddaughter, and the woman’s head came up as she muttered and cursed to herself.

  “After dragging this coffin from the damn car, we are staying at least one night!” Summer ground out.

  She let go of the handle that she’d had a death grip on, flexing her sore fingers, and the hefty suitcase dropped to the wooden floor with a hearty thud.

  Then she straightened and blew her hair from in front of her face as she dumped the second bag next to the first. She took one deep breath in and held it for a long moment as she tried to stop her heart from racing, and eyed the area, letting out that captured breath on a long sigh.

  “I’ve been sold a pup,” Pamela said as she rallied her gaze onto Angela, and the elder witch balked at her words.

  “We both found mates…” Angela said defensively, “and the pack has plenty of elders,” Angela bit back.

  “I’m sorry,” Summer said, coming to the conversation late, and she hoped – getting the entirely wrong end of the stick. “What?”

  “Mating, dear,” Dorothy bit out, somewhat absently as she tried to come to terms with the fact that Angela had gone ahead and advertised their idea of a matchmaking service for lonely, elder witches, on one of the witchy sites that they used, without her consent and behind her back.

  “M-mating?” Summer bit out, as her eyes widened a little in shock. “Gran?” her tone sounded uncertain.

  “Yes, dear?” Pamela turned her attention towards her granddaughter and snapped to attention the moment that she saw the look of pure disbelief on the young witch’s face.

  “You came here to find … a mate?” Summer craned her head on her neck and twisted it to the right as if she couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing, and needed to get a better look at the same time.



  “I … well,” Pamela frowned. “Not so much a … hmm.” She floundered.

  At that moment in time; she was wondering if perhaps she should have told Summer the real reason why they’d come on their impromptu trip to the mountain in the first place, but then, her granddaughter might never have agreed to it.

  She was a little – stick in the mud – when it came to elders having sex – and men – definitely men in general.

  “Seniors can find love too, you know?” Dorothy said; immediately jumping to the woman’s defence.

  “Yes, yes we can,” Pamela said with a nod.

  She was more than happy that someone got it. Goddess only knew that her granddaughter thought that anyone over the age of forty should have to wear a chastity belt and slippers that came as standard.

  “I’m not saying they can’t, well, not … never mind. But a mate?” Summer offered back. “Like…there are shifters around here, and you knowingly brought us here?”

  “By us, I guess you mean you,” Angela offered back, and Summer pulled her head back on her neck and scowled.

  “That too,” she snapped.

  “Oh, you young witch’s,” Dorothy offered on a dismissive sigh.

  “Meaning?” Summer demanded, placing her hands firmly on her hips, and scowling at the elder. She really didn’t need a lecture from another elder right then; her grandmother was prone to them.

  “It’s all well and good when you’re your age and looking all perky and ripe for the taking … with your boobs and bum where they are supposed to be,” Dorothy tossed back, and Summer frowned harder.

  “True,” Angela chimed in.

  “But, think of your grandmother and her chances of finding a man, any man…” Dorothy offered back.

  “Gee, thanks,” Pamela bit out, eyeing the woman as if she’d just strolled out of an alien spaceship and had offered her the finger as a greeting.

  “Oh, I’m not saying there isn’t life in the old dog yet,” Dorothy offered, and Pamela’s eyes widened.

  “Glad to hear I don’t need to be measured for my coffin, just yet,” she bit back.

  “But what are the chances a man will want her?” Angela offered with a shrug, and Pamela rallied in place.

  “I take it your matchmaking services don’t come with a pep talk because you two suck at it,” Pamela grumbled.

  Sarah had no choice but to chuckle into her hand. On the whole, it wasn’t funny, but those two meddlesome elders were just a scream when they got going.

  “Now, now, don’t get all touchy about your age,” Dorothy offered.

  “I wasn’t until I met you two,” Pamela grumbled.

  “But a mating service?” Summer tossed her hands up in the air in frustration and let them fall to her sides. “And you, Gran,” she turned her attention towards her grandmother, and the woman winced. “You dragged me out here for this?”

  “Did you have something better to do than helping your grandmother find love everlasting?” Dorothy rallied on the young witch.

  “What?” Summer yanked her head back on her neck as if she’d been slapped, or zapped.

  “Perhaps your nails needed doing,” Dorothy shot back.

  “Now hold on one damn minute there, Winnie the Witch,” Summer’s eyebrows tried their damnedest to meet over her nose.

  “Or you needed to spend the weekend getting drunk and throwing up in a toilet somewhere?” Angela offered.

  Summer opened her mouth and stared at the woman in disbelief. She might have been a witch, but oh how she hated elders when they got a bee in their collective bonnets.

  “That’s not what I do,” she finally managed to push out.

  Summer was miffed. After a punishing workload over the previous two weeks, and no time off for herself, she’d given up her long weekend of, blissfully not lifting a damn finger, to bring her grandmother to a spa and retreat. At least, that’s what the woman had told the place was.

  Add to that the fact that the elder had said that she desperately wanted to visit the mountains. Well, she resented the hell out of being told by witch-go-lightly that she put herself first.

  “No?” Angela demanded.

  “No.” Summer tossed back, but she didn’t feel the need to justify herself to a complete stranger.

  “Then you’re really missing out,” Dorothy offered, and Summer had to wonder if she’d heard her right.

  Summer stared back with a curious expression at the elder, but the sound of sniggers from every other witch in the foyer told her that she had heard her right and that she’d been had in more ways than one.

  “You people are nuts!” Summer bit out.

  “Welcome to my world,” Sarah offered, with a small shrug of her shoulders.

  While it was true
that Dorothy and Angela’s hearts were in the right places, they certainly took some getting used to.

  Summer turned her attention towards the witch behind the counter. She eyed her for a long moment with a small shake of her head in disbelief.

  “And you let them get up to this?” She had an accusing tone in her voice that Sarah didn’t much care for.

  “Firstly; they aren’t dogs or children, they’re adults, and I don’t have a say what they get up to, or don’t. Secondly; don’t look at me. I only own the Inn,” Sarah said, holding her hands up in surrender at her chest, but if the witch wanted to be pushy, then Sarah was ready to be pushy right back.

  “That is being advertised under false pretenses,” Summer tossed back.

  “Now, hold on there, you…” Angela rallied towards the young witch.

  She didn’t like it when her family were in the crosshairs, and Sarah might not have been blood kin, but she was family.

  “Watch how you address my granddaughter,” Pamela warned.

  “Or what?” Dorothy said, looking as if she was about to roll up her sleeves and put her little fists up.

  Sarah got the distinct feeling that the whole thing had suddenly turned into a Mexican standoff with five different players, and that might have been fine, had those five players not been witches.

  “Can we just…?” Sarah started to intervene to cool down hot heads, but just as Nathan, her mate, and alpha to the local pack, strolled in from the back garden, so all hell broke loose.



  There was zapping. There were shrieks and shrill tones that hurt Nathan’s ears, but the most important thing that he noted was – there were two new witches at the Inn.

  He groaned inwardly and sighed outwardly.

  While he stood there listening to the accusations fly, and watched one witch after another jump in place from what he assumed were zaps flying about the air – he was more than helpless to do anything about it.

  It wasn’t exactly a claws and fangs moment. Although, Nathan’s beast was grumbling a deep growl within him, the wolf at a loss to do anything to stop the mayhem from happening.


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