His Mate -Seniors - Book Three (His Mate - Seniors 3)

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His Mate -Seniors - Book Three (His Mate - Seniors 3) Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  “Ouch,” Samuel offered as she clambered to get off of him.

  “Fix him, now!” Summer demanded of the vampires as she snapped her head around and begged with her eyes.

  “My turn,” Chloe said as if it was just another day at the office.

  “Well, ok,” Monty playfully rolled his eyes at her. “But, only because it’s still all so new to you that you get a kick out of it.”

  “If one, or the other of you take one more step,” Samuel growled out, but his mate slapped a hand on his chest, and his eyes shot towards her.

  “Just lie back and think of England,” Summer hissed at him.

  “But, I don’t want…”

  “To take your medicine?” Summer babied him. “Tough,” she snapped. “I can’t very well mate with you like this, now can I?”

  “Mate…?” Samuel said, almost chewing on his tongue.

  His eyebrows raised high up on his forehead. His ears pricked up at what she’d just said, and his body was already feeling much better.

  “You heard me,” Summer hissed.

  “The lady won’t take no for an answer,” Chloe grinned, showing a full set of fangs as she lifted her wrist up towards her mouth, ready to take a bite of her flesh. “And, I for one am not going to mess with Grandma.”

  Samuel shot a curious look past her to where the dead rogue lay in the road by the truck.

  “She do that?” Samuel whispered.

  “Oh yeah,” Chloe nodded. “I’d say you don’t ever want to miff that woman off.”

  Chloe sunk her fangs into her flesh and moved towards Samuel as the man swallowed hard – eyeing Grandma at the truck window – the woman’s eyes narrowed on him.

  “Just a little blood,” Samuel said, and Chloe nodded.




  “Sorry about your truck,” Pamela said, wincing as her mate inspected the damage to the front end of the vehicle as it sat out front of the Inn once more.

  “It’s…just a truck,” Randy lied.

  He loved the damn thing like it was his pup, and yet, he already loved his mate more.

  Hell, the woman could have tossed the damn thing over a cliff, and he still wouldn’t get mad at her for it. Besides, she was protecting the family, and in his mind, that was all that mattered in life.

  “It’s a pretty truck,” Pamela said, grimacing.

  “It was,” Randy gave a thoughtful nod, then he brought his eyes up to hers. “Not as pretty as you.”

  “Oh, wow,” Pamela chuckled. “There’s a line if ever I heard one.”

  “That what you think?” Randy padded the few steps towards her and saw her straighten just a little. That didn’t stop his feet from continuing towards her.

  “Isn’t it?” Pamela asked as he stopped right in front of her and eyed her for a long moment.

  “Nope,” Randy offered back.

  “Well, in that case,” Pamela shrugged. “Tell me what I can do to make up for killing your truck.”

  “You don’t need…”

  “But, I want too,” she said and with the kind of wicked smile that made his hard length twitch inside his jeans.

  “Well, far be it from me to deny you anything that your heart desires,” Randy drawled.

  “Anything?” Pamela wiggled her eyebrows at the man, and his wolf rose up inside of him.

  He had one hell of a job keeping the beast from pushing forward.

  “Any damn thing I can give you,” Randy said, and he was sure that he was drooling down his chin.

  “In that case…” Pamela turned on her heels and started back towards the Inn.

  Randy stood there for one long moment watching her walk away. The sway of her curvy hips had him spellbound. Then she stopped and turned to look back at him over her shoulder.

  “Waiting for a platinum engraved invitation?” Pamela asked, and Randy was almost certain that his eyebrows must have shot off into his hairline.

  “Do I need one?”

  “Nope,” she said and gave him another wicked grin.

  “Right on your tail,” Randy growled out, somehow managing to make his feet move at the same time as not tripping over his tongue.



  “I hate vampire blood,” Samuel grumbled, feeling more than a little sorry for himself. Monty had offered to move him into the Inn, but he’d refused, waiting until he healed enough to make it on his own. Now he was sitting propped up on his mate’s bed with the woman constantly fussing around him, and he felt like a fool. “I can still taste it on my tongue.”

  “My fault,” Summer bit out, berating herself for everything that she’s managed to do wrong when she’d been faced with the rogue wolf.

  “You just wanted me to heal faster,” Samuel said, feeling like a damn idiot for making his mate feel bad.

  “Not just the blood, everything.” Summer tossed up a hand as she eased herself down onto the bed and eyed her mate with a look of contrition. “I knew that you wanted me to run, but I thought I could just zap the wolf…”

  “I don’t blame you for your fighting spirit. I’m glad you have one. In fact, I don’t know what my wolf would have done if you’d just stood there and gone to pieces on me,” Samuel assured her.


  Samuel moved fast, reaching out for her. His arm went around her waist, and he was glad that he had healed enough to lift her up and plonk her right down on his lap, right over the thin duvet that was covering his nakedness.

  “Hey!” Summer protested, trying to wriggle free and getting the kind of groan from her mate that told her he was enjoying the feeling of her backside moving against his hard length a little too much.

  “Stay still if you don’t want me to get injured again,” he said, and she quit moving in a heartbeat. “Or move if you want me to get the wrong idea.” He gave her a wolfish grin.

  “Your sour mood ended rather abruptly,” Summer chuckled.

  “I guess there’s something about having your mate on your lap that’ll do that to a man,” Samuel said, still grinning.

  “I think you should have been called Randy Junior…”

  “Sweetheart, there’s nothing Junior about me,” he growled, but only because she’d moved against his length again. “I’m getting that wrong idea, baby, or maybe it’s the right one.”

  “You tell me,” Summer said, flashing him a smile that made the sun outside dim by comparison.

  Samuel took one long moment for his head to kick his backside into gear, and then he was kissing her again. One large hand cupped her cheek to keep her right where he wanted her, and that growl rumbled deep within his chest as she shifted her weight on his lap once more.

  “Sweetheart, if you’re teasing,” Samuel said against her lips.

  “One thing you should know about me – I never tease,” she lied.

  She’d be teasing him about a lot of things, and in a lot of ways – but, just not right then.




  “So, now that we’re alone…” Pamela said, feeling the butterflies flapping their wings inside of her like they were expecting trouble and were trying to fly to safety.

  When Randy donkey kicked the bedroom door closed, those butterflies went stir-crazy.

  Pamela could feel the heavy thud of her heart trying to break free of her chest, right through her ribs, and she wasn’t entirely sure if it's mad bolt for freedom was to get to him, or away from him.

  Either way, it didn’t stand a chance, because he was padding towards her like a man with a purpose, and then his chest was pressed right against her breasts as he tossed an arm behind her and yanked her closer.

  “Holy hell’s bells. What is this, an old black and white cowboy movie?”

  Pamela was as breathless as she sounded, and he liked that sound, boy, did he?

  “You look all wide-eyed and worried,” Randy noted, but there was no scent of fear coming from her, so he wasn’t ab
out to back off unless she told him too.

  “It’s been a while,” she admitted, feeling a little silly to say it, but he had a right to know that she needed to remember how to ride that damn bike all over again.

  “For me too,” Randy offered.

  “Great, well, that’s the blind leading the blind then.” She gave a nervous giggle.

  “Oh, I’ve got a good memory when it comes to what goes where,” Randy said, then he grinned like a wolf spotting a buck.

  The hunt was on.

  “Except those fangs of yours,” she reminded him, and his beast’s ears pricked up and paid attention.

  “Never had those out before,” Randy assured her.

  “First time for everything, virgin,” she giggled again.

  “What say we start with a kiss and see where that leads us?” Randy didn’t want to ask; he had a need to take her lips, to take her to bed and to make her his, and yet, she was his mate, and he’d show her the proper reverence that she deserved.

  “I think we both know where this is going.”

  “We do…? We do!” His backside kicked his brain into gear once more, and he brought his lips down on hers.

  There was a split second when she felt a rush of pure apprehension when life felt as if it was spinning out of her control and she wasn’t sure that she could get naked, let alone get down and dirty with him.

  Then his lips softened against hers as if he sensed her hesitation, and with a rush of adrenaline that dumped right into her system, she reached for his shoulders and kissed him right back.

  Randy had never been more grateful for anything in his life as he was the instant that his mate pushed her worries aside and jumped in with both feet.

  The woman was full of surprises.

  Hell, she’d killed the damn rogue with his truck, then she’d more than flirted to get his backside in her room, and now she was kissing him with gusto.

  When her hand moved down his arm, around his waist, and she copped a feel of his backside – he growled like a wolf possessed.

  “Hellfire!” Randy said against her lips, with the widest smile that she thought she’d ever seen.

  “Life in this old dog yet,” Pamela giggled again, and that giggle sounded downright dirty to his ears.

  “You’re not old, sweetheart, you’re just reaching your prime,” he growled.

  In one fell swoop, Randy had swung her up into his arms, with one arm against her back, and the other under the backs of her knees just like in one of those old movies that she liked so much.

  “Swept off my feet?” she chuckled. “Cliché.”

  “I’m an old fashioned kind of a guy,” Randy said with a wolfish grin. “I’m carrying my mate to our bed, and I’m going to love you as only a mate can.”

  It wasn’t just what he said, but it was the way that he’d said it. Every inch of her body came alive with excitement, and she felt a heady rush of desire that filled her from her head to her toes.

  Randy’s lips were back on hers, and she didn’t care about anything other than the way that she felt when he kissed her.

  When he laid her down on the soft mattress, making sure that her head was against the pillow.

  When he started to strip the clothes from her needy body, replacing the fabric with his hands, she was lost with him, and it felt damn good.

  With every inch that he uncovered, Randy made sure that he touched, or kissed, or both, against her heated skin. When he couldn’t resist the urge a moment longer to nip with his blunt teeth, he felt her body push up towards him, wanting more, needing more of him, and he obliged.

  Pamela was shy at first. She nervously waited for a comment from him about her saggy bits, about the lines that age was drawing into her skin, and yet, when he pressed his lips against the aged stretch marks that cut across her rounded belly, he growled like a man possessed, and she felt each and every touch, kiss, and growl go straight to the heart of her.

  “Beautiful,” Randy said as he settled his shoulders between her open thighs, and she tried to still her heart from racing right out of her chest again.

  “You don’t have too…”

  He pressed his lips against her inner thigh and all thoughts of what she was going to say left her mind, replaced with images of things she hadn’t thought about in a long time, and needs that had awoken from slumber.

  “Tell the truth? Sure I do,” Randy growled before he ran his tongue downwards towards her sex, towards the place that had always been something of a – keep off the lawn – area for her.

  “That’s not…”

  Pamela yanked her head up off the pillow and looked down her naked body, and his jet black, hungry eyes stared right back at her. He gave her one hell of a wolfish smile before he dipped his head and tasted her sex on his tongue.

  There were a million and one words that shot to mind, none of them exactly ladylike, but the moment that his wicked tongue started to ravage her flesh, they all fled, and only the heady sound of his growl remained.

  Pamela didn’t have the mind to hold her head up a moment longer. While it was somehow so damned erotic to watch what he was doing – she was also lost to the amazing sensations that he blessing her with.



  If I’d only known just how good that felt…

  Pamela didn’t care. She didn’t care about all those wasted years. She didn’t care about never really having a man pleasure her like that, because her man, her mate, was doing it now.

  It felt somehow fitting that she could share something so damn wonderful with him.

  Pamela’s hands were at a loss for something to do. She fisted the sheets and let Randy take her on the ride of her life as her body reached for something that it never knew it needed.

  She thought he would stop – so close to where she needed to be – she thought that he would pull back and crawl up the bed to get what he needed for himself.

  Then she felt that one long moment when the world stopped turning, when her heart stopped beating, when everything hinged on just one more thing. Then she felt that rush of pleasure go through her body, sweeping her up and carrying her along, and it felt so damn good.

  It felt unending. Wave after wave, crashed through her body, and she lapped it up until she couldn’t take a moment of that frustrating pleasure anymore.

  Randy instinctively knew when it was time to call enough on the pleasure that he was giving his mate – it was the moment that her hand fisted his hair and she yanked his head upwards.

  “Can’t breathe…” she gasped.

  “Sweetheart,” Randy said, flicking his head and yanking his hair out of her clenched fist as he started to crawl up her body on his hands and knees. “You just did.” He gave a beastly chuckle like a deep growl met with a truck load of gravel, and she grinned at him.

  “Not having a heart attack?” She gave a small chuckle.

  “Damn, I hope the hell not,” Randy said as he held above her.

  His cock was thick and weighty, and it pointed down away from his stomach to where it wanted to be.


  “Then what are you waiting for?” Pamela wiggled her eyebrows at him, and there was that growl again.

  Boy, did she like the sound of that?

  “The hell if I know,” Randy said, moving his hips downwards as he settled between her open thighs.

  He positioned his cock against her hot, wet sex, and felt the welcoming tightening of her muscles as he pushed the bulbous head inside. She was back to being a little nervous, and he was back to waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  Randy’s jet black eyes were locked and loaded on hers, and he made a slow push forwards. His hard, thick length opening her muscles around him. The slick satin tightness of her body sheathing his cock like a glove.

  He couldn’t contain the growl that rumbled through his chest and came out into the air all around them. Air that scented of her sex and his all mixed into one.

��m glad to see that you remember where it goes,” Pamela chuckled, and he felt the clenching of her sex around his cock, and it only made him harder for her.

  “Damn, woman, stop laughing before you turn me into a Wildman…”

  “I think I’m going to like you wild.” She chuckled again, harder still when he growled again and gave her a pained expression.

  Randy was trying his damnedest to go slow, be gentle, but she was making the whole process of easing her into what came next a whole lot harder.

  His mate was a temptress. Fittingly, bewitching in every way.

  “I think if you keep squeezing me down there like that then you’re soon gonna find out,” Randy growled.

  Pamela felt that little mischievous light bulb turn on above her head. She had a mind to send her mate wild, and now she knew just how to do it.

  The feel of his cock filling her up was akin to all of her birthdays coming at once, but when she made the decision to squeeze her inner muscles around his length, and the man growled like a beast on the hunt, and he took her deeper, well, she just added Christmas’ to that list.

  “Damn,” Randy growled.

  He felt his wild side clawing to be set free.


  He needed her more than he needed the breath within his lungs. His cock found a home, pushing to the hilt, and her inner muscles had the kind of strangle hold on him that could send a man to his grave with a damn happy smirk on his lips.

  Randy bit out a curse and dragged his cock back through her tight channel. Back and forth, he moved faster, and faster, and faster, until that friction was sending them both wild with need.

  He could feel that her inner muscles were tightening all of their own volition.

  His beast clawed at him to be set free.

  Randy hooked his arm behind her back and eased her upper body from the bed. He had a need to taste her blood on his tongue and a desire to put his mark in her flesh.


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