A Mermaid's Kiss

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A Mermaid's Kiss Page 7

by Katie Holland

  “Fine, it’s no big deal to anyone but me, okay.”

  “You do realize that this sounds like a puzzle I have to solve.”

  “Do you want me to know everything someone texts you?” she fired back.

  “Fair enough. But, I generally don’t get texts that embarrass me.”

  “Does anything embarrass you?”

  “I’m sure something would, like falling off a horse.”

  Kayleigh smiled at that, but I could see she wasn’t going to share the text with me. I was determined to find a way to make her tell me, but I decided to let it go for now.

  We talked until we finished our coffees, then I took her back to her dorm. I walked her to the door and waited until she got inside. I wandered around campus for a while trying to figure out why I’d even asked her to come out with me tonight. I knew we weren’t going to have sex, and that’s usually my goal when it came to women. Something about her was different, but I didn’t know what it was.

  Chapter 17


  I got back up to my room and just sat there for a few minutes thinking about Major. A week ago, I couldn’t stand him, and then tonight we actually had a nice time. It made me think we could actually be friends.

  Karma had really bad timing tonight. I couldn’t believe she sent a text asking me if I was playing with my new “bunny.” Okay, I could totally believe she said that to me, but to read it when I was sitting next to Major was just plain embarrassing.

  Sometimes I hated that I acted like a virgin that had no idea what sex was about, but I wasn’t sure how to change it. I was jealous of how open about sex Karma was, but I just couldn’t bring myself to have sex with some random guy, no matter how hot he might be.

  I thought about a couple of things I had texted Major, and that hadn’t made me blush. Maybe that was how I started to get more comfortable. I wondered if Major would help me with that. I decided to think on it, and maybe work up the courage to ask him tomorrow.

  Much to Karma’s disappointment, I was not going to be using my new toy tonight. I changed into my PJ’s and found a romantic comedy to watch. When it was over, I went to bed.

  As I walked out of my room the next morning, the first thing I saw was a naked man’s ass-headed for the bathroom.

  “Karma,” I yelled, “No naked men allowed in the common areas.”

  I heard her laugh in her room. A minute later, Travis came out of the bathroom trying to cover up his junk.

  “Sorry Kayleigh,” he said with a grin, as he went back to Karma’s room.

  I just shook my head. I wasn’t really angry, but it’s not what I wanted to see first thing in the morning. My stomach said it was time to eat, so I headed downstairs to the closest cafeteria. Bacon, eggs, and toast sounded really good this morning. I got my food and sat at a table. Glad I remembered my eReader I clicked on the book I was reading and finished my breakfast.

  By the time I got back to the dorm, Travis was gone.

  “Sorry about that Kayleigh,” Karma said when I walked in.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “You’re right, I’m not,” she said, and grinned at me. “So, how was Mr. Bunny?”

  “Karma,” I whined.

  “Nope, you’re going to tell me.” She was very stubborn.

  “I got busy and didn’t try it out.”

  “Him Kayleigh, Mr. Bunny is a him.”


  “Why didn’t you try him out?”

  “I just said I was busy. Wes stopped by with pizza and we watched a movie. By the way, he fixed it so that we can watch Netflix on the TV. Then I was having a bath when Major texted me. He told me to meet him downstairs, so I did. He took me to the beach and then for coffee.”

  “Wow, two men in one night, Kayleigh, I’m impressed,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  “As if. We’re just friends.”

  “You say that now, but I’ve yet to see a guy and girl stay only friends. I still don’t see why you didn’t try Mr. Bunny out.”

  “Quit calling it that,” I told her, but I knew it was useless.

  “You still didn’t answer me.”

  “Anyone ever tell you-you're a pain in the ass?”

  “Yep, all the time,” she laughed. “I’m waiting.”

  “I just didn’t okay, no real reason.”

  “Do you need some inspiration?”

  “Oh God, enough Karma, this conversation is over.”

  She just laughed at me, but at least she stopped talking about my lack of sex toy use.

  I decided I’d better get a couple of hours of homework done before our surfing lesson. I really didn’t need to get behind my first week.

  Chapter 18


  Bodie and I got to the beach a good hour before the girls were supposed to meet us. We wanted to get some good waves in today, and that was hard to do when you were teaching someone.

  This morning the four of us met up to see how everyone was doing with the bet. I felt a little ashamed to admit that after I took Kayleigh home, Bodie texted me about another party. I went and ended up hooking up with another chick. I’d never felt like that before, and it was a little confusing.

  I was competitive by nature and I wanted to win. It wasn’t about the money, but the bragging rights. And, I really liked sex and had always had my pick of women. So why wasn’t I winning this bet right now? I really didn’t want to think about the reason.

  I paddled out into the ocean and stopped thinking altogether. I became one with the board and hit the waves. There was no better feeling than riding the perfect wave. I’d been surfing my whole life and I never got tired of it.

  I checked my watch. The girls would be here soon, so I called to Bodie and we paddled in. I was hoping that they might be wearing bikinis this time. I really wanted to watch them practice popping up and see their tits jiggle. Neither one of them had huge tits, but they were big enough that they still moved around in a bikini.

  We didn’t have to wait long. They parked and headed to where we were waiting.

  “No bikinis again ladies. I’m disappointed,” I said, as they walked up.

  “Bikinis are for sunbathing and one-piece suits are for swimming,” Kayleigh informed me.

  “Well, tell me when you’re going to be sunbathing again and I’ll be sure to check it out,” I said winking at her.


  “You ladies ready?” Bodie asked.

  They nodded and we practiced getting on the board again. After a few minutes, we were in the water. They were both fast learners and I could tell they were itching to actually ride a wave.

  We paddled out and let them get the feel of the water. So much about surfing was feeling and not thinking. We taught them how to paddle in with the wave and when to stand on the board. By the end of the lesson, both girls had fallen numerous times, but also rode a couple of baby waves.

  “That was fun,” Kayleigh said, on the way to the parking lot. “Makes me wish I’d grown up here and not in Oklahoma.

  “It’s never too late to start,” I told her. “There was this one guy who used to be a football player but got hurt and didn’t start to learn to surf until he was like twenty-five and joined the FBI.”

  Kayleigh burst out laughing. “That’s Point Break you, idiot.”

  “Oh yeah, never mind,” I said with a grin. “So who wants fish tacos?”

  * * *

  Later that night, I was doing some reading for class when my phone alerted me to a text. I smiled when I saw who it was.

  Kayleigh: Are you busy?

  Me: Not really. What’s up?

  Kayleigh: I need some help and I didn’t know who else to ask

  Me: What do you need?

  Kayleigh: It’s really embarrassing

  Me: Now you absolutely have to tell me

  I waited a minute for her to respond. I had no idea what she needed, but I had a feeling I was going to like it.

gh: I’m trying to be less embarrassed about stuff

  Me: Okay. What stuff?

  I was totally not expecting the picture that she sent and I started laughing my ass off. It was some kind of purple vibrator.

  Me: You want me to help you use it?

  I was pretty sure that’s not what she wanted, but I had to ask.

  Kayleigh: NO! This is the reason I turned all red yesterday.

  Me: I think I need more of an explanation

  Kayleigh: Karma texted me while we were having coffee and asked me if I had used it

  Me: I’m still confused

  I was starting to get the picture, but I wanted her to spell it out for me.

  Kayleigh: I’ve only ever had one boyfriend. I’m not a virgin, but he’s still my only experience. I mentioned to Karma that maybe I needed to have more sex. I’ve never been casual about sex, so Mr. Bunny was her idea to help get me started.

  Me: So, are you telling me you want to have sex with me?

  Kayleigh: Ugh … this was a mistake. Forget I said anything.

  Me: I’m a guy and not good at guessing what women want. Just tell me … please.

  Kayleigh: Is there any way I can convince you to forget this conversation?

  Me: No. Now tell me.

  Kayleigh: You’ll think it’s stupid

  Me: Try me

  Kayleigh: I want to be more comfortable talking about sex and eventually having it

  Me: That doesn’t sound stupid

  Kayleigh: But I can’t even hardly say the word around anyone but Karma, without turning bright red

  Me: So, if you don’t want to have sex with me how can I help you?

  I really didn’t know what she wanted. Women could be so confusing.

  Kayleigh: I want to sext with you

  Me: Um … what?

  Kayleigh: It’s easier for me to say things in a text that I can’t say out loud. I’m hoping that if I can text certain things, that will help me become more comfortable eventually saying them.

  I had to laugh again. Of all the people she could have asked for help with this, she picked me. This was certainly nothing a woman had ever wanted from me.

  Me: Why are you asking me to help you with this? And be honest.

  Kayleigh: You are only one of a few guys I know. I think you’ll make me do it and not back down. And, you seem to know a lot about this subject.

  I thought about it for a minute and decided this could be fun.

  Me: Ok. I’ll do it. But I have a few rules. 1. You have to text me something naughty at least once a day. 2. Be warned that I could send you something at any time, including pictures. 3. You have to respond to everything I send you. Deal?

  Kayleigh: Deal

  Me: Be prepared because we start tomorrow

  Kayleigh: Ok

  I put my phone down and gave up on reading. All I could think about was Kayleigh using that vibrator. It was making me hard, so I decided to have a shower and take care of the problem. I had a feeling this was going to happen a lot while “helping” her.

  Chapter 19


  I can’t believe I’d actually done it. It had taken me all evening to work up the courage to ask Major for help, but once I sent the first text, I knew he wouldn’t let it go. He seemed stubborn like that.

  Sending him the picture of Mr. Bunny was hard, but I knew it was going to be good for me in the long run. I still couldn’t work up the courage to try it out yet. Maybe Karma was right and I did need some “inspiration.”

  I decided to keep this thing between me and Major to myself for now. I knew Karma would eventually figure something was up, but she’d make more of it than what it was. I wasn’t his girlfriend or even a fuck buddy. He was a friend helping another friend out. I still fully expected he would be with other women. I just hoped he’d keep going with me until I was better at it and didn’t get bored with me.

  As I went to bed that night, I was actually looking forward to seeing what he was going to send me. I just hoped I could handle it.

  * * *

  Having a good practice always put me in a good mood, and today, I’d had a great one. Karma and I got to English class and took our usual seats at the back. I was glad when Major came over and sat with us.

  Class started, so it was time to pay attention. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Major on his phone. He really needed to listen to the professor if he wanted to pass. I agreed to help him, not do his work for him. He put his phone away and a second later, I felt mine vibrate in my pocket. I ignored it since I was in class.

  Major leaned over to me. “Check your phone,” he whispered.

  I knew I shouldn’t do it, but I was curious.

  Major: Have you ever sucked a guy’s dick?

  I don’t know what I was expecting, but that wasn’t it. I was trying furiously not to blush, but I wasn’t succeeding. I put my phone down and peeked at Major. He was grinning like a fool. He pulled out his phone and texted something else.

  Major: You promised to respond. Truthfully.

  He was right.

  Me: No

  Major: Want to learn?

  I took a quick look at him. He just winked at me. I almost laughed at the look on his face. He knew what he said would get to me, but I’d asked for it, so I couldn’t bitch. I smiled and shook my head. I glanced to the other side of me to see if Karma had noticed. Luckily, it seemed like she hadn’t, but I knew I wasn’t going to hide this from her for very long. I went back to trying to listen to the professor for the rest of the hour.

  I had lunch with Wes again. This seemed to be the thing we did together on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We had a pleasant conversation then we were off to class again.

  I logged into my computer and waited for Major to arrive and class to start. By the time class began, Major still wasn’t there. I wondered where he was. So far, he had yet to miss a class, even when he was acting like a dick last week.

  When class was done, I packed up my stuff and got out my phone and texted him.

  Me: Is everything okay?

  I hoped I wasn’t overstepping my bounds, but it seemed like he was the type of guy who wouldn’t say anything if something was wrong.

  By the time I got back to the dorm, I still hadn’t heard from him. I decided to leave it alone for now. He’d text me back if he wanted to.

  Karma was on the couch doing homework when I walked in.

  “Hey,” she said. “How was your day honey?”

  That made me laugh.

  “It was fine dear.” I put my bag down and grabbed a bottle of water. “Major wasn’t in Computer Science today.”

  “Huh. Maybe he had a hot date,” she said.

  “Maybe, but he likes computers, so you’d think he’d find a way to schedule a date after class.”

  “You never know with boys,”

  “True,” I agreed. “Whatcha working on?”

  “Geology. We have a quiz Wednesday and I need to know my basic types of rocks.”

  “Why did you choose Geology anyway?” I asked.

  “I like rocks. You know, like diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “You’d better find a rich husband,” I told her.

  “Amen to that sister,” she said smiling.

  We both did homework until it was time for practice. After we were done, we grabbed a bite to eat, then it was back to homework. We both had slacked off on the weekend and were paying for it now.

  At 10:00 I called it a night. My eyes were tired and my brain was full. By the time I crawled into bed, I still hadn’t heard from Major. I wondered what was up. I made sure my alarm was set and I turned off my light. Just as I closed my eyes my phone dinged.

  Major: I haven’t received your naughty text today

  Me: Oh. Since you weren’t in class I assumed you were busy

  Major: Something came up and I’ll be gone for a couple of days

  Me: Are you okay?

  Major: Yes,
but my mom needs me to help her with some stuff

  Major: Now, I’m waiting …

  I laid there trying to figure out what to say to him. I really did suck at this.

  Me: What’s your favorite part about having sex?

  Major: This is supposed to be about you, not me

  Me: Just the fact that I asked you and I’m not blushing is progress, I think

  Major: How do I know you’re not blushing?

  Me: I guess you’ll just have to take my word

  Major: I want proof. Send me a picture of you right now and I’ll answer your question.

  I couldn’t see the harm in that, so I turned my lamp on and sent him a picture

  Major: Are you in bed?

  Me: Yes. Practice at 6 am every day remember?

  Major: And that’s why I don’t do competitive sports. Too many early mornings.

  Me: Are you going to answer me?

  Major: Sinking my hard dick into a hot wet pussy

  Major: Are you blushing now?

  Me: Maybe. You did that on purpose.

  Major: You’re the one that asked the question. I answered it honestly.

  Major: Now it’s your turn. Come on, you can do it. Tell me something you’d like a guy to do to you.

  Me: Fine. Lick my nipple.

  Major: My tongue is all yours

  Me: I wasn’t asking you

  Major: Yet, here I am volunteering. I’m just that nice of a guy. Are you blushing?

  Me: Yes

  Major: That’s ok. Baby steps. Talk to you tomorrow.

  I turned the light back off and smiled. To anyone else what I’d said was no big deal, but for me, it was a step in the right direction.


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