A Mermaid's Kiss

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A Mermaid's Kiss Page 9

by Katie Holland

  Me: Yes it was you that made me hard. The thought of you playing with Major Bunny and watching what I sent you was very arousing.

  And then because I just couldn’t resist I sent one more text.

  Me: Yes I watch porn. Would you like to watch with me?

  I smiled and put my phone away not sure if she’d reply or not. I was hoping she would. It was much more interesting than Statistics. I felt my phone vibrate again and had to check it.

  Kayleigh: So … um … thanks, I guess. And I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.

  Me: Yet? So it may be a possibility in the future?

  Kayleigh: You never know what possibilities the future might hold

  Me: Interesting. So a possible future could be one where I help you use Major Bunny?

  I could only imagine the look on her face and what she was thinking.

  Kayleigh: Um … … …

  Me: Lol. Calm down and stop blushing. I’ll leave you alone … for now.

  I tucked my phone back in my pocket and tried to focus on what the professor was talking about.

  * * *

  Somehow I managed to behave in Computer Science. I loved watching Kayleigh blush from the things I said to her. At the end of class, we were given an assignment. It was going to be easy for me, but I could see that Kayleigh was panicking a little.

  “Do you want me to help you with this?” I asked her. “I have some time right now.”

  “That would be great. I don’t have to be at practice until 4:00, so I have a couple of hours. Are you sure you have the time?”

  “Absolutely. Come with me.”

  I took Kayleigh to our dorm. Bodie was working on something when we walked in.

  “Hey man, what’s up?” I asked him.

  “More fucking reading. Who knew I’d spend half of my college life reading,” he complained. “Oh, hey Kayleigh.”

  He gave me a look that said what the hell? We never brought girls to our place. We always went somewhere else.

  “Kayleigh and I have a computer project to work on. We’ll be in my room.”

  I led her to my room and threw my bag on the bed.

  “What was with the look from Bodie?”

  “You noticed that huh.”


  “We never bring girls home, like ever.”

  “But I’m not one of your girls,” she said, using air quotes.

  I laughed at her. What she didn’t know was that she was more my girl than anyone I’d ever had sex with, not that I really liked admitting that to myself.

  “How come you know so much about computers?” she asked, while we were working.

  I paused before answering, trying to come up with something that wouldn’t give up too much about who I was. I liked that she knew me as just Major, and not Major Davenport, heir to the Davenport millions.

  “I’ve just always liked them. I guess it started with video games and went from there. By the time I was ten, I was building my own computers.”

  “Wow. You must be really bored in this class.”

  I smiled. “It just so happens that I met someone who makes the class a lot more interesting.”

  “Funny. So why are you really taking it?”

  “I have to. The University wouldn’t let me take a more advanced class until I took the basic one.”

  “That sucks for you, but lucky for me. I don’t think I would be able to pass without your help. I’m glad we're talking again.”

  “Me too.”

  We worked on the assignment for over an hour before Kayleigh checked the time. “I need to get going to practice.”

  “You’re not late are you?”

  “No, but Karma is probably wondering what happened to me.” Kayleigh smiled at me and packed up her laptop.

  “Let me walk you down,” I told her.

  “I think I can manage,” she said.

  “Haven’t we had this conversation before?” I said with a grin.

  “Whatever,” she said, but was smiling too.

  When we got to the front door of the dorm I didn’t stop. She looked at me but didn’t say anything. A few minutes later, we were at the pool. I looked at the name on the building, Davenport Swim Complex, and choked out a laugh.

  “Are you alright?” she asked.

  “Yep, just fine.” I knew there was a building named after our family here, but I hadn’t known which one. Of course, it had to be the one Kayleigh was in almost every day.

  “I need to get inside,” she said. “Thanks for your help. See ya.”

  “Have a good practice,” I told her, and watched her walk into the building.

  Chapter 25


  The next week was extremely busy. We all seemed to have lots of homework and since our first swim meet was almost here, Coach had us practicing hard. We even had to miss our surf lesson on Sunday due to extra practice.

  The highlight of every day was the texts from Major. I never knew when I’d get one or what they would say. Unfortunately, the conversations were short since I was so busy.

  It was Friday afternoon and our meet was tomorrow, so Coach told all of us to get lots of rest tonight. I had no plans other than maybe a couple of movies and a bubble bath. Even Karma didn’t go out the night before we had to compete.

  We were hosting the meet and two other colleges were going to be here. I didn’t know them, but that didn’t mean anything as I wasn’t all that familiar with a lot of colleges.

  Karma and I got dinner and headed back to the dorm. Nana called to tell me good luck and wished she could be here to watch me. This was going to be the first competition since I started that she was going to miss.

  We were trying to decide on a movie when my phone let me know I had a text.

  Major: What are you wearing?

  I giggled.

  Me: Nothing exciting

  Major: Nothing … that would be exciting

  Me: What are you doing?

  Major: Playing with my dick

  Me: You are not

  Major: What if I was?

  Me: Um … I don’t know

  Major: Would that turn you on?

  Me: I don’t know. I’ve never watched a guy do that or even given it much thought

  Major: Would you like to see it?

  Me: Maybe

  The next text was a picture. I wasn’t sure what it was going to be. When it came to Major, it could have been a picture of his dick or a donut. He hadn’t sent me any pictures of himself, but I wouldn’t expect anything less. I looked at the picture and saw it was him, but his face, not his dick.

  Major: Gotcha!

  Me: Whatever

  Major: Have you watched any more naughty things?

  Me: No

  Major: Disappointing Kayleigh. I thought I was starting to become a bad influence on you.

  Me: Lol. Trust me, you are.

  Major: Good. You still haven’t sent your naughty text yet.

  Me: I know. I was saving it until I go to bed.

  Major: Are you going to use Major Bunny? Please say yes.

  Me: I haven’t decided yet

  Major: You’re killing me. I’m going to send you something. Don’t open it until you’re ready to text me your naughty thing

  Me: Lol. Fine.

  Karma finally settled on a romantic comedy. We laughed until we cried and then watched another one. When it was done, I had a hot bubble bath while Karma did her pre-competition meditation. After my bath, I went to my room and got ready to text Major. I still thought the things I texted him were mostly silly. I wasn’t an expert at this by any means. I finally settled on something and picked up my phone to type it out.

  When I saw my phone I smiled. I’d forgotten he said he was going to send me something. It was another link. I clicked on it not sure what to expect, but I should have known better. It was a guy with his dick in his hand. I watched kind of fascinated, as he played with himself until he came. I especially liked that part and dec
ided that was what I was going to text Major.

  Me: I liked watching him come

  I didn’t know what he was up to tonight, so I wasn’t sure when or if I’d hear from him. I pulled up my playlists and checked the one I used before I started a meet. It was songs that helped me get centered, and then pump me up just before a heat. I added a couple new ones, and closed the app. Just as I set my phone down my text alert dinged.

  Major: Really. Very interesting. Would you like to experience a show in person?

  I could picture the grin on his face.

  Me: Depends on who is giving the show

  I giggled to myself and admitted this was getting easier.

  Major: You wound me, woman. Me.

  Me: Probably still not ready

  Me: What were you doing before you texted me?

  Major: I believe that falls under rule #1

  Me: Ew, are you with a woman right now?

  Major: Not anymore

  Me: What does that mean?

  Major: It means that I’m obeying the icky rule so in order to text you I left

  Me: You really left a woman just to text me?

  Major: Yes

  Me: I don’t know how to respond to that.

  Major: You don’t need to. What time do you need to be at the pool tomorrow?

  Me: 8:00. The competition starts at 10:00.

  Major: I’d better let you get to bed. Thank you for the naughty text. Now I have something to think about tonight. Good luck tomorrow. Good night Kayleigh.

  Me: Thank you. Good night.

  I plugged my phone in to charge and set my alarm. I turned off my lamp and thought about what Major had said. He must have been teasing me about being with a woman. From what I could tell, Major liked sex as much as Karma did. There was no way he would miss a chance at sex to text me. I smiled at the conversation anyway. I closed my eyes. I needed to be as rested as I could be for tomorrow.

  Chapter 26


  I really wanted to go see Kayleigh compete, but I’d promised my mom I’d come back to Fresno for her dad’s funeral. This really wasn’t how I wanted to spend my Saturday, but I’d do almost anything for her.

  “Thanks for coming with me, man,” I said to Bodie, who was sitting in the passenger seat of my truck.

  “No problem.”

  We were quiet for a while when he spoke again.

  “Can I ask you something?”


  “Is there something going on between you and Kayleigh?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like are you two dating?”

  I laughed. “No. You know I don’t date.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve been spending a lot of time with her.”

  “We’re friends. I’m helping her with computers and she’s helping me with English.”

  “And that’s all it is?” he asked.

  “Yep. She doesn’t know my family history and only knows me as a college student. It’s nice to talk to someone and not having to worry if they are only thinking about your money.”

  “I understand that,” he said. “So, she knows nothing about your family?”

  “Nope. Check this shit out. The pool where she practices all the time is the Davenport Swim Complex.”


  “Completely fucking serious.”

  “That’s … kind of fucked up.”

  “I know.”

  “But also fucking hilarious.” Bodie started laughing.

  “Shut up,” I told him, but ended up laughing with him.

  One day Kayleigh was going to learn my last name and figure a few things out. I just hoped that she’d still treat me the same. I hated people who treated me different when they learned about my family.

  * * *

  The funeral for my grandpa wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Mom had had a few days to grieve, so she was mostly back to normal. When we were done at the gravesite we all headed back to grandma’s house for food. We stayed for a while then I told my mom I had studying to do. I said goodbye to my parents and grandma then we left.

  On the way back to Bay State we stopped by Bodie’s cousin's house so he could hook us up. It had been a stressful day and I needed to unwind. He gave us a couple of joints and we headed back to campus. We sat in the truck and smoked one of them. I didn’t do it all the time, but it was something that always relaxed me and cleared my mind.

  I was in a much better mood when we went up to our room. I heard my phone alert me to a text. I was hoping it might be Kayleigh, but it was Chad telling us about a party at one of the frat houses. That sounded like a great idea so we both changed and headed over to meet them.

  On the way, I texted Kayleigh. I wondered how her swim thing went.

  Me: Sorry I couldn’t make it to your competition. I had a family thing. How did you do?

  Kayleigh: That’s ok. I won five of my events

  Me: Wow. How many were you in?

  Kayleigh: Nine

  Me: Holy shit that’s a lot. No wonder you practice so much.

  Me: What are you doing?

  Kayleigh: Karma dragged me to another party to “celebrate”

  Me: Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do

  Kayleigh: You don’t have to worry about that. Lol!

  I put my phone in my pocket and walked into the party. The music was loud and there were people everywhere. We found Zach and Chad and got a drink. I looked around the room. There were a lot of possible candidates for the chick of the night. I was pretty sure I was behind on our bet, and there were only five days left in the month. I needed to step it up.

  I started making my rounds, when I spotted Kayleigh and I laughed to myself. It was like fate was trying to tell me something. I’m sure there were plenty of parties happening all over campus and we ended up at the same one … again.

  I watched her for a minute. She was wearing really tight skinny jeans and one of those shirts that did up around her neck. But my favorite part of her outfit was her boots. They were a shiny black that went up almost to her knees and had pointy high heels on them. She hadn’t noticed me since she was talking to some guy, so I decided to have a little fun with her.

  Me: I’d love to see you wearing nothing but the boots you have on

  I saw her get her phone out of her pocket and I could tell the instant she read my text. Even from across the room I could see her blush. Then she started looking around. I ducked into the hallway and waited for her to text me back.

  Kayleigh: Where are you?

  Me: Closer than you think

  Kayleigh: Stalking me again?

  Me: Nope, just lucky

  Kayleigh: Whatever

  Me: I haven’t got your naughty text yet today

  Kayleigh: Show yourself and maybe I’ll say it to you in person

  I laughed. She was getting brave or she had been drinking.

  Me: Are you drunk?

  Kayleigh: I never drink

  Me: I know you’re not 21 but it’s college. You should give it a try.

  Kayleigh: I don’t drink because of my parents

  I felt like an asshole. I immediately tossed out my drink and went over to her. Whoever she’d been talking to had left. She was staring at her phone when I walked up beside her.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, startling her.

  “Jesus Major, give a girl some warning. Although you get an A+ for the stalker technique.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What are you sorry for?” she asked.

  “I didn’t think about you not drinking because of your parents. I just figured you were being a stick in the mud again,” I said smiling.

  “A stick in the mud? Really? Are you calling me boring?”

  “You are anything but boring. I never know what you’re going to do or say.”

  “Good. Someone has to keep you on your toes. And don’t worry about what you said. You had no idea that I didn’t drink. It’s also becaus
e of swimming. Getting drunk and going to a 6 am practice sounds like my idea of hell.”

  “I get that. So … now that I’m here in person are you going to tell me something naughty?”

  The blush that had left her face was back in full force.

  “You can whisper it in my ear if that helps,” I told her.

  I could see the hesitation on her face, and wasn’t sure if she was going to do it or not. I waited and smiled when she leaned in closer. I had to hunch down a little for her to be able to reach my ear. Even with the heels, I was still a few inches taller than her. I felt her lips touch my ear and my dick twitched. I wasn’t sure what would happen when actual words came out of her mouth.

  “I’d like to feel your dick in my hand.”

  My brain knew it was just words; that she really wasn’t going to do anything about it, but my dick didn’t. I’d had plenty of women talk dirty to me, but a few simple words from Kayleigh had my dick as hard as a rock.

  She leaned back and looked at me. I’m sure she was expecting me to laugh or at least say something, but now all I could think about was her hand on me. “Fuck me,” I said under my breath.

  “Are you okay? You look like you’re in pain,” she said.

  “Uh, yeah, I’m fine.”

  She gave me a look like she didn’t believe me. What I was about to do might not have been the best decision of my life, but I wasn’t thinking with my brain right now.

  “Come with me,” I told her taking her hand.

  I found the closest unoccupied bathroom and locked the door behind us. Kayleigh looked really confused.

  “What are we doing in here?” she asked.

  “Sit over there,” I said, pointing to the edge of the bathtub. She gave me a funny look, but she did what I asked.


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