A Mermaid's Kiss

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A Mermaid's Kiss Page 14

by Katie Holland

“Oh yeah, I should have thought about that. Karma, would you like something else as well?”

  “I’m fine. I’m not as strict as Kayleigh is.”

  Kayleigh looked over the menu and ordered a grilled chicken salad. I don’t think I’d ever ordered a salad in my life.

  Karma and I finished off the rest of the appetizers while Kayleigh ate her salad. Just as we were finishing, everyone else showed up. There was a total of about thirty people. That was tame for my boys. The music started, more food was ordered and everyone started to mingle. I saw Karma take notice of a couple of the guys that had arrived and I laughed to myself. I realized she was a lot like me, so if she wanted one of them, they didn’t stand a chance.

  Chapter 39


  I was really enjoying the night, even when everyone else got there I was still having fun. Karma was flirting with every guy there, and I could tell some of them didn’t know how to take her. Sometimes I think she was an acquired taste, but I loved her to death.

  Major made the rounds talking to mostly everyone. I watched him move from person to person. He was a natural with people. I noticed several of the women try extra hard to get his attention, but he seemed to ignore it and I wondered why, because most of them were really beautiful.

  Bodie, Zach, and Chad had come and said hi to me, but for the most part, I just sat back and observed which was just fine with me. Roughly an hour had gone by since the party had really gotten started. Major made his way back over to me.

  “Hey,” he said sitting down.


  “Are you doing okay over here?”

  “Yep, just people watching. I have a kind of personal question for you.”

  “Ask away,” I told her.

  “I noticed a few of the women really trying to get your attention, and I wondered why you didn’t flirt back? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

  “Women flirt with me all of the time. I don’t even pay attention to it unless I want to have sex with them.”

  “I see.”

  Major smiled at me. “You’re blushing, Kayleigh. Does me saying sex make you blush?”

  I shrugged not wanting to say the truth.

  He leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Sex, sex, sex.”

  That made me giggle. “Stop it,” I said, pushing him away.”

  “But it’s so much fun to make you blush.”

  “It’s only fun for you,” I told him. “You know, you don’t have to babysit me right? Go mingle and have some fun. I like to people watch, so I really don’t mind sitting here by myself.”

  “I’m fine right where I am,” he said, taking a drink of some fancy water he’d ordered. “I like hanging out with you.”

  “But why?”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Why would you rather sit here with me, when you could have all those beautiful girls flirting with you?”

  “I’ve known girls like them my whole life and they typically only flirt with me because of my last name, not who I really am. All they know about me is that I have money. I admit that I used to love it.”

  “But you don’t now?” I asked.

  “Not really.”

  “What changed?”



  “You’re the first girl to not immediately flirt with me and try and make me notice you. That got my attention more than anything. At first, I thought you were a bitch, but now I know that’s just who you are. You judge someone based on their actions, not their bank account. And you were right to think I was an asshole after the first few times we ran into each other.”

  I smiled at the reference of running into him since I’d literally smacked right into him the second time we met. I didn’t say anything for a minute, taking in what he just told me.

  “This is probably going to sound rude, but that’s not how I meant it. People don’t just change overnight, Major.”

  “Trust me, I know that. When I yelled at you that day on the running track it really was because I was mad at myself. After I got to know you a little, it made me realize that I was acting like a spoiled rich kid. Something I really didn’t want to be. I was pissed at my parents for making me work for the summer for a brand new truck and making me go to college. Then I met you, and saw you were worried about losing your scholarship and how hard you practiced. It made me realize what an ass I was being. I’d been handed everything that you were working so hard for. So it didn’t happen overnight, and I’m sure there’s still plenty of asshole in me.”

  Major grinned at me and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Who knew I was a miracle worker,” I said.

  He let out a loud laugh. “I pour my heart out and you make fun of it. I love that I never know what you’re going to say. Come dance with me,” he said, and held out his hand to me.

  I reached out and took it. He led me to the makeshift dance floor. I hadn’t been paying much attention to the music as we talked and I realized it was a slower song. Major pulled me close to him and put my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me even closer, you couldn’t even get a piece of paper between us.

  I inhaled his scent. I didn’t know what kind of cologne he wore, but I really liked it and it wasn’t overpowering. We swayed to the music for a while when I realized something that made me blush. I tried to pull back, but he wouldn’t let me. Major started whispering in my ear, he seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.

  “Are you pulling away because you know I’m hard?”

  I nodded.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, Kayleigh. I’m dancing with a beautiful woman that’s pressed up against me. I may be less of an ass, but I’m still a guy who gets turned on by tits touching me.”

  I let out a small laugh and the smile stayed on my face. I didn’t try to move away again, because if I was honest with myself, I liked the fact that I was turning him on.

  Chapter 40


  Dancing with Kayleigh was driving me crazy. My dick was already hard, and then when she noticed, it got even harder. If it were anyone else, I’d take them to my truck and fuck them, but this was Kayleigh, and that wasn’t going to happen. But there was no way I could spend the rest of the night with my dick about ready to burst out of my jeans.

  When the song was over, I took her hand and walked her to my truck.

  “What are we doing out here?” she asked.

  “It’s time for another lesson,” I told her, and helped her into the front seat. I ran around to the driver’s side and jumped in.

  She looked confused when I didn’t start the truck. “I don’t really understand what we’re doing out here.”

  “Kayleigh, my dick is so hard right now that I can barely think straight. I need to take care of that so I can carry on a normal conversation.”

  “Okay … I still don’t get what that has to do with me. Wait, we’re not going to have sex right now are we?”

  Despite my hard dick trying to overtake my brain, I had to laugh at the look on her face.

  “No Kayleigh, we’re not going to have sex. No need to look quite so horrified. But I thought you might want to watch me again.”

  “Oh,” she said sheepishly.

  “So, do you want to watch?”

  “Yes,” she blurted out, and then covered her mouth and turned red.

  “No need to be embarrassed about this, Kayleigh. It turns me on having you watch me. Ready?”

  She nodded and I undid my jeans. I was commando tonight, so I didn’t have to worry about underwear. I watched her face as I took my dick out and started stroking it. Her eyes never left my dick. I wondered if she was ready to go farther.

  “Do you want to touch me?” I asked her. “You don’t have to if you’re not ready.”

  “I want to,” she said quietly.

  She leaned over the console and tentatively reached out for me. She slowly wrapped her fingers around my dick. Even wit
h her barely holding me it felt good and I sucked in a breath.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Better than okay. Your hand feels good.”

  “Oh.” Was all she said and then she started gently stroking my cock.

  I don’t know if it was because of her being unsure or the thought of getting caught but I’d never been more excited about a hand job in my life. Her hand felt so good but I wanted a little more.

  “Like this,” I said. I wrapped my hand around hers and showed her how hard she could squeeze me.

  When she had it, I let go of her hand. Between the look on her face and the feel of her hand, I wasn’t going to last long.

  “I’m going to come, Kayleigh, faster.”

  She did what I asked and a few seconds later, I let out a string of curse words and came all over her hand. When I finally opened my eyes again, she had let go of my dick and was smiling at me.

  I had to smile back at her. “You’re going to be the death of me woman,” I told her. “Hang on and I’ll find something to clean your hand off with.”

  I found a t-shirt and cleaned her up. “Are you ready to go back inside?” I asked.

  “Actually, I was wondering if you could take me home.”

  “Are you okay, I mean with what just happened?”

  She nodded.

  “Then why do you want to go home?”

  “The truth?”

  “Yes, no more secrets, remember.”

  “I know we’re not dating or anything, but after what just happened, I don’t want to go back in there and watch those women throw themselves at you.”

  Normally, if a woman said something like that to me, I’d be out so fast they wouldn’t know what happened, but as usual, with Kayleigh that was different.

  “Fair enough, I’ll take you home.”

  “Thank you. Let me just run in and talk to Karma. I don’t know if she’s coming back with us or not.”

  “Okay, but I’m coming with you,” I told her.

  “That kind of defeats the purpose of my previous statement.”

  “I’ll walk with you to the hostess stand and wait for you there. Better?”

  “Fine, but I’m not helpless you know.”

  “Oh, I know that first hand,” I said, remembering how she took me down with one move.

  I walked her back into the restaurant and watched her find Karma. They had a short conversation that left both of them smiling.

  “She’s going to get a ride home with one of your boys,” she said, when she walked back over to me.

  “Alright, then let’s get you home.”

  “You’re sure you don’t mind?”

  “I don’t usually do things I don’t want to, unless it involves my parents, so quit worrying.”

  We got in the truck and started driving home. I turned on the radio and found the station I wanted. Kayleigh didn’t complain, so I left it there. Not much was said on the ride home, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. I parked and walked her to her dorm.

  “I had fun tonight, thank you,” she said to me, as she opened the door.

  “Me too,” I said, thinking about the truck.

  “Not just that,” she said, lightly punching me on the arm. “All of it.”

  “Me too, really. See you tomorrow,” I said.

  “Okay. Good night Major, “she said, and walked in the dorm.

  I watched as she got on the elevator and then headed to my own building. I was almost back to my dorm when my phone alerted me to a text.

  Kayleigh: I have a confession. There were two reasons I wanted to come home. The second was to use Mr. Bunny.

  And just like that, I was hard again. I don’t know why the thought of her using her vibrator got me so hard, but it did every time and that gave me an idea.

  Me: Hang on. Don’t do anything yet.

  Kayleigh: Ok?

  I ran back over to her building, went straight to her room, and knocked.

  “Major?” she said, when she opened the door.

  “Hey, can I come in?”

  “Sure, what’s up?” she asked, and closed the door.

  “Is Karma coming home tonight?”

  “I’m not sure. Why?”

  “I want to try something, if you’ll let me.”

  “Try what?”

  “Making you come.”

  I watched her face, not sure what she was going to say. She didn’t look mad and her cheeks were turning pink, so I took that as a good sign.

  “Um … I don’t know what to say,” she admitted.

  “Do you want me to make you come?” I asked, getting closer to her. “Don’t think about it, just answer.”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered again.

  “Tell me to stop at any time and I will. We’re not going to have sex, but I want to make you feel good like you did for me earlier. Okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Take off your panties, but leave your skirt on.”

  I watched as she reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down. Even though I couldn’t actually see anything, I was completely turned on. When she had her panties in her hand, I told her to come closer to me. I sat on the couch and directed her to sit with her knees on either side of my legs. I grabbed her by the waist and spread my legs apart, so I could have better access to what I wanted.

  “Okay so far?” I asked her.

  “Mmm hmm.”

  I ran my hand up her thighs and around to her ass. I squeezed it as I watched her face. She had her eyes closed, but her mouth was open a little. I wanted her to make noises for me like she did on the phone that one time. I brought my one hand back around and found what I was looking for.

  “So wet, Kayleigh. I like that.”

  My fingers found her clit and she sucked in a breath, but I wanted more. I rubbed her clit for a minute or so and then slipped one finger inside her. She finally made one of the noises I was waiting for. My jeans got tighter.

  “You’re so tight. My dick would be in heaven in your pussy.”

  I worked her pussy with my finger. “It’s okay to be louder, no one is here. I want to hear how much you like this Kayleigh.”

  I moved my fingers back to her clit and she moaned for me. I continued to play with her clit just to hear the sounds she was making. If she kept this up, I was going to come in my pants and not even care.

  “Are you close?” I asked.

  “I think so.”

  “Good, give me a second.”

  I opened my jeans and freed my cock. My fingers went straight back to her sweet, wet pussy. I coated my fingers in her wetness and went back to work on her clit. I could tell she was getting close. She started to rock back and forth on my fingers and I found that incredibly sexy. I watched as she came. I loved the look on her face and sounds she was making. When she whispered my name, that was it for me. I barely had to touch my dick and I was coming. She opened her eyes just in time to watch me and I think it made her even wetter.

  Fuck me, I wanted to do that again. This girl was officially under my skin and I loved it.

  Chapter 41


  I couldn’t believe I’d just done that. Did I regret it? No, I was just surprised I’d agreed to it. Maybe I was changing after all. I still kind of felt like a virgin in some ways. Yes, I’d had sex before, but that was the first time I’d come because of someone else.

  “Looks like I owe you a new shirt,” Major said, bringing me out of my thoughts.


  “I kind of made a mess of yours,” he said grinning.

  I looked down and saw his cum all over me. “Oh, I guess you did. But I’m sure it will wash out, but I should probably go change.”

  I crawled off his lap realizing I wasn’t as embarrassed as I thought I should have been. Major seemed to be able to make me more comfortable in my own skin.

  “Feel free to find something on TV if you wan
t. I’ll be right back.”

  I went to my room and put on my pajama pants and a t-shirt. I heard the TV come on, so I assumed he was staying for a bit. When I walked back out his dick was back in his pants and he was flipping through Netflix.

  “What do you want to watch?” he asked, as I sat on the couch.

  “Doesn’t matter to me. You pick something.”

  He spent another minute or so looking, and I laughed when he finally settled on something.

  “Have a bit of a Thor fetish?” I asked.

  “He is pretty hot,” he said teasing me.

  A few minutes into the movie, I had to ask him something.

  “Do you think this is weird?”

  “Do I think what is weird?”

  “This, us,” I said, gesturing between the two of us.”

  “Why would this be weird?”

  “I don’t know, we’re just friends, but you were just playing with my pussy and now we’re watching a movie.”

  “It’s only weird if we make it that way. And, it doesn’t matter what anyone else might say about it. Did you know you just said pussy and didn’t blush?”

  “Um, I guess I did. But stop changing the subject.”

  “That wasn’t changing the subject. That was proving a point.”

  “What point?”

  “You are getting more comfortable about sex.”


  “So, therefore, this isn’t weird, especially, if it’s helping you. It’s not like I’m not getting anything out of this,” he said grinning at me. “Now, I have a confession for you. I haven’t come this much without sex since I was in junior high.”

  The grin on his face was contagious.


  “Yes really.”

  “You know you are free to have as much sex as you want,” I told him.

  “Is that an offer? Because I’m sure my dick would love to find its way to your pussy.”

  I slapped his arm. “You know what I mean. With other … people.”

  “Are you telling me you want to have a threesome with me?” he said smiling.

  “You’re terrible,” I said, but he had me smiling with him. “Just watch the movie.”


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