Stealing Summer, Hunter

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Stealing Summer, Hunter Page 47

by Lexi Blake

  Daniel stepped back and moved for the table again. “Or I’ll stay somewhere and keep myself safe so you don’t have to.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” I wasn’t about to leave Danny behind. “You can’t stay in a faery forest.”

  He nodded like I’d made his point. “Of course not. Look, I’ve given this a lot of thought. I’ll talk to Taggart and ask if he knows somewhere I can stay on the Vampire plane.”

  “And who’s going to feed you?” I asked. “From what I can tell, humans and Fae don’t live there on their own. They can only live on the plane if they’re tied to a Vampire family.”

  “I’ll figure it out,” he insisted. “This is stupid. I’m getting dressed.”

  Dev moved with quick grace, getting in Daniel’s space and knocking that cube from his hand. “No. That’s exactly what’s wrong with this whole situation. You don’t want to be naked around me.”

  Dev loomed over him and Daniel reacted, snarling up at Dev. “I’m naked around you all the time. Back the fuck off now.”

  “I can’t.” Dev’s voice had softened and he put his hands on Danny’s head, smoothing back his hair. “I can’t because if I back down now, I lose you. We work in a specific way. We have for years. We found our places very quickly. I’m asking you not to step away from it now. We need you.”

  “My place?”

  “Yes, Daniel. Your place. You lead us. I advise you. Zoey makes us crazy. Our places.”

  A hollow expression took over Danny’s face. “I can’t lead you now.”

  My heart threatened to seize as Dev dropped his forehead to Daniel’s. “You are still worthy. You are still strong. You are still my king.”

  I wanted to join them, but this was their fight because the power had shifted between them. All of our life together, Daniel had been the protector, the strongest among us. So much of Danny’s worth was wrapped up in the fact that he could provide us with safety, that even if we died, he could bring us back.

  He couldn’t now. He was powerless, and now Dev was the one with all the strength.

  Deep down Danny knew I would love him no matter what. I had loved him when he was a child with no power or hope for any. I’d been ready to live a normal life with him.

  Devinshea had only known the vampire, the most powerful vampire the world had ever seen.

  “I am not a king like this,” Danny said quietly.

  “You are my king. Always. That will never change,” Dev replied. “Nor will my love for you. I still love you, Daniel. I still want you. I can’t think of anything I want more right now than to show you. Let us show you. I know when we began this journey together that I was master in this part of our lives. But even though it was my special skill, I submitted to you. I did it because I’ll follow you anywhere, into anything. Let me do that for you tonight. Zoey, tell him what you want.”

  I wanted to be with them. I wanted to love them and show them they were still my whole world. And I wanted another chance.

  I moved behind Daniel, letting my arms wind around his back to place my hands over his chest. “I want you no matter what. I loved you when you were human. I loved you when you were a vampire. I loved you when we planned our family, and I loved you and chose you when we both thought you couldn’t give me one. Do you know why?”

  His hand covered mine and I could feel the emotion coming off him. “Because you were my family. I love our kids, but we would have been enough. The three of us would have been enough.”

  In my mind, it was why our kids were so lucky. Danny, Dev, and I hadn’t come together so we could have children to fill some void between us. Our children had been born out of the completeness we had found in each other. Out of our pure love and passion.

  “We have a chance, Danny.” I let my head rest against his back. “I don’t know why this happened, but I know I would love to look at our child and see you in his or her eyes. So would Devinshea. Let’s take that chance tonight.”

  “Tell her yes,” Dev whispered. “Let me do this for you, my loves. I have performed this ritual a thousand times, but this is one I was born for. This makes everything I suffered through worth it, to give this to the two people I love more than anything in all the worlds.”

  Danny shook his head, but his hand went up to grip the back of Dev’s neck. “No. You’re not doing this for me and Zoey. You do this for us. You do this with us. Have I ever told you how deep you are in my heart?”

  Through watery vision I saw Dev smile, though there was a sheen of tears in his emerald eyes. “You aren’t big on words.”

  “I’ve always loved Z. Sometimes I think I was born loving her, that we’re so connected I can’t remember a moment when she wasn’t with me. But you, Devinshea, you were a surprise, and you have been the joy of our lives.”

  I put one of my hands on Dev’s arm, needing the connection. I understood exactly what Danny was saying. We’d always known we would be together. There had been years apart, but Daniel and I had always seemed inevitable. Devinshea had been a gift from the universe that we could never repay. “What he said.”

  Dev’s head fell back and he laughed, a truly glorious sound. “How I managed to fall in love with two people who struggle so to speak their emotions, I have no idea.” He sobered and looked down at us, his gaze sharpening. “But I know how to show my love. Come here, my goddess.”

  I let him take my hand and draw me close, his head dipping down so our lips could brush. The warmth of his magic began to flow, and I sighed at the feel of it skimming my skin. He deepened the kiss and our tongues danced together while he pushed back the sides of the gown I wore. He seemed to find exactly the right place to push because the gown receded, drawing back into the cube it stayed in when not being worn. I was left naked, exactly what I wanted to be around these two men.

  “I like the nanites.” Danny’s big palms caressed my back as he pulled me squarely in between them. It didn’t take him more than a second to reach around and cup my breasts. “I like the idea of being able to order her clothes off and not have to count on her obeying.”

  “Obedience isn’t why we married her,” Dev replied with a chuckle.

  Daniel’s hand was back on Dev’s neck, drawing him closer. “It’s not why I love you, either.”

  Danny pulled him close and their mouths met over my shoulder. I felt that kiss, was a part of it. In the beginning they’d simply shared me, but over time they’d given in to their attraction, with some big old pushes from me. Now they regularly made love. I would sometimes walk in and they would be going at it on the desk in Dev’s office. I love the fact that they can love each other, that they can support each other and find pleasure. Sometimes I sit and watch them, others I toss off my clothes and work my way in the same way they do when they find me with the other.

  My father had worried there would be jealousy between the three of us, but we didn’t work like that. Once Danny and Dev had committed to our path, we’d found this amazing boundless passion that came from being certain one of us would always be there.

  So I felt nothing but lust as Danny kissed Dev while his fingers tweaked my nipples and Dev’s cock rubbed against my belly.

  Dev broke off the kiss and stepped back. “Come on, my goddess. Let me get our king ready for you.”

  That sent a jolt straight to my pussy because I was going to get to watch a show. Dev truly did know exactly what his lovers needed, and Daniel needed to feel like he was in control. Nothing would make Danny feel like a king more than a gorgeous sex god on his knees in front of him.

  Danny caught my hand. “Is this what you want, Z?”

  I’d started thinking about another baby recently. Pregnancy was easy for me. Well, it had been when I regularly took vampire blood. It might be different this time, but I was willing to risk it. Our children brought us so much joy.

  “Yes, I want to try.”

  His lips curled up slightly. “There’s no trying, Z. If we do this, we’re having another baby. Bris doesn’t miss, if
you know what I mean. And thank you, my lord, for this gift you and your host are offering us.”

  “As my host said, it is our greatest pleasure.” The words came out in Bris’s Irish lilt, but he was right back to Dev. “So no more talk about splitting up or killing yourself on the off chance that you’ll come back.”

  “I know I’ll…” Daniel stopped. “No more talk about splitting up or offing myself until we’re sure it will work. But Devinshea…”

  “If we’re sure it will work, I’ll do the deed myself,” Dev promised. “Now no more talk of anything but pleasure. I need to concentrate if I’m going to keep the magic from flooding the camp. Taggart has assured me each tent is technologically guarded against magic, so let’s test it out.”

  I didn’t think Marcus would give a crap if he got caught up in some lust magic that would have him staying in bed all night. I kind of thought he was planning on doing that anyway. And I wouldn’t take away a single moment of comfort from my daughter. Marcus had been so good with her all night. I’d watched him calm her and help her center.

  I needed some comfort, too.

  I went up on my toes and pressed my chest against Danny’s. “I love you.”

  He growled and then his face was at my neck, running along the line of it. “I love you, too. Even though I have no fangs, I long to sink them into this throat, to take you into my body. I can’t smell you the way I used to. I live for that smell, that sweet scent of your arousal.”

  And I longed for him to feed, to share that rich blood of his with me, but I would take anything I could get from him. I kissed him, not bothering with soft. Dev’s magic had started to flood the room, and we were past anything playful. I reached down and pulled at the towel that covered him so I could get my hands on that part of him that could still bring me crazy pleasure.

  That part that could now give us another child to love, to make our family bigger.

  Our tongues tangled as I gripped his cock and stroked him, loving the play of soft skin and hard flesh against my palm.

  “Tell me that doesn’t still feel good, my king.” Devinshea moved in behind me, his fingers trailing down my spine.

  “Yes. Yes, this still feels so fucking good,” Daniel began.

  Dev dropped to his knees, those gorgeous eyes of his bleeding to full green with no hint of white, and yet his voice was still his own. “This will feel even better.”

  He and Bris were working as one, magic stroking over my skin in a way that made me sigh in anticipation. Every cell of my body seemed to sing when that magic filled the room and offered us a connection we could never have without it.

  I moved to the bed, watching as Dev flicked his wrist and the clothing that covered his body receded and fell to the floor. There they were. My guys. The two most beautiful men in the world. Dev’s body was long and lean compared to Daniel’s broader muscle, but they were both prime specimens of masculinity. Dev licked those gorgeous lips of his as he studied Daniel’s cock.

  “This is still beautiful,” he murmured as he took Daniel in hand.

  Danny’s hand stroked Dev’s hair. “And so are you. You are the only man I ever wanted.” His gaze moved to me. “And you, the only woman.”

  They were the only two men I’d ever made love with, ever would. Devinshea couldn’t say the same, but he had that whole sex-god, raised-in-sexually-freewheeling Faery thing going. Danny and I were the only two people he’d ever loved, ever would, and that was enough.

  “Then let me show you how much I love you both,” Dev said before he leaned over and swiped at Daniel’s cock with his incredibly talented tongue. “Let’s make the next phase of our family. Together.”

  Daniel hissed and I felt my need go nuclear as I watched Dev swallow Daniel. I always struggled to get either of their cocks fully inside my mouth. Faulty construction on someone’s part, but damn I loved to watch these men go at it. Dev didn’t play around. He didn’t tease and tempt. He didn’t try to make it last. He didn’t have to. With his magic swirling through the air and filling our lungs and pores and souls, we could go all night and not feel the least bit tired.

  Danny’s whole body was taut, every muscle defined as he wound his fingers through Dev’s hair and tugged him on and off. They were always so much more savage with each other than they were with me. There was something deeply primal about Danny and Dev making love, and I was so happy to see Devinshea not hold back now that he was physically stronger.

  “Tell me how it feels.” I knew it felt incredible, but I liked to hear Danny talk during sex. It was another thing Dev had taught us. Words could bind us, too. Words connected us every bit as much as the physical.

  “He’s so fucking good at this,” Daniel ground out. “I love you, baby, and nothing feels like your tongue on me, but god, he’s good. His mouth is bigger. I don’t even hit the back of his throat.”

  Dev came off and grinned up at Danny. “Not that you don’t try, Your Highness. And you taste incredible. You taste different. It’s so good.”

  Because he was human and life flowed through him.

  “Don’t you stop,” Danny commanded, gripping Dev’s hair. “Don’t stop until you taste all of me, because I suspect I could come a hundred times tonight and still be ready to take care of our queen.”

  Dev’s head tilted back, and I loved the fact that his lips were swollen and a sultry red from sucking Danny’s dick. He brought his hand up and touched Danny’s abs, drawing his fingers lightly down to his cock. Danny’s head dropped back and he hissed at the exquisite pleasure of having Dev’s magic sent directly into his body.

  “You can come all night, my king. You can fill her up, fill me up, and then do it all again two minutes later. My magic won’t let us down.”

  I knew how that felt, knew the sizzle that went through my body when Dev touched me and focused his energy. He would do that soon, would prime my body to accept everything Daniel had to give me, and for a moment I would feel like the center of the universe, hot and electrical and filled with potential.

  Danny’s hands fisted again in Dev’s hair, a lustful desperation on his face now. “Do it, Dev. I don’t want to play. I want to come.”

  “I am here to do my king’s bidding,” Dev said with the most delicious smirk.

  And then I was drunk on everything, drunk on the magic of watching them together, drunk on the lust in the air, drunk on the intimacy of the three of us being together. We were on an adventure, and it was different this time because there was no uncertainty between us. We were on the cusp of another fight, but we would make it through together. We could beat any obstacle together.

  That magic brought me to the edge of ecstasy, but the love beneath it gave me confidence and joy and hope.

  Dev settled in, working the cock in his mouth until Danny couldn’t take another second of it and his body jerked, hands tugging Dev close as he came.

  The minute he let go, Dev was on his feet, reaching for me.

  “Come to me, my goddess,” he commanded.

  I would never deny him, didn’t even think about it. I knew exactly what he wanted to share with me. I moved into his arms, letting him lift me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He kissed me, his tongue foraging deep and sharing that delicious taste of Danny’s.

  It was only a second before he used my hips to guide me on his thick cock, thrusting inside me in one long push.

  Heaven. This was what Heaven felt like. My whole body tightened around him, needing the orgasm he could give me with a mere thought. It was so much better with his cock deep inside.

  He moved me up and down on his cock, sending thrill after thrill through me.

  “Give her one, Dev,” Danny commanded. “I want to watch her come.”

  Dev didn’t walk to the bed, merely moved me up and down on his cock with a sexy show of all that Fae strength. His hands cupped the globes of my ass and he crushed me against him, hitting every spot in my pussy that sent me careening over the edge.

  I held
on to Dev as he lowered me to the bed and kissed me, sweetly this time. The lover was gone, replaced by the good priest.

  “Are you ready, my goddess?” he asked.

  He hadn’t come, and it was apparent he wouldn’t. He would sacrifice tonight because he was on a mission to give us something we hadn’t dreamed we could have. He would now stand back and let Daniel and I take all the pleasure, have all the connection.

  “I love you,” I told him. “And yes. I’ve always been ready for this.”

  Dev turned to Daniel. “Come and make love to our wife.”

  Daniel smiled my way, his cock already lifted high against his belly. He was ready for me, ready to start something new. He crossed the space between us but didn’t crawl on the bed with me as I’d expected him to. Instead, he turned to Dev and one hand came up to cup his cheek. “And what about you, love?”

  Dev gave him a half smile. “I’ll give over to Bris and abide in myself for a while. It will give you the best chance.”

  “But the best chance is a one hundred percent shot, and you can do that while you’re still in control of the body,” Danny pointed out. “Dev, we all know this isn’t a chance. This is a decision we’ve made, and we will be pregnant after this is done.”

  Dev’s smile became tight. “Of course. You know I would still be watching, but it might be more comfortable for me if I let Bris take control of the body. He’s better at holding off his more physical impulses than I am.”

  Because Dev would want to join in, because his whole body would ache with longing like it probably did now.

  “Why would you hold off?” Danny’s hands moved over Dev’s shoulders, smoothing across his skin.

  A tendril of frustration wound across Dev’s expression. “Because I’m not completely in control, and I’m worried I would screw up and it could be my biological child. I know we would all love the child, but it would defeat the purpose of taking advantage of what we hope will be your brief period in a human body.”

  Danny looked at him, his eyes dark with desire. “Devinshea, you don’t understand what I want. I assure you the rules haven’t changed on pregnancy. You can’t get me pregnant.”


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