Dirty Little Secrets

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Dirty Little Secrets Page 13

by AJ Nuest

  Tossing her head back with a laugh, Charlie hugged him just as tight in return. Sure enough, his was the voice that had asked for the password those few times she’d been gripped with longing for the good old days and called Dirty Deeds to catch up with Eden. “I’m thrilled to finally meet you in person.”

  “Me too, girl.” He nodded toward Eden and Charlie pivoted to face the room. “I can’t tell you how excited she was for you to get here. It’s been a trying few weeks.”

  Eden’s dark-haired detective approached her side and leaned close, his lips moving near her ear. Eden lifted her chin and stepped aside to search the guests.

  “Seems to have worked out well for her, though. All things considered.” Charlie followed Eden’s line of sight to a young man framed by the wide doorway to the front hall, spotless brown suit and shoes, briefcase in one hand and cell phone in the other.

  Xander laughed and her attention jumped the track straight back to him. A sneer almost curled her lip as Molly chuckled along with whatever had cracked him up, but Charlie quickly swept that hiccup under the two-hundred-thousand-dollar Persian rug beneath her feet.

  No. She wasn’t about to give Eden the satisfaction. It was good Xander and Molly were enjoying a little flirtationship. Yep, it was definitely all good he’d finally met someone who spoke his same language.

  A jarring twang plucked her heartstrings, and Charlie crossed her arms against the sting. And she was not jealous. For God’s sake, it had only been one kiss. One kiss that had meant nothing. If not, Xander would’ve never apologized on the plane.

  Eden placed her hand on his arm and said something. Molly smiled up at him as Xander nodded and spoke a few words in return.

  “How long have you and that tall drink of water been dating?”

  Charlie startled and refocused on Mocha. “Who? Me and X-ray? No, no, we’re not dating.” She bobbled her head at the whole silly idea. “I mean, look at the guy. He’s lobster smothered in garlic-butter sauce. I’m more peanut butter and jelly on week-old bread.”

  Xander located her from across the room, muttered something to Molly and closed the distance with a long-legged stride that could’ve easily been mistaken as foreplay. “Hey, Malcolm’s attorney is here and I need to step out for a few.”

  And? No need to report in or anything. The man could do whatever he wanted. She really didn’t care. “So, go ahead.”

  He nodded a hello to Mocha before catching Charlie’s gaze a second time. “You’ll be okay?”

  Well, of course, she’d be okay. What, did he think she needed a babysitter? “Xander, I’m not exactly sure what you expect me to—”

  He jammed his hand under her hair and jerked her to his lips so fast her mouth was parted on contact.

  Dammit, why? The tip of his tongue darted and teased, coaxing her for more, and any resistance she might’ve thought to offer dissolved in a puddle at her feet.

  Good God, the man knew how to kiss. His full bottom lip brushed up once, then twice. The callused tip of his thumb skimmed her jaw to her chin. Her hand found the front of his vest, and she curled her fingers around his silky tie to urge him closer. Deeper.

  But this was wrong. Plain and simple. Especially in front of everyone they’d just met.

  “I didn’t want you to be upset.” He nibbled the corner of her mouth and her thighs clenched.

  God, did he have any clue how whispering against her lips like that made her want to yank him inside Malcolm’s office? Slam the door and strip off his clothes so she could climb him like a tree?

  An aching pulse moistened her panties. She sighed into his mouth as his thumb swept the side of her throat.

  “I’ll be back.” Another soft kiss, and her balance took off for parts unknown. She nearly fell into him as he stepped back. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  He met Eden halfway toward the front hall, but not before she waggled her brows, expressing her cleverosomeness at winning the round.

  And wasn’t she livin’ the dream?

  Charlie squinted and then glanced around the room in a weak attempt at trying to catch her breath.

  “Peanut butter and jelly, huh?” Mocha swiveled back to their conversation, slanted away from her and looked her up and down. “You go right on telling yourself that, sweet cheeks.” He fanned his face with his hand. “Lord Almighty. That man thinks you’re a chocolate soufflé.”

  Chapter 8

  Charlie’s sweet, sultry flavor lingered on his taste buds, and Xander savored each seductive undertone with a slow swirl of his tongue.

  As the last to enter, he swung the library door closed behind him and listened for the click of the latch hitting the plate. If just that small nibble packed a semi in the front of his boxer briefs, licking the rest of her was apt to bring on a power surge to hotwire every neuron in his body.

  The corner of his mouth twitched at the appetizing visuals that brought to mind. Combined with her preemptive forgiveness on the plane, the way she trembled whenever his lips closed in…

  Something sexplosive was building between them and, before the weekend was over, he was going to tap into every available source to find out how devastating the resulting blast would be.

  He lifted his gaze just as Eden swung around face him. Behind her, Malcolm’s attorney stood inside the curving bay windows, organizing an assortment of documents over the long, burl-topped conference table. Her fiancé strode straight for the bar in the far corner and lifted the lid on the ice bucket, checked the silver tags slung around the necks of several crystal decanters and tipped back a few bottles of wine.

  She crossed her arms. Cocked a hip. One of her eyebrows rose. “So. You sure screwed that up, didn’t you?”

  Xander’s steps caught mid-stride, but he leveled any finger pointing she might be prepping to unleash with an irritated scowl.

  “Back up a second, E.” Far as he could tell, kissing Charlie was the only thing that had saved his ass. Not that he needed an excuse, but shit. After that fubared introduction to Molly, he wasn’t about to let Eden call him out on some big sister, head-bobbing routine as if he’d been busted for sneaking in late after curfew. “I’m pretty sure I’m the one who just fixed it.”

  “I said you should tell Charlie how you feel.” She tossed her hand in the air. “Not pull some territorial, He-man routine and kiss her in front of everyone.”

  Tough shit. He didn’t regret kissing her for a second. Leaving Charlie in room full of Chicago’s finest… Hell, leaving her at all had already dialed his irritation to an ear-splintering whine, and after watching her walk away from him, his main priority was to make sure everyone understood that getting near her meant they’d first have to go through him. “And let her think your stupid scheme had worked? That I was the slightest bit interested in someone else? In case you missed it, Charlie knew what you were doing, and the last problem I need is any more crazy ideas crawling into her head.”

  Eden blinked. Then blinked again. “I swear to God, the difference is one chromosome.” A third blink, and her eyes stayed closed. Muttering a few choice words, she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Can anyone in this room please explain to me why men are so stupid?”

  “Sorry, babe. Can’t help ya there.” Eden’s fiancé reached into the mini-fridge under the counter and cracked open a bottle of Pellegrino. “Unfortunately, our brains come as part of a package deal.”

  Nice. Xander dragged his hand down his face. Way to stand up and represent.

  The guy split the water between two rocks glasses and tossed in a few cubes of ice, juiced a lime wedge over the fizz and walked the drinks across the room.

  “Watching you two go at it kinda reminds me of the last time I had it out with my sister.” Handing off one of the glasses to Xander, he knocked the thick bottoms together before downing a swallow. “Although, in defense of men everywhere, I think it’s only fair to point out you Dirty Deeds women can be damn confusing. And distracting as hell. It’s a w
onder we can concentrate on anything when you’re around.”

  Excellent point. Xander squinted. And however the dude had figured out he didn’t do alcohol, the fact he’d served up sparkling water meant he was sharp. Paid attention. “What’s your name again?”

  He smirked. “Kelly.”

  Xander toasted him with a tip of his drink before tossing back half the glass.

  “Okay, bromance moment over. Can we focus here?” Eden lifted her head with a sigh. “We’re on damage control, people.”

  Damage control? Now what was she yammering about?

  Xander shot a frown at Kelly, and he shrugged. “There are two ways of arguing with a woman. Neither of them is right.” He slapped Xander on the back and returned to the bar. “If it makes you feel any better, the first time I kissed Eden, she hightailed it out of the room like her ass was on fire.” Working the cork from a bottle of red wine, he eyeballed her over his shoulder. “Leaving me handcuffed to the bed.”

  Xander winced. Jesus, dude. TMI.

  “Oh, dear God.” Eden spun back to Xander, hands propped on her hips. “Was that the first time you kissed her? And for the sweet love of all that’s holy, please say no.”

  Easy enough. “No.”

  A sensory assault of how Charlie had shuddered beneath him outside the hospital set his core temp near boiling, and Xander raked his hand through his hair. And if he had anything to say about it, that kiss was only the first of many, each one ending with his tongue marking every luscious inch of her skin.

  “Thank God. At least that’s one thing in our favor.” Pivoting toward the fireplace, Eden strode for one of the wingback chairs. “So, what happened? Did she freak out?”

  Pulling his head back, Xander sneered. Why would she freak out? His mouth snapped shut. Although, he had to admit, Charlie had been quieter than normal on the plane. Hell, she’d been quieter than usual the past sixteen hours.

  But who could blame her? The violent way her apartment had been trashed had scared even him.

  She’d lost pretty much everything. The invasion of privacy had left her jittery and out of sorts.

  Fishing his mints from the slash pocket of his slacks, he popped the lid and dotted a powdery disc on his tongue. And then there’d been that bald asshole. The same guy she’d seen outside the hospital in a black leather trench had cased them right up through airport security. Not that she’d said anything, and neither had he since he hadn’t wanted to give her any excuse to bolt for the nearest exit.

  Regardless, he’d had the bases covered. Made sure the tail never got close. And once they were wheels up, he’d checked the manifest, and then changed their names to ensure they’d ditched the dude at the gate.

  But none of that explained why she’d given him the silent treatment in the car. Or for that matter, why she’d given him the silent treatment at all. Ever since that first kiss she’d been off. Whenever he’d tried to reassure her, she’d ignored him, had a hard time meeting his eyes and refused to hold his hand.

  Shit, maybe Eden was on to something with this whole mopping up his mess scenario.

  Kelly left the bar, a glass of red wine in one hand and a third Pellegrino in the other. He offered the sparkling water to Malcolm’s attorney and the two shook hands.

  Xander ate up the distance to join Eden by the hearth, shoved the ottoman out of the way with his shin and perched on the edge of Malcolm’s favorite leather chair. “For the record, Charlie kissed me.” He lowered his voice, elbows braced on his knees. “It was a set-up. A diversion tactic she came up with to shake some unwanted attention. But I snagged the opportunity and—”

  “Stop.” Eden held up her hand. A second passed before she smacked that same palm to her forehead. “Holy shit, X. You’re worse than a porcupine rolling through a condom factory. Holes everywhere and quality control is out on break.” Her shoulders fell. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”

  Dammit. Granted, he knew a lot about a lot of things, but when it came to personal relationships or—God forbid—some goofy idea of romance, he’d be the last to argue he was navigating through uncharted waters. Without GPS. Or a map. Or a fucking compass. “Not a clue.”

  “Exactly.” Eden aimed a sharp finger at his face. “So maybe you need to take a step back and ask yourself this. What would you think if I showed up out of the blue and came atcha’ like a cat in heat? Kissing you in front of a room full of strangers and suddenly acting as if we were a couple?”

  “Hey.” A glass of red wine appeared near her shoulder, and Xander sipped his water as a scowl creased her fiancé’s forehead. “Not sure I like where this is headed.”

  The carbonation razed his throat, and Xander sputtered. The guy had less than zero to worry about, and to make sure his next words hit the mark, he kept both eyes glued to Kelly’s face. “I’d think you’d popped a breaker. And then, I’d probably take a few seconds and try to work out what kinda scam you were—”

  Well, fuck! He collapsed in the chair. Dropped his head back to the seat. Son of bitch, she was right.

  “Bingo.” Eden collected her wine, sliding a peek at Kelly through her lowered lashes. “Geez, it’s like spoon-feeding children around here.”

  Yep, he’d totally missed it. Knee ratcheting to a heel-rapping bounce, Xander frowned at the ornate copper plates tacked to the ceiling. And the even bigger brain splinter was how he’d hoped his actions with Charlie were relaying the exact opposite.

  Jesus Christ, he’d even admitted right to her face he hadn’t been honest with her.

  His eyes slammed shut. How fucking stupid could he be?

  “One last question, and then I’m leaving you on your own.”

  Wonderful. Xander met Eden’s gaze past the bridge of his nose. There was more.

  “How many times do you think people have given Charlie the truth?” Eden slashed her hand through the air. “And I’m talking the honest to God, one hundred percent truth, Xander.”

  Good question. He ground the candy to a minty paste with a back and forth gnash of his jaw. If his life experience was anything to go by, Charlie could count those occasions on one hand.

  Offering his palm to Eden, Kelly tipped his head toward the conference table. “Sorry to interrupt your Dr. Phil session, but I think the attorney’s ready for us.”

  Xander zeroed in on the far side of the room and, sure enough, the guy confirmed he was set to go with a nod, lining up a row of pens beside a notary crimper.

  Eden clasped Kelly’s fingers and stood. “I’m telling you right now, if Charlie finds out you were messing with her head, she’ll skip outta here quicker than water on a hot, greased skillet.” Lips firmed in a resigned line, she shook her head, and Xander got the impression she’d just had to explain how one plus one equals two. “Give her the truth, and she’ll respect you for the rest of her life.”

  She spun on her heel and his focus trailed after them as Kelly led her to a leather chair stationed opposite the attorney. She sat and he planted a kiss on her neck, whispering something in her ear. A soft laugh parted her lips, and a smile pleated the guy’s face as he strolled to the side and jacked one hip on the table.

  So, he should to go balls to the wall, huh? Xander sat up and downed the last of his water, rinsing the mint granules from his teeth. Time to bring on his A game and confess everything right off the top. Docking his empty glass on a small side table, he shoved to his feet.

  When it came to securing his future with Charlie, he was down with that. He’d heard the way her breath caught every time he leaned in. Felt her tremble against him the one time he’d been lucky enough to nibble her throat.

  Given her physical responses, he was happy to take the risk even if she shot him down before they got started.

  It was the bullshit he’d pulled on her in the past he worried would eventually blow up in his face. And no matter what Eden’s advice, even a guy with his nonexistent relationship quota knew the smarter move woul
d be to keep a tight lid on that topic until he had no other choice.

  Tally the score on his mistakes thus far, and the last thing Charlie needed was him dumping a bunch of guilt in her lap.

  He crossed to the empty chair beside Eden’s and pushed it aside, offering his hand to Malcolm’s attorney. “Xander Dade. Nice to meet you.”

  “A pleasure, Mr. Dade. Etienne Vesuite.” The dude’s heavy French accent wasn’t surprising, considering Malcolm had been fluent and originated from across the pond. But, for an attorney, he did seem a little on the young side. His thick dark hair slicked back from his forehead. A fit build that placed him somewhere around mid-thirties, tops. “My condolences for your loss.”

  But if Malcolm had trusted him enough to handle the estate, that pretty much wiped out any concerns about the guy’s abilities, and his tailored brown power suit and intelligent blue eyes took care of the rest.

  “Je vous remercie.” Xander released Vesuite’s hand and settled in the chair, crossing his ankle over his knee.

  Vesuite’s brow twitched as he took his seat. “Parlez-vous français?”

  Of course, he spoke French. Elbow pinned to the armrest, Xander propped his chin on his thumb, index finger balanced along the seam of his lips. He’d always had an affinity for languages, and made sure to keep the wheels greased in case he ever needed to hijack an alternate personality. “Juste assez pour me mettre en difficulté.”

  A smirk hitched the side of Vesuite’s face. “In your area of expertise, I can imagine trouble is quite easy to come by, yes?”

  Xander grunted. He got that right. In fact, according to Eden, trouble was dogging him in spades.

  “The conditions of Mr. Smith’s will are fairly straightforward given the considerable size of the estate.” Using two fingers, Vesuite pushed a stack of documents closer to the center of the table and folded his arms along the bottom edge. “Upon his death, my firm was directed to evaluate the investments and various shares held in Mr. Smith’s accounts, to liquidate the assets including his home and affects in London, and to secure the funds in trust until such time as they could be divided equally among his heirs.” Flipping a few pages to the side, Vesuite ran his index finger down the top sheet. “A Ms. Eden Smith, a Mr. Xander Dade and one Casper Addison, with the proviso each recipient remained active and in good standing in Mr. Smith’s…vested interests.” He looked up from the desk, eyes shifting between Eden and Xander. “I take it Mr. Addison was unavailable to make our appointment?”


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