by Vasily Mahanenko
Start the Game (Galactogon Book #1)
by Vasily Mahanenko
Phantom Server Books 1, 2 and 3
by Andrei Livadny
Perimeter Defense Books 1, 2 and 3
by Michael Atamanov
Mirror World Books 1, 2 and 3
by Alexey Osadchuk
The Lag (The Game Master Book #1)
by A. Bobl and A. Levitsky
The Island of Hope
by Andrei Livadny
Moskau (an alternative history thriller)
by G. Zotov
The Illustrious (The Sublime Electricity Book #1)
by Pavel Kornev
Memoria. A Corporation of Lies (an action-packed dystopian technothriller)
by Alex Bobl
Point Apocalypse (a near-future action thriller)
by Alex Bobl
The Naked Demon (a paranormal romance)
by Sherrie L.
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You're in Game! LitRPG Stories from Bestselling Authors Page 16