The Lion, the Witch, and the Werewolf

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The Lion, the Witch, and the Werewolf Page 7

by Amy Sumida

  “There you are,” Narcissus' voice sounded more mysterious in the mist, more intimate.

  I turned toward the sound and saw him wading up to me. Narcissus grinned and passed by me to step up the gentle incline onto the bank. Then he held a hand out to help me up.

  “This is one of those spots I told you about,” he said.

  “It's lovely.” I stepped through the wet grass and sighed.

  The scent was intoxicating. I wanted to lie down and just breathe it all in while I let the warm steam loosen my tight muscles.

  “Do you mind if I stayed here awhile?” I asked him.

  “Not at all.” Narcissus sat down in the grass. “I'll join you.”

  I sat down beside him and then laid back to stare up at the verdant ceiling. There were ribbons of light piercing through the thick leaf-cover in places, keeping it from being too dark, but it was still shadowy in a lazy, candlelit way. The mist drifted through the sprinkling of sunlight and wafted over my body, clinging to my skin. I trailed my fingers through it idly and breathed it in. My whole body started to relax from the top of my scalp to my toes. I felt heavy with languor.

  Narcissus stretched out beside me and mimicked my pose. I glanced over at him. His hair was clinging sleekly to his scalp; darker but still gleaming in the low light. His profile was gentle but perfect; his jaw a sweeping curve instead of the sharp angles I favored. But his lips were nice; soft and inviting. He turned toward me and smiled slowly.

  My body felt drugged, I was so relaxed. It barely registered at first when he reached out and trailed a fingertip up my arm. It simply felt as if it were exactly what should happen there. I sighed and closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation. It wasn't until I felt his lips pressed against mine that I realized my mistake.

  I jerked away and stared at Narcissus in shock.

  “I'm sorry; I thought I saw arousal in your eyes.” He backed up immediately. “Please forgive the assumption.”

  “That was relaxation. I'm not aroused; I'm married,” I said, completely flustered.

  Had I been giving him the wrong impression? Maybe I shouldn't have swum off with him. When Narcissus had offered a swim around the room, it had sounded innocent but now, I wasn't so sure.

  “To two men.” He smiled. “I thought perhaps you were open to accepting more.”

  “My lioness magic requires numerous lovers,” I explained. “I'm married to several men, actually. But I'm not looking for another.”

  “Surely they wouldn't mind if we enjoyed ourselves a little.” Narcissus drew his hand down his body, outlining his pecs, and then casually slipped it down his swimming trunks. His sleek sex popped free; hard and eager for attention. “I haven't had a woman in years and you're so lovely. I could give you great pleasure, Vervain. I'm well versed in the erotic arts.” He started stroking himself. “You know you want me. Look at my glorious cock, don't you want to feel it inside you?”

  I gaped at Narcissus. I'd never been come onto so... impudently and blatantly. I hardly knew how to react. The man had literally just whipped his dick out and told me that he wanted to fuck me.

  “Wow. I thought Re was arrogant.” I shook my head. “But, I suppose you are the original narcissist.”

  Narcissus frowned and his hand went still. “No woman has ever denied me. I am the most beautiful man in existence.”

  “Sorry, but not in my opinion.”

  “You're lying.” He smiled smugly. “It's okay; your husbands aren't here; you can be honest with me.”

  “I'm honestly not interested,” I said. “Now, put your damn dick away, flasher.”

  “You seriously don't want me?” Narcissus sat up and blinked in shock.

  “You're pretty enough.” I shrugged. “But I find all of my husbands far more attractive than you. One, in particular, is unquestionably more handsome; everyone thinks so. If he said he was the most beautiful man in existence, I'd have to agree. I'd be annoyed by his arrogance, but I'd still have to agree.”

  “That's not possible.” He narrowed his stare at me.

  “He's the Egyptian Sun God,” I said. “His name is Re. Ever heard of him?”

  Narcissus frowned and then shook his head.

  “His skin looks as if it's dusted with gold and his eyes are molten metal,” I said. “He has the most breathtaking face that's both masculine and beautiful, and his body is perfectly muscled; not too big and not too small. When I first met him, I could barely speak; he struck me dumb. That's how stunning Re is. As you may have noticed; I have no problems speaking to you.”

  Narcissus gaped at me.

  “Now, put your little pervy pecker away,” I growled and let a hint of my lioness come through. “Or I will rip it off.”

  Narcissus shoved his dick back into his pants.

  I got up and headed back to the stream; my relaxed mood completely ruined. I dove into the deep center of the stream and swam ahead quickly. Like an Olympic swimmer, I shot through the water, barely noting that I passed under the stone bridge and was coming up along the other side of the room. I was nearly back to the main pool when Narcissus caught up with me.

  “Vervain.” He grabbed my shoulder.

  I jerked away from him.

  “I'm so sorry.” Narcissus backed away and stood in the shallows nearby with both hands lifted placatingly.

  I moved to the other side of the stream and stood there glaring at him. “That was not okay, Narcissus.”

  “I know. I can't apologize enough.” His face was as red as mine and it had nothing to do with the heat. “My only defense is that it never occurred to me that you wouldn't want me. I suppose that is arrogant, but that's how my life has always been. I see a woman I want, and I have sex with her. I truly thought you'd be interested. My deepest apologies for the assumption; I behaved like a scoundrel, a libertine. I have never been so embarrassed. Surely, that is penance enough? You most thoroughly put me in my place.”

  “Try asking a woman before you touch her next time,” I huffed.

  “You're right, of course,” he said contritely. “Again; I'm used to women wanting me.” He laughed mirthlessly and shook his head. “You're the first woman to refuse, and you did it in a way that will ensure I never forget. I will definitely be more careful in my approach next time.”

  “Looks aren't everything, Narcissus,” I said. “You shouldn't rely so heavily on yours. It seems as if they've only gotten you into trouble.” I waved a hand around us.

  Narcissus grimaced. “Truer words have never been spoken. Living here has been akin to the tortures of Tartarus. I have never been so damn lonely.”

  “I get that it's been rough for you.” I sighed. “Let's just forget about it. Hopefully, soon, we'll all be out of here and you can find someone single to be with.”

  “You don't know how excited I am about that.” He grinned. “The thought of being free again is almost too good to be true. I can't dare to hope too much yet.”

  Well, I could understand that.

  “I can't imagine what it would be like to be trapped here for so long,” I offered as an olive branch. It would be better to have Narcissus' goodwill while we were imprisoned in his home. “And then for your only companions to slowly die in front of you. That had to have been horrible; seeing them starve while you could do nothing to help them.”

  Narcissus swallowed roughly. “I used to make love to the women. I thought it would be nice to give us both some pleasure before they died. But that only made it harder. I got attached and then would have to watch them starve. So, I haven't touched another person in over two hundred years. I give in to the need for contact every few centuries, I just can't control myself, but beyond that, I abstain. And then you appeared; a goddess who wouldn't die. But I see now that it was wrong of me to try to seduce you.”

  “It's okay,” I said lamely. “As I said; it's forgotten. Let's just get back to my husbands.”

  “The pool is right through there.” He gestured down the stream.

  I swam ahea
d and tried not to feel uncomfortable about Narcissus bringing up the rear.

  Chapter Twelve

  Narcissus stayed a polite distance away from me after we returned to the pool. Once I was out of that misty tunnel, I felt much better, and I started enjoying my swim. Trevor and Kirill continued with their charming boyish behavior and even got me to join in. I went down the slide a few times, and they even catapulted me off their broad shoulders. It was actually a lot of fun. I loved being able to focus on Trevor and Kirill without having to worry about dividing my time with my other men.

  I love my husbands and my boyfriend but there are times when it gets to be a bit much. I didn't just need my space on occasion, I also needed some time in smaller groups and one-on-one. We did try to go out on dates with just one or two of them joining me, but there was always the moment when it was over and we'd have to return to the others. There, in the Mirror, it was just us until Odin and Re convinced Nemesis to get us out. I didn't have any doubt that Odin would convince her; he'd do whatever it took to get the Goddess of Revenge to call off the curse. I just wasn't sure how long that might take.

  But I intended to make the most of every minute.

  If only I could have a drink. The hunger bothered me but not nearly as much as the thirst. Swimming had turned into torture after awhile. Especially after all that exertion. I was so thirsty that I nearly took a sip from the pool.

  “I can't deal with this anymore,” Trevor said as we lounged on the grass. “I need some water.”

  “Me too.” I was grateful that he was the one to say it. “I may be able to survive dehydration, but the bits in between recovery are not fun.”

  “Da,” Kirill said. “It's vorth ze risk. If Nemesis undoes ze curse, it von't matter anyway.”

  “Good point,” Trevor said eagerly.

  Frankly, my thirst raged loudly enough to compel me to agree with anything that got me some damn water.

  “Shall I make us lunch?” Narcissus offered.

  “Yes!” We all shrieked.

  Narcissus laughed and waved his hand. A blanket appeared beneath us and a spread of food between us. Dishes worthy of royalty cast their alluring aromas up to me; roasted chicken, rack of lamb, prime rib, and a whole salmon all done up fancy on silver platters. Bowls of steaming sides nearly outshone the main entrees; vegetables, mashed potatoes, and hot rolls crying out to be consumed. There was even a cool, crisp salad. But my hand immediately sought one of the four pitchers of water first. I barely managed to get it in a glass before I lifted it to my lips.

  I moaned as I drank and similar sounds came from my husbands.

  Narcissus laughed as he filled his plate. “That's the one thing here that I can guarantee is real. I manifest the water myself.”

  “That's why your visitors don't die of dehydration,” I said when I came up for air.

  “Just so,” he said.

  “Man, you should have mentioned that earlier,” Trevor huffed.

  “Sorry.” Narcissus gave Trevor a guilty look. “I didn't think about it until now.”

  I contemplated Narcissus. His speech still carried a bit of a modern twist, but he'd toned it down. I had a feeling that his exclamation the night before had been a slip. So had the bikini, but the chance to see a woman nearly naked had undoubtedly been worth the risk to him.

  After we quenched our thirst, we took our time easing our hunger. I savored the rich and complex flavors of each dish. If I hadn't known about the illusion magic, I wouldn't have suspected. They even filled my belly with warmth and satisfaction. I laid back with a groan after I finished, my pregnant belly bowled out firmly. Damn; I hadn't even considered how my starvation and dehydration could have affected Vero. I rubbed my hand over my stomach protectively.

  “I've made a glutton of myself,” I declared. “Now, I can't move.”

  “A nap is in order,” Trevor agreed as he stretched out beside me.

  Kirill took up a position on my other side, and Narcissus laid out where he was and crossed his arms behind his head. It felt very companionable, and I forgot my suspicions as I settled securely between my husbands. Sleep overtook me quickly. One moment, I absently listened to my husbands' deep breathing and the next, I joined them.

  My little siesta proved more restful than the full night's sleep I'd had the night before. I think my mind needed the respite even if my body didn't. As a goddess, I could do without sleep if I had to, but I didn't do it often. Sleep provided more than healing for my body; it healed my mind too. And this particular slumber delivered additional benefits; someone was waiting for me in the Dream Realm.

  “Morpheus,” I said happily as I walked across the surface of the Moon toward him, my feet crunching on the dry soil.

  The Greek Dream God grinned as he inspected the scenery. “Interesting dream, V.”

  “Well, I am a moon goddess after all.” I shrugged. “And I should have remembered that you're a dream god and could reach me here. Did Odin send you?”

  “Yeah.” Morph shook his head with sympathy and disbelief. “This is a new level of messed up, even for you.”

  “It's not my fault,” I said immediately. “Re's the one who gave me that damn mirror.”

  “He's pretty broken up about it.” Morpheus grimaced. “Odin, Azrael, and Toby are giving him heaps of hell.”

  “I told Odin not to do that,” I growled. “Well, kind of. I gave him a stern look.”

  Morpheus mushed up his mouth. “As a man who's been a recipient of one of your stern looks, I'm shocked that Odin wasn't instantly cowed into obedience.”

  “I don't think there's a force in any realm that could make Odin obey,” I huffed.

  “So, I should tell the guys to knock it off?” Morpheus asked.

  “Yeah; it's not Re's fault either,” I said. “He was only trying to be sweet. We all make mistakes.”

  “They haven't been able to find Aunt Nemesis yet,” Morpheus said with a cringing expression. “She went on sabbatical after her Mom was executed.”

  “Shit,” I whispered. And then I caught what he'd called her. “That's right; she's your aunt, and Nyx was your grandmother.”

  “Yep.” Morph nodded. “Don't worry, V, when we find Nemesis—and we will—I'll get her to end the curse. You've done a lot for us, despite the toll it's taken on my family, and she owes you. If nothing else, she owes you assistance for your position as one of the Twelve. Well, they're not Twelve anymore since you killed so many of them, but you know what I mean.”

  “I thought Nemesis might be mad at the Olympians since we executed Nyx,” I completely ignored his comment about my killing other Olympians.

  “There wasn't a lot of love lost between Nyx and Nemesis.” Morph shrugged. “I think that might be what's bugging Aunt Nem the most. But it wouldn't matter if she was mad at you; the Olympians must be obeyed, and if one of them is in danger, they must be assisted. Period. Any Greek god who can help you, will.”

  “That's a relief to hear.”

  “Is everything okay in there?” Morpheus asked. “Odin wanted me to make sure that you were safe. You're not being tortured or anything, are you?”

  “No; we're fine,” I assured him. “Narcissus is a little strange and creepy, but we're safe enough I think.”

  Morpheus ' eyes went twitchy. “Aunty Nem doesn't curse people lightly, V. He's in there for a good reason. Humans killed themselves for Narcissus, and he didn't care. In fact, he delighted in it. He was worse than an incubus. At least the Incubi sleep with their victims and give them some pleasure before they suck up their life force. Narcissus gave nothing, only took.”

  “Are you saying that Narcissus took the suicides as sacrifice?”

  “Of course,” Morpheus said with a pessimistic puff. “That was Narcissus' justification; they were sacrificing themselves to a god. But that's not why they killed themselves. They pined for him until life became meaningless, and he would scorn them for it. He's evil. Be careful around him.”

  “I've hardly been
around him long enough to judge whether or not he's changed.” I pondered our little interlude at the riverside. “But if he needs to be freed in order for us to be, I don't care. Nemesis can always re-curse him.”

  “Good point,” he said brightly. “I'll tell Aunty Nem. She'll probably love that idea. It might even cheer her up.”

  “As soon as you can find her. You may want to try running around the God Realm calling, 'Aunty Nem! Aunty Nem!'” I suggested with a smirk. It sounded so much like “Aunty Em,” that I couldn't resist.

  “Yeah; I'll do that, and I'll probably be the only one who gets the joke.” Morpheus chuckled and rolled his eyes. “But don't worry; Nemesis is a Greek, she won't be able to hide for long. Our pantheon is large enough that someone will spot her and tell her she needs to come home.”


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