Need Me

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Need Me Page 5

by Cynthia Eden

  He called her name.

  She didn’t stop. She rushed past the staircase. She lunged for the door.

  He caught her. Devlin spun her around and pinned her against the front door. His breath was coming in hard pants and she knew he’d run after her. She hit out at him, desperate right then. Driven too far. “Let me go!”

  “Julianna!” He caught her arms and pushed them back against the door, chaining them in place. “What the hell is going on?”

  “You don’t want me, just let me—”

  He kissed her. Kissed her with a wild desire and a molten need. He kissed her the way she’d wanted him to kiss her back in that study.

  And Julianna let go. No more holding back, not for her. No more not taking what she wanted.

  He was what she wanted. She was going to have him. Right then. Right there.

  Screw everything else. If she was going to be locked up for the rest of her life, she’d make sure that she took one incredible memory with her.

  Chapter Five

  He should pull back. Devlin knew he should let her go. They should both just calm the fuck down.

  But he knew he wasn’t letting go. Julianna was rubbing her body against his, kissing him, sliding her sexy little tongue over his lips and into his mouth and driving him beyond all control.

  His cock shoved against the front of his jeans. He was so aroused Devlin was sure the zipper impression would line his dick. He wanted in her, right then.

  He didn’t care where they were. Only Julianna mattered. He’d take her right there.

  Right the fuck there.

  He freed her hands, but just so he could reach for her t-shirt. He yanked it over her head, tossing it onto that fancy marble. Her white bra—looked like some kind of satin or something—pushed her full breasts up toward him. Hell, yes. He touched her breasts. He shoved that bra out of his way. He lifted Julianna up against him and he put his mouth on her breast, sucking her nipple and loving her taste. Lust pounded through him, heating his veins. He couldn’t remember ever wanting another woman this much. Couldn’t remember tasting a woman—and feeling lust burn away every other thought.

  Her legs wrapped around his hips and she arched against him, moaning low in her throat. That sound just electrified him all the more.

  In her. Need in her now. Want her.

  He carried her to the stairs. Could he get her up to the top? To her bedroom? Nothing had ever seemed farther away and—

  “Now, Devlin,” she said, her eyes dark with desire. “Now.”

  Like he was going to argue with that. Maybe on round number two, he’d have finesse. He’d seduce her. He’d taste every inch of her body and he’d make her scream. But right then, if he didn’t get inside of her, Devlin was sure he’d go insane.

  He lowered her, but only for a moment. Only long enough for her to kick away her shoes and for him to drag down the jeans that covered her hips. And when her jeans went down, so did her panties.

  He almost forgot to breathe. She was so fucking perfect. Flaring hips. A bare sex. Built for temptation. Built for him.

  “No one else is here,” Julianna said. “I want you…don’t make me wait anymore.” Her voice was husky and far too seductive. He wasn’t making her wait for anything. He pushed her back, lowering her on the stairs. Every inch of her body was silken temptation. She reached for him, but he caught her hands.

  “Baby, I’m holding on by a thread.”

  She licked her lips, a quick swipe of her pink tongue. Sexy as hell. He bent over her. His hands slid along the silken expanse of her thighs and he parted her legs, opening her fully to him. His breath sawed from his lungs as he stared down at her. He wanted to drive deep and hard into her, but he needed Julianna to be ready for him.

  Because he sure wasn’t planning a nice, easy fuck.

  Hard. Deep. Wild.

  He put his mouth on her sex. Her hips heaved up against him, but Julianna didn’t push him away. Her hands flew over his shoulders and her nails sank through the fabric of his shirt. She urged him closer and her legs slipped open even more.

  He licked her. Stroked that perfect pink flesh. Savored her taste, got drunk on it. His fingers slid over her, and she was wet now—from his mouth, from her own arousal. She gasped out his name and rocked her hips against him. Asking for more. Demanding her pleasure.

  Pleasure he couldn’t wait to give to them both.

  His fingers slid inside of her. She was warm and tight and she was going to feel fabulous. But he had to make sure there was no pain for her. Had to make sure that she was right on that edge of sanity with him.

  His fingers pushed into her, moving faster now, a little rougher, even as his mouth found the center of her need. He worked her clit with his tongue and loved the way she trembled beneath him. Trembled and—



  He surged up. Devlin yanked a condom out of his wallet and had the thing on in about two seconds. He shoved his jeans down, and then he was driving into her. No hesitation. No restraint. He thrust into her as deep as he could go.

  Their eyes met. He could see the pleasure on her face. The wildness in her gaze that came from the fury of a climax. He locked his arms around her hips and hoisted her closer. Her sex closed eagerly around him, so tight he was going insane. He withdrew, thrust deep, and heard her sweet moan again.

  Would she come for him one more time? He sure hoped so.

  Again and again, he thrust. He had her pinned to the stairs. He kissed her, wanted to damn near devour her. Pleasure hummed along his nerve endings, but it wasn’t enough.

  Need in deeper. Want more. Want everything.

  He couldn’t hold back. He should have. He should have kept some control, but the fury of desire rode him hard. Her legs were around his hips, her body fitting his so perfectly, and when he felt the contractions of her sex around him—coming again—Devlin erupted. His release blasted through his whole body, a pleasure so intense that he could only growl her name. He was too lost, too fucking gone—too fucking caught up in the best damn climax of his life.

  On the stairs.

  With his jeans around his ankles.

  In the house where her husband had been murdered.

  That is fucked-up.

  His eyes squeezed shut as he fought the urge to keep thrusting. To take her again, endlessly. To go wild with her and let the rest of the world just fade away. Because in that moment, he could truly almost think that nothing else—and no one else—mattered. Just her.

  Just the pleasure they could give to each other.

  But he felt her legs slowly slide away from his hips. Her breath was coming in little pants and when he heaved up to look down at her, she looked…


  But there was hesitation in her eyes. Maybe even fear? Shit, no, he didn’t want her afraid of him. Not Julianna.

  Then maybe you shouldn’t have fucked her like a lunatic on the stairs.

  He should apologize. He should get his cock out of her and not think about what a hot heaven she felt like. He should do a thousand different things right then.

  He kept staring into her eyes.

  She pushed up toward him. Her hand reached out and slid over the stubble on his cheek. Then she kissed him. Not a passionate, hot kiss. But…soft, almost sweet, in the aftermath of the maelstrom that had consumed them both.

  His eyes closed and he just wanted to savor her. Instead, he very slowly pulled away. Her hand slid down his arm, over his jeans, then back to her side.

  He righted his clothes quickly, jerking his jeans back up and zipping way too fast. Then, with care—care he hadn’t been able to show her before—he pulled Julianna up to her feet. His hand caressed her shoulder because he was having a really hard time not touching her. “I’ll get your clothes.” From wherever the hell he’d thrown them.

  Part of Devlin was horrified by what he’d just done. Fucked her there—taken her there, so close to her husband’s murder scene. How screwed
up did he have to be? And another part—the dark, twisted part—just wanted to have her again.

  He found her bra, dangling from the bannister. A quick search turned up her shirt. He gave those back to her, then took her jeans and the scrap of her panties to her. Sexy panties that he really hadn’t appreciated in the heat of the moment. She dressed quickly, in silence, and that silence tore at his gut. If ever a woman needed care—shit, why hadn’t he been able to slow down a bit?

  “I’m sorry,” he said. Devlin didn’t apologize often, but she deserved his remorse. She deserved flowers and chocolate and him swearing not to be a bastard any—

  “Don’t be.” She was fully dressed now, even her shoes were back on. But her cheeks were flushed and her eyes gleamed. “I’m not sorry. I wanted you. Here.” She gestured around the house. “The ghost doesn’t own me, and it was far past time for me to take my life back.”

  His brows climbed at that. “So you’re—”

  The lock jiggled behind them. He whirled at that tell-tale sound about two seconds before someone unlocked the door. He lunged forward, wondering who would have a key to Julianna’s place, even as that door swung toward him.

  A woman with long, blonde hair stood in the doorway. She wore a sleek suit and her green eyes—a deep, dark green—narrowed on him. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I was about to ask you the same damn question.”

  Her eyes brightened with fury and alarm. “I’m calling the cops! Get out of Jeremy’s home!”

  “Avery?” Julianna said. Then she pushed past Devlin. “What are you doing here?” She shook her head. “And how dare you just let yourself into my home?”

  If the woman had let herself in a few minutes sooner, she would have gotten quite the show.

  Avery’s disdainful glance swept from Julianna to Devlin, then back again. “It’s not your home,” Avery said, ice dripping from her words. “It’s Jeremy’s. You don’t belong here. You need to just drag your sorry ass out…but I guess the cops will be doing that soon enough.”

  He didn’t like Avery. Not one bit. He stepped forward.

  But Julianna put her hand on his chest. Avery’s cutting glance noticed that move. “Did you seriously bring your new lover into Jeremy’s home?” Avery took an aggressive step forward. “You slut, how dare you—”

  “Yes, he is my lover,” Julianna said that without even a hint of embarrassment.

  He blinked at her calm words. Now he wondered…if Avery had arrived a few minutes earlier, would Julianna have cared? I don’t think so.

  “You might think your boss was a saint, Avery, but I’ve got a news flash for you,” Julianna said. “Jeremy was a twisted, sadistic bastard. He was only happy when he made others miserable. “

  Avery sucked in a shuddering breath. “You can’t talk about him like that.”

  “I just did.” Then, in an impressively fast move, Julianna reached out and yanked the keys out of Avery’s hand. “Don’t ever come into this house unannounced again. You do, and the police will be hauling you away. Not me.”

  Avery’s cheeks paled. “I just needed to check his desk. I-I’m working on a deal that needs to be closed and I thought he had the files at home.”

  “Then you should have called me to get them. Not broken into my home.” Julianna’s voice dripped ice.

  There was plenty of fury in Avery’s stare. Fury and hate.

  “Go search for the files,” Julianna ordered curtly. “Then get out.”

  Avery shoved past her. Her shoulder hit Julianna, and Julianna grunted at the impact.

  He caught Julianna’s hand in his. “What the hell is happening? Who is she and why did you let her inside?” Didn’t Julianna realize the other woman hated her with a killing fury?

  Julianna sighed. “Avery Glenn is—was—Jeremy’s personal assistant.”

  With personal being a keyword there. That woman was way too attached to her dead boss.

  “The company is still running. It employs hundreds of people, and the board is in charge. I mean, I own a majority share now, but they’re running things. If I weren’t under investigation for Jeremy’s murder….” Bitterness entered her voice. “I’d just sell all my shares back to the board and get out of this mess. But I’m stuck, for the time being.” Her gaze swept around the house. “Stuck in this house. A grave above ground.”

  Avery came stomping back. He’d never seen a woman stomp in high heels, not until then. “The files aren’t here,” she announced. Her glare said the missing files were Julianna’s fault.

  Julianna shrugged. “Then there’s no need for you to be here, either.”

  Avery stalked up to her. But then her gaze cut to Devlin. “She seduced him, too. Seduced him, used him, then killed him. Right here…in the same place she probably fucked you.”

  Julianna tensed.

  “Do yourself a favor,” Avery said, shaking her head. “Run, don’t walk, away from this woman. If you don’t, she’ll wreck you, too.”

  Julianna grabbed the door and held it open for the other woman. “Ah…even better than a greeting card. Avery, your charm never wanes.”

  Avery actually growled. Interesting.

  “Get the hell out,” Julianna said. “Come back and the cops will greet you.”

  Avery marched out. Julianna slammed the door shut after her. Devlin noticed that Julianna’s hands were shaking. So she wasn’t as in control as she’d want him—or rather, Avery—to think. “I can’t stand that woman,” Julianna said softly.

  I think the feeling is mutual.

  Her gaze slid to him. “For the record, I never had sex with Jeremy on the stairs.”

  “Good to know.” He didn’t like thinking about her having sex with that bastard—or any other man. Only me.

  “Not the stairs. Not the bedroom. Not any place here. This house was nothing but a prison for me, and I hate it.” Her lips twisted. “Right, and I know that just makes it sound like I had even more reason for killing him, doesn’t it? Avery certainly thinks I killed him.” Her hands rubbed over her eyes, then dropped to her sides. “I don’t even know why he wanted me. They were sleeping together long before we met.”

  They—Avery and Jeremy?

  She sighed. “Are we done here? Please say we’re done. I want to leave.”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, we’re done here.” For now.

  “Good. I-I need to go to Sophie’s office,” Julianna said as she hurriedly opened the door. “There are some papers for me to sign there.”

  He’d drop her off, and then he’d head to VJS and find out just what waited on that flash drive.

  Clouds were filling the sky, and it was fucking cold outside. They locked the house, and they headed for his vehicle.

  That was when he realized that Avery hadn’t left. She was still in her car. Still glaring at him and Julianna. His hand was on Julianna’s back as he steered her toward the SUV, and Devlin knew they looked like lovers. He used his remote to unlock the car and to start the engine. After that explosion, he wasn’t about to take any chances with any car, not any longer.

  There was no explosion, a good thing.

  “Out of curiosity,” he murmured as he opened Julianna’s door. “Just where was Avery when your husband was killed?”

  “She was working at the office. Alone.” She slid into the seat and looked up at him. “The cops already had their killer, so they didn’t exactly waste a lot of time on her.”

  The cops had their killer.

  “You said she was the one sleeping with him?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was stilted.

  Interesting. That might explain some of the woman’s fury toward Julianna. “He married you, but fucked her.”

  Julianna drew in a sharp breath.

  He slammed the door. “Bet that sure pissed her off.”

  At that moment, Avery cranked her car. Her tires screeched as she raced away.


  “It wasn’t there,” Avery said as she swiped at the tears
on her face. “I looked in his office, but I didn’t find the file.”

  “Then you just need to look harder,” the male voice said, filling the interior of her car as it drifted through her speakers.

  “I can’t. Julianna kicked me out.” As if that were her home. As if Julianna had any right to be there at all. After the hell Avery had been through, that place should have been hers.

  “She was there?”

  Her foot pressed down on that accelerator, driving faster and faster as fury filled her. “She was there with some guy—it was obvious that I interrupted them.” Julianna’s mouth had been swollen, her hair mussed. And the guy—

  “Who was he?”

  “I don’t know. Just the dumbass of the moment.” A fool who’d probably been lured in by Julianna’s delicate facade. Men could be such fools. “Tall, dark-haired, with blue eyes.” Eyes that had unnerved her. “Why can’t she just be locked up? The cops should have her in a cell!”

  “She’ll be taken care of, don’t worry.”

  So he kept saying. He hadn’t seen Julianna. Hadn’t heard her.

  “We have to find that file,” he told her. “If we don’t, Julianna won’t be the only one heading to jail. Just keep your focus, Avery. I need you.”

  And she needed him. They were the perfect team. He’d been there for her all along, but he didn’t know…

  He never realized I was with Jeremy. He didn’t need to know that. Sex with Jeremy had been wild, hot, and more than a little dangerous. She’d liked his danger.

  “Tell me I can count on you.”

  Her foot eased off the accelerator. “You can count on me. For anything.”


  Julianna stopped at the entrance to Sophie’s law firm. She turned and smiled up at Devlin. “I’ve got it from here,” she told him softly. “Thanks.”

  He brushed back her hair. His knuckles grazed her cheek. She shouldn’t have felt his touch like an electric charge that shot through her body, but she did. She was far too attuned to him.

  I want him far too much.


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