Just a Little Hope

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Just a Little Hope Page 6

by Amy J. Norris

  “It was amazing. Exciting didn’t begin to describe it. Then hearing why I was being called up dampened things some.”

  Again, Tori seemed to be putting her foot in her mouth without realizing it. She struggled to find the right words.

  “I know Seb was disappointed when he got hurt, but I know for a fact he was happy when he heard you were replacing him. He loved working with you in Spring Training. Pax told me.”

  When Carter glanced at her, Tori could see how her words had pleased him. Whew. Good save, girlie.

  She looked out the window. They were almost to Ted Drew’s, a St. Louis landmark for frozen custard. As Carter pulled into the parking lot, she sighed.

  “I ate so much at the restaurant, it’s a wonder I could even fathom putting another thing in my stomach. But their custard is so good!” She patted her stomach as she spoke and Carter laughed out loud.

  “I know exactly what you mean. Let’s see how much more we can stuff ourselves.”

  Tori waited for Carter to open the door for her. She delighted when he reached for her hand. They strolled to the walk-up window to look over the menu while they waited their turn to order. As usual, the place was packed, but the line moved quickly.

  So caught up in the warmth of Carter’s hand around hers, Tori didn’t hear him until he nudged her with his shoulder. “Yo, Jessica, what sounds good?”

  Startled, Tori turned to him and smiled. “I won’t ever live that nickname down, will I?” She studied the menu. “Um, something chocolaty with a hint of strawberry. Maybe a little whipped cream?”

  “You got it.”

  Her hand felt instantly cold when Carter released it to lean into the window and order. But Tori didn’t have to fret too long before she felt his hand slip back around hers again. Her heart rate skyrocketed. How did I get so lucky to be here on this amazing night with such a wonderful man?

  “What do you do besides work at LLS and shop?”

  Tori stared at him with pretend outrage. “Why do you assume my favorite pastime is shopping? I could be a big game hunter for all you know!”

  Carter’s whole body shook in laughter. “A big game hunter? More like big sale hunter!”

  She reached over and punched him the arm. “Hey. Don’t assume anything. I’ve been known to do lots of things besides shop.”

  He faced her and captured her other hand in his. Carter lightly swung their joined hands as he spoke. “Oh, really? And what are those?”

  Suddenly, her mind went blank except to notice how breathtakingly gorgeous his blue eyes were in the fading light of day.

  “Um… what?”

  “I said name one thing you do as a hobby besides shop.”

  “Oh, yes. Um, I read. Yes. I read.”

  “Cosmo? Redbook? A Shopper’s Guide to Big Sales?”

  She laughed and squeezed his hands in response. “You think you are so funny don’t you.”

  Carter’s only response was to cock his head to the side and grin. Her heart melted.

  “Hey fella, your order is ready.”

  Carter’s thumbs skimmed over her knuckles and then he released her hands to retrieve their custard. After handing her a strawberry chocolate sundae, he nodded in the direction of the tables.

  “Let’s sit over there. I think that man and boy are getting up to leave.”

  Tori followed him as they walked through the crowd to the table he indicated. As they approached, the man glanced their way as he cleared the tabletop. “We’ll be done in just a sec—hey, wait a minute. Don’t I know you? Carter Manning right?”

  Tori saw a rush of color rise in Carter’s cheeks. Apparently, he still wasn’t comfortable with his rising celebrity status.

  “Yes, sir. You’re correct.”

  “Samuel. Come here, son. I want you to meet someone.”

  A second later a youngster, no older than seven or eight appeared. “Yes, Dad.”

  “Sam, this here is Carter Manning. You know who he is?”

  The boy’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Oh, boy! You bet I do. Can I please have your autograph, Mr. Manning?”

  Carter handed Tori his custard. “Sure, Sam. Call me Carter, okay? Mr. Manning is my dad.”

  “Yes sir, Carter. Dad, do you have a pen?”

  The boy’s father handed Carter a pen from his coat pocket and a slightly used napkin. Tori found the situation simply adorable, from Carter’s obvious nervousness to the star-struck faces of the boy and his father.

  Carter scribbled his name on the napkin. He patted the boy on the head as he returned the pen to Sam’s father. Carter handed the napkin to Sam and kneeled down to be at eye-level with him.

  “It was nice meeting you, Sam.”

  “You too, Carter. My friends aren’t going to believe this. I wish I had a camera.”

  Sam’s father jerked, and he started feeling in his pockets. “Wait, my cell phone. Let me just get a quick picture if you don’t mind.”

  “Sure, sir. It’s no problem.”

  Tori put both the custards down on the table. “Let me take it of all three of you. It will make a nice memory.”

  The man handed the phone over to her and showed her the correct button. He put his arm around his son as Carter embraced the boy on the other side.

  “Okay. One, two, three. Go Cardinals!”

  With eagerness Sam responded with the prompt, and his smile reached from ear to ear.

  Tori handed the phone back to his father. “Check to make sure it looks okay. I’d hate for Sam’s friends not to see it.”

  “It’s great, thank you. Now come on, Sam, we’ve kept Carter and his girlfriend long enough.” Tori cringed when she heard him use the “G” word.

  Carter smiled.

  “I’m sorry, Carter. Your custard is half melted by now.”

  Carter squeezed Sam’s shoulder. “No, it’s fine. I like mine a little soupy. How ‘bout you?”

  “Me too! Thanks again for the autograph and the picture.”

  “You’re welcome. Come to batting practice sometime, and yell for me. I’ll bring you a ball, if I can.”

  “Really? Did you hear, Dad? Carter’s going to try and get me a ball? Wouldn’t that be cool?”

  Sam’s exclamations continued as he and his Dad walked toward the parking lot.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Well, Carter. How’d it go last night?”

  Carter spun around in surprise. “Hey, man. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  Seb sat down on the bench in front of Carter’s locker and stretched out his knee. “I needed to run a couple of errands and thought I’d pop in before the team left for the airport.”

  Carter zipped his duffle bag closed and sat down beside Seb.

  “I think it went well. Quite well, the more I think about it. Tori’s a pretty funny girl, and she’s easy to look at, too.”

  “I can understand where you’re coming from. Glad to hear you had a good evening.”

  Seb shifted positions on the bench to face Carter more directly.

  “Look, I didn’t just come by to ask about your date with Tori. I’m thinking about flying out for the last part of the road trip when you play the Dodgers. I haven’t been back to California since… well, in a while. And if Pax is up to it, I want to bring her with me. She’s gonna need some help. I thought I’d see if Tori wanted to come, too. That is, if Michael would okay her taking off for a couple of days. I just wanted to give you a heads up.”

  The thought of seeing Tori in California… Carter liked the idea of it. “Sure, man. Sounds great. Maybe we can all go out to dinner after a game.”

  “You bet. I’ll see if I can’t line something up. Even if we just meet at my house, it’ll be good to all get together.”

  Carter studied his friend, noting a hint of shadow in his eyes. “I know it won’t be an easy trip for you.” The last time Seb had been to California was to attend the funeral of his two young daughters and ex-wife who’d been killed by a juvenile drunk drive

  Carter watched a series of emotions cross Seb’s face.

  “Yeah. It’s gonna be tough, but it’s time to go back. I need to see my folks, and I want Pax to get away for a while. By the time you all are in L.A., she’ll have been out of the hospital for almost three weeks. So hopefully…”

  “I’ll be praying for everything to go well. I won’t complain if Tori comes along either.”

  “I didn’t think you would, buddy.”

  Seb stood and put an arm around Carter. “Hey, have fun. And don’t over think the hitting so much. Just relax. It’ll come back to you. I know it.”

  Carter slapped Seb on the back and grinned. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it. It’ll be good to have you in the dugout with us.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully after this trip, and if Pax keeps getting better, I’ll start coming to more games. I miss it and everyone else.”

  “We miss you too, Seb. Rangy and Linc more than anybody, I think.”

  “That’s just because they don’t have anyone to help pull off their practical jokes. Beware, Carter. When I get back, all bets are off on who might be next.”

  Carter laughed. “I’ll keep an eye out for sure then. We’ll see you in L.A. if all goes well.”

  “See ya’, bud.”

  Carter picked up his duffle bag and made his way out into the parking lot. California with Tori. Rodeo Drive won’t know what hit ‘em.


  “Spill it, girlie!”

  Tori laughed as Pax greeted her in the foyer of Seb’s home. “Now this is a sudden reversal of things. I seem to remember when you went out with Seb the first time, you weren’t at all interested in telling me about your date!”

  Pax groaned. “I was hoping you’d forgotten about that.”

  Tori grabbed the handles of Pax’s wheelchair and pushed her into the living room. “Um, that would be a negative, my friend. Let me get in here and kick my shoes off, and I’ll start talking. You know I could never keep it from you anyway. My brain would explode!”

  Helping her out of the chair, Tori then eased Pax into the recliner next to the sofa. After dropping down onto the sofa, Tori popped back up. “Wait a minute. How’d you get to the foyer in the first place?”

  “When you called to say you were dropping by, I told Mom to roll me in there.”

  Tori shook her head. “Pax. I called you like thirty minutes ago!”

  “I was excited. What can I say?”

  Relaxing back down on the couch, Tori then pulled her legs underneath her. “You are a nut, my friend. I love you, but you are a nut. That’s a lot coming from me because I can be certifiable sometimes.”

  Pax tilted her head and gave Tori a death glare.

  “Okay. Okay. I’ll start talking.”

  “Thank you!”

  Images from the date flashed in her mind. Warmth rushed through her body remembering the feel of his hand holding hers. She thought she could still smell a hint of his cologne in the air if she really tried. “We went to dinner, then dessert at Ted Drew’s, and then just chatted in his car where --- you will be proud of me --- I let him kiss me on the cheek. But girl… Those eyes. They’re like nothing I’ve ever seen. They’ll send your heart a palpitating.”

  Pax giggled, and her eyes lit up. “So. You’re gonna see him again, I take it.”

  Tori scrunched up her face. “Well, he mentioned he would text me.” She squeezed her hands into fists. “I’m exercising major, and I mean major, restraint waiting for him to contact me first.” For hours after their date, Tori had analyzed every word and touch they’d shared. Carter brought out emotions she hadn’t expected. She felt a connection with him in such a short period of time. Her pulse raced with the thought of what might happen next.

  “Not to sound condescending, Tori, but I’m quite proud of you. I know you’re dying to know what he’s thinking.”

  “I am. I so am.” The one awkward moment came to Tori’s mind… when she asked about his sister. “Speaking of, do you know anything about his family?” Tori knew she might be prying, but curiosity was winning out over reason.

  “His family?”

  Tori fingered the threads of the blanket that lay across the backside of the sofa. “Yep. He inferred, well, not inferred, but maybe I kinda got a vibe things are not great between Carter and his sister?”

  “I don’t know. Seb might know. But let me give you some advice. Carter’ll tell you when he’s ready. Don’t find out from Seb first. It’s like a betrayal of trust or something.”

  She knew Pax was correct in her advice, but it sure didn’t help her stop wondering if there was more to Carter’s background than he was letting on. “You’re right. It just seemed something was off when I mentioned her a couple of times. But I guess if he wants me to know, he’ll let me know.”


  “So… what’s been going on with you? Any update from the doctor?”

  “That’s what I wanted to know, too?”

  Both girls turned to see Seb leaning against the door frame.

  “Now Seb, how much of our conversation did you hear?”

  Seb made his way over to the recliner where he gave Pax a quick kiss on the lips. Motioning for Tori to scoot over, he dropped on the couch. “I just got here. Why?”

  “Oh, Tori was telling me about her dinner with Carter.”

  “Really? I ran into Carter at the stadium this morning before they headed for the airport.”

  Tori tapped Seb on the leg with her foot. “So, did he say anything about last night?”

  “Last night? Did something happen last night?”

  Tori groaned and hit Seb on the shoulder. “Come on.”

  “He might have mentioned he had a nice time and you were fun to be around.”

  A surge of happiness bubbled up inside Tori.

  “But Pax, I’m more anxious to hear what the doctor said today.” He glanced in Tori’s direction. ”No offense, Tori.”

  Tori held her hands up and shook her head. “None taken. What’s the scoop, Pax?”

  “Well, everything is going well. The doctor said I can probably move to a cane in the next week. My leg seems to be healing well. Therapy is going well, too. I’ve still got a few weeks to wear the shoulder brace, but it looks good as well.”

  “That’s good to hear because not only did I see Carter today, but I went by LLS to see Michael, too.”

  Surprised by Seb’s statement, Tori stared at him. “When were you there?”

  “When you were off at lunch… probably buying a pair of shoes or two.”

  Tori crossed her arms and bit her lip to keep from saying anything. She was more than a pair of cute shoes, no matter how many pairs were in her closet.

  Seb grinned and continued. “Anyway, I talked to Michael about you getting a couple of days off in the next week or so.”

  Tori’s arms fell to her side. “Did I hear you right? Why would you be talking to my boss about a vacation for me?”

  “Since Pax is doing better, I thought we’d take a trip. Janet can go home for a few days and spend some time with her husband and not worry about Pax for a few days. The caveat, though, is you’d have to come, too, Tori. Although I don’t think you’ll mind where we’ll be going.”

  Pax reached over to grab Seb’s hand. “Where? What have you been planning in that cute but devilish head of yours?”

  “How about we head over to the west coast for a few days? We can see my parents, I can check on the house, and our trip just happens to coincide with the team playing the Dodgers in L.A.”

  Tori stared into space trying to process this information. Go to L.A.? See Carter’s games? Was Seb playing a joke on her? Surely not. He was like a big brother to her, but even this would be pushing it. Surely. “Are you joking, Seb? ‘Cause if you are, it’s not funny.”

  “I’m not joking. Michael thought you could use a couple of days away from the office. In fact, he’s just going to shut it down while you are gone. H
e said he’s going to take a few days, too.”

  Sitting back, Tori rubbed her hand on her chin as she put two and two together. “I bet he is. More time with Elisa.”

  Pax sat up from her reclining position as fast as she could. “What did you say? Michael met someone?”

  Stirred from her thoughts, Tori jumped. “Did I say that out loud? Oh! I forgot to tell you! He met some lady at church. Her name’s Elisa, and she just moved here. He’s smitten like a kitten.”

  “How wonderful for him!”

  Tori waved off Pax and grabbed Seb by the arm. Her pulse was through the roof with anticipation of a few days away with Carter. “Yeah, yeah. Back to this trip. Seb, my wonderful friend. Tell. Me. More.”

  “There’s not much more to tell. The guys are going to be in Colorado for three days, then Arizona and then California. So I plan for us to go out there when they hit the L.A. portion of the trip… in about a week or so.”

  “This sounds so wonderful. Thank you!” Pax leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss.

  Tori wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, Seb. What she said but without all the smooching.”

  “Oh come on, Tori. How about one little kiss right here?” Seb tapped his cheek.

  “Um. No. That would be like kissing my brother on the cheek. And since I don’t have a brother, I don’t have to do that. Ever. Thank goodness.”

  “Besides, the only guy Tori wants to be kissing is a certain blue-eyed cutie named Carter.”

  Tori’s face filled with heat, and she jerked her head in Pax’s direction. Her friend knew her all too well. “Thanks, friend. Thanks a lot.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tori stood in her closet and pondered what to stuff in her suitcase. The radio played an upbeat tune, and she tapped her toe to the music as she stared at her clothes. Every so often, she’d look at the suitcase now sitting on the bed and sigh. I’ll never get it all in there. Why did Seb have to make a strict “one suitcase” policy? She knew she was being silly, but she’d never been to California before. Plus Carter would be there. Tori had to make sure she looked her best.


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