Avoiding Intimacy

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Avoiding Intimacy Page 19

by K. A. Linde

“I’m just happy to be here. Whatever that means,” he said, finding her hand and circling his thumb against her palm.

  “What does that mean?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Whatever you want. What do you want?”

  So many things—a modeling career, for one. But, she couldn’t have that now, and she realized the only other thing she had ever wanted that much was standing directly in front of her. She knew the answer to his question then.

  “You. I just want you,” she breathed, wrapping her arms up around his neck.

  His smile was contagious, and she found herself mirroring his goofy grin.

  “That’s convenient.”

  “Why?” she asked, unable to drop her smile even if she had tried.

  “Because I want you, too.”

  Her heart skipped a beat as everything came into focus. She had gone through a lot to get to this moment, and it was incredibly perfect just the way it was. She knew that there would be things that would linger with her—John, Marco, modeling—that she couldn’t control. The only thing she could control was where she would go from here.

  “I told you before you left that I would miss you, and I meant every word. It wasn’t the same without you in my life. I’m sorry I pushed you out of it,” he told her, staring down into her face.

  “I’m sorry I let you,” she whispered.

  Adam bent forward, brushing his nose against hers before letting his lips fall on hers. His kiss was sweet and full of apologies for their time apart. She wanted to tell him that it was okay…that everything was okay now. She was back. She wished they could just pick up where they had left off, but maybe it was better that they couldn’t. Leaving Italy had changed her, and she liked herself better for having done it. For having gone and done something great, and came back to find him still there.

  Chyna’s heart hadn’t known what it wanted. It wasn’t even been able to process what she was feeling.

  She just kept finding herself repeating the same mistakes over and over again. But, it was going to stop. She couldn’t keep avoiding intimacy with the one person she truly wanted it with. All the other guys had been temporary flings, forgettable. Even the ones who had stayed with her long after were only shadows of this feeling right now. She had pursued them out of a thought that they were the kind of guy she wanted or even needed, her type, but she had been wrong. They couldn’t hold a flame to this.

  Yet, what was she feeling? What had she felt that day that she and Adam had mutually broken up? Her world had been shattered, and she had been devastated. It felt like her like her life was imploding, and there was nothing she could do to fix it. It was like she was being held underwater, struggling to break free. She could think of a thousand different agonizing scenarios, and none of them were as bad as when her heart had broken.

  And, none were as good as him sewing it back together.

  “Adam,” she said, curling her finger around the hairs at the nape of his neck.

  “Yeah,” he murmured, resting his forehead against hers.

  Her heart hammered in her chest. She knew. She knew then.

  “I love you,” she told him.

  It was the first time she had ever said it to anyone, and she meant every word. That was what she had been feeling all along, and she just had never stopped long enough to realize it. She had never felt it before, and when it had taken up foreign residence in her heart, she had been scared of the new emotions it elicited out of her. But, being with him now…she just knew.

  “I knew that all along,” he said with a smile. “I love you, too.”

  Their lips met, washing away the aches and pain of their past. They knew the road ahead would hold many more trials of their love. But today, they were content with their reunion—with the knowledge of reciprocated love.

  Chyna knew then that although they had gone through much to reach their destination, the journey had only brought them closer. And, in the end, she had found him.

  He was the one she had to go through all the jerks to find.

  He was her end game.

  The End



  K.A. Linde is an independent author and publisher who enjoys writing novels that keep you guessing to the very end. She began writing the Avoiding Series in 2009. She studied political science and philosophy at the University of Georgia and received her Masters in 2012.

  She currently resides in Georgia with her boyfriend and two puppies, Lucy and Riker. She enjoys dancing and reading in her spare time. She plans to finish the third novel in the Avoiding Series along with her future endeavors.

  Avoiding Series:

  Avoiding Commitment (#1)

  Avoiding Responsibility (#2)

  Avoiding Intimacy (#2.5)

  Off the Record

  Ascension Series:

  The Affiliate

  You can contact K.A. Linde here:

  [email protected]





  Avoiding Intimacy is a book for the fans. The wonderful fans of the Avoiding Series have made it possible for me to be here writing something as fun as a story about Chyna. You supported me when I put Avoiding Commitment out, when I made you wait five months for the next book, when I left you without a happily ever after, and when I left you with one. These aren’t typical books. They’re not exactly a romance or a love story. They’re stories about life. And I appreciate you supporting me when times were tough and people didn’t believe in my voice.

  Every book I write I should in part dedicate to and thank my wonderful boyfriend, Joel. He’s the one putting up with the long hours, crazy hectic work schedule, insane ideas, rants over dinner about what some character was doing…yeah, he puts up with it all. But still he comes back to me with even better ideas about the story, and for that level of support, I can never thank him enough. Plus, he convinced me to get my new Italian Greyhound, Riker, and he and Lucy keep me company while writing!

  As always, I couldn’t have done any of this without my family. For every time my mom told me that she would never tell me I couldn’t get a book at the store. You guys inspire me—my crazy active imagination and creativity. I wouldn’t be here without the library of books at home and all the travels and experiences we had together.

  My creative consultant, task master, insomniac, Jessica! You don’t know how important your line by line feedback is to my writing process. I’m not sure I’ll remember how to write without you around, up until 3am, searching pinterest, and telling me what’s good and what sucks…even though you swear it doesn’t suck. Thank you for all your time and enthusiasm!

  Avoiding Betas! Yes, the name still makes me giggle. Taryn—Thank you for your honesty. I know it can be hard to say what you’re really feeling, but your comments mean everything to me. I believe whole-heartedly that your concerns make my work better. You push me to be better. Becky—I think you might know my writing better than even I do! Some of the things that you suggested I’m pretty sure I would have never caught. You have the best eye for detail, and I love you for it. Shannon—Thanks for encouraging me to move forward and write about Chyna on my Seattle trip. You’ve always been there for me in my writing process, and I’m so glad we were finally able to meet! Autumn—I can’t believe we finally were able to meet and hang out. I want you in my life more often! Thanks for loving the characters! Lori—Your help and encouragement throughout this whole process has been so helpful. You had great comments throughout and I’m lucky to have you to help me and my writing! Mollie—I know your new life has you all over the place recently, but thank you for the time that you were able to give. You’re my favorite tough critic. Jenny—Congrats on all the success with your blog. I know it keeps your super busy, and I’m glad you were able to fit me in through everything. Your feedback is always much appreciated. <3 all of you girls!

  My lovely cover designer
and friend—Sarah @ okaycreations. We’ve come a long way from when we were messing around with Avoiding Commitment, shooting in the dark for something that fit together. Avoiding Intimacy just kind of fell together. It was almost too easy. You have a perfect eye, and I’ll always appreciate your clear voice and style.

  My editor—Jovana. I know I pushed my deadlines, put you on short notice, and asked you way too often if you were finished, but thanks to you I have a polished product. I love all your comments in the margins, and our late night conversations about German and Australian accents! Thank you for your help!

  Thank you all the people I have met along the way that helped me and believed in me. I’m sure I’ll leave someone out, but you’re all appreciated—Bridget, Bekah Haters Club, Writer’s Club, Rebecca Donovan, Colleen Hoover, Crystal Serowka, Maryse, Nicola, Denise, K. Anne Raines, Trish, Courtney, and Jillian Dodd.

  Big thank you to the plethora of blogs that have supported me along this journey including TotallyBooked, My Secret Romance, Maryse @ maryse.net, TalkSupe, Flirty and Dirty Book Blog, Fiction & Fashion, C&C, Little Black Book, Angie’s Dreamy Reads, Madison Says, Autumn Reviews, SubClub, The Boyfriend Bookmark, Brandee’s Book Endings, A Bookish Escape.. Where would indie writers be without bloggers?





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