Breaking Love (Full Hearts Book 2)

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Breaking Love (Full Hearts Book 2) Page 3

by Summers, MJ

  Megan was too busy gawking at the incredible room to respond to what her friend was saying. “Wow! Do you get this suite each time you come to Paris?”

  “I used to, but not anymore. Budgets have tightened up big time. I had to pull a few strings for this. I wanted to give you the full glamour experience.”

  The suite was bright and airy, with an expansive living room in the centre and French doors leading out to a large balcony. Classic French furnishings, including a white couch, loveseat and chairs, were scattered throughout the room, creating several seating areas. A round dining table sat in the corner with a huge bouquet of flowers on top. Two hallways flanked the entrance, each leading to a bedroom with its own ensuite. Oversized bouquets of white flowers could be found in each room.

  “Oh my God, Harper! This is too much. I mean, I love it—it is complete luxury—but you really didn’t have to go to such trouble, seriously,” Megan exclaimed as they deposited her bags in what was to be her bedroom.

  “Honestly, it was no big deal. Just a little sweet talking when I checked in last night and a couple of tiny favours for the hotel manager.”

  When they reached the living room again, Megan wandered over to the balcony doors to admire the view. “Ack! You can see the Eiffel Tower from here! I’m really here! In friggin’ Paris! With you!”

  “I know! I’ve been as giddy as a schoolgirl for days, knowing you were coming,” Harper replied, matching her friend’s enthusiasm. Grabbing a bottle of champagne from the mini-bar, Harper held it up. “Shall we?”

  “I believe we shall,” Megan answered, clapping her hands with delight.

  Two hours later, the pair were sitting at the dining table, eating supper and giggling hysterically.

  “God, I’ve missed you, Megan,” Harper said, after she finally recovered from their latest bout of laughter.

  “I’ve missed you too,” Megan answered. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard. I bet it was when you came to visit in the summer.”

  “Me too. I just never get this silly with my new friends. They just aren’t the same, somehow,” Harper said. As she spoke, her cellphone buzzed. “Speaking of new friends, I think we should start getting ready. I wish we could hang out here, but I have to put in an appearance tonight.”

  Megan wrinkled her nose. “Should I really go with you? I could just stay here and hit the sack early.”

  “Are you kidding me? No way! It’ll be fun, I promise.”

  “It’s just that it’s a work function for you and I don’t want you to feel like you have to babysit me all night.”

  “I will be happy to have you with me! Besides, I could never live with myself if I let you miss out on all the men!” Harper gave her a wide-eyed grin.

  “I am NOT interested in the guys, so give it up already,” Megan responded.

  “Oh, fuuucck! Don’t go all dull on me now.”

  “Hey, I’m here to dance and drink and laugh and fully enjoy not being responsible for anyone, but I really don’t need to bone some stranger while I’m here.”

  “Yeah, you do!”

  “Oh, fuck off!” Megan exclaimed, pushing Harper playfully on the arm as they stood to get ready.

  “Oh, you’re so going to get laid while you are here. That’s a promise!” Harper laughed as she walked down the hall to her room.

  “Am not! So forget about it already!” Megan called back to her.

  Megan opened the new suitcases and selected a sleeveless, black, jersey-knit minidress with an asymmetrical neckline that showed off her shoulders and willowy arms. She tossed it on the bed and quickly took a shower, then dried her hair. She put it up in a twist at the back, leaving a few pieces framing her face. A minute later, Harper walked in, fully dressed and ready to go.

  “You’re fast!” Megan exclaimed.

  “You learn to be when you’re in my line of work. Let me do your makeup,” Harper said, holding up her cosmetics case.

  “Okay, thanks.” Megan smiled at her friend.

  She sat on the bed while Harper worked on her quietly, paying careful attention to every detail.

  “You really are beautiful, Meg,” she commented. “You totally could have been a model if you had wanted.”

  Megan rolled her eyes. “Sure, sure.”

  “I’m serious. I know what I’m talking about. You’re gorgeous and you have a smokin’ hot bod too.”

  Megan shrugged. “I know. I’m the shit.” The pair giggled at her tongue-in-cheek response.

  “Okay, time for the big reveal. Go look in the mirror!” Harper watched excitedly as her friend turned to see herself.

  “Wow! How did you do that? I look hot!” Megan turned back to her friend, her face shining with pride. “I never knew I could wear red lipstick. I thought I’d look like a clown.”

  Harper handed her the lipstick, then started to pack up her makeup case. “You just need the right shade. Keep it.”

  “Well, I’ll use it for tonight, anyway.” Megan dropped it into the clutch she had been given earlier in the day, then looked up at her friend. “Harper, thank you so much for this trip and the clothes and the luggage. I hate to admit you were right, but I really did need this. It’s been a long time since I’ve treated myself to more than a good book and some cheap wine,” Megan said as she put her cellphone into her clutch.

  Harper put her arm around her friend and gave her a squeeze. “I know, sweetie. If anyone needs to be spoiled, it’s you. You’ve worked so hard being everything for Elliott for the past seven years. You need to find Megan the woman again, not just Megan the mom.”

  “I do,” she agreed. “Now let’s see if she’s at whatever club we’re going to!”


  They breezed past the line of chilly hopefuls waiting outside the door of Cloud, one of the hottest clubs in Paris. The doorman smiled at Harper. “Mademoiselle Young, lovely to see you again. I believe you will find your friends in the VIP room.”

  “Perfect! Thanks!” She flashed him a killer smile as they walked in the front door.

  “Even the bouncers know you?” Megan inquired under her breath as they shrugged off their coats and gave them to the coat-check girl.

  “Only here. The owner is an old friend,” Harper answered. Leaning closer, she spoke into Megan’s ear. “Now remember, no male models, okay? They make horrible lovers. They never stop posing.”

  “What? Oh my God, that’s hilarious!” Megan put her hand to her mouth to cover her loud laugh.

  When she had recovered from the mental image, she touched Harper on the arm. “Listen, I might flirt a little just to see if I’ve still got it, but I’m really not going to sleep with anyone.”

  “Oh, you will. And I just figured out who,” Harper replied firmly.

  Megan’s gaze followed Harper’s eyes. Across the room at the bar stood the most impossibly handsome, impeccably dressed man she had ever seen. He had dark, medium-length textured hair that had a sexy just-out-of-bed look, chiselled cheekbones and a strong jaw. Megan couldn’t help but stare as he laughed at something the petite, sophisticated-looking woman beside him was saying in his ear. He had a wide smile with perfect teeth and lips that would make a woman want to feel them all over her body.

  “That’s Luc Chevalier. He is perfect for you. Come on,” Harper said, dragging Megan by the arm in his direction.

  Megan found herself wanting to protest but was unable to. Her common sense was being overridden at the moment by her need to see Luc up close. Part of her had to see if a man so good-looking could actually exist. A remix of “Royals” by Lorde was playing as they pushed their way through the crowd to him. Megan’s heart was suddenly racing and she realized she had no idea even what to say to a man anymore.

  As they got near, Megan noticed the short, black-haired woman beside him stiffen as she took in the sight of Harper heading for them. Megan managed to wriggle her arm free so she could approach them on her own. As soon as she did, she realized it was a mistake. They were walk
ing far too quickly for Megan’s limited skills with heels as high as she was wearing. She tripped, flinging her arms out to stop herself. Her hands, then her face, landed squarely on Luc’s chest.

  He looked down in surprise, reacting quickly and grabbing her elbows to pull her up.

  “Oh shit! I’m so sorry about that,” Megan muttered, her face burning with humiliation. “Did anyone else see that cat run in front of me just then?”

  Luc laughed, surprised at her quick wit, still holding her up. “I saw it, yes. It was very fast. I don’t know how all these damn cats keep getting in here,” he replied as he locked eyes with her. He was immediately struck by her beauty. Her eyes were a brilliant green, light in the centre with dark green rims. Her light blond hair was done up with a few pieces framing her flawless ivory face; her full lips were painted the perfect shade of red. Her skin felt buttery and smooth and a little bit cool to the touch. He held her arms for much longer than he had intended to. She blushed as she looked back at him.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, trying to recover from her awe-inspiring smile.

  Megan nodded as her smile faded a bit. Sweet Jesus, this man could peel off my panties with just his voice. “I’m fine. Just a little embarrassed. Thank you for breaking my fall.”

  Her hands were still resting on his hard chest, refusing to move, even though she kept telling them to. She took in the sight of his broad shoulders and muscular build up close. He hadn’t even budged when her full weight hit him. He was rock solid under that suit. This man was not just swoon-worthy, he was who every Hollywood producer tried to recreate in any romantic film ever made about a Frenchman. Up close he was even hotter than from across the room, and he smelled like all kinds of sexy.

  “Anytime,” he replied, giving Megan a smile that made her mouth come very close to dropping open.

  The moment was interrupted by Harper. “Luc Chevalier, meet Megan Sullivan, my best friend in the whole world.”

  Luc reluctantly let go of Megan’s arms and turned. “Harper, my dear, it’s wonderful to see you.” He kissed Harper lightly on both cheeks.

  He turned to face Megan, locking eyes with her but speaking to Harper again. “Harper, I must admit I’m more than a little annoyed with you for keeping Megan a secret from me for so long.”

  “That’s completely on her, Luc,” Harper replied distractedly, looking down as she adjusted her boobs in her low-cut dress. “I’ve tried to get her to Paris many times before but this is the first time she’s taken me up on it.”

  “We will have to make sure it isn’t the last,” Luc replied, tilting his head a little as he appraised Megan’s expression.

  Finally the petite woman beside him spoke up. “Oh, Luc! There’s lipstick on your shirt.”

  They all looked down and noticed a crimson stain on his shirt.

  Megan’s face turned bright red again. “Oh, I am so sorry about that. If we could get some club soda on that right away, I could scrub it out.”

  Luc gave her a devilish grin. ‘Well now, Megan Sullivan, I’ve never had a woman try that line to get me out of my clothes. I’m tempted to go along with this to see where it will go.”

  Megan’s cheeks flushed a deeper red and she gave an embarrassed laugh. The woman beside him rolled her eyes and excused herself, walking away.

  “That was Simone. She doesn’t like me very much,” Harper said to Megan.

  “I don’t think she’ll be my biggest fan either,” Megan replied into Harper’s ear.

  Luc ignored their comments and grinned at them. “Ladies, what are you drinking this evening?”

  “Surprise us!” Harper replied, then turned to Megan. “I trust Luc’s opinion completely. He always seems to know what I want better than I do.”

  Luc turned to the bartender behind him, speaking in French. When he turned back a moment later, he was holding three glasses of champagne.

  “We are celebrating Megan’s arrival, no?”

  “Yes, we are!” Harper exclaimed.

  Megan took a glass from him, letting her finger graze over his for a second as she did. A tingling feeling went through her entire body at the touch of his skin. Fucking Harper, she thought. I want to rip this guy’s clothes off and I’ve only been in France for seven hours.

  She downed the entire glass, trying to extinguish the lust that was heating her up. All the champagne did was make things worse as she looked up into Luc’s deep brown eyes. He was taller than she was with her heels on, which would put him at just over six feet. Other than the lipstick on his chest, he was dressed to perfection in a black European-cut suit and a crisp white dress shirt, unbuttoned at the top to give him a slightly casual look. Megan could see that he was older than she was, but not by much.

  Luc wore an amused expression as he watched her, almost as though he could read her mind. Turning, he grabbed the bottle of champagne the bartender had left on the bar and filled her glass again without asking if she wanted more.

  Megan took a sip, then said, “Luc, I missed your last name when Harper introduced us.”

  “Chevalier. It is French for knight.”

  Something about his response made Megan laugh far too loudly in spite of herself.

  Luc looked taken aback for a moment. “Why is that funny to you?”

  “I’m sorry. It’s a great name. Really. And it must work on the ladies.”

  “But not you?”

  “Nothing works on me,” she responded, taking another swig of champagne.

  Luc was about to say something when Harper decided to make her exit. “I haven’t made it over to the VIP room. I better go check in with everyone.”

  “Sure, let’s go,” Megan replied, realizing she would be smart to get away from this man immediately.

  She turned to Luc. “Thank you for the drinks, Monsieur Chevalier. It was lovely to meet you.”

  Luc gave her a slight nod and smiled at her as the pair turned away. He watched her make her way through the crowd; she moved with a surprising amount of grace for someone who was so clearly inexperienced in heels. He gazed at her ass and her long, lean legs as she disappeared around the corner, forcing himself not to follow her. How could a woman like that insist she was through with men? She was absolutely beautiful and utterly unconcerned with impressing him. She had even laughed at him. Luc was not a man who was used to such a reaction from women. He was used to standing back and letting women try to impress him. Megan had turned the tables on him and he wasn’t entirely sure he liked it.

  An hour later, Luc stood on the second level of the club, leaning on the railing, staring down at the dance floor. He watched Megan as she moved to the beat of “Neon Lights” with Harper and some of her colleagues. They ignored the several men trying to dance with them; these attentions caused Luc’s blood to heat up with a sense of urgency. His gaze fell onto Megan’s hands as she moved them slowly down over her hips and let them glide over her outer thighs. Her short black dress skimmed her form perfectly, showing off her figure without being tawdry. She laughed with Harper, the two of them affecting the sexy moves of music videos, but the effect was the same as if Megan had meant them seriously. Luc could feel his body responding as he watched her. He ran a finger along his lips absentmindedly as he thought about what was under that dress of hers. He had a sudden urge to clear the club of everyone but her.

  Luc didn’t notice a pair of eyes narrowing as they fixed on him from the main floor of the club. Simone grabbed the arm of a waitress who was passing by, asking her to tell Luc that he was needed in his office.

  * * *

  Two hours later, Megan and Harper left the dance floor to go get more drinks. By now, Megan was far past tipsy. She realized she was drunk as she walked purposefully toward the bar. Each drink had allowed the carefree, wild Megan to emerge a little more. It was safe for her tonight to give the ever-vigilant, unyieldingly responsible woman a much-needed rest.

  “Let’s get a rum and Coke for old time’s sake!” she called into her friend’s
ear. “I am hammered!”

  “Good! I’m glad I’m not the only one!” Harper hollered back, teetering a bit in her heels.

  When they reached the bar, Harper ordered. The bartender started to get their drinks, then looked up. He made eye contact with someone behind them for a moment and then looked back at Harper. “I’m going to get you water instead. Boss’s orders.”

  “What?” Harper asked indignantly. “Who? Luc? Where is that fucker?”

  The bartender just shrugged and pushed the glasses of water in her direction, then stepped over to help the next patron. Harper looked around wildly, trying to spot Luc. Just then, Megan felt a hand rest gently on her waist, causing her to jerk in surprise. There was that delicious smell again. Luc was standing dangerously close behind her, with his head leaning toward hers.

  “I’m glad to see you’re having fun. Be careful, though. There are a lot of men here who would like to take you home tonight.” He held his mouth to her ear so she could hear him in spite of his low tone.

  “Oh yeah? Are you one of them?” She turned, her body brushing against his as she gave him a hard stare. She had completely lost all inhibitions after her last drink.

  “Of course I am, but not like this. You are too drunk now. When I have you, you will be sober.”

  “When you have me? That’s incredibly presumptuous!” Megan tried to level him with an annoyed look. It had no effect on him.

  “I don’t think so,” he replied, gazing down at her lips.

  Harper looked over, spotted Luc and pointed her finger at him. Her words slurred together. “Hey, you asshole! You don’t get to decide when we’ve had enough to drink. We are independent, grown-up women!”

  Luc smiled at her. “I do get to decide. This is my bar. Besides, I would hate to see you vomit on those beautiful heels of yours.”

  Harper looked down at her shoes, completely distracted for a moment. “They are lovely, aren’t they?”

  Suddenly realizing what Luc had just done, Harper turned her face back to him. “Hey! That is not going to work, Luc. Now quit acting like my dad and let them serve us another drink, already.”


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