Breaking Love (Full Hearts Book 2)

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Breaking Love (Full Hearts Book 2) Page 22

by Summers, MJ

“Mmm. This all looks amazing!” Megan exclaimed.

  Tomato sauce was gently bubbling in a pot while next to it, water for the pasta was at a furious boil. In the oven, the light was on and carrots were roasting. A large bowl of salad sat on the table, ready to be eaten.

  “It’s spaghetti and clam sauce and we made carrots in the oven and Luc even put maple syrup on them! Come on upstairs! I want to show you Grandma’s room!”

  “Okay, Elliott! Slow down a bit. Mom’s tuckered out.”

  He propelled himself up the stairs and turned back to frantically wave her along. When they reached the room, Megan gasped and hugged Elliott. All the boxes were gone, the bed was neatly made and a framed photo of Elliott with his grandma sat on the bedside table.

  “Did you and Luc get all this done today?”

  “Yup.” He beamed proudly. “Pretty awesome, right?”

  “Pretty awesome,” Megan agreed, giving Elliott a big hug. “Now, how am I going to thank you both?”

  “Two desserts for me?” Elliott asked hopefully.

  “You’re all about the sweets, aren’t you?”

  “Just like you.” Luc spoke up from his vantage point at the bedroom door.

  Megan grinned at him and shook her head a little, in shock. “This is just . . . better than the jet, frankly.”

  “Really? Better than a private jet? So I could have saved myself a considerable amount of money.” He gave her a little wink.

  “Thank you,” she said, her eyes shining with sincere appreciation.

  “Uh-oh! Are you guys going to kiss? Yuck!” Elliott screeched, dropping behind the other side of the bed.

  Megan rolled her eyes. “Relax, Elliott, we’re just friends, remember? Now, what can I do to help with dinner?”

  “Come and sit down. It’s all ready.”

  The three sat down to the delicious meal, Megan feeling overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude. If Elliott hadn’t been there keeping the conversation going, she might have started to tear up. The depth of emotion she was feeling, combined with exhaustion, was catching up with her.

  “Luc says all men should learn to cook but that hardly any of them bother. He says most men are not so smart, because their women do all the cooking and then they don’t have energy enough for the more important things in life.”

  “Did he, now?” Megan raised an eyebrow at Luc.

  Luc cleared his throat. “Yes, well, things like going dancing or maybe for a walk. Women like these things.”

  “Luc’s been teaching me about romance.”

  “Oh, has he?” Megan tried not to laugh as she watched Luc squirm. “Does he know a lot about romance?”

  “Yup. And he told me he’ll give me all his best tricks for how to get the ladies.” Elliott took a gulp of milk. “He said American men don’t have the first clue about women, but with a few simple tricks, the girls will be like putty in my hands.”

  Megan broke out into a laugh, putting her forkful of noodles back down on her plate.

  Luc shook his head a little, trying to look convincing. “No, I don’t remember saying that. You must have me confused with some other Frenchman you know. I don’t know what he was thinking, telling you that stuff. You are far too young for romance.” He added some more carrots to Elliott’s plate. “Here. Put lots of these in your mouth,” he said with a little wink.

  * * *

  “Can Luc do my bedtime?” Elliott called down the stairs.

  Megan glanced over at Luc with a questioning look. She was standing at the kitchen sink, rinsing the pasta pot while Luc stood beside her drying the lid with a towel.

  “Do you want to read to him a bit? It’s okay to say no. I can just tell him I didn’t get to spend enough time with him today,” she said under her breath.

  “I would really enjoy reading to him,” Luc answered truthfully. “Besides, if I don’t go, you’ll probably put me to work.”

  Megan laughed. “Yes. This floor needs a good scrubbing.”

  Elliott raced into the kitchen, wearing blue jammies that were slightly too short in the sleeves and legs. “Well? I didn’t hear your answer. Can Luc do my bedtime, Mom?”

  “How about if he does the reading part and I’ll come up for lights out and snuggle time?” she said.

  “Okay! Let’s go, Luc! I want to show you these comic books my mom gave me. They’re hilarious. They’re about a boy named Calvin and he has a tiger that’s real, except everyone else thinks he’s just a stuffed animal.”

  Luc followed him up the stairs as Elliott talked on happily. Megan returned the pots to their place in the drawer and turned the light off above the kitchen sink. Walking slowly over to the living room, she collapsed onto the couch to rest for a few minutes. Upstairs, she could hear the distant sounds of Luc and Elliott reading and laughing together. She strained her ears, trying to catch some of what they were saying. Her cellphone rang and she answered.

  “Harper, hello, my friend,”

  “Hi, Meg. Just called to check on your mom.”

  “She has to stay at the hospital one more night, but she should be fine in a couple of weeks.”

  “Thank God! This must have been so scary for you. I’m just so glad she’ll be okay.”

  “Me too. Last night, when Elliott called me, it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life.”

  “I believe it. Oh shit, I just realized I’m interrupting bedtime, aren’t I?”

  “Um, well, Luc is reading to Elliott right now.”

  There was a long pause from Harper before she finally replied. “What did you just say?”

  “I know. I know,” Megan sighed, picking at a fuzzball on her sleeve. “It goes against everything I’ve ever said about dating and my life and Elliott. I was desperate. I couldn’t find anyone to watch him today and the two of them just seemed to like each other right off the bat. And you know what? It’s turned into a shockingly good day, actually. Luc ended up spending the day with him while I was at the hospital. They had a great time. Elliott made him play video games, and Luc cleaned out the spare room and even changed the sheets so it’s all ready when my mom gets out of the hospital. Then he made the most delicious meal and helped with the dishes.”


  “Seriously. And do you want to hear something funny? Elliott convinced him to go shopping at Target because he only had the tuxedo he was wearing. Elliott picked out a hoodie for him, and he actually bought it.”

  Harper burst into laughter at the image of Luc in a hoodie. “Oh my God, Megan. What the hell is happening out there in Colorado?”

  Megan giggled quietly into the phone. “I don’t know, but I’m just going with it. It sure has been wonderful to have someone to help with the load today.”

  “Maybe this will become a habit for you?”

  “I don’t think so. He’s just helping me out. It doesn’t mean he wants a family all of a sudden.”

  “But you sound like you might. . . .” Harper replied.

  “No, no. I don’t. I like my life uncomplicated. It’s just been a bit of a treat. That’s all.”

  Harper’s voice was skeptical. “I don’t know, my friend. It sounds like the beginning of something that could be pretty amazing if you let it.”

  Megan shook her head even though Harper couldn’t see her. She needed to convince herself. “It’s not, Harper. Honestly. I can’t afford to even let that thought seep into my brain. We’re having a little fun for a while, he’s helping me out and at some point he’ll fly off home and I won’t see him again.”

  “Still think you can handle that conclusion?”

  “I’ve been through much worse, Harper. This will be nothing.” Megan looked at her watch. “Listen, I have to run. I need to go relieve Luc and do snuggle time. Let’s talk later this week, okay?”

  “Definitely. I want you to keep me updated about Helen and whatever this is with Luc,” Harper replied.

  “I will. See you later.”


n heaved herself off the couch and made her way slowly up the stairs to Elliott’s room. Leaning against the door frame, she watched the scene for a minute before Luc noticed her. He smiled at her from his position, sitting next to Elliott on the bed, his back against a pillow.

  “Is it time?” Luc asked.

  “Yup, lights out, Elliott,” Megan answered, walking into the room.

  “Good night, Luc. I had a lot of fun with you today.”

  “You know what? I had a lot of fun with you as well. Especially when you weren’t cheating at video games.”

  “Cheating?” Elliott’s face wore a huge grin. “I’m just much better at it than you.”

  Luc stood and ruffled Elliott’s hair with his hand. “In that case, I will practise so I can conquer you next time.”

  “Ha! Never!” Elliott gloated.

  Luc extended his hand to shake Elliott’s. “Good night, Elliott. Thank you for taking me shopping today and helping me impress your mom.”

  Elliott ignored Luc’s hand and propped himself up on his knees on the bed to give Luc a hug. He pressed his little cheek into Luc’s chest as he squeezed him with all his might. Luc looked temporarily uncomfortable and then smiled down at the little boy, hugging him back. He gave him a little kiss on the top of his head, then ruffled his hair again.

  “Good night, Luc,” Elliott said.

  Megan, who had a lump in her throat, avoided eye contact with Luc as he made his way out of the room. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling or what to think at that moment. She turned the light off and lay down beside Elliott for a few minutes, tracing a finger over the side of his little face absent-mindedly.

  A few minutes later, Megan found Luc starting a fire in the fireplace. A bottle of red wine sat open on the coffee table with two glasses filled beside it. The scene had all the makings of a romantic evening, but Megan was too weary and too worried to have any such notions. Luc looked up at her as she came into the room, his eyes full of that devotion he reserved for her. He was so handsome, in just a white T-shirt and jeans, that her heart stirred at the sight of him, this man who had tirelessly cared for her and her son over the past long twenty-four hours.

  “You must be so tired,” he said as the fire caught. He shut the glass doors and stood up.

  “You must be too,” Megan said as she lowered herself onto the couch.

  Luc joined her on the couch and picked up their glasses. “Yes. Let’s relax a bit. We deserve it, I think.”

  Megan took her glass from him and had a sip. “Especially you. I can’t believe everything you did today. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

  Luc reached out and took her hand in his, placing them both on his lap. “No need. I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to do. Just sit with me awhile and enjoy the fire before I go.”

  Megan’s head turned quickly in his direction. “You’re going?”

  “I thought I would get a hotel room for the night. It would be too confusing for Elliott if I slept here, no?”

  Megan nodded slowly. “Yeah, you’re right. I think last night and today were confusing enough for him.” She sighed heavily and took a gulp of wine. “I don’t want you to think I’m not grateful, because I am. It’s just really scary for me to have him around any man.”

  “I know it is, and now that I have met him I can understand why. He’s just so little and innocent. For him, the world is still full of magic. He still believes he could find a dragon in the yard or that his dad could come back and you would all live happily ever after. It’s all possible for him. That is something so precious, and I would never want to wreck that for him.”

  A tear slid down Megan’s cheek and she quickly wiped it away with her fingers. “You do get it. He’s just had more hardship than any child should have to deal with. I don’t want to add to that. And you know, Ian has just fucked things up so badly. It’s only a matter of time before Elliott realizes how unhealthy his dad really is and starts to become bitter toward him. It terrifies me, actually. I don’t know how I’ll be able to stop that.”

  “You won’t.” Luc put his arm around Megan and pulled her to him so her head was resting on his shoulder. “Only his father can do that. All you can do is be there for him when it happens and not try to deny the reality then. It will only make things worse if you defend Ian.”

  “You sound like you speak from experience.”

  “It’s different but also the same. But let’s not talk about that now. We’re both tired. Right now, I just want to hold you in my arms before I have to leave. We should be celebrating that your mom is going to be okay.”

  Megan smiled a little. “That we should. I was so scared she would die. The last twenty-four hours have been an absolute roller coaster. Being at the ballet seems like weeks ago already.”

  She paused, watching the fire for a moment. “You took a really horrible situation and just made it so much easier for me. I can’t even begin to tell you how it felt to be taken care of like that.” Megan gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You just stepped in and did what needed to be done, without any complaining about how your romantic weekend was ruined.”

  Luc rubbed her arm with his thumb. “Why would I complain in the middle of a crisis? I would be a very selfish person to whine about missing out on some fun under such circumstances. Besides, there will always be other romantic weekends for us. I’m just glad that your mother is alright and that you let me help you. I can’t believe how much I enjoyed being with Elliott. I really like him. He’s so smart and funny and honest, and very wise for his age as well. I can tell he is going to be a good man when he grows up. You’re really doing an amazing job with him.”

  “Thank you for saying that. When you’re on your own, you don’t get a lot of feedback on how you’re doing as a parent.” Megan smiled lovingly at Luc. She stared into his dark eyes, seeing them reflect back the need she felt for him.

  “You put your heart into everything you do, Megan. That’s one of the things I admire about you.” He put their empty glasses back on the coffee table and sank back into the couch, reaching for her face with his hands. Kissing her lightly, he let his mouth hover over hers, tasting her and feeling the warmth of her lips. Knowing she needed rest more than romance, he pulled back and gently guided her head to his shoulder. His desire for her would have to wait.

  When Megan woke up in the morning, she was in her bed, but she couldn’t remember how she had gotten there. She still had her sweater on, but as she looked over to the window, she saw her jeans neatly folded on a chair next to it. In her dreamy haze, a memory of falling asleep on the couch, wrapped in Luc’s strong arms, came back to her. He must have carried her to bed and taken off her jeans. A little note on her bedside table read Call me when you get a chance. I’ll come back here or to the hospital—wherever you need me most. L.

  She smiled to herself as she read it. How had she gotten so lucky, to have this man drop into her life out of nowhere exactly when she needed him most?

  * * *

  Megan stood at the counter of the hospital with her mouth hanging open in disbelief. “I don’t understand. How could the bill have been paid if I didn’t get it until now?”

  The woman on the other side of the glass looked confused. “I’m not sure. Let me just ask one of the other staff.”

  A minute later, another woman came up to the counter, holding the bill. “This is right. I handled it myself. A fine man in a tuxedo came up and told me to put it on his credit card.” She squinted down at the bill through her glasses. “Mr. Luck Chevalier.”

  “Luc—it’s pronounced Luke, not Luck. It’s French,” Megan replied distractedly.

  “Well, however you say it, hang on to that one. Any man who dresses like that and goes around paying a bill like this without batting an eye is a keeper.”

  Megan nodded. “Thanks.” She slowly made her way back to collect Helen and bring her home. The bill in Megan’s hand, showing a zero balance, had come as a complete surprise. When she had arri
ved at the hospital a few minutes earlier, she had been prepared to try to make payment arrangements on the charges. Luc had taken that worry from her shoulders without so much as a word about it.

  * * *

  That night as Megan and Luc said good night at the door, she gave him a lingering kiss.

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “Mmm, you better stop that or I’ll have my way with you right here in the doorway instead of going back to the hotel for the night like a decent man.”

  Megan giggled a little. “Have your way? No, no, Luc you’ve got it all wrong. It would be me having my way with you. I’d start by tearing your clothes off and licking that huge—”

  Luc pressed his mouth over hers to get her to stop talking. He kissed her long and hard, feeling her body relax before he let up. “Stop that, you silly woman, or I’m going to take you over my knee.”

  “Silly woman? You know, only a man with your accent could get away with that. If it was anyone else, I’d punch him in the throat.”

  Luc’s eyes grew wide with surprise. “I was raised by an American woman. I should know better than to mess with you.”

  “You should indeed.”

  Luc laughed and leaned down to kiss her again. “I promise not to mess with you. Only to mess around.”

  “Yes, let’s mess around. I could show you the other uses for the washing machine.”

  Luc groaned at the thought of it. “I have to go. Your mom and your son are right up those stairs. Now, I’ll see you first thing in the morning. I’ll be here before you take Elliott to school so I can keep an eye on Helen.”

  “I can’t wait to thank you properly for everything. I don’t know how long it will take me to pay you back for the hospital bill.”

  “You can thank me by not mentioning the bill again. I never do anything I don’t want to do. And for me, it really was nothing. I rarely have anything so important to do with my money anyway, so it would be a gift to me if you would accept it with no further discussion on the matter.”

  “Well that’s certainly an unusual way to spin it. I’m doing you a favour by taking the money? I don’t think I’ll be able to wrap my head around that concept. We can agree not to talk about it, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to repay you.”


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