Stardust of Yesterday

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Stardust of Yesterday Page 34

by Lynn Kurland

  “Let her go, Sedgwick.”

  William was so stunned that Genevieve managed to slip from his grasp before he was the wiser. She ran around to the other side of the car, watching William to make sure he didn’t chase her. He didn’t. He shut his briefcase and laughed.

  “Ah, de Piaget, you always did have a fine sense of humor. As if you actually thought your pitiful presence would intimidate me. Now, listen closely while I tell you of my plans. First I’ll have your wench a few times. You can stay and watch if you like. Indeed, I insist upon it. The men are welcome to remain also. I always did like performing before a crowd.”

  Kendrick only smiled blandly. “And your performances were always so entertaining, as I remember. I daresay the king didn’t care for them, though.”

  William’s eyes narrowed. “Once I’ve finished raping your woman, I’ll have her sign the deed. You didn’t know what young Master McShane’s real mission was, did you? A pity he met his end a few days past. I never did care for cowards.”

  “Didn’t you? Couldn’t you stomach seeing in others what others saw in you?”

  William spat at Kendrick’s feet.

  “Once the castle is mine, you’ll never be free of it. The last of the Buchanans will die, eventually, when I’ve tired of her. Then the estate will belong to me. I might even live here with you, Kendrick. We’ll pass the rest of eternity, me in delight, you in hell. Ah, such sweet revenge.”

  Genevieve had never wished for anything more than she wished for a tranquilizer gun at that moment. She would have shot William in the backside and had the authorities haul him off to jail. An eternity behind bars was what the man deserved.

  William turned and looked at her. “And now for my sport. You’re a comely thing, Mistress Genevieve. A bit spirited for my taste, but you’ll be broken soon enough.” He started around the front of the car and Genevieve bolted toward Kendrick. He leaped down from his saddle and pulled her behind him. He drew his sword and held it out. William laughed and walked right into it. Kendrick lifted the point so it only impaled his enemy in the shoulder, not in the heart.

  William jerked back in surprise. Then he laughed. “How long can you hold your weapon, pitiful spirit? Another few moments until your strength runs out?” He laughed again. “A pity, de Piaget. You know, don’t you, that the only way I can die is by your hand. ‘Twas Matilda’s idea and I thought it to be a fine jest. As if you could actually hold a blade long enough to do the deed!” He laughed again, heartily.

  Kendrick slapped William across the face with the flat of his blade.

  “I told you: Genevieve signed the deed giving the castle to me. In return, I was given back my life, the life you stole from me.” Kendrick smiled, but his eyes were hard. “Now, old friend, I think it time we face each other in the lists again. Only this time, the king will not be here to save your worthless neck.”

  William shook his head in disbelief. He pushed the sword away and reached out to push Kendrick. When he encountered a solid form, his eyes widened and he jerked back.

  “St. Michael’s bones,” he said, his voice hoarse. Then he gathered his composure and laughed. It was a forced laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. “Very well, then. How shall we do this? Guns?”

  “Lances. Royce, fetch William a horse. Nazir, come you close and make certain he possesses no other weapons but his foul stench.”

  Kendrick pulled Genevieve behind him as she tried to look around him.

  “Now is not the time, Genevieve. Wait until Nazir can escort you back to the house.”

  “I’m not going in the house,” she said tightly. “Don’t waste your energy trying to make me.”

  Kendrick conceded the battle quickly. He waited until Nazir had finished frisking William before he beckoned to his servant. “Take her to the outer bailey and watch over her. I don’t need to tell you what will be your fate if she’s harmed.”

  “Of course, Master.”

  Kendrick kept his eyes glued to William as Genevieve retreated with Nazir. He waited again while a saddled horse was brought for William’s pleasure. Kendrick noted the beads of sweat on William’s brow and noted that they increased when several garrison knights surrounded him at twenty paces. A bloody good thing William couldn’t tell a spirit from a mortal.

  Once William was mounted, Kendrick motioned him on ahead, surrounding him by mailed knights with grim expressions. He followed, noting that Royce had fetched several lances and was carrying them. He’d likely need all of them, though he sincerely hoped it came down to a battle with swords. He had a scar or two to repay William for.

  He saw Genevieve the moment he came from under the tunnel. She was backed up against the wall with Nazir in front of her and a dozen lads surrounding her. Kendrick felt a trickle of tension ease from him. At least Genevieve would be safe. His greatest fear was gone.

  Now, there was only room for rage. William would pay for seven hundred years of living in hell. Kendrick took a lance from Royce and positioned himself at one end of the field. He waited until William had turned his horse, then Royce called the start. Kendrick jerked up his shield and lowered his lance, concentrating on nothing but the area of chest left exposed behind William’s shield.

  They came together in a tremendous crash. William teetered, but regained his balance. Kendrick turned his horse, thundered back down the way and took another lance. His destrier leaped forward and its hooves pounded against the turf. Kendrick aimed for the middle of William’s shield this time and smiled grimly when William went tumbling off the back of his horse. Kendrick dismounted and sent his horse backing away with a sharp command. He crossed the field to his opponent, feeling the old battle fever come upon him as it hadn’t done for seven centuries. His rage boiled within him but his head was clear. The world took on a surreal quality, movements became slowed, the only sound he heard was the blood thundering in his ears. His reflexes were quick and sure, so much quicker that to his mind William looked like a bumbling page.

  He toyed with William, cutting him, taunting him, infuriating him. Aye, once this whoreson was dead, there would be no more need for Genevieve to fear, no reason for her to run shrieking down the stairs because she thought she saw something in the shadows. Aye, William’s death would bring an end to many things.

  William finally released a bellow of rage and came at Kendrick in a fury. Though it was tempting to drag it out longer, Kendrick was acutely aware of Genevieve watching him. It was bad enough that she would watch him take another man’s life. He couldn’t go so far as to enjoy it.

  He knocked away William’s shield and slipped his blade between William’s ribs.

  “Die,” Kendrick said.

  “You’ll die, too,” William gasped. “That was the rest of the curse.”

  Kendrick froze.

  William crumpled to the ground and Kendrick jerked his sword free, then he let it slip from his fingers. He watched in horrified fascination as William disintegrated before his very eyes, becoming the seven-hundred-year-old corpse he should have been. A bit of breeze blew down from the north, picking up the ashes and scattering them about. Soon there was nothing but bones covered by mail.

  Kendrick looked quickly at his own hands. They were normal. He looked up as Genevieve ran across the field toward him. He held out his hands and backed away, unwilling to know the truth. Aye, he looked normal enough, but what was the truth of the matter? Would Genevieve leap into his arms and fall to the ground? Did William know something he didn’t?

  Genevieve ignored him and threw herself at him.

  And, for an instant, Kendrick imagined that he couldn’t feel her.

  And then he felt hot tears on his skin and realized they were his lady’s. Her slender arms were around his neck; her lithe body was pressed up against his. The saints be praised William had been a liar to the end!

  “You’re bleeding, Kendrick.”

  Kendrick knew he was bloodied, but the blood was William’s, not his. He wrapped his arms around Genevieve and he
ld her close, not caring that he soiled her greatly.

  “I’m unhurt,” he said, sending a prayer of thanks heavenward. “ ’Tis over, my love. William is gone and he’ll not trouble us again. ‘Tis his blood, not mine, that covers me.”

  She didn’t believe him, if the strength of her embrace told anything. He held her to him and looked over her head as Royce approached. He smiled at his friend.

  “Now we can both rest easy.”

  Royce returned his smile. “A fine showing, my friend. Have you a preference for what I do with the remains?”

  “None. Just don’t bury him on my land.”

  “I wouldn’t think to. Take your lady inside, Kendrick. I think she’s seen enough for the day.”

  Kendrick nodded. He stripped off his bloody tabard, then pulled Genevieve back to the house with him.

  It was over, and Genevieve was still his.

  Kendrick smiled.

  Three hours later, Kendrick’s smile had turned into a disgruntled frown. The entire camp had returned to the keep and he found he missed greatly having privacy with his lady. Genevieve had already held court with all the garrison knights and assured them she was whole.

  Now she was holding court with their own household members, standing at the kitchen counter next to a bowl of chocolate-chip cookie dough, waiting for a batch of cookies to come from the oven. Worthington was sitting at the table, along with Royce and Nazir, and the trio was demanding all manner of details about her activities over the past month. Genevieve was blushing furiously and fielding the questions quite poorly, to Kendrick’s way of thinking. The annoying clucking noises Worthington was making only added to his irritation. He was half tempted to send the three of them on holiday for a year or two. Perhaps by then he might not be so distraught over the division of Genevieve’s attentions.

  Though Kendrick had the feeling even sharing her with any possible children would not sit too well with him at first. Aye, he’d become besotted indeed, and everyone knew it. Damn Royce if he wasn’t smirking like the lackwitted dolt he was. Kendrick focused his attentions on his lady and ignored his comrades.

  She looked pale. He knew he shouldn’t have been surprised, what with all she’d been through over the past few weeks. He frowned as she consumed another spoonful of dough. It couldn’t be good for her. In fact, she was turning positively green.

  He’d barely opened his mouth to comment on that when Genevieve tossed the spoon into the mixing bowl and fled from the kitchen. Kendrick leaped to his feet to follow her, only to find three other men in his way.

  “She’s my wife,” he bellowed, shoving them aside. He sprinted back to the bathroom off the kitchen and knocked on the door. “Genevieve?”

  “Go away,” she said miserably. “I’m sick.”

  He could hear that readily enough, and the sound made him queasy. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Genevieve was just turning on the faucet to rinse out her mouth. Kendrick stood at the doorway, feeling altogether helpless. He waited until Genevieve finished, then turned her gently around and pulled her into his arms.

  “I’ll take you up to bed.”

  “No, I’m fine, really,” she said, pushing back and looking up at him with a smile. “I’ve got to make your cookies now.”

  She pushed out of his arms, took his hand and led him back to the kitchen. Kendrick followed, wondering what contrary spirit was possessing his wife at present. He allowed her to push him down in the chair and then looked at his mates.

  “She says she’s fine.”

  “Of course she is,” Worthington said, as if he knew exactly what he was talking about. “The nausea isn’t continual. Isn’t that so, Lady Genevieve?”

  Genevieve threw an oven mitt at their steward. Kendrick blinked, then looked at Royce who was chuckling.

  “Foul tempered, too. Ah, Kendrick, what fine months lie in wait for you ahead.”

  “Shut up, Royce,” Genevieve said, casting a warning look his way.

  “As you wish, my lady.”

  “Would anyone care to tell me what’s going on?” Kendrick growled. “Nazir?”

  Nazir rose. He made Genevieve a low bow. “I will be upstairs, reaccustoming myself to my chamber. With your permission, Mistress?”

  “I think I’ll do the same,” Royce said, rising and stretching. “You are going to put me up here, aren’t you, Kendrick? Genevieve promised you wouldn’t make me sleep out in the stables. But I won’t take the chamber next to yours. You’ll probably want to do that room in soft colors and—”

  “Royce,” Genevieve said, turning and shaking her wooden spoon at him, “don’t make me get Kendrick’s sword and use it on you.”

  Royce held up his hands and backed out of the kitchen. Kendrick looked at Worthington.

  “Well? Aren’t you going to leave too?”

  “And miss this announcement? I should think not.”

  Genevieve cleared her throat. “Kendrick said you could have his study upstairs, Worthington. Maybe you should go check out the television.”

  “Announcement?” Kendrick echoed, rising. “Worthington, what are you—” Worthington walked away before Kendrick could finish. He turned to Genevieve. “What was he talking about?”

  Genevieve put down her spoon and came to him. She pushed him down gently into his chair, then put her hands on his shoulders. By the saints, was she telling him she was going to leave him? Those were tears already welling up in her eyes. Kendrick steeled himself for the worst.

  “We’re going to have a baby.”

  Kendrick felt his mouth drop open. For the first time in both his life and unlife, he was speechless. There were so many emotions running through him that he hardly knew how to identify them, much less give them the attention they deserved. Surprise, elation, panic and a humbling emotion he couldn’t identify at all.

  “A babe?” he said, and his voice broke.

  “Tell me you’re pleased.”

  Kendrick looked up at his love and felt his eyes mist over. He rose and gathered her close.

  “I’m afraid I’d break you if I hugged you as fiercely as I wish,” he said, hoarsely. “Oh, Genevieve, I can’t believe it!” He tilted his head back and laughed for joy. Then he lifted his love’s face up and kissed her soundly. He realized Genevieve was still on her feet so he pushed her down into a chair and then started to pace.

  “Of course, you’ll rest from now on. No more mornings learning to ride, no more trips to town. I don’t know that I trust the car to get you there and back safely. Reading may not be too taxing, but I’ll have to give it more thought. Carrying a child is hard on a woman, Genevieve, and I’ll not lose you because of a babe. Too many men must remarry because they lose their wives in childbirth. I’ve waited seven centuries for you, I’ll not give you up so soon.

  “Royce and Nazir will have to move. Perhaps down to the village. We’ll hire a nanny and a wet nurse so you needn’t exert yourself. And I’ll keep the garrison outside, perhaps even beyond the inner bailey. I’ll not have their rough talk and play disturbing you. And the nursery! Aye, we’ll have to do that up soon enough. Perhaps I’ll hire a chef. I don’t think Worthington can feed you as you need to be fed. A chef from Italy perhaps. They seem to have fine, strong children there. And no more of that peanut butter concoction. I can’t believe it’s good for a body—”


  “Nor any more of that cookie dough. Ice cream is definitely forbidden you. Nay, my love, plenty of rest and as little exercise as possible. I don’t want my babe causing you any more grief than necessary—”


  He stopped his pacing and looked down at her. “Aye?”

  “Come down here where I can see you.”

  He knelt down before her. “Aye?” Anything she desired, that he would fetch for her, willingly.

  “Royce and Nazir stay. They belong here as much as we do.”


  “And you’re not going to hire a cook. That w
ould hurt Worthington’s feelings. I don’t need a chef from Italy. The garrison knights may come and go as they please, just as long as they stop following me into the bathroom to watch me throw up. That embarrasses me.”

  “They do what!” he thundered.

  Genevieve put her hand over his mouth. “I won’t ride anymore, but I’m going to exercise and you’re going to do it with me, even if it means walking around the garden a hundred times a day. I promised Adelaide I’d come to her shop an afternoon a week and watch it for her and I fully intend to do that.” She paused for breath. “What else did you say?”

  Kendrick took her hand and kissed it before he rested his elbows lightly on her legs and put his hands on her waist.

  “A great deal of nonsense, I’m certain.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him softly. “You are happy, aren’t you?”

  “Very. Are you?”

  “You know I am.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I thought it was the flu. I just went to the doctor this morning.

  He told me to just do what I’ve been doing so far and I’ll be fine.” She smiled serenely. “Now our lives will finally get back to normal. Isn’t that great?”

  “Aye, my love, it is.”

  “Your cookies are burning, Kendrick.”

  “Let them burn. I have plans for you in your library at the moment.”

  “You could at least turn off the oven on your way by.”

  Kendrick did, then picked his lady up in his arms. “Would milady protest if I loved her sweetly in her library?”

  “I would relish the experience,” she said, her eyes sparkling.

  “I would too. And then later you’ll have a nice warm bath and a nap. Nay, I think perhaps a bit of supper before you sleep. You’ll need your strength.”

  “Kendrick, you have the potential to become a terrible nag.”

  He grinned as he carried her across the great hall and into her library. He agreed with her wholeheartedly but couldn’t bring himself to apologize for it. He was alive to nag his lady and that was a most precious gift. She would bear him a child and he would keep them both safe.


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