Prince of Power (House of Terriot Book 2)

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Prince of Power (House of Terriot Book 2) Page 17

by Nancy Gideon

  Mia sat down hard on the edge of the bed she’d hoped they’d be sharing by then. Choking on her desperation and fear, she covered her face with her hands to discourage the tears swimming in her eyes. She felt him near her, heard him kneel at her feet. He said her name softly, inviting her to crumple in his arms. Pressed to his shoulder, she came undone, weeping unashamedly as his big hands stroked her back and hair.

  His husky whisper vibrated beneath her cheek. “Don’t cry, Mia. Shhhh. Shhhh. It’s okay, little girl. We don’t have to make any decisions tonight. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  She wasn’t upset. She was devastated. All the agony when she thought she was watching him die intensified at the inevitability of having him walk away. She was losing him either way. A future without him opened empty and joyless. Goals that once occupied every inch of her being fell before the prospect of day after meaningless day alone.

  He leaned back all too soon to touch his lips to her brow. Before she could respond he rose and reached down to retrieve his coat.


  He shrugged into his leather and bent to cup her face in the bowl of his palm. His mouth seduced hers as nothing else could, slowly, thoroughly until her will was as weak as her voice when she asked, “Can I stay?”

  Fingertips traced the heart-shaped curve of her face. “Not tonight.”

  While she sat stunned, at a loss, he pressed an extra door key into her hand, curling her fingers over it, before walking from the room with a quiet, “Lock up when you leave.”

  What the hell just happened?

  Mia sat trembling on the bed where she’d anticipated a long evening of exhausting sex with the male who turned her on like a halogen floodlight.

  An exclusive with him she would have snapped up like a juicy bone. With Colin Terriot readily available, no other existed. But bonding . . . Where the hell had he come up with that? Something totally off her instinctive radar now approached with a steady, intensifying bleep.

  Sexual attraction was one thing. She’d approached it the way most males of their species did. The few times she’d needed to, she’d had no qualms about using her looks to get what she wanted or where she needed to go. It didn’t mean anything, not to them, not to her. Except with Rico, and that she’d never intended.

  Then Colin. Having him left her wanting him more. Only him. She wanted to eat him up for breakfast, lunch and dinner as a steady, satisfying diet she could thrive on. She’d allowed herself to get spoiled and greedy, to hunger for what he served up so deliciously.

  When she feared he was going to lose him . . . she couldn’t see beyond that loss.

  To have him, just him, forever, as long as they both lived . . . The idea tempted, tormented. Because as much as it appealed to her, the reality was impossible.

  Because of who they were. Because of what they’d done to one another, if not personally then through their families and their separate ambitions.

  Having him was a delightful dream, one she’d enjoyed toying with, but just a dream. There was no possible future for them to share. There was just now, and Colin was about to end that. How could she let him go? How could she accept the thought of him being with another here in this bed?

  She began to pace. The sonuvabitch! Ready to toss her to the curb just because she’d put on the brakes when he threw that monumental surprise in her path.

  Mia stared at the key in her hand. Hers to use, but not tonight unless she was ready to accept all that came with it.

  She had to get out of this room where everything smelled of them together. And go where? Back to her sterile hotel room to scheme her ugly schemes that no longer appealed to her half as much as wallowing in the arms of her enemy? To listen to Thorne’s caustic taunts? She was alone in this foreign, hostile city, but in thinking about it, here was no different than anywhere else. All she’d ever had was herself to consider, to rely on. Tonight, that wasn’t nearly enough. She needed a sympathetic ear whose owner had no agenda.

  And that took her to the bar at Cheveau du Chien.

  “Long time no see. What can I get you?”

  “A shoulder to cry on?”

  “Ah. The House Special.” Amber’s smile filled with world-weary experience. “Terriot problem?”

  “Is there any other kind?”

  “Not that either of us is interested in.”

  That pulled Mia from her moping. “You and Rico?”

  The shapely bartender shrugged. “It could happen.”

  “But not yet? Why not?” Mia drew a breath. “Because of me?”

  “No. He read the writing on the wall where you and his brother are concerned.”

  “Why then?” Mia leaned on her elbows, willing to be pulled from her own troubles to hear the story.

  “I’ve got a daughter at home. Responsibilities. I can’t afford to make any more mistakes.”

  “And he’s a mistake? Are you sure? He’s a pretty decent guy when you get past the BS.”

  Amber sighed. “I know. But he’s not the kind of guy that’s going to stick around. Is yours?”

  “We’ve got the opposite problem.”

  Brows rose. “Really? Not what you’re looking for?”

  “I didn’t even know I was looking! Then wham bam boom, there he is, this perfect GOD of a guy . . . hot, rich, sexy as sin, funny, interesting.”

  “And you’re scared to death.” Amber’s laugh filled with gentle cynicism. “What are you afraid of? Wrong timing?”

  “Wrong zip code.”

  “Ahhh. The Romeo and Juliet thing.”

  “Right down to the daggers and poison.”

  “I’ve seen those things work out. My boss is a prime example. Maybe the whole ‘family’ thing isn’t as much an obstacle as it is an excuse.”

  Mia fell silent. Was she hiding behind the wrong reason?

  “He told me he loves me,” she confessed.

  Another chuckle. “You say that like it’s a bad thing. You don’t think he means it?”

  “He doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean.”

  “Do you feel the same way?”

  Mia winced. “I don’t know. I want to be with him. I want to sleep with him. I like fighting with him almost as much as I like fooling around with him.” Then she finally laid it out like aces and eights. “I can’t imagine being without him.”

  “I think you know what that means, even if you don’t say the word.”

  “He wants a commitment. I can’t give him one.”

  “Are you afraid he’ll cheat on you?”


  “That you’ll get bored? That he’ll hit you?”

  “No! He’s so damned perfect he makes my teeth hurt. Oh, hell. I’m am in love with him, aren’t I?”

  “I’m not a doctor, but I’d say it’s a pretty sure case. It doesn’t have to be fatal, you know.”

  That was the problem. It almost had been.

  “I want things. I have plans,” she argued, with herself as much as with the other woman.

  “I’m sure he does, too. That doesn’t mean you can’t share them. He’s not going to stop you from doing what you need to do, is he?”

  “He wants us to bond! I’d be a princess in the House of Terriot. How much freedom do you think goes along with that?”

  “Oh.” Amber fell silent as if considering it for the first time, then she put a hand over Mia’s and squeezed. “Maybe you should ask him.” She nodded toward the door.

  Mia turned. Her chest seized up at the sight of the Terriot in question coming in from a cold rain. His smile put her in defib. Until she saw that perfect row of teeth was directed at the perky blonde following him in. Her lungs compressed. Instead of crossing the room to slay them both, all she could think of was escape.

  After watching the tragic figure dart through the crowd to disappear out the back door, Amber set about wiping down the counter while her glare stabbed holes in the Terriot prince. Who stepped back so the lovely woman at his side could hurry away
from him without another glance to join a table full of giggling contemporaries. He crossed the crowded room alone to settle on a stool, giving her a woeful smile.

  The Church of Broken Hearts was open for business.

  Sometime past midnight, he entered the side courtyard, keys in hand. Colin drew up at the sight of a soaked and miserable figure hunched in his doorway.

  “Mia? What are you doing here?”

  “Waiting for you.” Her reply rattled between chattering teeth.

  “Why didn’t you let yourself in?”

  She stepped out of the way so he could unlock the door. Way out of the way. “I left the key on the counter.”

  On purpose? His uncertain mood took another tight turn. Had she made some grand gesture she’d come to regret?

  “You could have called instead of standing out here in the weather.”

  She stiffened at his gruff tone. “My phone’s next to your key. I got distracted and . . . I put them down to get my coat and walked out without them.”

  “So you came back to get them.” His mood fell as he moved aside so she could come in out of the cold drizzle.

  They stood on the threshold in the dark, tension steaming off them like water on the patio bricks.

  “Yes. And to see you. I had to see you.”

  At her sudden rushed reply, he reached past her for the light switch, saying with a neutral flatness, “I’ll get them for you.” She stayed his hand.

  “Yes,” she repeated forcefully. “To what you asked earlier.”

  Colin froze, not daring to make the assumptions crowding up into his throat, making his answer difficult. “What specifically?”

  “Maybe you don’t mean it anymore,” she growled, giving his hand a hard push away. Then she leaned in close. He could hear her quick snuffling.

  “Are you giving me a sniff down?”

  “I saw you,” came her brittle answer.

  He frowned at the accusation weighting her words. “Saw me what?”

  “At the club.”

  “Tonight? Why didn’t you come over?”

  The moisture on her cheeks wasn’t from rain alone. Pain shivered over the anger in her voice. “You looked busy.”

  His scowl deepened at the innuendo. “I was having a drink or four with Rico. We had some fences to mend.”

  “Since when is your brother a D-cup?”

  “A—what?” He shook his head in confusion then gasped, “Amber? Are you talking about her? She’s into Rico. I’ve never made a move on her.”

  “I was there at the bar, talking to Amber.” Hurt deepened into a wrenching agony. “I saw you come in with her. It didn’t take you very damned long to get over your desire for monogamy!”

  Mia challenged him with a glare as he stood there speechless. Before he could form a sentence, she darted back out into the cold. Pushing away his confusion, Colin went after her, catching her elbow, slipping and sliding on the wet pavers as she tugged for release. Though her shoulders jerked with sobs, when she swung around it was to throw an easily-deflected punch.

  “Mia.” Colin tugged her up to his chest, enfolding her in his embrace. “Mia, quit your squirming and listen to me,” he crooned down upon the top of her head. The fight drained from her, but she refused the comfort he offered. “We got to the door at the same time. I held it open for her. She said thanks and went to join her friends, and I had a couple of beers with Rico. I don’t know who she was, and I sure as hell wasn’t looking for a hook up. Ask him if you don’t believe me.”

  Her fingers kneaded his dampened shirt. “I’m so stupid over you.”

  “You’re over me?” is what he heard.

  “No, idiot. I can’t think when it comes to you. I just feel. I just react. And it hurts. Colin, I don’t want to hurt like this anymore.”

  He closed his eyes, cheek resting atop her head as he cradled her tightly. “I never meant to hurt you. I’m the stupid one. I’ve handled everything badly. I’m sorry, Mia. Let’s just forget I said anything. Okay?”

  Her head tilted back. “No. It’s not okay.” Her hands found the sides of his face, holding him as she rose up on her toes to ravage his mouth with her own. She gave a slight hop, her legs encircling his waist. Without lifting off her lips, Colin swept an arm beneath her hips, carrying her back inside.

  They stood lip-locked, water pooling on the rug until they finally eased back to breathe in the other’s quickly panted breaths.

  “Yes,” she repeated, huge dark eyes gazing up into his. “I can’t lose you, Colin. I’ll bond with you.”


  What a helluva time for common decency to kick in.

  “You don’t have to say that, Mia.” He freed his good hand to caress her wet cheek. “I’m not going anywhere. I shouldn’t have rushed you. We’ve got time. Take all you need.”

  “I don’t need any more time. I’m never going to want anyone the way I want you. I don’t want to live the rest of my life alone, angry with myself for letting the best thing that ever happened to me get away. I want to be with you. To be one with you. Let me be with you.”

  Decency be damned! She’d said the words. He didn’t need to get them notarized.

  The bedroom was just steps away, the path to it quickly strewn with discarded clothing. He laid her down on the bottom sheet and covered her with his body’s warmth. Heat that began to rise, hot enough to scald his thoughts and hurry his heartbeats. The change came over him so fast, she gave a squeak of protest.

  “No. No! Colin, wait!”

  He drew back, shuddering with restraint, eyes molten gold, breaths harsh rips of effort as he growled low and fierce. “Mia, don’t do this. Don’t play games with me. Not now.”

  She clutched at him in desperate passion, lush body quaking, tears gleaming on her lashes. Her voice trembled. “Our families. We can’t. We shouldn’t.”

  “It’s not about them. I want you, Mia. Do you want me? Do you want to have me forever?”

  Her hands gripped his hips, tugging hard as her legs wrapped around him, pulling him inside her. Her head fell back as she moaned, “Yes. Yes!”

  She cried out in surprise at the shock of his bite. His jaws closed on her shoulder like a trap of steel, teeth piercing flesh, muscle, scraping bone in his urgency. Not letting go even as she slapped at him in pain and panic.

  And then everything changed.

  Hurt and fright fell away, overcome by a wave of scorching sensation. Intense, multidimensional, expanding her whole world in a wonderful, overwhelming way then focusing in a tight, all-encompassing pinpoint. Colin . . . Need poured through her veins. Desperate want had her arching into his hard, driving thrusts. His familiar scent embraced her. The taste of him fed every need as her lips and tongue swept the flex of his broad shoulders, sampling sleek skin over bunching muscle. She couldn’t hold to him tight enough. Nothing existed beyond him. His strength and heat, his raging desire raced through her blood as hearts, breaths, moans fell in time, into one hurried, massing surge, shattering through them in unison. Making them one. Forever.

  In the calm after that incredible storm, as he regained his senses and caught his breath, Colin kissed and licked along the already healing wounds that branded her. Euphoric, scarcely believing it had really happened, that she was truly his, he reveled in the tender moment, in the taste and feel of his new bonded mate. Finally, awareness slipped back, alerting him to how still she’d become.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he murmured, feeling remorse but not regret. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t expect it to be so . . . Wow!” He paused. When she didn’t respond, he started to lift up, but her arms tightened to hold him in place. He settled along her sweat-slicked body, contentment deep as a drug. “I’m not sure how this works. Do you want to tell your family or should I—”


  Alarmed by her outburst, he lifted onto his elbows, puzzled by her tone and her stark expression. “Mia?”

can’t tell anyone!” As his brows started to lower, she rushed on rather frantically. “Not yet. Please. Let me get used to the idea first before we tell them. I want to do it right. Please, Colin.”

  Her fingertips stroked along his jaw, their slight trembling enough to soften his mood. He gave them a gentle kiss. “Whatever you want, princess.”

  His warm vow should have erased her tension, but suddenly she was pushing at his shoulders when all he wanted to do was linger in her arms and inside her for a lifetime. He wasn’t terribly inclined to be moved.

  “I have to go,” she insisted, shoving harder, putting more emphasis into levering out from under him. He remained as immovable as a four-story building.

  “Where do you have to go that’s so important?” He tried to tease her with a smile, but his determination didn’t lessen. What could be more important than the two of them together, savoring this monumental event? What was she in such a hurry to escape? Guilt? Doubts? Neither thought pleased him.

  But she pleased him. More than he ever could have imagined, so he caught her frowning lips beneath the press of his and lavished all the adoration in his heart upon her.

  She melted like a snow cone on a hot sidewalk.

  His hips nudged hers, and she wrapped around him, hanging on for dear life as they explored the sharp, fierce new passion awakened by the mark, discovering the true meaning behind the words bonded bliss.

  And she was still there when he woke up in the morning.

  Mated. Bonded. The scary, exciting thrill of it tingled through him. For a long while, he simply lay beside her watching her sleep, studying the now scarred-over marks he’d left on her shoulder, so possessive and emotional his eyes welled up like a damned fool.



  As if feeling his study, she opened her eyes, just looking at him for a silent moment while he fretted over her possible mood. Then she reached for him, and all his fears fell away.

  They indulged in that mated paradise, not leaving the bed except to raid the refrigerator and shower, unable to keep hands and lips off each other. He felt whole, he felt powerful, he felt completed.


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