Killswitch Chronicles- The Complete Anthology

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Killswitch Chronicles- The Complete Anthology Page 138

by G. R. Carter

  “Sometimes,” Lori agreed. “Though in their defense, we’ve intruded on their grounds, too.”

  “Enemies can sometimes become the best friends. If they look at each other as brothers instead of animals, it helps smooth the transition,” Father Steve added.

  Levi seemed unconvinced. “Why now? What finally made them want to leave their hunting grounds? They really planning to settle on farms like the rest of us?”

  Father Steve answered. “We made contact with a Tracker team that’s following the Caliphate horde. They’ve been pestering them, destroying their supplies wherever they could. They’re the ones who let us know. The Jijis are coming this way, burning and looting everything in their path.”

  Levi and Oliver were stunned by the news. “Coming here?” they asked simultaneously.

  Father Steve nodded, his concern evident. “They split the horde west of here. Part of them went south on the Mississippi and took the White City. That entire river is theirs, north and south.”

  Oliver couldn’t believe it. If the most heavily fortified city in the world could fall in a week… He thought about all the ARK gunboats. If they were in the hands of the Caliphate, their new home sitting on the banks of a navigable river wasn’t safe either.

  The Bishop continued. “Now the biggest bunch is working their way overland, and we’re standing in their way. The Republic is surrounded.”

  He put his iron-like hands on both of their shoulders with a sigh. “So you see, my sons, we all need each other now worse than ever.”


  Book Six

  Fortress Farm Series

  Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.

  Theodore Roosevelt


  Written by scholar Abu Nasr Al-Farabi

  Year 14 A.M.R. (After Mahdi Returned)

  Recovered from the archives in New Mecca

  As-Salamu `alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

  In the Name of All-Anu, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

  All praise and thanks are due to All-Anu, and peace and blessings be upon His Messengers. Dear brother in the perfect circle of truth, we commend your keenness on getting yourself well-acquainted with All-Anu and His teachings, and we implore All-Anu Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake.

  Now in the 13th year after the fall of the Great Satan, our Mahdi said, “I have received a drop of truth from the mouth of the One. His name shall forever be called All-Anu and the lights that fill the sky are a sign of will for his people. His light of the sky shall guide us to our new promised land.”

  At first the edict caused great anguish and confusion. “Is there not only one god? Who is this you speak of?” But the Mahdi said, “There is one god who takes many forms. His face may not be seen, for it will be terrible and death to all. He has given us a way to see him, through these lights above. So now we know him as All-Anu, for this word means heaven in the ancient tongue of our ancestors. In the sky, in heaven, we see the face of All-Anu. His word is all, his word is righteous, his word is Anu! Now hear his word! He has prepared a place for us. A holy land where the great river meets the great sea. Where warm winds blow every day. Crops grow tall, resources are abundant!” The people were amazed to hear of such a land, for the winters were harsh in New Mecca, and the land less generous with each passing year.

  Many brothers fell to their knees in prayer, others lay prostrate with their face in the dirt. “What is this strange new world?” they shouted. “For we are just a speck in the One’s eye!”

  Then the Mahdi said, “All-Anu has told me this. All who do not follow my path, all who will not embrace the continuity of my word, the perfect circle of truth, shall not enjoy the fruits of the promised land.”

  Some brothers arose and said, “Praise be to All-Anu, the one to light our path to the promised land!”

  Others let their hearts be hardened by the Deceiver. Forsaking the Mahdi, they lashed out at the true believers. They tore their cloaks and took up arms against the messenger of All-Anu Himself, for demons infected their souls.

  Then the Mahdi’s voice thundered like the heavens above. “Throw down your weapons and beg forgiveness! For if you do, I will give you a clean death and you will be in the presence of All-Anu. Brothers listen! Do not let your souls be damned by your lack of faith!”

  The Mahdi’s voice shook many. Some were overcome by confusion and despair, and the demons forced them to take their own lives. Others realized the error in their refusal, begged forgiveness and prepared themselves for a merciful death. Still others would not know the truth. They tried to rise in the old name of the One.

  Then the Mahdi said, “I have given you an opportunity to save yourselves, but you have not. Oh how I wish there was another way!”

  Then the Mahdi struck down the unbelievers. They died terrible deaths. The sky rained fire down on groups gathered to attack, others were killed by a simple touch from the Mahdi or his Unseen warriors. There was deep sadness in our cities that night, and all wailed for the souls of the fallen. Fires marking the homes of those who betrayed the Mahdi burned for days. May we all learn to accept the truth and never waiver!

  Now all who have ears to hear, and minds to think, accept the truth as it is revealed by our Mahdi! In the 13th year of our Mahdi’s return, our people gathered to begin our exodus to the promised land. Every Man, woman and child capable of travel arrived in New Mecca from all corners of our Caliphate west of the Great Dividing Lake. Then our Mahdi said, “Do not be troubled for your brothers east of the Great Dividing Lake. They too will make the journey to the promised land. We shall meet them soon.”

  So speaks the Mahdi, so we believe!

  After enough vessels were gathered on the Great River, our Mahdi said “Let us begin. For I have seen the land All-Anu has prepared for us. Flowing waters, bountiful sunshine, food for all who are righteous. Do not trouble your hearts about your women and children. Leave them behind! We cannot be distracted by what All-Anu has commanded us to do!”

  So speaks the Mahdi, so we believe!

  Many of our brothers were greatly troubled by the Mahdi’s word. For they treasured their earthly possessions, gathered after many years of toil. Then our Mahdi said to them, “All-Anu will provide you with new wives and a multitude of children in the Holy Land. Did He not provide you with these things after the Great Satan was cast down thirteen years ago? How much more will He provide after your faithful service in the lands that He promises to you?”

  Then the brothers were content, for the Mahdi had promised them many things which came to pass. Once more he spoke. “Gather your sons, years of 8 or more, for they shall accompany you. You have brought them up as warriors, and they will serve our Jihad. What honor and glory they shall gain for you in the eyes of All-Anu!”

  So speaks the Mahdi, so we believe!

  Before the first vessels parted, there was much discussion about what to do with those who would remain behind. It was decided by the Elders to allow them to live. The Mahdi picked a few of the older brothers to stay behind and be shepherd to those who remained. These men already gained their glory, suffering wounds in battle against infidels since the Great Satan fell, and would have struggled to make the trip. Paradise was already achieved, for the Mahdi guaranteed each martyrdom when their time of death came. But for now, they would stay and teach those left behind how to worship All-Anu. For New Mecca was still a holy land, to be preserved. The Mahdi commanded that each man make a pilgrimage back here at some point in his life. Then each man staying behind was granted as many wives from the group as they wished. And all were pleased.

  When all was prepared, we raised our black banners and departed. From the moment our exodus began, like an unstoppable wave, our
Jihad boiled like a great flood through the river valley. Every mile was cleansed of non-believers. None could resist.

  Great victories occurred. As we lay waste to the domains of the infidels, many fell to our swords. Others were captured, and the brothers wondered what was to be done with them. Our Mahdi replied, “Let no unbelieving male over the age of five survive. For they will never receive the truth of All-Anu. Their minds are polluted with deceit. Give each woman capable of bearing children a chance to come to the truth as provided by All-Anu through I, his servant. You must put the rest to the sword.”

  So speaks the Mahdi, so we believe!

  Each female was given a chance to become the wife of a loyal soldier of All-Anu. If they came to the true faith, they were given a wedding night and then allowed to remain in their home village under the watch of pure and righteous men chosen by lot. Thus, the word of All-Anu, and the message of our Mahdi, was spread throughout the Great River Valley.

  As we reached the Great River’s bulge, we entered the lands of Alexander the Terrible. This demon, created by the Deceiver Himself, stood against us to test the merit of the Faithful. His followers attacked us in the night. Dishonorable and cowardly, they acted as Jinn, attempting to frighten our brothers. Some were distracted, and many were snatched from this world by the evil doers. Oh the tribulation of the righteous! But our jihad could not be stopped. For we had the will of All-Anu on our side.

  Before long, the Mahdi said, “Let us split our forces and drive deep into the territory of Alexander the Terrible. For I have seen his heart of hearts through a vision from All-Anu. It is black as the night. First, we will destroy the infidels in the White City through Taqiyya. Followers of the true path are already amongst those dwelling in the city. Brothers, believe me! That den of vipers will fall with barely a shot fired. All-Anu will deliver this gift to you so you may know his love for you. When the White City falls in this way, there will be no help for those who worship the idol of the Red Hawk. They will be isolated and alone.”

  So speaks the Mahdi, so we believe!

  Then the Mahdi said. “For this is our great test. The forces of the Red Hawk under Alexander the Terrible must be rooted out. We will drive overland, converting those who live in the wild to understand the truth of All-Anu.”

  The Mahdi selected strong warriors to escort our most clever imams to make the long trek overland to the infidel strongholds along the banks of what was called the Illinois River. Many tribes of infidel wildmen were encountered. Most refused to hear the true word of All-Anu given to them by the imams, and fled our jihad. Others listened but did not hear, refusing to turn from their wickedness. As payment for their resistance, they perished by the sword.

  Then the Mahdi himself appeared one night to all the brothers, new and old. He said, “We have made a Taqiyya to take the infidels of the White City, and that is good. With this great victory, our people will gather for the winter in the warmth and shelter of that place once overrun by vile filth. We will rejoice and prepare for the final leg of our journey to the promised land.”

  So speaks the Mahdi, so we believe!

  Then the Mahdi said, “All-Anu Himself has given me the word that we may also mislead those who worship the graven image of the Red Hawk. While we all seek martyrdom, I need as many of our brave jihadists to join us in the promised land as possible. So, let us use the tools All-Anu provides. Brothers do not despair, for your chance at martyrdom will come in the many battles yet to be fought.”

  So speaks the Mahdi, so we believe!

  Then the Mahdi explained how we might bring a Taqiyya to the Red Hawks as we did the White City. “Our new brothers of this land who have accepted All-Anu will go to live inside the Red Hawk’s walls. They will make peace with the Red Hawks. The infidel’s self-importance will blind them, and our brothers will pretend to follow them. When the time is right, they will cause Red Hawk lands to fall into chaos. In this way, the Evil One will fall from the inside, and not interfere as our exodus continues down the Great River Valley.”

  So speaks the Mahdi, so we believe!

  Oh the celebration that night! Men took their new wives and danced in the streets of the White City. For though our brave men wished to join their brothers in martyrdom, each prayed to see the promised land for himself before death.

  Now you know All-Anu has provided a way to destroy the Red Hawks just as we captured the White City! Praise be to All-Anu! Help us defeat Alexander the Terrible!

  Chapter One

  Somewhere Over ARK Territory

  Shortly After the Fall of The White City

  “Ten minutes until tether, Mrs. Diamante.”

  Nicole opened her eyes and nodded to the crewman standing in doorway of the crew compartment. With her acknowledgement, he disappeared back into the control room, leaving the Premier of ARK alone with her children and one very unhappy guest.

  Essie Hamilton sat directly across from her in an identical high-backed seat. The chairs were comfortable enough for long trips. In fact, the giant airship itself was the most remarkable way to travel in this world of scarce luxury. ARK poured tremendous resources into their airships; they called them skyships for reasons still unclear to outsiders. As a weapon massed together, the football-field-long cylinders could, and had, burned cities to the ground. As transportation, passengers were kept safe high above road bandits and natural obstacles. As a projection of power over small communities with barely enough resources to feed their surviving citizens, skyships showed the world ARK was a superpower. Only one person refused to be intimidated by the giants, and irony had put her on one of the few remaining in the sky; it was the only lifeline she’d had to escape the fall of ARK’s capital.

  The relaxing chairs couldn’t solve the discomfort of the woman who once knocked these graceful beauties from the sky, or for the woman whom the skyships belonged to. Essie was the reason skyships were rare; she’d killed them along with their crews every chance she had. The Caliphate’s invasion hadn’t changed her hatred of ARK; she just hated the Caliphate more. Right now, her priority was keeping those religious fanatics from bringing her home to ruin.

  Nicole didn’t care much for Essie either. Even after striking a tentative peace with Alex Hamilton’s Red Hawk Republic, having the youngest Hamilton as an uninvited guest was unwelcome at best. Nicole would have to spend every waking moment trying to save the empire her husband had stitched together. Essie was a distraction…a rude and arrogant distraction, at that.

  Neither woman attempted to make eye contact. Cabin heaters designed to keep the chill of altitude away from passengers had no effect on the frigid conditions in the few feet between them.

  The cabin shuddered as engine nacelles redirected the huge skyship’s path. Nicole’s youngest child stirred on her lap, then settled back into sleep, blissfully unaware of the chaos surrounding the last few hours.

  “I thought we were headed for Independence,” Essie said.

  Nicole looked at her. “Those are the first words you’ve said to me since we took off.”

  “Yeah well, call it decompression time. Escaping in an enemy airship, getting shot at by fanatics, and being somewhere against my will takes a little getting used to.” Quick wit and a sharp tongue were Essie’s trademark – bolstered by the confidence of royalty and the swagger of a successful warrior.

  “We’re not your enemy,” Nicole said. “And you’re free to go whenever you want.” Nicole smiled and gestured toward the door. She was unintimidated by any woman or man and could match wits with the worst.

  “Five thousand feet is a bit of a first step. Think maybe I’ll wait a moment or two,” Essie said nonchalantly, returning her gaze back out the panoramic window. She could see the miles of open country between where she was and where she wanted to be.

  Her latest near-death experience left her longing for home. She’d lost her fiancé in the same battle that had claimed her adopted home of Mt. Horab. Now all she had left was the rolling fields and forests of the
Okaw where she was raised. Twinges of homesickness for her brothers and sister pulled at her heart.

  For the first time she could recall, Essie wanted to get out of the sky and back on the solid ground. To get out of the fight for a while and just feel safe.

  “We’ll figure out a way to get you home, Essie. I give you my word.”

  Essie said nothing at first. She worked to hold her words, trying to convince herself any arguments here would be useless. But she couldn’t hold back. She was, after all, a Hamilton. “Your word, huh? The word of a mobster. Very reassuring.”

  She didn’t stop there. “You can’t return me home. You burned Mt. Horab to the ground. Oh, wait, you mean home to my brothers? The ones who are probably worried sick wondering what happened to me?” She finally looked at Nicole, fire blazing behind emerald eyes. “The ones who would level what’s left of your pathetic little empire if anything happened to me?”

  She paused for a second. “Is that what you’re promising me, Mrs. Diamante?”

  Nicole just stared back. She stroked her daughter’s hair, smiling just a little. “I’ve made my peace with what we’ve done,” she replied calmly. “I’ve asked forgiveness from everyone, including you. Your own Bishops have assured me I can do no more than that.”

  “Pretty low to use my own religion against me.”

  “I’m not using anything against anyone right now,” Nicole assured her. “Well, I take that back. I intend to use what’s left of my ‘pathetic little empire’ against the ones who hate us both. Can we at least find common ground there?”

  Essie’s gaze returned to the window. She wouldn’t admit the older woman had a point. “Is that what was so important about getting that?” She looked up and pointed at the white packet tucked beside Nicole. Tony had passed it off to his wife in the moments before they made their mad dash from ARK’s headquarters.


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