Tempt Me

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Tempt Me Page 15

by Cali Caliente

  She hadn’t seen Antonio with the wedding cake and appetizers yet. Although, he didn’t need to be here too early. She liked to have it all setup for guests to wander into the dining area when the wedding ceremony was over, giving the bride and groom time to retreat from the gazebo.

  She brushed off her doubts and smiled at her best friend. Aurora stood in front of the long oval mirror in the Bride’s Cottage. She was exquisite. Her gown was a bit large, even though it had been resized after the twins’ birth, but her cheeks were flushed pink and her eyes sparkled with happiness.

  “You look awesome. He’s going to love this dress on you.”

  Aurora twirled around like a princess. “Thank you, Dani. It’s a bit scary, you know? I mean, after having the babies and all we’re a family. But to take these vows that tie us together in a way I’ve never been tied before—it’s a lot to think about.”

  “That’s true, but you and Bryce were meant for each other. The way he looks at you melts my heart. He makes you happy, and he gave you two beautiful sons. To think you might never have met that wonderful man would be a crime.”

  Rory sighed and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. “The sex isn’t bad either.”

  Danielle giggled as she fluffed out the gown. “That’s always a big plus. All the other stuff… Well, it can be worked out. But good sex makes a marriage strong.”

  “And hot, and fun, and—”

  “Okay, enough.” Warmth flamed her cheeks. She totally understood about how hot the twins could be. Well, one twin at least. “You definitely need a honeymoon in the Keys. I bet you aren’t getting much romance with two tiny babies to take care of and adore.”

  “None. At first, I couldn’t because… Well, you know, and now the twins are on this two-hour timeclock and it wears all three of us out.”

  She’d forgotten they hired a full-time nanny who just happened to be a retired nurse. “The nanny is staying with them at the farmhouse?”

  “Yes. Becca has a friend, a pediatric nurse staying there too. They’ll be okay, but I miss the boys already. I’ll be calling every chance I get to check on them. But I do need a rest from being double mommy for a while, even if it’s only a week. It will be heaven to play with Bryce again and not have to worry if we’ll be disturbed.”

  Danielle crossed her heart. “I promise I won’t call unless it’s a dire emergency.”

  “Thank you for being the best friend ever.” Aurora hugged her.

  “You’re welcome. I don’t know what I’d have done without you either.”

  She did a final check on Aurora’s gown and veil. She looked beautiful and content. Seeing her friend glow, she only hoped her own wedding would be as nice. She wanted to take those special vows with Brent. The vows that make a couple stand up and pay attention to each other, not only during the ceremony, but for the rest of their lives.

  The cottage door burst open.

  Danielle spun around and gasped. “Bryce?”

  The groom staggered into the room, blood and mud on his face, grass stains on his knees and white tuxedo jacket. “Where the hell is Brent?”

  “Brent?” Both Danielle and Aurora’s voices chimed in unison.

  Aurora rushed forward, but Danielle held her back. “Don’t—your dress. I’ll take care of him.” She pushed Bryce into the nearest chair and grabbed the wet wipes. “What happened?”

  He blinked and swiped at a trickle of blood oozing from a scratch on his temple. “I don’t know. That’s why I need to find Brent. He has Jon Reymont pissed off to no end. Jon jumped me as I came out of the tasting bar. He thought I was Brent.”

  “No, not today. Not at one of my weddings.” As soon as she cleaned up the groom, she would go find the best man. “Your tux is shot. There are several stand-by tuxedoes in the closet over there. See if one fits you. I’ll be back in a few minutes and bring the medical kit. You need a bandage for that scratch, it’s deep. Just hold this wipe on it until it stops bleeding.”

  Danielle cast an it’s going to be okay glance toward Aurora and hurried out the door. If Brent was drunk or causing trouble, she would find the underlying cause of his behavior. Guests had started to arrive and wander the lavender grounds like peacocks on a sunny afternoon, all dressed in their Sunday best.

  She rushed into the cool confines of the tasting room and stopped in her tracks. “You’re drinking? At a time like this? At your brother’s wedding? What on earth are you thinking? You look like crap, Brent.”

  “Hello to you too.” He grinned a sloppy lopsided grin.

  Danielle didn’t need this today of all days. She had promised a beautiful wedding event, a special memory to last forever in the bride’s and groom’s hearts. “I don’t have time for hello. This is a wedding, and it’s my job to make sure everything runs smoothly. Look at you!”

  “But you have time for him, my bellissimo Danielle.”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying. How much vino have you had today? Where is the bartender anyway? They are supposed to serve after the wedding, and never to a member of the wedding party before the ceremony.”

  “I sent Bryce after Jon. I have a thing or two to say to the ass—”

  “Enough. Now let’s get you cleaned up.” So that’s what had happened to the groom? She removed the wine bottle from his hand and pulled him to his feet. “You can find Jon after the ceremony. This is your brother’s wedding day and you’ll behave. Do you hear me?”

  He leaned heavily on her shoulder. “Do you speak to all your men that way? Are you a dominatrix?”

  She shook her head in disbelief. He was not going to ruin this wedding, if she had to shove his face in the toilet to sober him up. “You aren’t making sense, Brent.”

  Lisa walked into the tasting room. “Oh, God, Dani. Is this the groom?”

  “No. Don’t worry. I have this under control. But I need you to go get me a few things. Food, carbs are best, and a big fresh pot of strong coffee. And please take a first aid kit over to the Bride’s Cottage A.S.A.P., the groom is there. He needs some fixing up.” She normally had those supplies with her but had forgot to pack them, of all the times to be forgetful.

  “You got it, boss.” Lisa rushed out the door to do her bidding.

  Danielle walked Brent around in circles to stimulate his senses and wear off the alcohol. He leaned into her to nuzzle her neck, but she pushed him away. “Stop it.”

  “Why, don’t you love me?” His deep brown eyes were filled with pain and his hands were far too busy groping her.

  “I do. I just don’t want this wedding ruined.” She shoved his hand off her breast.

  “Let me kiss you, mia bella.”

  She leaned forward and kissed his lips, soft and sweet. No time for romance right now. She had to sober him up and fast. The ceremony was in less than two hours.

  Lisa arrived with a pot of coffee and a plate of pasta, followed by Antonio carrying two cases full of strawberry pies.

  “Ah, what has the boy done? I told him not to drink the vino today.” Antonio set the pies on the bar and helped her move Brent to a chair. “You need to sober him up, mio caro.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do.”

  “Take him to the shower.” Antonio’s suggestion would work if it weren’t so impractical.

  She wanted to strangle Brent and kiss him at the same time. But first things first. “A cold shower. Great idea. Where am I supposed to find that?”

  “At the hotel. You have time, Danielle. He needs to be sober, or he will ruin Bryce’s wedding. This is a very special occasion for our family. You are the wedding planner. You must do this, capisci?”

  “I’ll take care of the bride and groom, and you take care of the best man.” Lisa winked at her and ran out the door toward the Bridal Cottage, the first aid kit tucked under her arm.

  Antonio patted Danielle’s back. “I will see to the rest of the food setup and arrangement of the cake. I need time to do this anyway. Go. Go with him now.”

“Yes, please.” Brent’s side dimple appeared. “Go with me, cara mia.”

  Jon appeared from outdoors and sauntered in with all his macho attitude in high gear. She cursed the bad timing. He walked behind the bar and examined the cases of pies. She shook her finger at him in warning. “Don’t get into these pies right now, Jon Reymont. They’re for today’s wedding. Do you hear me?”

  He winked at her and lifted the lid to sniff the pies. “I know. I was just looking. They smell great, by the way.”

  “Thank you.” Antonio stood by her side in a protective manner. “I make these special pies for the bride and groom. You will taste later, capisci?”

  What was Jon up to, hovering around? Trying to stir up more trouble? He’d been pushing her patience buttons all morning. More like the past two weeks. “Jon, could you do me a favor?”

  “Anything for your sexy little bod.” He stuffed his hands into his pants pockets, grinning like he owned the world.

  What an egotistic jerk.

  She ignored his flirtatious remark and held out her car keys. “Can you bring my Bug around to the backdoor?”

  He had the audacity to kiss her on the mouth when he accepted the keys. “Oh…gotcha. Back door. I remember you like it doggy style. I’d love to. Be right back.”

  Brent jerked free of her hold and staggered toward the bar. He leaned heavily on it and sucked in a deep breath. “I’m sober now. We don’t have to leave.”

  “Drink some more coffee.” Antonio filled a mug with the steamy brew and pushed it toward his nephew.

  Danielle grabbed Brent’s arm so he couldn’t antagonize Jon. “Brent, don’t start anything today. I can handle him. Honest.”

  He snickered, an odd sound coming from him. “Like you handled him in the photographs sent to my office?”

  “Photographs? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He straightened and looked down at her as though trying to focus, a hurt expression crossed his face. “I saw the two of you. I saw you kiss Jon—”

  “Brent, I never—”

  “But I did.” Jon walked into the bar.

  That was fast, or maybe he never left. “Jon, I need my car, please.”

  “I got your car. I knew this guy wouldn’t leave you alone, Dani. He needed to see how in love we are. I sent him the pics of us making out in the cottage. You know, the hot little rendezvous we had the other day?” Jon tossed her car keys on the counter. He stopped right in front of Brent. “She’s mine, buddy. I don’t care if you have the biggest schlong—”

  Brent’s fist shot out and clipped Jon’s jaw, and sent him staggering backward into the bar. Glasses rattled and some tipped over. Jon grabbed for the open pie case and pulled out a pie. He rammed the whip-cream topped pie into Brent’s face and burst into hearty laughter.

  Danielle was shocked and pissed.

  The beautiful wedding she’d planned would be ruined by a jealous idiot. He was worse than a pesky fly but equally as annoying. She grabbed a fresh strawberry pie and faced-off with Jon. “I’ve always wanted to do this to a real jerk.”

  Without hesitation, she smashed the pie into Jon’s startled face.

  Jon gasped and tossed the plate aside, swiping whipped cream and berries from his eyes. “We’re done, Dani. Trust me. We’re done.”

  She couldn’t help the laughter that escaped. It was the most exhilarating thing she’d done to someone as payback. Jon had harassed her to the point of her not wanting to attend the wedding today. But this was her job as well as her best friend’s wedding. And she was the maid of honor too. She had no choice. Maybe now, Jon would leave her alone.

  The shocked faces of Lisa, Antonio, and Brent sobered her laughter.

  Brent grinned, creamy pie and all.

  She ran a finger over his sweet lips. Mmm… “We need to get you to a shower. Lisa, grab a couple of those bar towels, please. I don’t want this pie mess in my Bug.”

  Antonio shook his head and pointed his finger at each of them in turn. “I don’t know nothing about weddings, but I know this—you two are very much in love. You should tell each other and do something about it. Questo é amoré.”

  Brent pulled her into his arms. “He says this is love. Is it, mia bella?”

  Danielle kissed him and licked her whipped cream covered lips. Yum. “Let’s get you cleaned up so we can have this wedding. We’ll talk about love later.”

  Chapter Eight

  Brent wasn’t as drunk as he feigned to be. He wanted to entrap Jon Reymont and it had worked. Jon’s admission clarified everything. Danielle had nothing to do with the photographs, nor was she interested in Jon. Brent’s heart lightened to know where her love was focused. He studied her as she assisted him into her hotel room and helped him undress. She was being forcefully gentle, but he was stressing her with his performance.

  “It’s okay, bella amante. I am not as drunk as I pretended.”

  She stepped back from tugging his pants off his legs. “You’re not drunk?”

  He wanted to feel guilty, but he didn’t regret one damn thing. He was elated at the turn of events and grinned instead. “Maybe just a little. I am sorry for tricking you.”

  “It’s okay. You gave me the courage to do what I’ve always wanted to do.” She looked away for a minute as though to restrain laughter but turned back with a smile. “I never had the guts to stand up to someone before. To literally throw a pie in someone’s face, even if it was a very important pie. I did it for your brother, for me, and for you, Brent. Jon is an ass. He deserved it.”

  He agreed one hundred percent. “You were my champion.”

  “You didn’t do so bad yourself. Jon’s jaw will definitely be bruised.” She cupped his face, gazed into his eyes, and made his heart melt away. “Someday, we need to have a pie fight when I can take the time to lick you clean, but I’m afraid we’re rather in a hurry today.”

  He kissed her lips, more of an agreement than of a lover. “I will hurry.”

  “Do you need help?”

  “Ah, cara mia, I can always use your help.” He walked into the bathroom expecting her to follow. When she didn’t, he turned. She was naked. An eyeful of erotic sensations hit his groin. “I have to make love to you.”

  She stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around his chest, her heart beating in time with his. There was no purer feeling on earth than holding a lover close and just touching. Two bodies becoming one. He whispered the words of a song in her ear and they swayed together on the bathroom floor, closer than they had ever been.

  This time when he kissed her mouth, her lips were open and invited him to do so much more. Dance with him, comfort him, and make him feel like the most powerful man alive. She trembled in his arms. He rubbed her back and smooth bottom until she snuggled against his arousal. He set the water temp in the shower and tugged her inside with him.


  Danielle licked his pie-sweetened face and slid her arms around his neck. “I will always want you, Brent Lovella. Always.”

  He groaned and whispered, “Sognatore, per sempre.”

  Dream lover, forever.

  They’d admitted their feelings to each other and wouldn’t allow anyone else to pull them apart. Overcoming the difficulties of past relationships, and the distractions of Janie and Jon, only proved to make them stronger. And then she remembered what she had failed to tell him. Guilt washed over her for two reasons—the truth about Jon, and her pregnancy. She didn’t want either to help him decide whether he wanted to be with her per sempre. She wanted him to decide on his own, no matter the consequences.

  But she would have to tell him her secret soon.

  Water sluiced over their bodies and slickened their heated skin, inviting them to play. She held his shoulders and lifted herself up, wrapping her legs around his hips. She pressed her forehead to his and gazed into his eyes. It was a challenge for him to take her. To make her his own in the way only he could. She wanted to be branded by his love, brought to the edge of
existence, and tossed into the tides of passion with him buried deep within her.

  “Do you want something, Dani?”

  “Yes…” She arched her back and shoved her hips downward to feel his pene begging entrance to her secret place. “Make me yours, Brent.”

  He covered her mouth in a hungry kiss and pushed into her in one thrust. “How do you do this to me? I am yours, bella mia, as much as you are mine.”

  Holding himself deep inside her, he continued his assault on her senses. Every little pulse of his cock alerted her, every throb brought her higher, and each Kegel squeeze she gave him in return brought them both closer to the edge.


  She gasped. “Oh…more, always more…”

  He pulled out slowly, and she clenched her muscles to prevent him from leaving. He pushed in again, raising and lowering her buttocks in a gentle steady rhythm until she was distraught with need. She bit into his shoulder as wave after wave washed over her, and she let out a cry of complete joy.

  He held her and nuzzled her neck. “Thank you.”

  She giggled and ran her hands over his smooth back. “You don’t have to thank me for something I enjoy too.”

  He laughed and kissed her, then set her down. “We’d better hurry, if we’re going to make the wedding, cara mia.”

  She took a deep breath and let it out slow and easy. So, this is how love is? She could live like this forever. But first, they had to make it back to the lavender farm before someone noticed they were missing from the wedding party. She giggled again.

  “Is there something funny?” His incredible dark eyes seared her very essence.

  Danielle kissed him and stepped out of the shower. “There’s a glow on your face and probably on mine. Do you think anyone will know what we were up to?”

  “I hope so. I want everyone to know you’re mine, Danielle Comb.”



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