Fallen Angel

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Fallen Angel Page 4

by Swanz, Peppa

  The scene changed. Now Eliza was chained to the mast, biting into the whip as James slid his thick cock inside, reaching around to stroke her nerve filled nub as he did.

  Chapter 4

  James stopped outside the door to his quarters.

  What the hell was wrong with him?

  This was his door. This was his ship!

  He placed his fingers on the handle but stopped again. What was he going to say?

  What ever the hell I want to, this is my bloody ship!

  He placed a little more pressure on the handle and felt it turn, heard every click of the cogs inside like thunder.

  He stopped again. Maybe he should just wait a moment, just to make sure she wasn't going to attack him. He rolled his eyes, but all the same pressed his ear against the door.

  The sound that met his ear made him pull back sharply. What the hell? He shook his head and pressed his ear against the door again, and the sound came again. A soft feminine moan followed by a gentle cry. Was she crying? He swore and gritted his teeth, pushing away the sharp prick of guilt. With a sigh he slowly opened the door peaked into the room.

  James' mouth fell wide at the sight that greeted him. Of all the things he had expected to see on entering his quarters, this was not one of them.

  Wenches don't do that!

  At least not the wenches of his time...

  Or do they?

  His time?

  But before he could work his brain around the issue she let out another all too delectable mew and arched her back, her fingers working furiously between her spread thighs.

  The sound, the sight, god the smell wrapped so tightly around his straining cock that he had to grip the door to hold in his own groan. He shut his eyes and swallowed hard.

  “James,” she mewed her voice breathless.

  His eyes flew open, but hers were still shut. Had he made a sound?

  “Ooh James,”

  His cock throbbed painfully as realization hit. She hadn't seen him at all. Eliza was thinking about him. Thinking about him and pleasuring herself.

  James' mind clouded, blocking everything but the beautiful view of this woman, lying on his bunk imagining that it was him doing God-knows-what while she flicked her fingers between her plump folds.

  Never. Never in his life had he seen anything so completely breathtaking. Something inside him clicked, in his mind and in his heart, something he hadn't felt in a long time.

  James knew and took great pride in the fact that the wenches he took to his bed, left sated, but Eliza had been right when she said he had to pay. What other way was there? It was a sin for a woman to indulge her carnal desires outside wedlock, so that left only the Doxies if a man such as him wished to find pleasurable release.

  But this was different. There was no money exchange in this moment—this was not a show for his benefit. This was Eliza, in all her pure and alluring glory. No fake smiles or forced moans for the sake of the paying sailor. She wanted him, even after she had been so angry, vowing that he was nothing to her. Never had he felt so much power or masculine pride and no woman had ever made his blood boil and pulse the way she did.

  His feet seemed to move of their own volition and before he had time to think he was kneeling at her side. Her eyes flicked open and her hand stopped, her whole body tensed as her glassy gaze fell on him.

  “Fuck!” She gasped her face flushing even deeper.

  “No.” James placed his larger hand over hers where it rested between her thighs. “Don't stop.” And he moved his hand with hers, increasing the pressure on her swollen nub and feeling the wetness of her tight passage, grinning wickedly at the way her eyes widened and glazed over.

  “James?” Her confused eyes clouded again when he slipped one long finger inside.

  “Yes, Ellie,” he growled, his intense gaze never wavering, holding her captive and determined to have all of her. “Let go, my sweet wench.”

  He pumped two fingers inside her tight, pulsing passage and continued to hold her hand captive so they were both bringing her closer to her personal ecstasy. His cock pulsed painfully against the front of his britches, but it simply added to the excitement this wench was eliciting.

  Her back arched off the bunk and her eyes shut tight as another shudder of delight took her. “James—Oh James,” she breathed, her knees rising higher and her hips rocking in time with his pumping fingers.

  Eliza's movement was so quick that James had no time to think, no time to pull back, even if he'd wanted to stop her. Her free hand fell to his groin and cupped his hardness, squeezing so wickedly it was almost too much. “I want...” She shivered and mewed again. “I want to touch—you—too.”

  It was all James could do not to spill his seed in his britches. Never had he felt so many emotions at one time and he wasn't sure if he liked any of them, had spent most of his life avoiding them.

  Lust raged through his veins, making him want to roar and snarl at the writhing vixen clenching and quivering around his fingers.

  Not long ago she had been screaming for his blood and now here she was, purring and moaning his name, begging to please him. And not because she was being paid or to barter, she simply wanted him, wanted to give and receive and share this carnal pleasure.

  Blast, what was wrong with him?

  He didn't know but there was something important to this, something he needed to figure out, and probably something bad. But, oh gods, when she squeezed his cock that way, dragged her fingernails over his heavy balls, everything clouded.

  Blindly, he used his free hand to shove her hand away and tear open his britches, groaning his relief when his rock hard cock sprung free. Her fingers wrapped around him and something close to a whimper escaped his clenched teeth when she tightened her grip. White hot slivers of pleasure shot from his groin and through the rest of his body.

  “Ellie,” he breathed rocking his hips as her long fingers stoked and tightened rhythmically. He dragged his thumb over her swollen nub and groaned as she gave a breathless cry and tightened her hand again, squeezing his cock almost painfully.

  Her eyes flicked open and their gazes locked. Wide eyed and passion filled they were one as they pleasured each other.

  And she was perfect, easily the most beautiful wench he had seen. Her long red hair fanned out over his bunk and her cheeks were flushed.

  James watched, his heart beating painfully and his cock flexing so hot in her hand. He saw when the first wave of ultimate rapture took her and was in awe of the way her eyes widened, the way her mouth fell open. He knew when the pleasure blurred her vision and reveled in the desperate high pitched cries she made as her body shuddered.

  And he was right there with her, watching her rapture, loving the way she watched him and let him see, keeping nothing hidden. The first wave of his own completion made him groan and their mingled cries and moans of bliss filled the room. Sweet, intense thrills shot between them and enclosed them in their own abyss.

  * * * *

  Eliza shifted over on the bunk so James could lie down beside her. They didn’t speak, just lay together, fingers barely touching but close on the blanket beneath them as they let their heartbeats calm and their bodies cool in the afterglow.

  How could she do that!?

  Less than an hour ago James was about to strike her, as good as called her a whore and now they lay side by side after sharing something that now felt much more personal than it was meant.

  Turning her head she admired his profile. His eyes were shut, lashes fluttering softly against his high cheeks. A not too long nose, slightly crooked, strong jaw and chin with the hint of prickly stubble. His lips were parted to take in more air and his broad chest rose and fell roughly. Eliza knew that if she were to rest her head on his chest she would hear his heartbeat pounding just as hard and fast as her own.

  She wondered what that would be like, to rest her had on his chest and smile up at him as a lover would. To have him smile back at her, his gaze cheeky yet full of lo

  James chose that moment to turn his face towards her and open his eyes. Eliza quickly looked away, huffing and crossing her arms over her chest at his rumbling chuckle.

  “Well, Captain Butler,” She said, quite proud of her haughty tone . “I certainly hope you don’t think that, counted as an apology.”

  “Of course not, Miss Jackman,” he replied and she could hear the smirk in his voice. “But your apology is accepted all the same.”

  With an outraged cry she made to get up only to be pulled back and covered by his larger body and her hands held against the bed by his. She glared up at him. “I meant you’re apology to me.”

  He grinned as she struggled fruitlessly against his hold. “I owe you none, and since I have willingly accepted yours, meant or not, we, my lady, are even.” With that he lowered his mouth and captured her lower lip between his teeth, sucking just hard enough to make her core clench with new need.

  “You most certainly do.” She whimpered as he wedged his knee between her thighs. “The way you treated me was beyond despicable.”

  “Possibly.” He shoved her britches the rest of the way down her legs and kicked them off the bunk along with his own. “And you deserved every word.”

  Her cry of indignation quickly became a moan as James opened the buttons of her shirt and took one erect nipple between his lips. The velvety heat of his mouth made her quiver.

  “How dare you!” But her tone didn’t quite hold the scolding quality she had hoped as he swirled his tongue delightfully, eliciting another soft cry.

  “I dare, madam.” He gave equal attention to her other nipple, grinding his hardening cock against her thigh. “What you don’t realize is that a pirate crew is like a wolf pack.”

  “You mean the crew howls at the moon and craps on the ground?” she snipped tartly.

  James laughed suddenly and gave her bottom a ruthless pinch, quirking his brow when she squealed. “No darling, but if that’s what makes you shiver I’m sure something could be arranged,” he replied and Eliza slapped his shoulder, stifling her own bubble of laughter. “Being the pack leader entails more then simply being called Leader. I must maintain control of the crew and passengers.”

  “Yes, but…”

  James expression changed, growing sterner. “No buts, Eliza. You undermined my authority today. If the crew believe that I am anything less then the strongest man on board, they will gladly slit my throat and put in another.” He silenced another interruption with a hand over her mouth. “I brought the Fallen Angel out of the money left to me by my Aunt, a woman I loved very dearly and I will not lose this ship in order to pussy foot around a mouthy wench.”

  For a long time she glared up at him and he back at her. It was a battle of wills but all too soon, Eliza averted her eyes and huffed again.

  James was right.

  Eliza had read every book on pirates and seafaring of the eighteenth century she could get her hands on. She knew how dangerous life was out here on the open seas and she knew how volatile the captain’s position was on a pirate ship.


  His eyes were serious on hers but he smiled when he felt her lips compress under his hand. He knew he was right and he knew she knew.

  She expected him to say something smug, to crow about his victory. He didn’t.

  Removing his hand, James kissed her, slowly with more tenderness then she had ever felt

  “And as I said, your apology is accepted and we are equal. You think that I do not respect you, Eliza, and you could not be more wrong,” he whispered, stroking her cheek with his thumb as he cupped her face, propping himself above her on his elbows. “The life of a doxy is just as hard and dangerous as my own, possibly more so.”

  Eliza wasn’t sure how it was possible to be both touched and annoyed at once, but that was how she felt. “Haven’t you listened to anything I’ve said, James?”

  He gave her a wicked grin and flicked his tongue over her bottom lip. “Sure I have, darlin’. I remember you saying something about screaming ecstasy and ten times a night, and may I say your wish is my com...Oi!” He never finished as with a growl she shoved at his shoulder and successfully flipped him onto his back and straddled his hips.

  His cock rested against the length of her soaking pussy, pressing perfectly against her swollen clit. She rocked gently and they both groaned their pleasure at the moment.

  “Not that part,” she breathed and gripped his cock in her hands, shifting him so she could slide it into her hot sheathe, both crying out at the tightness and warmth. She brought her mouth close and swiped her tongue against his, feeling his gasping breaths against her lips. “I am not a doxy.”

  James arched his back and licked his lips as his hands settled on her hips and his eyes roved over her full breasts swinging seductively as she rocked slowly, teasing them both. “Ooh Ellie...What ever you say, love.”

  Sitting upright she squeezed him tightly and felt a wave of feminine pride when he groaned and dug his fingers into her hips, pulling her harder against him. “Are you patronizing me?” She moaned and his hands relaxed and shifted to cup her breasts as she began to rise and fall.

  He sat up suddenly, making her cry out at the new angle and she wrapped her legs more firmly around his waist. “Never,” he said, his voice breathless and when she opened her eyes she saw nothing but honest warmth and passion in his green eyes as they moved together and his mouth moved hotly over her throat and jaw as he spoke, his voice ragged and gruff. “You’re going to England, that’s—Ah—a whole world away from Tortuga—You’re beautiful and you’re smart and when you’re not cursing like a sailor, you’re well spoken.”

  Eliza laughed and bit his shoulder, rocking a little faster loving the way he laughed with her, loving the way he worshiped her as he filled her body.

  He pulled back slightly and made her look back into his eyes. “You can be anything you want to be, Eliza.”

  Their movements stilled for what felt like an eternity as she looked back at him. Eliza was touched beyond reason by his words. Her whole life nobody had ever spoken to her the way he did, and as she gazed back into his eyes, she knew he meant every word. As they looked at one another, his body still hard and thick within hers, she felt her heart swell and her whole body seemed to tingle and warm. Eliza had never felt this way before and she wasn’t sure that she liked it, but she did know that she never wanted this feeling to stop.

  She cupped his face as he smoothed his large hands up her back, hugging her close. This time when they kissed it was deeper and filled with their shared warmth and strange new affection.

  “You know,” she whispered, nibbling around his ear and rocking again. “You were always my favorite pirate.”

  “Arr!” He rolled them so he was over her again, propping himself on his elbows as rocked his hips, pumping his thickness in and out of her tight body, both of them moaning with the sweet pleasure of his long, steady rhythm. “I be a fearsome pirate indeed, me bonny lass.”

  He growled and proceeded to ravish her throat and shoulder, thrusting harder. Eliza was caught between laughing and moaning, giggling at his offish behavior and arching her back with the pleasure of being impaled by his thick pumping shaft. They would talk later, but for now he was her wicked pirate and she was his wanton Doxy.

  Chapter 5

  Two weeks passed and Eliza barely noticed. After more arguing she managed to talk James into allowing her to help Francis in the kitchen and she found the new, or rather, old way of cooking both frustrating and fascinating. As well, a sailor introduced as Bennett was teaching her some simple sword fighting moves and another introduced as Gray had been teaching her to tie knots and she in turn had been sharing what medical knowledge she could from her years as a registered nurse.

  So far she had been shown rashes and cuts, upset stomachs and more broken thumbs then she cared to mention. But she felt good having something that she could contribute to the ship—apart from her time with James. Eliza also had
to admit that she liked the way that James watched her. That glimmer of admiration in his eyes when he watched her deftly wrapping a broken appendage or cleaning a nasty looking wound.

  Her hard work had also earned her the respect of quite a few of his men, who now greeted her as, Miss Eliza. It didn’t hurt that she could always match their ribald jokes with a damn right filthy one of her own—another result of growing up with mischievous cousins.

  Now she stood up near the helm and breathed in the salty sea air feeling the wind and occasional spray rushing past. The sails flapped and creaked and somewhere someone was hammering something, the sound seeming to echo and fade into the other sounds of the ship.

  Her days were filled with the hard work that came with the sea life and the only thing she found more satisfying were her nights spent in her Pirate Captain’s arms. He never failed to arouse her body in a way it never had before and took her to the heights of pleasure that no man had even come close. She loved how responsive he was to her touch, the way his eyes shut and he groaned in the sweetest bliss when he felt her climax…

  “Miss Jackman, I must know what has you looking like the cat that got the cream,” James said from where he held the wheel, making her jump.

  She turned and could do nothing but grin at his bemused expression. Walking up the steps she leaned against the railing and gave another contented sigh. This is what it was to be happy.

  “You know in my time, I have three maxed out credit cards, I can barely afford my rent and my ex-boyfriend is stalking me.”

  James laughed “I didn’t understand anything that you just said.”

  “I know.” She spread her arms wide. “And isn’t it wonderful?”

  He reached out and yanked her over to him. Settling her hands on the wheel and clamping them there with his own, his larger body pressed firmly against her back.


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