It's Still Just Us: (Sequel to It's Just Us)

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It's Still Just Us: (Sequel to It's Just Us) Page 3

by R. Phoenix

  I swallowed. “Uh—”


  “I just don’t know, okay? He might have done it at his previous home, but—”

  Carter pinched the bridge of his nose. “Come on to the kitchen. You need to eat, I need to get ready, and I believe you have some studying to do. We’ll talk about the cat tomorrow.”

  I was in trouble… and that was assuming I could manage to stop Creamsicle from destroying furniture. If he started doing just that, I didn’t even know what Carter would say.

  “I’m sorry,” I said in a small voice. I’d messed that up big time. Now he was going to be—

  “I’m not mad, so don’t be sorry.” Carter paused, looking at the carrier. “But next time… just call me, okay? Or text me. Before. Whatever. Just don’t turn up here with another animal in tow.”

  I inhaled. Next time? Another animal? He wasn’t even that annoyed? I threw myself into his arms, kissing him. “Thank you, Daddy. You’re the best.”

  He chuckled before he kissed me back. “Though, it would be even better if you’d turn up on my doorstep wanting a new home next time.”

  “What, in a cat carrier? I didn’t know you were into that, Daddy.” I grinned up at him, batting my eyelashes. “But I’m willing to try, if you think this would—”

  “I like you as my baby, so leave it as that.”

  I’d only recently learned about kitty play, but I doubted I was into it anyway. It was just Carter who brought out a side of me that I’d never really seen before, a side that was bold and funny and snarky… and so different from how I’d always been. Whenever I freaked out because I thought I’d gone too far, he encouraged me to even go further. Was it possible to find a more perfect man and Daddy? “So no kitty play?” I teased.

  Carter rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around my waist as he kept me close. He seemed like he wanted to say something else, but he paused.

  I frowned and peered up at him, my pouting forgotten. Had I said something wrong? “Is everything okay?” Had he meant that I needed to start calling before I showed up, and I’d just totally missed the signs? “I mean, I can start calling before showing up if you want. I—”

  Before I could finish speaking, he kissed me again, softer, more tenderly. “I’m more than okay. But if you’re going to bring animals to live with me, it’s only fair that you come with them.”

  I blinked up at him, not following. I’d been keeping up with Snowflake, hadn’t I? I was there pretty much all the time. And I could take care of a cat, too. They were easy enough.

  “Move in with me,” he murmured against my lips.



  “I—” I swallowed, trying to wrap my mind around what he’d just said. I mean, yes, I sure as hell wanted that, but—

  “Too soon?”

  I shook my head, trying to find the words. “Not too soon,” I said, and it even surprised me when I spoke. It should’ve been too soon. He was my first, but he was my everything. Besides, it wasn’t like I went back to the dorms that much anyway. I’d been there… When had I been there last time? This might as well have been my home, but I hadn’t ever thought of it that way. “Are you sure?”

  “Baby, I wouldn’t have asked you if I wasn’t.” He still held me close, but I could feel the tension in his body.

  That wouldn’t do, not when he was the one I wanted to be with. “I’d love to move in with you. I just didn’t expect you to ask… I mean, it’s soon, but I’m sure.”

  I could feel how his lips formed a smile as they rested against my hairline. “Thank you, baby.”

  “Thank me when I bring more animals home—”

  “Uh, going to draw a line here.” He chuckled. “Not more than— Where am I going to draw the line? Knowing you, you’ll just ignore it anyway.”

  “I wouldn’t ignore it,” I told him, and I meant it. I’d never go against what he said, what he wanted, especially about something as big of a deal as bringing more animals into his life.

  All right, so maybe I should’ve put more thought into the cat, but… Well, he hadn’t told me not to, at least.

  “…I’d try not to ignore it,” I amended sheepishly. That sounded better.

  “I know you’ll forget that the moment you see another animal that won’t get adopted. But don’t worry. That’s why I love you so much. You have a beautiful heart.”

  The warmth rising on my face wasn’t something I could hide. “I love you too. And I promise to do my best.”

  “I know, baby. Come on now. Let Creamsicle look around, and you need to eat. I have to leave for work, but I made you dinner.”

  I nodded and kissed him quickly on the lips before I followed him to the kitchen. Our kitchen. I still couldn’t believe he’d really asked me to move in with him. “What did you make?”

  “Pork chops, a salad, and applesauce.” He took a sectioned plate and put the food on it, then got a sippy cup from the fridge and put it on the table.

  I settled down in front of the cup and watched him, knowing he didn’t want me to help. He grabbed a knife and fork, starting to cut the pork into pieces. A smile twitched onto my lips, and I picked up the sippy cup. I took a sip from it, enjoying the relaxed feeling that always came with drinking from it. Well, and from watching Carter cut up my food as he took care of me.

  I already could feel myself getting hard, thinking about what else he could take care of. Damn his work sometimes. It would be great to have him give me a bubble bath, some play time, then put me to bed… where he could pamper me some more. But he had to work, and I had to actually study.

  I managed not to pout since Carter put the food in front of me, ready to be eaten.

  “Here you are, my boy. Enjoy, don’t study too much, and eat your vegetables. I’ll be back later to kiss you good night. Don’t stay up late.” He sounded just like a stern daddy, and I shivered.

  “Yes, Daddy,” I told him, wishing he had time to sit down and enjoy the meal with me. One glance at the clock on the stove told me he had to get going, though, and I fought the urge to pull him close and tempt him into staying home.

  It’d be only fair, considering he’d done the same to me more than once, but both of us always ended up at work, even though it was a close call sometimes.

  Eventually, one of us would slip, and I didn’t want it to be my fault.

  So I let him go, watching him and wishing I could express my gratitude to him.

  He was so perfect. I just wished I knew how to show him how much he meant to me.

  Chapter Three


  I still wasn’t sure how I’d managed to end up with a cat — especially one I hadn’t even really seen, because he’d been hiding under the couch. Micah had put some food down, and some of it was gone, which he assured me was a good sign. He’d also used the litter box, which was — thank you very much — sitting in my living room right now. Our living room, since I’d asked Micah to finally move in with me, being with me all the time. It made the whole “litter box in the living room” thing a little more bearable.

  He hadn’t gone to his apartment much anyway, so this was more or less his home already, but now it would be official. I couldn’t wait.

  He’d been giddy with joy, making me think I should’ve asked him sooner, but I hadn’t wanted to rush things. But his reactions to me, the way he’d looked at me that night, had told me how much he loved that I’d asked him.

  Maybe I needed to admit that he’d grown a lot during the last months and really was ready to take new steps, even though I was always wary of overwhelming him. His doubts about the bodysuit and being a brat confirmed that, but our relationship was more than just kink.

  It was also with Micah the man, who was apparently very ready to live his life with me. He’d left earlier to pack the last of his stuff into boxes. Most of it had migrated to my house — our house — anyway already, but he still had other things he needed to bring over.

  While he was gone,
I went outside to spend time with Snowflake, who nearly tackled me in his need to get close. “Hey!” I said, laughing. “You’ll be able to come back inside soon.” As soon as the cat got settled, anyway.

  I threw a ball a few times for Snowflake, who bounded happily after it until he’d finally had enough. He fetched the ball, but he went into the far back corner of the yard, plopping down there. He couldn’t have said okay, enough more clearly if he’d tried.

  Micah still wasn’t back yet, so I decided to go back inside and see if I could get Creamsicle out from under the couch. I’d left the doors to the rooms upstairs closed until I could make sure he wasn’t going to scratch the furniture, but at this rate, he wouldn’t even see the rest of the house.

  When I got back inside, though, he was padding carefully across the living room, hunched low to the ground. His whiskers twitched, and he jerked his head up when he heard me. Just that quickly, he was back under the couch.

  At least he wasn’t attacking me like he’d apparently done with people at the shelter. What was I going to do with Micah and his need to rescue animals no one wanted? I’d have to be careful or we’d end up with a zoo, but then, if it made him happy…

  I sighed as I realized we’d probably have way more animals than I’d ever anticipated. At least Snowflake didn’t get along with other dogs. That might be the only thing saving me from having to share our bed with more huge bed hogs. As much as I tried to keep Snowflake out of the bed, Micah let him up more often than not, and I couldn’t ever say no to him.

  “Creamsicle,” I called out, carefully making my way over to the couch.

  Nothing. Not that I expected there to be any sort of response, but at least he didn’t run again.

  I paused, glancing at the door behind me. I’d do anything for Micah, but that didn’t mean I wanted him to see me lying on the floor trying to coax a cat out from under the couch. I rolled my eyes at myself and got down on the floor, trying to get a good look at the orange tabby that had joined our household.

  He didn’t budge, but he growled at me, a low warning sound. “Come on, I’m not going to bite you.” I kept talking to him, low and in nonsense sentences, just trying to calm him down, but he didn’t budge. He also didn’t attack, so it probably counted as a win. I’d prefer a cat I’d actually see sometimes, but maybe things would change over time. If not… Well, then we’d have a cat living under our couch, at least when we were around.

  Finally, my phone rang, and I smiled when I heard the ringtone I’d set just for Micah. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” Micah replied, sounding a little breathless. “I’m ready when you are. Sorry it took so long. I didn’t realize I had so much random stuff… I hope you don’t regret asking me to move in.”

  “Never,” I swore. “I can always find a place to store your extra things.” And I liked the idea of having his belongings in my house, of having reminders that he was there.

  “Good, because they’ve already found someone to take my room, and he’s moving in now.” Micah sighed. “It’s a good thing I was able to pack up so fast. He’s already putting sheets on my bed.”

  “That was quick,” I remarked as I put on my shoes and grabbed my car keys.

  “Yeah. I guess they didn’t want to worry about my portion of the rent not being paid, even though I’m technically paid in until the end of the month.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to have you here all the time,” I told him, heading outside. “So I’m not going to complain if it helps you get here faster.”

  He laughed. “Fair enough.”

  “All right, I’m heading that way.” I paused just outside of the car. “Be there in just a few.”

  “Awesome. See you soon.” Micah hung up and I made my way over to the apartment complex, maybe a bit too excited of having him live with me. But hell, I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.

  Micah greeted me with a kiss, his hair tousled, his face flushed. Boxes were stacked next to the door and another guy was already putting his things into the closets. I nodded in his direction after releasing Micah from the kiss, then started carrying the boxes down and to my car.

  It wasn’t even that much, so it only took us one trip to the house. Micah helped carry the boxes inside, stacking them in my office for now.

  “I’ll empty them soon. Funny enough, I have like one with clothes I haven’t worn for a while, and that’s about it. Everything else is random stuff.”

  I was glad. His clothing style had changed since we met, and he'd gone from his uptight, too formal clothes to things he actually felt comfortable in. It wasn’t a huge change to everyone else, but I saw it and loved it. It meant he was more comfortable with himself, and I prided myself on helping him embrace who he was.

  “I’ll go fix us some lunch. What do you want to do in the meantime?” I asked him since he looked kind of lost at the boxes.

  “I… have no idea.” He started chuckling. “I’ve been practically living here for the last few months and now it suddenly feels awkward.”

  “Yeah, it’s strange, right? But that might just be because it’s the knowledge you’re stuck with me.” I drew him into my arms and rested my head on his.

  Micah poked me in the stomach, then leaned up to kiss me. “Maybe it’s because you know you can’t just send me home now?”

  “Let’s just settle on ‘we’re stuck with each other now’.”

  Micah’s laugh was louder this time. Hand in hand, we left the office.

  “I think I’ll try to coax Creamsicle out from under the couch first. And go outside to play with poor Snowflake. He doesn’t get why he has to stay outside.”

  Snowflake was a huge, hairy, energetic dog. He’d survive being banned from the living room for now and being outside for a while. But I didn’t say that out loud. “I’ve been outside already and played ball with him. But how about you try your luck with Creamy?”

  Micah glared at me. “Creamsicle. His name is Creamsicle. Creamy sounds even more ridiculous. Like a porn star or a stripper.”

  I laughed. “You mentioned renaming him. Did you have any ideas?”

  Micah shook his head even as he lay down on the floor. While I’d been awkward and worrying about being caught looking ridiculous, he just looked sweet as he peeked under the couch. “Not yet. I don’t think he’s going to come out,” he said with a sigh. “I’m just glad he’s eating and hopefully drinking. He’ll settle in.”

  I nodded as Micah got back up. “So, now… lunch?”

  Micah looked at me and bit his lip. “Damn, this is still awkward.”

  “No cursing, baby,” I admonished, but I smiled at him.

  “Sorry, Daddy.” With a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair, then nodded at the kitchen. “How about I help you with lunch?”

  “How about you get your books and do some studying and I do lunch?”

  Micah nodded. “I’d rather do some coloring, but I guess that will have to wait until I’m done with the stuff that needs to be done.”

  “If you’re a good boy, you can do some coloring later. But you’re right, studying comes first.”

  “I figured you wouldn’t just let me get my coloring things.” With a sigh, he got his laptop and settled down at the table in the kitchen.

  I got to work with lunch, but then grabbed a sippy cup, filled it with juice and placed it next to him, together with his paci.

  Micah looked up to me, smiled and with a quiet thanks, grabbed his paci. Sucking on it, he went back to his laptop.

  We hadn’t been to St. Jamison’s that often since the day we’d met. The last few kink nights had gone without me, since I didn’t want to go without Micah and he wasn’t often up to going back. He still wasn’t sure about being in ‘public’, so if he did, he usually came as a grown up. But this time he’d overheard me talking to Rick and decided we’d go.

  And since I did so well saying no to Micah, we apparently would have a play night at the bar.

  Even though Rick never brought Sean
with him while he got the bar ready, Micah didn’t want to stay at home while everything was set up. Sean was too energetic to sit still, let alone help, where Micah could very well do that if he wanted to be grown for now.

  “Any plans on how tonight will go?” I asked Micah as I dragged one of the mats to the floor, getting it to lie next to another.

  “What do you mean?” He helped me get the mat flattened so no corners would stand up.

  “Are you going to be little today?” I asked. He’d been so busy with his work and studies that it would be nice to set aside time for an evening for us, but we hadn’t talked about how it would go. I was fine with anything, but I wasn’t sure if Micah was comfortable with playing in public.

  “I have no idea?”

  That helped a lot. I grabbed his wrist and tugged him to me. “Let me guess: you haven’t thought about it at all?” I wrapped him in my arms and kissed him gently.

  “How did you know?” he whispered against my chest.

  “Because I know you?” I laughed quietly. “So I guess you’ll be here as grown Micah, and if you feel like playing with Sean or someone else, just do it.”

  “Won’t you be disappointed then?”

  “Why should I?” I held him close, my hands moving over his back then down to cup his ass. “You’re my baby, whether you’re comfortable enough to show it here or not. It’s more important that you feel safe, and if we want to set up a playdate just with Sean, that might be easier for you. How would that sound?”

  Micah nodded. “Better, I think. I’ve just… an evening with you here sounded nice, and you haven’t been getting out a lot, so I figured it would be—”

  “You figured I needed to go outside more and meet other people? You realize it’s my job to take care of you, not the other way around?” I kept my tone light.

  “But you spend so much time with me, and I get worried you might want to do things with other people sometimes,” Micah said, biting his bottom lip.


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