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Gender Swapped Volume One

Page 3

by Sophie Pert

  His hands, his hands on my body are everywhere all at once. They start on my back but as we kiss they start to wander. They drift, in opposite directions, the strong fingers pulling at my flesh and making me moan into his mouth. One hand slides over my ass, cupping it easily in his palm and then squeezing. The sensation of it sends waves of heat through my body. The other hand drifts up, up the back of my slender neck and tangling itself in my long red hair. It locks there, both hands do, and then I feel it.

  The force of him, the feeling of his strong arms, his unforgiving bulk. He’s so much larger than me, so very much. He’s big, and it’s almost oppressive but instead it’s just amazing, the heat of being taken by someone like him.

  It makes me shudder.

  It makes me forget.

  His hands lift me up, hefting my slight form into the air and crushing me against him. Against his firmness. I cry out a bit at the shock of it but that sensations is soon forgotten.

  He pins me against a nearby wall. My body is trapped between his and the wall and he keeps me there with the force of his bulk as my legs wrap around his waist.

  Our lips finally disconnect, his head tilting back to look at me. I am panting with the heat of my passion, through lidded eyes I see his strong serious face looking back at me. He doesn’t say a word.

  His hips start to buck against my bare pussy, grinding into me as his head darts down and his lips lock onto my neck. The force and speed of his thrusts increase as his mouth moves down my neck and onto my shoulder, then down even further until he can’t go any lower.

  It isn’t enough for him.

  He steps back and peels me off of him, holding me at arm's length as he walks to the bed and drops me onto it.

  I’d never seen this side of him before, the cold fury of his passion as he looks at me with a determined gaze. He looks like an entirely different man, like someone in complete control of themselves and their emotions. He looks powerful.

  I stare at him, biting my lip as he peels off his shirt. His form is not bulky, but cut. His muscles are very well defined and not showy. He has the body of someone who uses muscle for work, not one who builds it for show. He has the body of a real man.

  His pants are next, sliding them off his hips and down to the ground.

  I didn’t underestimate his size. His length and girth are more than I have ever seen before. Far larger than I used to have.

  I swallow deep as I stare at his hard, intimidating cock.

  He steps up to the bed and without a word grabs me and flips me over. He positions me on all fours, knees and elbows, and steps into me.

  Oh god, I’m about to get fucked by a man.

  He parts the lips of my pussy with ease, sliding in to my slick sex without any obstructions.

  Hmm, I muse to myself, I guess this body isn’t a virgin.

  He buries himself into me, until I feel his hips against my ass.

  It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. So completely foreign and new. This feeling, it is like I am being stuffed full. It is almost indescribable, this sensation. Something about it, something about the stretching and the poking and the hard, unrelenting thickness of his dick inside of me.

  It was addictive.

  I feel something new as he stays still and enjoys the feel of my tight pussy throbbing around his hard cock. I feel something start to build, and with each throb of my pussy it sends a wave of heat through my body. It makes my hairs stand on end. It makes my very being vibrate.

  Then he withdraws and begins to fuck me and it makes me shudder.

  He picks up speed at first, drawing in and out of me with smooth, long thrusts. Each one makes me writhe, each one makes me moan as I feel his thickness slide in and out of me. As I feel him take me.

  Then the force comes next, harder and harder with each thrust until in the end his hands are gripping my hips and he’s slamming into me with thudding, slapping thrusts. My moans turn to whimpers as everything becomes a blur of passion and pleasure and pain all mingled together.

  I lift one hand to cup my breast, to feel it jiggle and shake with each powerful thrust of his hips. I pinch my hard nipples and twist them slightly, crying out as I relish the feeling of being so thoroughly used.

  The feeling, the feeling of being his fucktoy is so much more than I could have imagined. It sets me free, it makes me think that there is only one place for me in this world and that is underneath him. It lets me know this is where I belong.

  He pulls out of me quickly and the absence of it makes me shake and cry out with the pain of the loss, the cool air between my legs a stinging sensation of an empty gulf as my pussy twitches and throbs with need.

  Oh god I need to feel his cock again.

  He flips me on my back, not gentle but not rough either. He moves my body with surehanded purpose. He knows where he wants me and he makes sure I am there.

  He flips me on my back and pushes me up on his bed, up to the middle, my tiny form adrift in the sea of his sheets.

  He climbs onto the bed after me and kneels between my legs. I feel his cock impale me again and I breath a sigh of relief.

  When he starts to thrust into me again it’s not with the fury he had shown earlier. This time there is a deliberate attentiveness to him, he is taking his time and observing me with his deep blue eyes.

  His hands wander over my body, over the flat of my stomach and up onto my breasts. He grasps them in his palms, lightly, feeling them move in tandem to the power of his thrusts. He flicks a finger over each nipple, and I swear I can almost see a smile at the sigh of pleasure that elicits from me.

  One hand stays on my breasts, playing with them, while the other traces a path up to my neck and wraps around it. It draws my head up to meet his and our lips connect, brushing lightly and then connecting with a passion.

  Our lips play against each other and he parts mine with his tongue. I meet his tongue and we dance an oh so familiar dance. I feel myself moan into his mouth, and I realize I didn’t control that.

  My body is taking over.

  When our lips break I stare up at him with undisguised passion. He looks back at me with the fury of his concentration as he thrusts into me time and again and again. I place my hands on his chest, running them over his skin to feel the hard muscles beneath. I press against him, lightly, just to feel the palpable sense of his ungiving form. He is firm and hard in all ways.

  The heat, the heat in my body is so great. It makes me feel so amazing, like so much more than what I am. It makes me feel like a goddess, like I am radiating light into all of the dark corners of this room. I owe it to him.

  He is the cause, with his hard bulk and his thick cock. He is the one who makes me feel this way.

  I need to worship at the altar of his body.

  I push him off of me, and for a moment he looks confused but I don’t say a word. I just smile.

  Then I grab his cock, his magnificent, glorious cock, and I direct him with it. I make him lie down on the bed and straddle his hips.

  In one swift movement I fall on him, burying his thickness inside of me fully. I take a moment then, to revel in the sensation of worshipping his cock. I draw my hands up my body, up my tight thighs and over my flat stomach. Over my pert breasts and up to my pretty face. Up to my hair and then down to grip his hard chest.

  I start to bounce on him. Up and down and to and fro, grinding as I ride him.

  Oh god it’s so good, the feeling of being so very filled up by him, the feeling of giving myself to him.

  The feeling of being a woman.

  His hands grip my hips tightly, lifting me up so I tremble at the top of his cock. Then he starts to thrust, holding me stationary as he pounds into me from below. He buries himself in me with a force and speed that is harder and faster than he had this whole time. He’s been holding out on me, but I do not complain.

  Instead I moan and revel in the sensations he is drilling into me. I feel him pound pleasure into me with each powerful thrust, fe
el him bring me to a higher plane.

  I explode, quivering atop his body and riding out the most powerful orgasm I’d ever had either as a woman or as a man. My body vibrates with the feeling of the heat rushing over me again and again and again as I cry out my orgasm into the air. As I scream it out for the entire world to hear.

  “I’m close,” I hear him grunt underneath me as I collapse, shaking, held up only by his arms, “Where do you want me to cum?”

  Shivering I say, “My breasts.”

  He lifts me straight in the air and drops me onto the bed beside him. In a flash he is on top of me, pinning my waist to the bed between his thighs as he fists his cock and explodes.

  I watch his throbbing cock, watch it pulse and erupt with torrents of thick white cum coating my breasts in long strands. A small dollop splashes onto my chin and without thinking I scoop it up with a finger and pop it into my mouth. The taste is salty and sticky and foreign, but not entirely bad.

  My roommate comes back down to earth. He steps off of me, releasing me from his thighs. He steps off the bed, and steps back to lean against a wall.

  With heaving breaths he observes me with a quiet calm, watching me bite my lips and smile at him, then shake my head slightly. I slip off the bed and walk up to him, taking in his sheepish and slightly shy grin. I give me a kiss on the cheek and a quietly whispered thanks in his ear. Then I scoop up the clothes and shoes he picked out for me, and grab the t-shirt I walked in with. I walk to the open doorway, give him a single glance back and a shy smile before practically skipping out of his room.

  I get back to my room, dropping the clothes and shoes in a pile on the bed and turn to look at myself in the mirror.

  I am the very picture of a well-fucked woman. A glowing sense of satisfaction practically radiates from me. My hair is a mess, blown and laying about my shoulders in a tousled mess. My body is flush and my chest is covered with the evidence of what I’d just done.

  I dip a finger in his semen, curling it and bringing it to my lips to taste the salty stickiness of what I’d made him do.

  When my finger pops out of my lips the sound of it brings me back to reality as I remember just who I am.

  Oh god.

  Oh god I just a fucked a man.

  What did I do? I’m a guy! I’m not supposed to…

  Did I like it?

  My phone rings and a quick glance at the face shows me it’s the witch calling so I answer quickly.

  I hear the sound of her laughing on the other end and she asks, “So, it’s been a few hours, how do you like being a girl so far?”

  My fury lashes out and I practically shout at her, “This isn’t fair!”

  “Life isn’t fair,” she’s quick to reply, “It’s about time you learned that.”

  “Yes,” I say, practically spitting, “But you have to at least give me some way to turn back.”

  She sighs, “My you’re not bright, or at least your memory is shot. I already told you, all you have to do to turn back is avoid semen for 24 consecutive hours.”

  It’s enough to make me see red, the arrogance of her statement, and so I shoot back, “How am I supposed to avoid semen when you’ve enchanted me to want it all the time?”

  There is a beat of silence as she processes what I’ve just said, then a cackle of laughter comes across the line.

  “Oh sweetheart,” she says with a tut.

  “What is so funny?” I ask with cold fury.

  “That isn’t part of the spell,” she says, “That part is all you.”

  Wish for a Second Chance: The Loser Becomes a Lady

  I tripped over the curb and stumbled, almost falling, to the ground.

  God dammit, I thought to myself, Can nothing go right tonight?

  It was another night like every night, it was a night I swore I would turn it all around. I had big plans, but then I always had big plans and they always fell through.

  I’m a loser, that’s what it comes down to. I’m a big dumb loser who just can’t do anything right. That’s why I’m always the butt of every joke, that’s why I have no one to go out with, that’s why even now at age 27 I’m still a virgin.

  It isn’t for lack of trying.

  Every single weekend I’m out there at the bars, trying to talk to people, trying to pick some girl up and just get this over with. It’s killing me bit by bit.

  I don’t even know what I’m doing wrong. I’m buying girls drinks, and they thank me and then ignore me. I talk to people, we get three sentences in and then the conversation drifts away and before I know it they’re talking to someone else.

  I’m just a miserable failure, and believe me when I say I’m downplaying that.

  I’m fairly sure that I’m cursed, because it goes so far beyond just being ignored, it goes into the realm of the almost unbelievable. I know I wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t happening to me.

  Take tonight, a standard night like any other. I was out at the bar, just trying my best. I’d had a few drinks throughout the night and there was a girl there who I was eyeing up.

  She was pretty and looked nice, her smile had an honesty to it that seemed to not only light up her face, but actually light up the whole bar. She made me feel happy and calm just watching her from across the room.

  I gave it my best shot, sent her over a drink and watched the bartender bring it to her. She smiled and mouthed thank you.

  Then the bar started to fill up, it seemed like it happened all at once. The crowd piled in and before I could get up to talk to her there was an impassable wall of bodies between the two of us.

  I tried to relax, tried to see if there was anyone else I could talk to, but it was me all by myself. Alone in a crowd.

  After another few drinks I gave up and decided to go home. Before I did that though I shuffled off to the bathroom. That turned out to be my fatal mistake.

  It was empty when I got there, which should have been an indication to me that my massively horrible luck was about to kick in but I’d had a few drinks and dammit I wasn’t thinking straight.

  I headed straight for the stall, took care of business and got up to leave.

  It was when I pushed the door open that it hit me. Literally. The door actually hit me.

  It slammed back shut in my face and I was trapped in the stall.

  I didn’t realize what was happening at first, I kept trying to push the door open. When my shoulder was pressed against the door and I was pushing with all my might I realized what it was. Someone was pushing back.

  Then the moans started.

  They must have been there all along but they just weren’t audible over the loud music of the bar. Quickly they started to drown out the music, and then the thudding started.

  Someone was getting fucked against the door of the stall, and I was trapped inside.

  I had to knock, lightly and quietly at first. I really didn’t want to draw attention to myself but I’d had a really bad night and I didn’t exactly want to send the last part of it stuck in the stall of the washroom.

  So I knocked, a bit louder and asked them to let me out as politely as possible.

  All I got in response were louder moans and more forceful thudding.

  I knocked again, as loud as I could this time. My patience was gone.

  The thudding against the door stopped, the moans didn’t.

  I heard a crash outside the door to the stall and I held off on opening it. There was another crash and then a thud from across the room. The moans kept going, and I edged open the door a crack to look outside.

  It was exactly what I imagined it would be. There was a couple fucking in the bathroom. He had her pressed up against the wall, her legs wrapped around his waist and her head buried in his shoulder. She was gripping on to him, the fingers of her right hand grabbing at his shirt while the fingers of her left buried themselves in his hair. He thrust into her, powerfully and purposefully and with each thrust in her legs shuddered and tensed.

  I didn’t know i
f they knew that I was here. I didn’t have any idea what I should do.

  Stepping out tentatively I pushed the door open slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible. I didn’t want to be branded a freak or a perv or a voyeur. The hard-on in my pants from watching this couple certainly wouldn’t help with that.

  It was evident as soon as I walked out of the stall that I wouldn’t have any problems, they didn’t notice me at all. That was about the point that I noticed the next problem.

  Sure I wasn’t trapped in the stall anymore, but they had me trapped in the bathroom instead.

  The “wall” he had her pushed up against wasn’t a wall at all, it was the door to the bathroom. I was stuck in here with them, unless they moved. With my luck they would be fucking all night long.

  I slunk back to the stall, leaning against it and checking my watch. 10:35. It was only 10:35 and I was already drunk and alone and giving up on the night. Add to that being stuck in a bathroom with a couple who were getting lucky and I had to think this was one of the worst nights I could have.

  Fate decided to take that moment to spit in my face.

  First Fate raised my hopes, the shuddering power of his thrusts stopped as her legs unwrapped themselves from around his waist and her feet touched the ground.

  Next Fate raised them even further, as the man pulled out from her and stepped back.

  Fate first crushed my hopes, by having the woman pull back from his shoulder and showing me a glimpse of her face, the face of the girl from earlier in the night.

  Then Fate stomped on my heart, when the man spun her around and slammed her against the door again, thrusting into her from behind.

  I had to watch as he fucked her, hard. I had to see this woman that I fell in love in a heartbeat with be taken from behind. Watch her legs quiver and shake. Watch her face a mask of overwhelming pleasure as this man, this stranger brought her to new heights of pleasure.

  I stepped back into the stall, closed and locked the door, sat down on the toilet, and waited for all this to pass.


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