Gender Swapped Volume One

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Gender Swapped Volume One Page 8

by Sophie Pert

  There was a body.

  It floated towards me.

  Through the semi-light it moved its way toward me, and as it came close I saw it was mimicing me. When I moved a limb, it moved as well. It followed me and I it. We were entranced.

  It came closer.

  Almost touching me.

  We played our mirror game, and as we did I noticed my limbs. Different and formless I was like a maquette, a puppet without a form. I was just a shell of a person, no identity.

  It touched me.

  We merged.

  We became different.

  We became neither.

  We became both.

  We became new.


  The light of the sun hit my eyes as I lay there waiting for my senses to take hold. It stung me even through my eyelids, stronger than any sun I had ever experienced before.

  This was a strange place, this place I found myself in. I did not recognize it.

  It smelled of salt.

  Like the salt was everywhere and in everything, saturated into the very air. I could feel it to, pressed into my skin, caked onto me.

  It wasn’t unpleasant, quite the opposite really. It felt good, refreshing, like it was there to scour me and clean me. It didn’t hurt that it was so warm.

  Wherever this was the sun was so very powerful, it warmed me and felt for all the world like a blanket had been laid over this existence. It felt like I was relaxed in the ultimate comfort.

  Only the roar of the crashing waves was audible, in and out over and over again it rocked to the rhythm of the earth. It kept time all its own and its time had no bearing on me.

  It was so comfortable, I stretched luxuriously, like a cat. My sinews and muscles were so relaxed it felt like I had been put through a wringer and fallen out the other side completely loose. There wasn’t a hint of tension in my body.

  I was on my back and I let my hands reach out around me, let my fingers lead my hands out in a semicircle of blind exploration. Everywhere I reached I felt the fine grit of warm sand. This sand was pleasant, it felt like a thousand tiny fuzzy crystals. I grabbed a handful and let it slip through my fingers.

  I opened my eyes. I took in the wide expanse of a pure blue sky. There was not a cloud in sight in this place, just the crystal clear expanse of it.

  Sitting up I could see the ocean, the clear blue of perfect tropical waters. For as far as I could see just perfect clear waters.

  I was on an island, or at least it looked like it. I sat on a sandy white beach with ocean on one side and thick tropical vegetation on the other. I was on an island and I think I might have been alone.

  “Hello?” I called out tentatively, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

  My voice, it wasn’t my voice. It was far too high, far too quiet. It had none of my gruff edge, it was almost musical instead.


  Slowly things started to filter in, in my rush to take in the sights I had missed the forest for the trees. I hadn’t noticed my own self first.

  My hands, they weren’t my hands. They were far too delicate, far too slender. They didn’t have the veins or wrinkles of my hands. They were not mine.

  My feet, also not mine. They were petite, too small to be mine.

  The legs, they were too slender.

  Oh my god.

  My cock was gone, in it’s place was just a smooth mound.

  I reached down between my thighs, confirming my suspicions with a single finger. Where I once had a cock, I had a slit instead.

  My hand shot back, recoiling as if it was touching something hot. In the back of my mind I noticed the rest of it, the long hair, the flat tummy, the jiggling breasts.

  I was a woman.

  How could this happen? Why had this happened? What is going on?

  I tried to think, tried to remember what could have led to this bizarre turn of events and in an instant it came flashing back to me.

  But no. A wishing fountain? Those didn’t actually work.

  Or did they?

  I tried to remember exactly what it was I had wished for. A new life? No. It was something like being somewhere other than where I was, someone other than who I was, even if only for a little while.

  Well this certainly qualified.

  May not be exactly what I hoped for, but being a woman on a tropical beach definitely meets all of the requirements.

  A beautiful woman at that.

  A nude woman.

  I glanced down at my body once more, taking my time to really look without panicking.

  My new body was trim, toned, and tanned. It looked to be about early- to mid-twenties, around the age my wife had been when we first met. In fact it looked remarkably like her, the same body type at least. It wasn’t her though, I knew her body perfectly and there were things missing, marks and small scars, that weren’t here.

  This body was flawless, the perfect body of someone's imagination. Someone’s fantasy.

  But it was real, it was real and here and I could touch it. I could just stretch out my hands.

  I felt my fingers reach gently out towards the stomach. I saw it all as if it was somehow not my body, as if it was the exploration of someone else.

  I felt my fingers touch the skin.

  The warm brown skin, so tight and firm and flawless. I drew those fingers up, playing lightly across the sunkissed form as they made their way up.

  They grasped the breasts. The firm and supple breasts, each one capped with a nipple just a shade darker than the skin surrounding it. The nipples were puffy, but as those fingers drew up around the flesh they hardened to stand en pointe.

  Those fingers played up, tracing lines around the firm flesh as the reached to their apex, up each the nipples capping each breast. They lightly pinched.

  The pleasure drawn from that moment, from that movement, was undeniably mine.

  I gasped out loud, not caring that the voice was so light and feminine.

  I left my right hand just where it was, and let my left drift down my body. Down to between my legs.

  I fell back as my fingers played lightly across my slit, falling into the sand with a poof.

  I let my fingers draw slowly up, tracing the line between my legs from bottom to top and down again. Lightly, the lightest of touches, getting used to being felt like this, getting used to the sensation.

  What a sensation it was, it was unlike anything I had ever felt. So different from touching myself as a man. It was like running a live wire across my skin, it sent arcs of pleasure shocking across me and echoing out through my body.

  I dipped a finger in. I felt the wetness between my thighs and felt around the edges of my hole. I withdrew the finger, too scared to make that final jump I pulled it away. I had every intention of stopping then.


  But I hit my clit and the feeling then… Oh god…

  I moaned, loudly, crying out my pleasure to the empty air.

  I heard a rustle and in an instant I was back down to earth.

  Moving quickly I put my back to the ocean and started backing away. Away from the trees.

  I could see the foliage moving, shaking from the movements of some great beast. This, I have to say, was not how I expected to die. Not as a naked woman stranded on a desert island, impaled or gored by some great and terrible beast.

  The rustling grew faster and rougher. The beast grew nearer.

  It emerged.

  A foot at first, a shockingly human foot. Then a leg and then the rest.

  A person.

  A man.

  A handsome man.

  Wait, what?

  My mind had seemed to work almost unconsciously there. That thought wasn’t mine, it couldn’t be. I was a man, sure I wasn’t one right now but deep down that was who I was.

  I was a man.

  A straight man.

  I wasn’t attracted to other men.

  Still there was no denying that he was attractive.

  If s
omeone had shown me a picture of me, that is of the body that I was in right now, and asked me to describe her perfect masculine counterpart he is who I would describe.

  He was young too, also around his mid-twenties. He had a tall and slender form, the firm muscles of youth, with tight abdominal muscles, a broad chest, and wide shoulders. He was also tan, his skin was also flawless, and he walked with firm and confident strides. He was handsome, a chiseled jaw and high cheekbones. His face lacked the crows feet or any of the wrinkles you would find on any ordinary man. He sported curly brown hair, kept in a tousled style, and no facial hair whatsoever.

  Between his legs? Well he was naked like me so I could see exactly what he had between his legs.

  His cock put my old one to shame. I knew I had never been rather blessed in that department, but I had never seen a cock so big before. Even soft he had a length and girth to rival my old one hard. The hair around his cock was kept trim and neat, so that I could see every inch of him without missing a single bit. His cock was gorgeous and as flawless as the rest of him. I watched it with entranced eyes as he walked toward me.

  I felt my mouth start to go dry, and forced myself to look away. Up to his face.

  He looked at me with impassive eyes. If he too was dropped her from a wishing well he had none of the confusion present on my face. He looked like he knew exactly what was happening. He looked like none of this was surprising, not even my confusion.

  It was only when he was a few feet away from me that I realized I hadn’t yet said a word. I tried to. I tried to say something, anything, but nothing came out.

  He came right up to me.

  I looked up at him from my crouch.

  That voice, that damn voice inside of my head. The same one who had interjected at first. It spoke again. It told me just how to feel.

  It told me how attractive he was. It told me how attractive I was. It told me that we belonged together. It told me to trust him.

  He reached out his hand, palm open to me.

  I laid my small hand in his.

  His grip tightened around me, I felt the warmth of his skin against mine and I felt so much from that grip. I felt the soft firmness of his palm. I felt the heat of the blood pumping beneath his skin. I felt the comfort of his secure grip.

  He pulled me up, in a single scoop he pulled me to my feet and then up. He cradled me in his arms. Holding me in both of them.

  One arm was behind my knees, the other around my back. He hefted me as if I was as light as a feather, and without a grunt or a sigh, without a single noise, he turned and carried me towards the brush.

  At first, I will confess, I was scared. I was insecure. Here I was caught up in the arms of a stranger, and no matter how perfect he looked it was still grounds to be a little concerned.

  As he strode towards the forest that all melted away.

  He held me with confidence, he held me as if he could hold me forever. He held me as if it was no challenge to him.

  But it was more than that.

  He felt familiar. It felt like he had carried me off just like this a thousand thousand times before.

  I let my head rest on his shoulder as we breached the brush and pushed inwards.

  The leaves seemed to part before us, like we were royalty and they were our servants bowing to get out of the way.

  I watched them move, watched the light play between their branches and leaves, watched it filter down towards us to dapple on our browned skin.

  Before long we were through the thick of it.

  Beyond the initial barrier the forest thinned slightly. There were still waist high plants, still thick vegetation, but between it there was lower areas, easy paths with forests of thick grass between the trunks of the trees.

  This was no natural place. This was an island of imagination, a perfect paradise to suit its King and Queen.

  He moved on, and as he walked these paths I found my eyes drifting up to take him in. I saw him from a different angle here and he looked soft, softly and easily handsome.

  I was struck by his eyelashes, they looked so long and luscious. I had never seen lashes like that before on any man.

  His eyes darted down, dark black orbs that looked into me with a smile.

  He was pleased to see me.

  To see me again.

  I blushed and turned away.

  We were walking towards a thick wall of brush once more. It stretched out to each side as far as the eye could see.

  As we approached, when we were within a few feet of it, he set me down on my feet.

  He stepped back, stepping away from me and towards the wall of brush. With his eyes locked into mine, he stepped away through it. Never breaking his sight.

  He disappeared.

  I was alone in the brush.

  I stretched my arms out, dimly aware in some part in the back of my mind that this was the first time I had actually stood on my own two feet in this body. I let myself stretch, let my arms wind through the air, let my wrists make circles. I watched the light play through the leaves and alight my skin. I felt the warmth of the air.

  Breathing evenly, in and out, I stepped towards the wall of brush. Up to it, and through it.

  My first thought was how I had ever missed the noise. There was a rush of it that hit me as soon as I stepped out the other side and into the clearing.

  It was a beautiful open area, the same white sand was here as it was on the beach. A large pool of it. On the other side of the clearing from where I emerged there was a large waterfall.

  The water cascaded over the edge of it and came crashing down into the pool. It foamed and furrowed at it’s base, but somehow the pool itself was mostly smooth and still, a mirror.

  The foliage gathered around the edges of the clearing, it locked this place in in all directions but one. To my left there was a gap.

  At the edge of this gap there was a smooth flat stone covered in a bed of moss. The water flowed around that stone and off, it capped yet another waterfall. Beyond the stone was a view of the wide open ocean and the clear blue sky. It stretched in all directions as far as the eye could see.

  I walked to the edge of the pool. Bending at the waist I dipped an outstretched finger into the water. It was warm, so warm it felt like smooth silk sliding over my skin. Pulling my fingers out I watched the ripples play across the surface, watched them still.

  I saw myself.

  For the first time I saw my face in the still mirror of this water.

  I was just as gorgeous as I had imagined, a goddess from a fantasy.

  I had long straight brown hair. It reached down far, past my shoulders when I was standing. My skin was unblemished and unwrinkled. I had black eyes, like my counterpart, and long lashes that hid the deep pools of them. My pert nose was upturned slightly. My full lips were plump and parted to show two perfect rows of white teeth.

  I batted my lashes, and my reflection did the same.

  In the background of my reflection I saw the waterfall and at the top of it noticed a figure. I glanced up and saw my mystery man standing there.

  He stood with confidence, holding court astride the rushing water. I watched as he took a deep breath and leapt.

  He made a perfect arc as he dipped soundlessly into the still water with barely a splash.

  I took a step towards the water. The pool hadn’t looked deep enough to support someone jumping into it from that height and a part of me cried out with concern.

  My toes brushed the warm pool.

  He emerged. Dripping wet and glistening from every inch of his hard body he emerged from the water walking towards me. He strode out to me and I let my eyes run across his muscular form.

  He came within an inch of me, his movement didn’t stop. His arms reached out and pulled me into him, one hand lacing across my lower back as the other gently touched my neck and jaw.

  He pulled me into him and tilted my head and when our lips touched it filled a need I hadn’t realized. It touched me in ways I had n
ever been touched before. It set off a warm heat throbbing in my body.

  His lips parted and mine did in turn, I felt his tongue dance it’s way into my mouth and I let mine rise to meet him. As we twirled our tongues I felt my body unconsciously press itself into his.

  I felt his hardness rise to meet me.

  I felt the water rise around us.

  He was drawing me into the pool.

  It wrapped itself around me, blanketing me in its silky warmth. It felt so smooth, like there was an invisible layer on my skin. It heightened the feeling of his touch.

  Where our bodies met the water seemed to intensify the feeling, like a catalyst it heated up the space between us. I felt his hand on my back, pulling me down into the water. I felt his chest pressing into my breasts. I felt his hard abs pushing against mine. I felt his thighs brushing against my smooth legs. I felt his hardness, slipping between my thighs and pressing insistently at my sex.

  I moaned into his mouth.

  Down and down he pulled me, until the water reached my shoulders. Once he had me there his hands moved. His left hand, on my back, slid down to cup my ass. His right hand, on my jaw, slipped down to fall on my breast.

  He squeezed with both hands, feeling the pull of my flesh, feeling it bounce back on his release.

  Always, insistently, his mouth worked on mine, his tongue danced its intricate rhythm. I hadn’t experienced anything like this before.

  He gripped me, picking me up and crading me in his arms. This time we remained face to face and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

  I felt his cock brush more insistently at my sex.

  It aroused something in me. Something akin to panic.

  My eyes fluttered open, I took in his face with his eyes closed.

  I pulled back and our lips broke.

  I had a look in my eyes, I’m sure, the look of a wild animal trying to figure out a way out of the trap it finds itself in.

  I took in everything around me, the beautiful island, the warm water, the clear air, the handsome man.

  Was this really a step I was willing to take?

  I slipped back so my hands rested on his shoulders, so I was leaning away from him.


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