Gender Swapped Volume One

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Gender Swapped Volume One Page 14

by Sophie Pert

  I brushed a hair out of my face as I looked through the contents and as I saw my slender fingers something occurred to me. I hadn’t even looked at myself in the mirror yet.

  Of course I knew just what to expect, I had designed this body so there should be no surprises. Still it was with hesitation that I straightened up and turned to the full length mirror on the wall.

  Everything had worked out perfectly.

  The woman in the mirror had tousled brown hair, not messy like she didn’t take care of it but the sort of tousled look that came with a lot of practice and product. On her though, it was 100% natural, it just fell that way. She had a small chin and a fine jaw, her nose was petite and perky with just a tiny upturn at the tip of it. Her lips were plump and full, a slightly bright shade of pink. Her eyes were a shade of pale olive and yet at the same time seemed to be blue and green.

  Her body was tight and firm. She had the look of someone who had spent hours in the gym for years and knew how to work all of the machines and knew all of the exercises. Her arms were tight and muscular, defined but not bulging. Her abdomen was flat with just a hint of a six pack. Her hips were firm and slim and in the middle they tapered perfectly down to between her legs. Her legs were long and tapered, ending on small feet at the bottom and a plump ass in the back. Her breasts were perky and full, they were just a bit more than a handful each and they were both capped with a beautifully firm pink nipple, the areola just slightly larger than the bud itself.

  She was the picture of attraction. This was a woman who would have no trouble pulling any man.

  She was the most attractive woman I had ever seen. More attractive than Mary.

  I had done good work.

  My reflection, the reflection of this body, smiled in the mirror and turned back to the box of supplies.

  One by one I removed each item, the makeup and jewelry was placed by the bathroom mirror. The black stilletos by the door. The black lace panties and bra were laid out on the bed next to the little black dress. The small purse sat next to them, already loaded up with everything I would need for the night. I took a deep breath and then walked over to the bathroom to take care of my makeup.

  My body seemed to move automatically, grabbing out supplies and applying them in just the right way. I had planned this in advance and made sure that this body knew everything it needed to be a functioning woman. This sort of activity it could do on autopilot which was lucky since I had no idea how to do any of it.

  In the end the makeup was slight but pretty, there wasn’t much necessary so it went with the natural approach just choosing to highlight what was already there. The jewelry as well was simple and plain. A pair of diamond studs with a matching pendant on a slim silver chain around my neck.

  The body then walked over and dressed itself, pulling on panties, applying a bra in a way that still confused me even though I saw how it worked. It slipped on the little black dress and walked over to put on the heels.

  Fully dressed I took a look at myself in the mirror. I looked good, and once the dress was zipped up in the back I would be ready to go.

  Stepping out of the room i found Doug standing in the middle of my shop scanning his phone. Without looking up he said, “Jeez that took you long enough we’re going to be-”

  He stopped dead when he saw me.

  I smiled and turned to show him my back, “Zip me up?”

  Looking at him over my shoulder I saw him gulp deeply and walk over to me. With skilled fingers he grasped the top of the dress and the zipper and pulled it up. I was fully ready.

  I turned to face him, placing my hand on his chest and said, “All ready.”

  He just stood there, trying desperately to maintain eye contact with me.

  “Dude,” I said, my voice taking on a note of seriousness, “Let's go.”

  “Uhh yeah,” he stumbled, “Right.”

  We headed outside to his car and got in.

  The drive to the party was quiet and I took the time to look around. Doug wasn’t poor but he wasn’t nearly as well off as me. Still his parents had gifted him this car for doing well in his first year at college. It was a sports car, to be honest I don’t know the make or model just that it was little and, as Doug put it, the ladies loved it.

  I could see why. It wasn’t the car to be honest. I mean don’t get me wrong there was something to be said for the comfortable ride and all, but that wasn’t it.

  It was the strength. This was a powerful car and to watch a capable man like Doug manipulate it… it stirred feelings inside of me.

  Now this is going to sound a bit bad, and I’ll remind you that this body was meant to be a fantasy before I say what comes next. When I designed this body I may have built a sizable libido into it. I mean I’m not going to try and excuse it, I’d created an ideal woman for myself and that meant certain… things.

  What I didn’t know until just now was that this body was straight… or at the very least it was bi.

  Watching Doug drive this loud, strong vehicle. It made my breath quicken, made my heart beat stronger. It made me think back to that moment in the shop before he burst in on me.

  So I had to look away from him, away from him and out the window to watch the scenery whipping past.

  We pulled up to the party and Doug shut off his car. He hopped out and like a gentleman he ran around to open my door for me and help me up.

  I giggled a little then turned to him and said, “Wait, before we go in. What is our story?”

  “Sorry?” Doug asked, a bit confused.

  “I mean,” I said, struggling to explain myself, “Who am I? How do we know each other? Hell, what is my name? Oh god this was a terrible idea.”

  Feeling panic start to wash over me I braced myself against the car.

  “Look,” Doug said, placing his hand on my shoulder, “Don’t worry this is going to be fine. Let’s make this nice and easy. Your name is Alex, that works for guys and girls so that is fine. We’ve just met a couple of days ago so we don’t know too much about each other and I invited you to this party. Just pretend we barely know each other and that you don’t know anyone in there. If anyone asks you run your own business and it’s technical and proprietary and boring so you don’t want to talk about it you’re just here to have fun. Okay?”

  I took a deep breath and looked up into his calm eyes, “Okay.”

  He took my hand, looked me in the eye and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll be right with you the whole time.”

  There was a comfort there, a comfort in his hand and a comfort in his voice.

  I went with him into the party.

  It was a blur of familiar people and unfamiliar situations. The same group doing different activities.

  I don’t remember much of the party, I always made sure I had a drink in my hand and I made the small talk that one does when they are talking to strangers. Except these weren’t strangers, these were people I had known and who had known me.

  At first I kept away from everyone I had been really close to. Preferring to stay with those people I’d considered acquaintances rather than friends.

  Doug was a real gentleman, making sure to introduce me to everyone. I think he might have been showing off a bit. Not that he had too. His football friends weren’t exactly the most subtle when it came to checking out women. Chalk it up to being in college or being drunk but I felt more than a few of them eyeball me when they thought I wasn’t looking.

  Eventually the drink loosened me up a bit and I realized I was actually having fun. Everyone here really was nice, and it wasn’t just because I was a pretty young woman. I noticed a few people like me, like the real me. They seemed to hang around the edges of the party, nerdy and unsure. But Doug and his friends made sure to include them, made sure they felt like they were wanted here.

  Doug was a good man, and good people tend to attract good people to them. The assholes eventually get whittled away. So sure they may get through from time to time, but they were few and far betwee
n and mostly they didn’t stick around.

  I knew it had to happen sooner rather than later, in the end it happened when Doug and I were lounging in some chairs talking to people.

  I saw her walk over from across the room. Mary, the woman of my dreams. She drifted through the crowd, spotting Doug and making a beeline towards him.

  He stood to greet her and she gave him a big hug. They talked excitedly for a bit, but over the noise of the party I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I did notice, though, that her face seemed to fall slightly, to lose the excited look on it. She seemed almost like she was putting on a brave face, something I was going to have to do as well.

  Doug gestured at me and I stood to meet her, putting a warm smile on my face.

  “Mary,” he said, “This is my date Alex.”

  She got a look of confusion on her face, “Alex?”

  “Different Alex,” he said, “Clearly.”

  “Right,” she shook her head, “Of course. Anyways let's sit.”

  We all sat back down on the couch, her in the middle.

  “So, Alex,” she said, turning to me, “Tell me about yourself.”

  So I did. I didn’t really have to make up nearly as much as I thought I would. I mean no one knew what I had been up to since I dropped out so I mainly just pretended like that was me.

  Talking was easy, the back and forth falling into the same sort of rhythm we had way back when. We were good friends within minutes, laughing and joking. Then the song changed and I guess she felt familiar enough with me since she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me onto the dancefloor shouting, “I love this song!”

  In that instant I was glad that I had given this body a sense of rhythm and a love of dancing.

  We swayed and moved and danced around each other. Both of us moving to the music and swinging our hands in the air, just having a great time.

  In that moment, that moment was probably the most fun I had ever had.

  Everyone else seemed to be enjoying it too.

  The funny thing was, we weren’t even dancing with each other. We were mostly just dancing beside each other. But just based on the reactions of the room around us it must have looked like we were making out with each other. Silly horny boys drooling over themselves.

  Still I couldn’t blame them, we were far and above the most attractive women in this whole place and we were having fun with each other.

  The attention felt nice. For a wallflower to be the centre of attention, it was amazingly comforting. Surprisingly so.

  I closed my eyes and just reveled in it. In the sensation of being so filled with movement.

  I felt alive.

  The song changed and there was a press of people on the dance floor as everyone else rushed out.

  I opened my eyes and just saw a massive crowd of people. I scanned around but saw no sign of Mary and none of Doug either.

  I started to make my way back to the couch when a far too familiar face popped into frame.

  He looked the exact same as he always had, like he hadn’t aged or changed a day since I last saw him. Of course this was the case. Like the vain Dorian Grey before him he had a portrait in an attic somewhere. My attic. My portrait.


  There was a smug look on his face as he pushed himself up next to me. He was sizing me up like a piece of meat, appraising me and liking what he saw. His possessive hands grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. They ran around behind me and cupped my ass.

  I shuddered with the feel of it.

  He wasn’t worth it, wasn’t worth making a scene. Wasn’t worth anything.

  I peeled his hands off my ass and turned and walked away.

  Maybe one step, I maybe made it one step before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.

  I felt his breath on my ear as he whispered into it, “Where are you going baby? Come back and dance with me.”

  I turned and gave him a look of disgust, grabbing his other hand as he tried to wrap it around my waist.

  With a firm voice I sternly said to him, “Let go of me.”

  He did, an action that surprised me. I decided to take advantage of whatever kindness this was and get as far away from him as possible.

  Pressing my way through the crowd I made a beeline to the closest open doorway. I pushed through and out into a hall that was a mess of people as well.

  Looking back I saw him following me, his eyes dead set on watching me through the crowd.

  I pressed on, ducking into the first room I could find.

  I was on the ground floor and I don’t really know what room this was. It was dark and the lights were off and it was obvious that this wasn’t somewhere the party was supposed to be. There was a bit of moonlight streaming in through the windows and I saw trophy cases lining the walls.

  Of course, this was the trophy room. They didn’t want any drunk idiots smashing the cases so this was always known to be a strictly off-limits room.

  I turned back towards the door and saw a too familiar silhouette standing there.

  “Good idea baby,” Michael said leeringly, “Finding a quiet place we can be alone.”

  I’d had enough. This asshole had ruined my life and was hanging out in parties having fun and leering at women. I’d had enough of his crap.

  I exploded at him, “Fuck off asshole!”

  I tried to walk out of the room but his arm came up to block me.

  “Let me out,” I spat out at him, staring him dead in the eye.

  “Don’t be such a fucking bitch,” he said with a cold fury that made me shrink.

  He’d been an asshole for years. He’d been mean and angry. This was the first time I felt in danger.

  I stepped back into the room and he stepped into me, trying to corner me.

  Just as I felt my back hit the glass of a trophy case I saw Doug burst through the door to the room.

  “Hey,” he barked, making Michael turn. He crossed the room in a few strides, “Leave her alone.”

  Michael wheeled around and without saying a word clocked him right across the face.

  Doug stumbled back and into the wall.

  I was dimly aware that the doorway was filled with people filing into the room, watching the scene before them.

  Michael stalked towards Doug, mumbling under his breath about Doug minding his own business.

  They were both distracted, they were all distracted. Unseen I slipped my hand into my purse, fingers closing around the pin that I always had with me. Feeling far more courage than I knew I had I closed the distance between Michael and myself and buried the pin in his arm.

  He roared with pain and wheeled on me, I stumbled back and put my arms up to block whatever blow was surely coming.

  Nothing came.

  Michael took a single step and then doubled over in pain, clutching his waist. He fell to his knees and started to convulse. I stood back and watched, fixedly watching with equal parts horror, fascination, and delight as I saw it start to take effect. He was visibly shrinking before my eyes.

  I felt Doug grab my hand and tug me away to the door.

  I heard Michael start to sob as we pushed our way through the crowd and out the front door.

  Doug bolted for his car, pulling me along behind him. We got in and peeled out of the party, getting away before anyone could ask exactly what had happened.

  We drove faster than I think I had ever been driven before. All the way back, not slowing until we pulled up in front of my building. I don’t think my heart stopped pounding in my chest until I felt us come to a standstill and heard the engine shut off.

  “What happened to him?” Doug asked breathlessly.

  With a strength in my voice that I didn’t really feel at the moment I replied, “I turned him back.”

  We sat in silence for a moment.

  “He’s always been there since you left,” Doug started, “At every party. Every event. He’d show up no matter how hard we tried to make sure he didn’t know abou
t it. He always found out.

  “He’d show up and get drunk and say horrible things to the people at the party. He’d try to sleep with someone and then get upset when they rejected him. We always managed to keep him from really hurting anyone but there was no way to keep him away.

  “We couldn’t keep him out either, he was too strong he’d just overpower us and get in the door. I had no idea why he was the way he was.”

  “He was strong,” I said, “I made him strong. His personality though, that was always him. Always him inside.”

  We lapsed into silence again.

  “You tried to protect me,” I said, turning to Doug. He stared straight ahead and I looked at him, the light of the streetlights filtering in through the car windows. Even in this dimness I could see the beginnings of a welt forming over his eye. He had been hurt.

  I reached out and touched the side of his face. He flinched slightly, then let me stroke it.

  He turned to look at me.

  We locked eyes.

  I leaned in and our lips connected.

  It was comforting, like curling up in front of a fireplace after a long day out in the cold. It wrapped me up in it’s arms and made me feel like I was home again.

  Then it made me feel something else.

  I unclipped my seatbelt and, without disconnecting from this kiss I crossed the centre console of his car and placed one slim leg on either side of his waist.

  There wasn’t much headroom but I didn’t care. My hands were wrapped on either side of his face, holding him against me as our lips played against each other. As our tongues pushed past to explore each others mouths.

  I felt his hands come up, tentatively resting on my slim waist and slowly pushing their way down. They rested at the top of my ass, unwilling to go any further.

  Releasing his face I grabbed his hands and pushed them down to my ass.

  Given permission and consent they explored willingly, grabbing my ass with both hands and squeezing. I moaned lightly into his mouth. Pressing my hands up between our bodies, against the flat of his chest. I pressed against the hard muscle of his pecs and when he squeezed again I crushed my upper body into his, pushing my breasts against his chest.


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