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Gender Swapped Volume One

Page 17

by Sophie Pert

  A smile spread over my lips and a giggle escaped me. It was light and feminine and joyful. I felt for all the world like an enormous weight had been removed from me, like my body was a plucked string that had ceased its vibration. Like I could not be more relaxed.

  It didn’t last long.

  In a flash of revelation I realized something, a possibility that I had never considered. In all my excitement, in all my surprise it had never even occurred to me.

  If I was Jessica, if I was in her body. Where was she?

  Was she in my body?

  If I was Jessica, did that mean that she was Adam?


  Okay, I thought to myself, this can’t be the case. You’re totally Jessica right now but she can’t be you right?

  But that was a lie I couldn’t even for a moment believe.

  Somehow we had switched bodies, that was the only logical explanation in all of this illogical ideas. It was the only way this all made sense.

  If that was true then surely she recognized that I was up here. Surely she knew what I would do.

  Shit if she hated me before what would she think of me now?

  How stupid was I? How selfish?

  Why hadn’t I thought of this before I got carried away.

  She was going to kill me.

  In a flurry I jumped off of the bed, grabbing the damp clothes from where I threw them I pulled them back on as quickly as possible. I wanted to wear something clean, something dry, but if I did then she would know that I had seen her naked and heck even that would probably piss her off.

  While pulling on my clothes and straightening out my outfit I formulated as coherent a plan as I could.

  First, go downstairs and pretend nothing was amiss.

  Second, figure out whether she was in my body.

  Third, I had no damn idea.

  Hell I had no idea how to figure out whether she was in my body…

  All I knew was I had to make her believe that everything was fine. I had to make sure that she was cool with all of this so we could figure out a way to turn it all back. If she was pissed, well she was in my body she could ruin my relationship with Jack forever if she wanted.

  I walked to the door of the bedroom, took a deep breath, and left the room.

  Walking down the stairs I saw myself. I was sitting on the couch staring at the TV with a cold beer in my hand.

  Okay, nothing out of the ordinary there, I thought, that is totally something I would do. Just Adam being his typical lazy self again.

  Wait, what?

  That thought, that feeling that I had about myself being lazy, that hadn’t come from myself. That was something else, some voice deep down that seemed to just pipe up and speak without my control.


  I shook my head slightly as I reached the ground floor, trying to clear the fog in my brain.

  Crossing the room I fell into a chair facing the TV and turned to look at him. He barely acknowledged my presence. So typical of him. He only ever notices me if he’s checking me out, otherwise he just ignores me.

  “Hi,” I said, pointedly.

  WIthout even glancing away from the TV he responded, “Hi.”

  I gave a little huff and continued to press, “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah,” he raised an eyebrow, looking at me briefly before turning back to the TV, “Why?”

  “Nothing we just hit our heads,” I continued, expecting him to ask if I was okay as well.

  “Yeah,” he glanced at me again and this time his gaze lingered, running up and down my body. I felt a shiver of something as he stared at me, some feeling I couldn’t place, “Hey didn’t you go upstairs to change?”

  Perhaps a little defensively, perhaps a little loudly, I quickly shut that down with, “What? NO! I didn’t.”

  “Okay,” he rolled his eyes, “Jeez you don’t have to yell.”

  I continued on the defensive, “I just went upstairs to get away from you because we hit our heads.”

  “Okay,” his gaze turned back to the TV, “Well I’m okay and you’re okay so…”

  His voice trailed off as he fell back into watching the TV.

  That really pissed me off. He never even asked if I was okay he just assumed it like an inconsiderate jerk.

  To be fair, that seemed pretty much like something she wouldn’t do. She is the sort who would for sure be concerned about the other person when she butted heads. Way more so than that at least.

  So maybe she wasn’t in there.

  Still I had to be sure. Had to keep pressing.

  “So what did you get fired for?” I asked, pressing for information that she wouldn’t know.

  “Nothing,” was the sullen response I got in return.

  “Seriously,” I continued to press, “What did you get fired for? You’re sleeping on my couch and I don’t know when you’re going to leave so I think I deserve an answer.”

  He looked at me with cold and angry eyes, and his answer was flat and even, “I don’t owe you anything.”

  I felt something bubble up inside of me, some well of untapped anger that I barely recognized or understood. All I knew was that I couldn’t stand this, couldn’t stay here in this room with this jerk. I had to get out.

  “Fine!” I shouted and stormed off into the kitchen.

  I was stomping my way without looking where I was going which is why I didn’t notice the puddle until I almost slipped and fell into it. I braced myself on the table at the last second, maintaining my balance.

  I looked down at the floor.

  Spilt milk.

  That jerk didn’t even clean up the mess he made.

  Starting to see red I stomped over to the kitchen cloth and grabbed it. I got down on my hands and knees and started to mop up the puddle myself.

  “You didn’t even clean up your mess!” I roared.

  “What?” I heard him shout from the other room.

  “Your mess,” I went on, “There is milk all over the floor!”

  “No use crying over spilt milk,” he said with a chuckle. His voice was behind me and I glanced over my shoulder to see him.

  Adam was standing leaning in the doorframe, a smug smile on his face with his gaze firmly locked on my ass.

  What an asshole.

  Even with me staring him in the face he didn’t bother to adjust his view. I spun around on my knees and his gaze just shifted to my breasts instead.

  I was furious. I was livid. I wanted to hit him.

  But the rational part of me still wanted to know whether Jessica was in there. If she was in my body this is just what she might do. Faking all of this lewd behaviour to try to get a rise out of me.

  I realized now that if I wanted to be certain that she wasn’t in there I would have to be the one to break character. I would have to be the one to act differently. I would have to do something so completely out of the ordinary, something that would piss her off so much that she would have no choice but to break.

  I did the first thing that came to mind.

  I got up off my knees and crossed the distance between us and with a furious anger burning in my chest I planted my lips directly on his.

  I kissed him, because that was something she would never in a million years stand for.

  At first I was certain that I had found her out, that I had made her break character and win. Adam just stood there, stiff as a board and not reacting to the lips pressed against it.

  That moment only lasted briefly.

  My body, my male body reacted then. It grabbed this delicate female form and pulled it into his hard masculine body. I felt his lips come to life as they met and pressed and pushed against mine.

  We broke our kiss, panting and staring at each other.

  He smiled and his voice came out deep and masculine, “Damn girl, I didn’t know you felt that way.”

  His head ducked back in and mine moved unconsciously. Our lips met as he grabbed my ass in one of his big strong hands. He cupped th
e cheek and squeezed before releasing and grabbing my hips in both hands.

  Our lips parted as he lifted me up. He held me easily in his grip and carried me over to the table, sitting me down on it.

  He kissed me again as he placed me down.

  His hands were on my waist, holding me steady as I felt his tongue press against my lips and I parted them to let him in. To let him explore.

  At this point I was almost certain Jessica was not in there. Never in a million years could I picture her being this bold, being this certain, being this physical with me.

  Somehow I had taken her body, but there was a part of me still in mine.

  I felt his hands grip the waistband of my yoga pants and tug, pulling them and my panties down over my hips. I felt my bare ass against the cool top of the table, the sensation shocking me out of whatever spell had taken hold of me.

  With one hand he drew my pants down my legs. His other hand wrapped around my neck, pulling me into him so as he pulled my pants down his lips stayed locked on mine

  Wait, why was I doing this?

  Once my pants slipped over my feet his hand pushed back up. He released his grip on my neck as he stepped into me. He placed his hands on my knees and pushed them apart, parting my thighs as he stepped between.

  This wasn’t something I was supposed to be doing.

  I felt his hands release my legs and heard a swish of fabric as his shorts fell to his knees. I felt something thick and hard slap against the inside of my thigh.

  Why was this happening? Why couldn’t I resist? This wasn’t what I was supposed to do.

  I was a man. This is a line I hadn’t meant to cross.

  I felt his cock press against the lips of my pussy.

  There was a feeling there, a sensation that was so unlike anything I had ever felt before. As I felt the fat head of his cock push against the wet lips of my sex I felt something come over me. Something familiar. Some sort of primal need that was baked into this body.

  I understood then and there why this was happening.

  I needed it.

  I let out a sigh and let my legs wrap around his waist.

  He thrust forward slightly then, letting just an inch of his cock dip inside of me. I heard a grunt from him and felt him twitch between my legs.

  My eyes fell downwards, running over her chest and down his abs. Down between our legs. I watched as he thrust again and buried another inch in me.

  He spread me so wide, so open. He filled me up.

  My hands were splayed out on the table behind me, propping me up. As his grip shifted and he held my waist I let my hands fly up to lock around behind his neck. I felt him push insistently between my legs, one more inch inside of me and still so much to go.

  Oh god he was enormous.

  I let my gaze travel up and lock eyes with him. It was so odd, so different. I was watching a face that was so familiar and yet so strangely foreign as he took me with shuddering thrusts.

  I closed my eyes.

  I felt him move forward then, felt his head duck down as his hips pushed in and buried the last of him inside of me in one final thrust.

  Our lips connected, I felt his tongue dart between them and responded in kind.

  As our lips and tongues danced and pressed against each other he started to move his hips, withdrawing his thickness before thrusting forward to bury it in me again.

  I felt so filled up, so stretched to the very limit that I didn’t know what I would do or how I could possibly take all of this. I quivered around his hard cock, feeling the walls of my pussy tighten around him.

  He grunted in response from this, breaking our kiss to take in a deep breath and mutter the words, “Fuck you’re tight.”

  His hips sped faster, pushing into me again and again.

  His hands ran up my sides and pawed at my breasts through the shirt. His movements were rough and crude and somehow that very fact made this all so much more for me.

  “God,” he grunted as his hands squeezed my breasts, “At this rate I’m not going to last long.”

  I kissed him again, pushing forward and pressing my lips insistently against his. My arms pulled him in tight to me and crushed him against me. I needed this, needed it so badly.

  His hips shifted pace, slowing but becoming harder and more insistent. There was a pause between each thrust, a pause as he was buried inside of me, but the force of him pounding at me more than made up for it.

  I felt his nimble fingers squeezing my breasts, and somehow even through the many layers he still found a way to pinch my hard nipples. I gasped into his mouth.

  That same feeling I had had in the bedroom started to well up. I felt the wildfire spread through me once more and knew I was so close to exploding once again. My body tightened in anticipation and I felt the walls of my pussy clench around his thick cock.

  “I’m going to cum,” he grunted into my lips.

  “No,” I cried, “Not in me!”

  It all happened so fast. His hands left my breasts, his lips left mine, my arms were pulled from around his neck, his cock pulled out of me.

  I felt the loss of it, shaking with the sensation like stepping out into a bitterly cold winter night. The fire stamped out immediately.

  I was left panting and unable to do anything as I watched him step back from me, his hand clamped around his cock as he stroked it and aimed it at my breasts.

  He exploded and as he pumped his cock erupted in great spurts all over my shirt. I was left splattered and stained and unsatisfied, denied my final gratification.

  From the smile on his face it looked like he had no such reservations.

  “Damn baby,” he stepped into me and kissed me once, briefly, on the lips, “We should do this again sometime.”

  And with that he stepped away from me and back to the TV, pausing only briefly to pull up his shorts.

  He was such an asshole. He had this callous disregard about him that, regardless of the strong urges and feelings it welled up inside of me, made me feel so used. I loved it, but I had no idea that this was what it felt like.

  And what about my satisfaction? Sure he’d finished, that much was clear from the stickiness all over my shirt, but I was left here gasping and wanting more. I had that desperate need to get my satisfaction, to feel that explosion wash over me. And somehow him just using me and walking out the door.

  It was so enticing.

  I’d never felt anything like it before.

  He was me, and I was such an asshole.

  No wonder Jessica hated me.

  No wonder her body desired me.

  At the door he stopped and turned, staring at me as I sat frozen in disbelief at what had happened.

  “You should probably get dressed before Jack gets home,” and with that he was gone.

  He was right of course, Jessica had said that Jack would be back in about an hour and a quick glance at the clock showed that that would be any minute now.

  I quickly slipped off the table and grabbed my crumpled yoga pants off the floor. I darted up the stairs, catching a glimpse of my old self sitting on the couch once again engrossed in the TV.

  As I closed the bedroom door behind me I heard the front door open.

  Oh god Jack was home.

  I had to make sure he didn’t find out what I’d done.

  Fuck, I thought to myself as I quickly stripped off my shirt and bra and threw them and my pants into the laundry bin.

  Fuck I’d just cheated on my husband, I thought as I stood naked in the middle of the room.


  I heard the door to the bedroom open and I turned to look.

  Jack, her husband standing there staring at me with a big grin on his tired face.

  I’d seen that face a thousand times, I’d grown up with that face. I’d known it for years.

  Looking at it now it was like I was looking at him for the first time.

  He was so handsome, handsome in that classic football quarterback wholesome sort of
way. He looked like the sort of guy you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.

  Somewhere deep in my heart of hearts I’d always wondered why a knockout like Jessica would choose someone like Jack to be with, but looking at him now I knew exactly why.

  It was there in the crinkle of his eye, in the dimples of his smile, in the way he looked at me.

  I’d never had anyone look at me like that before.

  But Jessica had, and her body reacted to it in a natural, comfortable way.

  I crossed the room and embraced him, feeling safe in his strong arms.

  “Hey baby,” he said in a deep resonant voice that I felt rumbling in his muscular chest, “Not that I mind, but why are you naked.”

  Everything I’d done came rushing back to me all at once, the fact that I’d slept with Jacks best friend. The fact that he was such an asshole, the fact that…

  I pulled away and turned to cross the room, heading towards the dresser to find something to wear.

  “Your idiot friend spilled milk all over me,” I said in a huff, the intonation as much fueled by the shame of my illicit affair as it was by some sort of deep-seated almost unconscious hatred of my old self.

  I heard a sigh from behind me and Jack said, “I’m sorry about Adam, I swear he’ll be on his way soon.”

  Why isn’t he defending me, I thought, his wife is talking crap about one of his friends and he’s just letting that happen.

  In a huff of confused emotions I pulled open drawers of the dresser at random trying to find something to wear.

  I hadn’t even heard him cross the room but I felt his presence behind me just before he wrapped his arms around me. He held me there and in an instant I felt the tension melt away from me. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes.

  His hands rubbed lightly on my arms, just trying to comfort me but they did so much more. I realized that since I’d been robbed of my orgasm I’d had this tension in my body, this desperate need to be fulfilled.

  I craved the touch of a man. I needed it in order so badly.

  “I swear,” he said, “I’ll make it up to you when he’s gone.”

  I felt a growl roll up from deep inside me as I turned in his arms, “Why don’t you start making it up to me now.”


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