Were Slave (2010)

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Were Slave (2010) Page 12

by Slater, Lia

  On all fours, he crept over to the stream and lapped up the cold water. The moon shone bright, energizing him, giving him strength for the remainder of the night. He stared up at the glowing orb and howled, releasing the rest of his tension into the night sky.

  "Somehow I think your bark is bigger than your bite," a familiar feminine voice said.

  He jerked his head around to see the pretty brown-eyed witch from earlier sitting not three feet from him with her bare feet dangling in the water. "How did you get there so quickly? Teleportation?"

  She shrugged and tilted her lips into an easy smile. "I'm quiet. You didn't hear me."

  Mace doubted she was speaking the truth but he didn't waste time arguing. He sat on his haunches and closed his eyes.

  "Who is that Were in there with the Queen?" she asked.

  "My friend and second-in-command, Kaige."

  "Kaige, huh?"

  Mace peered at her from the corner of his eye. "I thought you witches knew everything about everyone."

  "I'm not as talented as Lorze. But I am sensitive to certain things." She glanced over at the window. "Like his anger."

  "Anger?" Mace transformed and stood to his feet, ready to protect Nayla. The witch's words were most likely nonsense but he wouldn't take a chance, not even with a Were he'd known more than half his life.

  "Don't worry, stud. He's not angry toward anyone but himself. And his past. Do you know much about that?"

  Mace relaxed, realizing the witch was just being nosy. "Why do you care? He's a Were, below your level, remember?"

  She rolled her eyes up at the sky and let out a dramatic sigh. "Of course I remember. Stop proving my point, stud. Why aren't you in there participating in the sex marathon?"

  "None of your concern."

  "Whatever. Have you told her yet that she'll be Were?"

  "Still none of your concern."

  "Probably for the better that you wait until morning and she's back to herself. If she makes it, which she no doubt will, I'll have to reconsider my stance on Weres." She glared up at him. "Female Weres, anyway."

  Mace scrubbed his hands across his face and thanked the gods Nayla wasn't this aggravating. "Sleep tight, witch." He turned on his heel, suddenly rejuvenated enough to please his woman and he walked back into the cottage.

  * * * * *

  Nayla wasn't sure where to place her hands as Kaige settled between her trembling legs. She decided on setting them on his solid chest, although the wicked phenomenon that had taken over her mind begged her to reach down and cup his balls or grip his cock. With all her remaining strength, she restrained herself.

  His erection nudged against her heat, teasing her, as he braced himself above her. Would it be wrong to enjoy Kaige's body? And she was sure she would. He was stunning with his smoky gray eyes, full lips and tan muscled physique. But being unaccompanied with the near stranger made her tense, all the same.

  His stomach muscles constricted as he pressed forward and slid the head of his cock into her pussy.

  She fisted her hands on his chest and closed her eyes. Again, guilt warred with the extreme need for pleasure, for release. God, what's wrong with me?

  "Look at me, Nayla." His mouth brushed her cheek. "Touch me. The big alpha is away and I promise I won't bite." His light tone diminished some of her anxiety.

  Still, she kept her eyes shut. It was the only way she could bring herself to reach up and run her fingers over his solid chest and around to his back. His physique was close to Mace's, but slightly leaner. His cock, just as large, just as tempting. God help her, she wanted him closer, wanted him deep inside her, easing her desire.

  "That's a good girl," he whispered huskily against her ear. He lowered onto her, mashing his chest against her sensitive breasts. Then he drove into her wet heat.

  "Ah," she breathed out, indulging in the satisfying feeling of being filled.

  And made the mistake of opening her eyes.

  His lips loomed just above hers. His clumps of brown hair hung down around her face. His sensual gaze met hers. All so personal, so different.

  "I want you to know," she said, making eye contact, "that I'm in love with Mace."

  He grinned, showing her his carefree smile and kissed the tip of her nose. "That, sweet Nayla, is one of the reasons I'm inside you right now." He inched out and slid back in, causing her to whimper. "If I questioned your loyalty to Mace, I'd have left him and this pack the moment he jeopardized all of us to save your life. More important, I'd leave you to suffer. But I sense you are loyal to Mace. And I've dreamed of fucking you for a long time now."

  She gulped. "Do you know what's wrong with me?" Why did her body yearn with an unquenchable need? And how had her wound healed so quickly?

  "Mace will have to explain that to you, sweet." He winked and glided into her again. "But you'll be fine soon. Mace and I will see to it."

  "Yes," she moaned as he slid out and drove into her again, forcing her to forget anything else. She entwined her legs around his and hitched her hips up to meet his next thrust. The swift movement curved his cock into her pussy, brazing along her G-spot, sending a surge of delectable heat to her core. "Mmm. Kaige."

  His smile faded into a thin line and he pressed his forehead against hers. "Now I know why Mace needed a breather. Damn, Nayla, your pussy is delectable."

  "Just fuck me, Kaige." And stop mentioning the man she loved. Her heart couldn't handle it.

  She closed her eyes again just as his mouth covered hers in a crushing kiss. His lips were firm and insistent. And as she parted for him, his tongue slipped in to boldly stroke and flick and tease her until she reciprocated.

  God, she couldn't help but respond. His kiss reminded her of a hot summer evening after she'd had one too many glasses of wine. It was thick with lust and made her mind so dizzy she lost herself for a moment. All fun while it lasted, exciting for the moment. And she imagined any other woman wouldn't mind letting his kiss swallow her whole.

  He continued to move inside her as his hand caressed her breast, his thumb brushing across her nipple. Each sending lightning sparks to her nerves and a curling blaze to her womb, tightening like a loaded spring.

  Just as her climax began with Mace, it did so with Kaige. Rising and hanging at the edge, waiting to be tipped over, or at this point, shoved over. She knew when she did come, it would be a tidal wave, unlike any orgasm she'd ever experienced.

  "I'm back." Mace's gruff voice shook her out of her haze.

  She broke the kiss and looked up to see her lover staring down at them with eyes full of a passion she'd never seen before. His blue eyes glinted with feral desire.

  "Mace." She reached for him as he lowered onto the bed and Kaige halted his movements.

  "Don't stop." The words slipped from her mouth and she bit her lips shut.

  Kaige grinned. "Give us a moment," he said and turned his head to speak to Mace. "Do you want her pussy?"

  Mace shook his head and kept his intense gaze locked with Nayla's. "I'll take her ass. She's a virgin there."

  Yes, her body cried out, instantly erasing any trepidation. Being filled by the two Weres was what she craved and could possibly be the only act to give her that much-needed relief.

  Mace spoke in his foreign tongue. The intimate, drawling words caused Kaige to sit up, gathering her with him, his shaft still hard inside her weeping pussy.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him but kept her gaze on Mace as he pulled a brown glass bottle out of a basket. Kaige had said it was from the High Priestess Lorzener. The familiar name now clicked a light on in her mind.

  They were at the witch's home. Mace had brought her here and Lorzener had, no doubt, saved her from death, judging from how quickly her wound had healed.

  But was there a cost? And why was her body behaving so oddly?

  Mace distracted her from her thoughts by kneeling behind her and grasping her face, turning it to the side. He held her cheek and kissed her lips with a desperate
passion, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, consuming her. Kaige watched them, his hardened cock sending jolts of pleasure up her spine to the kiss.

  She moaned and squeezed her pussy walls against his shaft.

  "That's it, sweet Nayla," Kaige murmured. "You're so wet, your cum is dripping down my balls."

  Being sandwiched between the two steely males gave her a sense of security. She knew she'd be safe with them. And as she caressed Mace's five o'clock shadow with one hand and gripped Kaige's solid shoulder with the other, her fingertips tingled as if her sense of touch were irrepressible. Overwhelming.

  The scent of lust and male heat filled her nostrils as Mace curved his tongue along hers. She tasted his potent hunger, his masculine confidence...and she tasted his love. Her heart overflowed as her pussy ached. This would be enough for any sane woman but she craved something else, something further.

  Before she could ask for more, Mace broke the kiss. She heard the slight cracking sound of a cap twisting open, then felt the oily substance from the bottle drip down the crevice of her ass cheeks. Mace followed the warm liquid's path with his hand, wedging his fingers between her buttocks. He found her anus and rubbed two fingers in a circular motion over her puckered flesh. Nayla sucked in a breath as her sensitive skin prickled with delight.

  "I'm going to fuck you here, love. Do you want that?"

  "Yes. Please." She leaned against Kaige's chest as Mace continued to stroke her anus.

  Kaige made small upward movements into her pussy with his cock and he kissed the sensitive skin below her ear. His hot tongue swirled and sloped around her lobe. "You're going to be full soon, sweet." His voice was husky. "We're going to pack you so tight you're going to scream."

  "Good. I want to scream." She smiled as the wicked thought monopolized her mind. Perspiration moistened her forehead and her hands against Kaige's chest grew clammy. "I want you both inside me, fucking me hard." She couldn't contain her words, her excitement. Her heart beat wickedly and she shivered with anticipation.

  "Then that's what you'll get." Mace slid one long slippery finger into her taut entrance.

  Delicious sparks traveled from her ass to her cunt. "Yes." She pushed off from Kaige and leaned back against Mace's chest. He was the only one she'd ever trust enough to penetrate such a personal, private area.

  Her heart filled with love, yet her body was still empty. How she'd awoken with this selfish, barren soul, she'd no clue. A slice of guilt skittered through her thoughts but was quickly halted when Mace gripped her breast with his free hand, massaging her.

  "Relax, love. Enjoy this. Let your body accept me into your ass. Take pleasure in how I, we, make love to you. Together." He withdrew and inserted his finger again. "Touch him if you like. I won't be angry. Consider this a get-well gift."

  "Mmm." Her mind blurred from the liquid warmth coiling in her womb with each pass his finger made into her ass.

  Kaige grasped her hips and continued to move inside her pussy. She looked down to see where they joined, where his cock pushed in and eased out, where his abdomen constricted with each movement. His tanned muscles clenched and his dark curly hair crushed against her.

  Heat bottled at her core as Mace slid in a second finger. "You're loosening for me, love. Soon I'll be inside you, claiming your pretty little ass."

  "Thank you," she said and tilted her head to kiss his sweat-moist cheek. The sentiment was silly but heartfelt. She couldn't remember ever wanting anything more than to have him take her ass and her gratitude for his generosity overwhelmed her.

  His hand on her back nudged her toward Kaige. "Lean on him, sweetheart."

  Nayla held onto Kaige's steely shoulders and whimpered at how Mace's oiled fingers felt slipping into her. He was right, she was loosening for him. She was ready.

  He removed his fingers and the warm solid head of him pressed against her. She cuddled her forehead into the curve of Kaige's neck, tilted her ass back and waited. Mace gripped her breast with his large hand as he pushed inside her, bypassing her rigid entrance and inching his head into her channel.

  Nayla bit into her lip at the slight pain, but was surprised his large cock didn't hurt as much as she thought it might. Instead, she craved all of him. All of them. "More." The word slipped from her mouth and Mace chuckled.

  "I'll give you anything you want, love." His voice was ragged and deeper than ever. He eased farther in, slowly stretching her, filling her alongside Kaige's cock. Side by side they packed her body, sending lightning sparks to her nerve endings. Giving her no room to be unsatisfied.

  "Fuck." Kaige's fingers dug into her hips. "So damn tight."

  "Ah," Mace groaned by her ear. Both hands squeezed her swollen breasts. "How do you feel, Nayla?"

  Stars danced in front of her eyes, her skin prickled and her pussy hummed with pleasure. Her only answer was a moan of relief. Of sheer satisfaction.

  Mace chuckled again and kissed her cheek. "Good. I'm glad."

  She whimpered and began to move with the two Weres' synchronized movements. Slowly and steadily they moved inside her. Her pussy quivered as her ass tingled with delight. Each stuffed full with thick cock, pushing her to her limit. Stretching her.

  The tiny room echoed with the sound of her bodily juices sucking and releasing combined with grunts and groans. The air was thick with the lusty smell of sex and male pheromones. Large, rough hands covered her body, touching and massaging.

  Mace's solid chest rubbed against her back while Kaige's chest crushed against her breasts. Each was damp with sweat and slick with oil as they continued to work their cocks inside her body. They encompassed her and filled her.

  And for first time, she connected to their primal level. Their animal side. It felt natural to want these two Weres at once. They were quenching her need and finding pleasure in the action. Both selfish and selfless. Both taking and giving.

  She moaned again as a sensational wave of warmth surged through her, coiling at her core. Her thighs trembled but the Weres held her up, secure in their arms. She was on the brink, the tidal wave cresting and about to crash into the shore. "Oh, God." She shook and drops of perspiration trickled down her face.

  "Come, Nayla." Mace kissed and licked her neck. "Come for us."

  They quickened their pace, in tune with their movements. Each thrust pushed her closer over the edge. She dug her fingernails into Kaige's biceps and pressed her head to his shoulder. Her breath came out in pants as shock waves coursed through her body, relentlessly zapping her nerves and heating her pussy.

  "Yes!" she cried out. Both cocks felt so good, so very good as they drove in and stretched her innermost walls. Side by side.

  Mace reached around and found her clit. He circled two fingers around it and Nayla screamed. "Yes. God, yes!"

  Her body convulsed as the tightly wound spring in her pussy broke free, allowing the tidal wave to crash into her body. Liquid heat sizzled and danced in her womb. Sparks shot to her fingertips and toes. Warmth overcame her. Her limbs cheered with the release of pressure. So much pressure. Every ounce dripped from her bones, her nerves, her muscles, leaving her limp and utterly satiated.

  "Ah," she sobbed at the extreme pleasure. At how the orgasm had washed away any pain, both physical and mental. Tears burned her eyes as both Weres eased from her body, gently laid her on the mattress. They kissed and licked her slackened body, groaning as they satisfied themselves.

  Selfless. Gorgeous.

  How could she have ever thought badly of them?

  Her mother's words shifted forward from the recesses of her mind.

  They're of two different minds. One of evil, hate and vengeance, the other of honor, love and loyalty. Confuse them and you'll never find happiness.

  Of course.

  She tried to relax but her breathing hastened and her heart still raced. Uncontrollably. She pushed locks of damp hair from her face and attempted to calm herself. Something was wrong. Still? What could the witch have done to heal her wound?

>   "Mace?" She spoke as calmly as possible. "Was I given a drug?"

  Mace looked down at her with a concerned expression. "Why? Are you well?" He spread out beside her and placed a hand over her heart, as if he knew what was causing her alarm.

  Her skin tingled along her arms and legs. And her muscles suddenly felt like liquid. But nothing hurt. No, in fact, she was rejuvenated, her energy level peaking.

  "Yes." She smiled, unable to help herself. "I feel exuberant. Out of my skin. What did the witch do to me?"

  She didn't wait for an answer. The three quarter moon shining through the opened window captured her full attention. Drawn to its glow, she walked over and drew in a long breath. Her lungs filled with the brisk night air. Wonderful. Absolutely brilliant.

  All her worries disappeared as her body transformed fluidly. Like the creek in the distance, her bones, skin, teeth, veins, organs and muscles combined into one organism, rushed through her body and quickly manifested in a new location.

  It happened so fast, she hadn't had time to panic. No, just the opposite. Her mind was free. Carefree. Blissful.

  Until she looked down upon herself. Her hands were not her own. In their place, were two furry paws. Golden fur covered her skin. She dared a glance behind her to see the body of a Were. Shock mixed with curiosity and anger and a hundred other emotions she couldn't contain. One question broke free from her muddled thoughts. How had this happened?

  "Mace?" she said in a voice she didn't recognize.

  Her lover dropped to his knees in front of her and held her neck. "You're okay, Nayla." He seemed to have a hard time looking into her eyes. Why?

  "Am I a Were? Is this a dream?"

  "It's not a dream." He didn't answer the first question.

  "Did you do this to me?" she asked, but was distracted by the moon's glow once again. She closed her eyes and took in its fantastic energy.

  "The High Priestess Lorzener infected you with the Were plague to save your life. It was all she could do to save you. You were on death's door."


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