Take a Breath (Take 1)

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Take a Breath (Take 1) Page 14

by Jaimie Roberts

  “You know you want me to do this Ana, you’re gagging for it. Always have. Just accept me like the good little girl you are. You know you will love me fucking you.”

  I scream out, “Nooooo,” as I wake up bolt upright screaming.

  “Ana, Ana, it’s ok, you’re here with me. Ana, it's Jake please stop screaming you’re ok, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you.”

  I try to get my bearings and my breathing is harsh and erratic. I take deep breaths to try and calm down and the tears are flowing. Oh god, not again. Not that dream again. Always the same. When will he be gone and out of my head? Jake puts his arms around me and I sob. I can’t help but get it all out. Twice in a row I’ve had this dream now and it's all become too much to bare. Is it really Alan doing all of this? I feel it’s him, but can’t see his face. Is he that sick he is killing girls that look like me? Jake strokes the back of my hair and we sit in silence for a moment. Although I’ve slept I felt exhausted and although I’m exhausted I don’t want to go back to sleep, not if I’m going to have the same nightmare over and over again like this. It is then I realise that there is light coming through the windows, so it must be morning already. I turn and look at the time. It’s 10:30am. Jake is staring at me watching my reaction.

  “I was downstairs getting some coffee. I was going to bring up some breakfast when I heard you screaming. You gave me the fright of my life.”

  He strokes my arm and then wipes a tear from my eye. “Every time you’re not here in bed with me I have nightmares, so you can’t ever leave me again when I sleep.”

  He lets out a little laugh, “Well, I did say I wanted you in my bed, so that settles it then.”

  I look into his startling green eyes and sigh, “We can’t do this to Matthew, not so soon after, well, you know.” I so want to be with him deep down but I didn’t want to upset Matthew.

  “I think we need to play this thing out and see what happens. Matthew isn’t even back yet so we shall see. Was it the same dream?”

  I nod my head and try not to let the barrage of tears threatening to come at any moment, start up again. Jake throws his arms around me and I nuzzle my head in his chest. I take a deep breath in and relish in his aroma. He smells wonderful. I could stay like this forever. We break free of each other and he looks at me.

  “Are you better now? I want to bring some coffee and toast up.”

  I nod and he heads for the stairs.

  I get up and go to the bathroom and put my hair up again. I rush down towards my room and shudder when I walk into it. I look toward my pillow and I can’t help but cringe at the thought that he had his hands on it. Suddenly this room doesn’t feel as welcoming as it used to. Knowing that this psychopath has been in my room and maybe looked through my things makes me feel sick to the stomach. I quickly go through my drawers and pick out a tank top and boxer shorts and slip them on. I then grab my phone by my bedside as I had left it in there again. Three missed calls and two text messages, all from Jessie badgering me into answering my phone and calling me everything under the sun. I decide I can’t avoid her forever and give her a call. I walk back in to Jake’s room and dial her number. After two rings she answers.

  “Where have you been you little bitch, I’ve been worried about you?”

  I start laughing, typical Jessie. “I’m fine, sorry I didn’t realise you rang or text. I’ve been a little preoccupied the last couple of days.”

  She snorts, “So I’ve heard. Tom sent me a cryptic message saying he knows you’re not gay anymore, what the fuck’s he talking about Ana?” She gasps, “No, you’re not shagging Tom are you? Have a little more respect for yourself than that. Michael yes, but not Tom. Or is it Michael?”

  I had to stop her twenty questions, “Jessie, stop talking. I’m not how you say, shagging Tom or Michael. Tom’s a little shit for blabbing anything to you but you’re my friend and I wanted to wait until tomorrow before I spilled everything. I can trust you can’t I Jessie.”

  She huffs but sounds excited, “Of course you can baby girl, what do you take me for? Now come on spill the beans.”

  I take a deep breath, “I know I wouldn’t be able to hide this from you, but something happened between Jake and I and now we’re, well we’re. I don’t know what we are but I haven’t left his bedroom since Friday night.” I heard the gasp and the squeals of excitement through the phone.

  “Ana, you’ve been holding out on me girl. Now tell me, what is he like in bed? I imagine him being quite the animal, is he an animal?”

  I start laughing and Jake enters the room. I stop suddenly and go bright red and Jake smiles knowingly. “Erm, yes and yes.” I don’t know what else to say.

  Jessie squeals again, “Is he there with you?”

  I scratch my head, “Yes Jessie.” She makes a disappointing sound through her teeth.

  “Well, I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow then, but you have to spill all to me then ok? Oh and by the way how comes Tom knows about this before me?”

  Oh shit, good and valid question. I was hoping she wouldn’t pick up on that. “Look Jessie it’s complicated, I’ll see you tomorrow and please remember what I said, it’s so important. I will explain all to you then, but you must promise me Jessie.” She promises she will and we say our goodbyes as we hang up.

  Jake has brought a tray of coffee and toast with Juice and all smells wonderful. He pours me a cup and hands me over the mug. “That smells divine, thank you.” He smiles and pours himself a coffee and gets buttering the toast and hands me a slice.

  “I take it that was Jessie wanting all the gossip?”

  I wince slightly embarrassed. “Yes, I hope you don’t mind, she said she wouldn’t tell anyone and she is the closest friend I’ve got.”

  He shakes his head, “Look Ana, I’m not judging you, I let it be known to Mike, Tom and Michael, who am I to say who you can and can’t tell?”

  I take a bite of the toast realising just how hungry I am.

  “My only concern for you is what this fucker wants with you and catching him as soon as possible before he hurts any more women. He needs to be locked up now; it’s been going on too long.”

  I finish my toast quickly and he butters me another.

  “You’re starving yourself also Ana and it’s no good, you need to eat.”

  I sigh realising he’s right but also noting how much has happened in the last 48hrs that’s been taking over. I take a sip of my coffee and put it down. “Yes caveman Jake, I will be sure to take heed of your advice.” I smile at him and he smiles back.

  “Are you being cheeky with me again Miss Sinclair?”

  I gasp, “Heavens no, I wouldn’t dream of it.” He places the tray on the floor and edges closer to me.

  “Do you realise just how damn sexy you look right now?”

  He’s practically purring the words out and the fire between my legs ignite. I take in the last bit of toast and watch as his eyes bury deep into me. My god he is sex on legs, hot as hell, hunk of a man. How would I ever say no to anything he asks me?

  He edges closer still and leans towards my ear, “Ana, you’re going to have to get naked for me now.”

  He nibbles on my ear and I moan in pleasure. I jolt up, quickly relieve myself of my clothes and climb on top of him. Jake looks beyond shocked at how quickly I’ve succumbed to his will. I find his mouth and how sweet he tastes and how warm he feels. I grab at his shirt as I pull it over his head. Jake tries to lift me up but I stop him, “Jake please let me do this.” I nibble at his ear and he shudders. I push him down and pull his shorts off. I’m greeted with his throbbing cock and it looks as good to eat. I climb back up and I place my head down on his cock and start licking.

  “Oh fuck, Ana that feels so good.”

  His breathing becomes erratic which sets my breathing faster. Knowing how turned on he is now is making me feel so wet and ready for him. His pleasure is my pleasure. I lick down his shaft and come back up to tease the tip, he sucks in a breath thr
ough his teeth. I gently push my head down as I lick around with my tongue. I come back up and push down again and Jake stiffens. He grabs the back of my head and it spurs me on moving quicker and quicker, licking and sucking. I could go on and on but he stops me.

  “No, Ana, I don’t want to come in your mouth, no matter how good that feels. Fuck, what are you doing to me? Come here.”

  I look at him as he grabs my arm, “Up to me please.”

  He wiggles his finger as I edge towards him. I’m thinking he wants me to get on top of his cock but he pulls me further up.

  “I need to taste that sweet pussy of yours. Come here.”

  I edge closer not sure what to do with myself. I’ve never had this done to me before. As I near to his lips he grabs my nipples and gently squeezes. I moan out.

  “Sweet Ana, always ready for me, always so ready for my touch.”

  He pulls me down further to him and starts to gently lick the tip of my clit. I spasm and grab the headboard. Such a weird, but oh so wonderful sensation like this. He grabs my bottom and pushes me deeper into him as he licks around my clit. I pull at the headboard and my nails dig in as I give in to this wonderful feeling building inside me. He grabs at one of my breasts and starts fondling my nipple and it sends me into overdrive. I push my head back and let the ecstasy take control. My legs start to tremble and I stiffen as an impending orgasm is about to take over. Jake stops and demands I get on top. I do so without hesitation. I want him inside me as much as I need fresh air. I grab his cock and ease the tip into me. He feels so good. I quickly start a rhythm as I climb up and down and Jake starts squeezing my nipples again.

  “God, you’re so beautiful Ana and mine all mine. Your sweet pussy is mine, no one else’s.”

  I cry out yes and throw my head back awaiting the climax about to rise at any moment. The sensations I feel as I am pounding on top of him are building and building right through my legs up towards my very core as my whole body tingles in anticipation. I let out a big moan that I can’t help escape, as I know I’m about to fall apart at any moment.

  “Fuck, Ana, you must come for me baby, now.”

  I scream and fall apart as my pussy throbs on every part of his magnificent cock, squeezing him into me more and more. Jake shouts out and pulls me down on him hard as he climaxes inside me. I feel the pleasant hot cum spraying into me as he throbs every last morsel out. I drop down to his chest and we’re both heaving as I feel his chest rise and fall and his heart beating rapidly.

  “You’re going to kill me Ana at this rate. I don’t know how much more I can produce but you have me wanting you over and over. I don’t want to stop. How am I going to cope at work tomorrow?”

  I ease myself up and look at him, “I’m sure we can find some way.” I smile and place a finger on his bare chest making circular movements as I give him a cheeky grin. He stares at me like he’s about to abolish me.

  “Ana, that is one place we cannot do it, no matter how much I will want to. Big no, no.”

  I pout at him, “Spoil sport.” He laughs at me as I get off him. The loss unwelcome, but I have to get out of bed at some point this weekend. He slaps my bum and I jerk up. “Hey, what was that for?”

  He chuckles, “I can’t resist that perfectly rounded little ass of yours.”

  He pulls me down to him for a cuddle and we lay there a few minutes enjoying each other.

  When the time unfortunately came to 12:30pm we had to admit defeat and get up to get ready. “What time is Matthew due back?” Jake walks towards the shower and turns the water on.

  “About 2:30, I think he said.”

  We get under the spray together and have heaps of fun washing and lathering each other up. Jake leaves me when he is done and I finish off washing my hair.

  When I eventually surface from the bathroom Jake is already drying himself off and getting his clothes on. I put a towel around me and head for my room. I get to the doorway and shudder again. I’m going to have to get over this, I’m being too silly.

  “You’re finding this more difficult than you’re letting on.”

  I jump out of my skin and turn to find Jake in the hallway staring at me.

  “Ana, you can’t keep things bottled up; if you want to talk tell me, that’s what I’m here for. You find that your room has been violated, so of course you’re going to find it strange and unnerving."

  He comes over and gives me a bear hug, which I accept willingly. He kisses the top of my head and we go into my room together.

  "Maybe we should move a few things over to my room. Things you need, essentials.”

  I walk over to my closet and pull out another summer dress, something light and easy to wear in this heat. “Jake, I’m fine, honestly, don’t fuss. I’m ok.” He waits for me as I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth and comb my hair. I grab a bra and knickers and proceed with getting dressed. “Are you enjoying the view Mr Bennett?” I smirk.

  “Always enjoying the view whenever you’re concerned Miss Sinclair and oh what a view it is.”

  I giggle and run to the bathroom to put on a bit of makeup on and dry my hair.

  By the time I’m done it is well after 1 o’clock so we make our way downstairs to the kitchen. Jake starts washing all the dishes from breakfast and I grab two of an apple, orange and banana and start making a bit of a fruit salad for both of us. I’m still hungry from earlier and keen to get some of my five a day down me. We sit in silence holding hands for a while enjoying the tender moment between us, when we hear the sound of the door being opened and a voice cry out.

  “Hey Dad, Ana, anyone home?”

  Jake shouts that we’re in the kitchen and I free my hand from him. Matthew comes marching in looking pleased and plonks himself on the chair placing his bags on the floor.

  “What’s with the squad car out front, have you been very naughty Ana?” He laughs and Jake turns to Matthew. He sees the seriousness in his face and quickly stops. “What’s wrong is someone hurt, what happened?”

  I can see the panic in his face and place my hand on his, “Everything is fine, we’re all ok. We just had an incident on Saturday morning, but we’re dealing with it.” Jake proceeded to tell him what bits he needed to know about what went down and Matthew’s face was shocked looking at me then to his dad. We both tried our hardest to let him know all was ok, but he still looked at me with sad eyes. “Matthew, I’m fine, honest. I have the best of the best looking after me.” Jake walked over in my direction and put an arm around me.

  “Well, isn’t that the truth.”

  Matthew raised his eyebrow. “Dad is there something else you want to tell me?”

  He looked at Jake’s arm around my shoulder and Jake stiffened. He whipped his arm away a little bit too quickly and Matthew raised that eyebrow at me, smirking questioningly.

  I looked back at him and smiled also giving myself away and he shouts out, “I knew it.”

  He gets up out his chair and starts waving his finger at us.

  “I knew there was something going on between you two, you could feel it in the air. I think I knew it was happening well before any of you did.” He placed his hands on his hips like he just gave us a telling off.

  “You’re not angry are you son?”

  Matthew waved his hands as if to say, ‘I don’t give a damn.’ “I think it’s great. You know I love you Ana.”

  Tears welled in my eyes as I bounced up and gave him a big hug. “I love you too, you big lummox.” He squeezed me back and we let go.

  “Does this mean I can call you Mom now?”

  I hit him in the arm, “Hey, one step at a time buddy. I want to know how your trip went.” Jake was smiling at us both and Matthew came over and gave Jake a hug too.

  “I’m happy about this, I really am.”

  Jake was mesmerised at his son’s acceptance of us and it made me beam inside. I couldn’t be happier than I am now. It finally feels as though I am part of a family.

  “My trip was great. We went
hiking during the day and camping round at night, eating marshmallows by the fire and telling scary stories to keep us all up at night. It was fun.”

  The telephone rang at that point and Jake went to answer it. Matthew comes over to me again and sits down.

  “I knew something was definitely up when before I left he seemed mad at you and I for the little prank we played on Clive. He was virtually seething by the time we all left. I felt really bad for you. Did he go ape at you?”

  I didn’t know quite how to answer this. Yes, he did go ape, he threw me against the wall, pinned me to the bed and fucked my brains out until I screamed. The thought suddenly had me wanting him again. When will it stop? I look sheepish at Matthew, “Erm, yes sort of. We got talking really on Saturday and things just seemed to have developed quickly since then.” The noise of Jake’s rumbling voice came bounding through, so we all stopped and listened.

  “Wait, when did this happen?”

  Matthew and I looked at one another, realising something was up.

  “Who’s down there now? Ok, yes, Ana is here with me, she’s fine. I’ll be right there.”

  Jake hung up the phone and starts cursing. Something was definitely wrong.

  “There’s been another murder in Reston. I’ve got to head over there now, but I’ll speak to the boys outside and keep the alarm on the house until I get back ok? Matthew it’s important for you to stay here in the house with Ana please.”

  Matthew nods his head, “Of course, I’m not going anywhere.”

  I sit there stunned, rooted to my seat as Jake comes over to me. He places both hands on my arms and kisses my forehead.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can ok Ana? Ana?”

  I nod, “Yes, yes of course, you go. I’ll be fine here with Matthew. I’ll help him unpack and get him something to eat.” He squeezes my arms and grabs his car keys from the bowl. I hear the alarm go and know that it’s armed. The thought of another girl murdered feels me with horror. What else must we have to endure until we catch this son of a bitch? Matthew gives me a hug and tries to tell me everything will be ok. It amazes me just how much Matthew has grown up in the last few months that I’ve known him.


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