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Devil's Love

Page 2

by Kim Jones

  “For a long time it was impossible to even find a guy who was up for just a one-night stand. But then,” she says, holding her finger up and smiling at me. “I discovered barroom bathrooms. Best. Sex. Ever.”

  I don’t like her talking about fucking other men, hell my blood is boiling just thinking about some nameless motherfucker I want to rip in two right now, but I smirk anyway. “I don’t think you’re having very good sex.”

  I shoot her a look that tells her I would be better.

  I’m playing with fire. We’re flirting. I should be watching Rocky drink raw eggs and sweat and make me not hard. Instead, I’m discussing good sex with the girl next to me who smells like honey and looks like sin.

  “I may not have a lot of sex, but when I do it’s good. Not everyone can be as experienced as you, Marty.” She shoots me a playful smile, and I hope like hell she didn’t feel my dick jump when she said my name. But it’s not just jumping. It’s throbbing. Hard.

  “I promise you, babe.” My voice drops. “There’s a whole lot of pleasure you can’t get from fucking in a bathroom. Pleasure that requires you on your back, not up against a wall or bent over a sink.” My eyes fall to her thighs that I’m sure hold a delicious treasure between them. It would take me less than a second to push her knees apart and bury my face in her pussy.

  Slowly, I drag my eyes back to hers when she whispers, “Show me.” She’s breathing a little heavier. Her eyes are hooded. She wants me. I want her. On this couch. On her back. And if she can stand when we’re finished, over the bathroom sink—just to prove I can make that shit good too.

  But I made a promise to a brother.

  I may not have said the words, but there is an unspoken agreement. Luke doesn’t want his brothers fucking with her. Nothing good could ever come of it. The MC is her family. It is my family. And if shit between us didn’t work out, then that family would be torn.

  I want to stop thinking, reach out and grab a handful of hair, and pull her to me until her lips melt under mine.

  I take a deep breath, and touch the patch on my leather. Fuck I’m better than some animal lusting after her. I didn’t get my ass kicked over the past year just so I could lose it all over a girl.

  Clenching my jaw in frustration, I’m preparing to apologize for leading her on before explaining to her how this can’t happen. Not now. Not ever. But she doesn’t give me the chance.

  She seems to be reading my damn mind.

  “I’m not a little girl, Marty. I’m a grown woman who is intelligent enough to make her own decisions. And you’re a grown man.”

  She fidgets with the hem of her shirt, turning her head so she’s facing the T.V. instead of me.

  “I get it, though.” A hint of sadness sounds in her voice. “I’m just tired of being alone. Especially right now.” Her eyes look dilated, heavy-lidded, and damn if that mouth isn’t moving in a way that begs to be kissed.

  Fuck is she playing me? There’s no doubt in my mind she knows Luke asked me to look out for her. So there is a very good chance she’s using that to her advantage, hoping to break me down until I give in. It’s working.

  “I’m not going to leave you alone, Maddie. I’m going to be here. But that’s it. Nothing more,” I growl, sounding sterner than I feel.

  She doesn’t answer me.

  She just turns up the volume on the T.V., rolls on her side and lays down as if I don’t exist. I feel my eyes trail unwillingly to her ass. It would take nothing to press up against her right now and take what I want. What we both want.

  I want to say more. Explain myself better. I feel like she needs that. But then, she wiggles her toes that are still in my lap and looks over her shoulder at me with a smile.

  “Can I still get that foot rub?”

  And I know I’m forgiven.

  When the credits start rolling at the end of the movie, I feel like beating the shit outta someone. Rocky has a way of pumping you up. And I’ve never been more thankful for something keeping my attention after the awkwardness between me and Maddie.

  But the awkwardness has faded. Her legs are over my thighs, and my hands rest on her calves. Every now and then, I’d catch myself stroking the satin flesh with my thumb. It felt natural—us on the couch, her limbs thrown over mine. Like friends. Problem is, I want to fuck my friend. And she wants to fuck hers.

  Judging by the thick sexual tension in the room, I know it’s only a matter of moments before things escalate between us. I can’t seem to relax around her. I can claim what’s between us is friendship, but the truth is this girl is not just my friend. She’s my fucking charge.

  And Luke’s my brother.


  “Get dressed,” I say, lifting her legs from me before standing. I have to put some distance between me and her and that penetrating, blue-eyed gaze.

  “Where we going?” Her question is tinged with excitement, but she makes no move to get up from the couch.

  “Out.” Somewhere with people. Music. Beer. Anywhere other than this house that seems to be growing smaller by the minute—making the chance of us ending up christening every piece of furniture inevitable.

  “Out where? I need to know how to dress.” The strain in her voice has me turning to find her standing—stretching her arms over her head. That sexy little belly button of hers peeks at me from beneath her shirt. I’m thankful when she lowers her arms and it disappears.

  Son of a bitch I’m weak. I know I’ve hit my all-time low when fucking belly buttons turn me on.

  “We’re taking the bike.”

  It’s the only explanation she needs, and I immediately regret my decision. I know how Maddie dresses when she rides. And if the girl can get me this worked up in pajamas, I’ll be coming in my jeans when she puts on hers.

  “Ten minutes?” I nod as she disappears down the hall. The smile on her face is worth the case of blue balls I’m sure to have by the time we get back.

  Ten minutes turns to twenty. I’m dressed and on my second cigarette when I hear the click of her heels on the hallway floor. My face becomes a mask as I try to mentally prepare for what I’m about to see. I shouldn’t have even tried. The moment the sexy vixen comes into view, I’m floored.

  From head to toe she’s dressed in black. Knee high riding boots. Tight jeans. Leather jacket. The only color is the orange letters on her belt that read, “PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S RENEGADES.” I can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to see my name behind those words.

  “Let’s go,” I growl, ignoring her confused look as I stomp out the door. I’m already feeling possessive of her. I don’t want anyone looking at what is mine.


  She’s mine.

  Maybe not in all the ways I want her to be, but tonight, she belongs to me.

  I take us to the most rundown, piece of shit bar in the county. The crowd here usually consists of old drunks, country music and little drama. But I realize my streak of bad luck has continued when a couple trucks pull in behind us. They’re loaded with the worst kind of assholes—cornbread fed, football loving, redneck cattle hands, some people refer to as “good ol’ country boys.”

  I immediately grab Maddie’s hand as we walk inside—keeping her close to me. Shooting a death glare to the rowdy group of guys, I warn them off. They might feel like they have safety in numbers. They don’t.

  “Don’t be a dick, Marty.” My head snaps to Maddie who is shooting me a glare of her own. “They haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “They will,” I mutter. “Trust me.”

  “You don’t even know them.”

  We take a seat at the bar where I order a couple shots and beers before turning to face her. “I know their kind.”

  She snorts. “Really? Cause I think you’re stereotyping.” She narrows her eyes at me, but the smile on her lips is playful. “As a biker, I don’t think you should judge. Especially since y’all bitch about that sort of thing.”

  “I’m not stereotyping or judging.” I thro
w back the shot, cutting my eyes at the men as they crowd around the bar next to us. “I’m speaking from experience. I used to be one of them.”

  Her laugh is so loud and hearty, she earns the attention of nearly everyone in the small room. “Marty the redneck.” She tosses back the shot and winks at me. “I’d have paid good money to see that.”

  That smile she wears is infectious, and I feel one forming on my own face. I loosen up a little as the guys move across the room where a few pool tables are set up.

  Holding up my fingers to the bartender, I order another round. No sooner are they in front of us, we’re toasting to rednecks and throwing them back. Maddie’s cheeks, which are already flushed from the ride, turn a shade darker as the liquor starts to affect her.

  “Will you dance with me, cowboy?”

  I fight the urge to roll my eyes as I grab her hand and lead her to the dance floor. The surprise on her face as I skillfully lead her to the tune of a Merle Haggard classic has me smirking.

  “He rides a Harley. Gives massages. And knows how to dance. How did I get so lucky?”

  “Must me living right.”

  Laughing, she presses her body closer to mine. She’s relaxed, happy … safe. One hand is in mine, the other on my shoulder. I pull them both around my neck before gripping her waist. Our movements slow as I concentrate more on just holding her than actually dancing.

  Her tiny body in my arms feels right. Her head on my chest feels right. Her on my bike. Me in her house. Us laughing. Talking. Dancing. Watching movies. It all feels so right, even the thought of betrayal can’t stop me from enjoying the moment. Or from feeling the urge to take it one step further by giving Maddie what she really needs—a man in her bed. One who can make her forget everything but him.

  My club forbids me to be that man. But if it can’t be me, it won’t be anyone. Because I’ll kill any motherfucker who touches her. I’ll break the limbs of any asshole who looks at her. I’ve wanted Maddie for a long time. But until tonight, I hadn’t realized how much I needed her. Or how far I’ve already fallen.

  There are many parts of Maddie I’m familiar with—her vulnerability, sweetness, playfulness and even stubbornness. But as the night wears on, I’m starting to believe there are more shades to Maddie than I’m aware of.

  She has a passion for danger.

  A thirst for rebellion.

  The Devil for a conscious.

  I didn’t overthink it when she “accidentally” sauntered her sexy ass around the pool tables looking for the bathroom. I even ignored the look she gave me when she caught me fisting my hands and clenching my jaw when the men bravely ogled her—a look that dared me to do something about it.

  When she disappeared outside while I fed money to the jukebox, I didn’t give a second thought to why she did it, despite me telling her to stay put and not wander off on her own.

  But when one of them ignorant fuckers approached me a few minutes ago and accused Maddie of stealing his wallet, I couldn’t help but wonder if the asshole was telling the truth. When I turn to see Maddie walk out of the bathroom wearing a smirk, I get my answer.

  “You took my wallet,” he says, his voice a little too hard for my liking. Wanting to be ready for the worst, I stand and face him.

  “I think you meant to ask that. Not assume it.”

  His neck rolls, but he backs down. Looking around at Maddie, he takes my advice and asks. “Did you take my wallet?”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see her shrug. “Maybe.”


  “Babe … give the man his wallet back.” My tone is full of authority, but it’s pretty fucking clear whose side I’m on as I narrow my eyes on the man—daring him to do something.

  “I didn’t say I took it. I said I might have,” Maddie quips, wrapping her hand around my shoulder. She doesn’t realize it, but her position limits the damage I can do to this fucker’s face. My left hook isn’t nearly as strong as my right.

  “She drunk or somethin’?”

  “What she is, is none of your concern,” I grate, earning me a squeeze from Maddie. I think this shit is turning her on.

  Lifting his finger in her direction, he starts to say something I won’t forgive him for. “Look, bi-“

  “Don’t.” With the one-word warning, I take a step closer to him. “Your friends won’t get here in time to stop me from breaking your jaw. If they decide to step in after I’m finished with you, I’ll make it worse for them. So do everyone a favor and finish your game of pool. If I find your shit, I’ll bring it to you.”

  Not wanting to look like a pussy, the guy takes a second to make his decision. But I already know what it’s going to be. I can tell by the fear in his eyes. Maddie, on the other hand, feels the need to reinforce my threat.

  “I’d do what he said. They don’t call him killer for nothing.”

  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

  On the inside, I’m thinking of all the sexual torture I want to inflict on Maddie, to make damn sure she keeps her mouth shut in the future. On the outside, I don’t flinch. And a few seconds later, the man retreats as if I’m a snake—taking three steps back and then walking away.

  I wait until their attention is back on their game of pool before I turn mine on the sexy little deviant next to me. “Did you take his shit?”

  Something in my eyes has hers dropping to the floor before whispering, “Yes.”

  “Give it to me, Maddie.”

  “I just wanted to have a little fun,” she whines, and I should find it annoying. But I’m turned the fuck on.

  “Give it to me before I’m forced to paint the walls with their fuckin’ blood.” Her eyes widen, but not with fear. She’s as turned on as I am.

  Reluctantly, she pulls the wallet from behind her back. “Wasn’t any money in it, anyway,” she mutters. I’m trying like hell to not dwell on the thought that she might actually have robbed this man.

  I throw down a couple bills on the bar to cover our tab, jerking my head to an empty stool. “Sit down. Don’t move. I need to know where you are if something happens.”

  “Is something going to happen?” she asks, hope filling her voice.

  “No. It will just give me peace of mind.”

  I turn away so she doesn’t witness me fighting a smile at the disappointment on her face. It’s as unnerving as it is enjoyable. I can’t decide if she’s disappointed that I won’t get the hell beat out of me, or if she believes I can handle all six of them by myself. One thought turns me on. The other … I’m still processing.

  Wordlessly, I approach the pool table. The game stops and they all crowd together across from me—pool sticks in hand. I place the wallet on the table, and silently wait for him to say something stupid. He doesn’t.

  But as I turn to leave, he makes a huge mistake and says the one thing I’ve already decided won’t go unpunished.

  “I knew that bitch took it.”

  Eyes on Maddie, I crack my neck, roll my shoulders and shoot her a wink. Then, I commence delivering lights out to that motherfucker—making sure to reserve energy in case his friends want some too.

  The fight lasted all of thirty seconds before I grabbed Maddie’s arm and pulled her to the bike. Her hands were shaking so much with adrenaline, I had to fasten her helmet. The ride back to her place was made in record time. Moving at over a hundred miles per hour only added to the thrill of our eventful evening. Now, I’m sitting at the counter, she’s sitting on it and we’re sharing leftover cold pizza while reliving the moment.

  “I can’t believe they didn’t help him,” Maddie says, her excitement evident in her sparkling, blue eyes.

  “I can’t believe you stole his wallet.”

  She lets out a laugh, not the least bit apologetic for her part in what happened. “It was just sitting there, so I thought, why not?” She takes another bite of pizza. “You have to admit, though.” Her eyebrows wiggle. “It was fun.”

  “Fun wouldn’t be the word I use
d to describe it. Unexpected is more like it.”

  “We’ll compromise and call it unexpected fun.” A yawn disrupts her bright smile. And as I come down off the adrenaline high, I realize I’m getting tired too.

  “Let’s just keep tonight between us. I know a few people who wouldn’t appreciate the humor in it.”

  “Yeah,” she snorts, cleaning up the mess on the bar. “Namely, Luke. He’d flip his shit on me.” Normally, I wouldn’t find tonight very humorous either. But I can’t deny how good it feels to see that spark of life in Maddie’s eyes. They’ve been dull for too long. If this is all it takes to pull her out of her depression, then we’ll steal wallets and fuck people up as much as she wants.

  “I’m not tired.” I raise an eyebrow at Maddie as she fights another yawn. “Well, I’m not ready to go to bed. Wanna watch some T.V. with me? I think I have Rocky II on DVR.”

  She’s funny. “Sure. I just need to make a few calls. Go ahead and start. I’m gonna step outside.”

  I call Luke first to check on him and Dallas. He’s quick to ask what we’ve been up to and I tell him about our evening—leaving out the bar scene, but making sure to mention we went to one. The news of Maddie being okay seems to give him some relief.

  After I hang up with him, I call Regg to check on Logan. I’m not surprised to find they’re all still awake. Because Regg and Red don’t have kids, they pretty much spoil any that come to visit.

  He tells me Maddie has called three times today, and he threatened to not answer if she called again. Then, he informs me that if he knew checking on Logan was the reason for my call, he wouldn’t have wasted his time pausing the movie. I hear his message loud and clear and end the call.

  I lock up my bike, grab my bag and walk inside to find Maddie in her pajamas and sound asleep on the couch. When I turn off the T.V., the sound of her light snores fill the room. Luke had told me she hadn’t been sleeping much. Knowing she can now that I’m here, has pride swelling in my chest. I have a natural protective instinct, but it feels even more powerful knowing she’s the one I’m protecting.


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