The Warrior's wager

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The Warrior's wager Page 5

by Mia Pride

  Her ears prickled with awareness. Even over the sound of rushing water, she was skilled enough to hone in on and isolate any noise around her. The faint sound of leaves being crushed beneath scurrying feet drifted to her and she stood slowly, pulling an arrow from her quiver and knocking it expertly. Then, she paused. Pivoting her body toward the sound without truly moving her feet, she narrowed her eyes and held her bow pulled taut before her, her fingers poised to release her arrow at the slightest sign of game.

  There was a crack of small branches breaking and splintering as the animal ran frantically for its life, no longer heeding obstacles in its way. The sound of a hound barking not far behind told Aislin another hunter was on the trail of whatever animal approached.

  Then it came into a view. A huge, black wire-haired boar with large tusks rushed toward her with a crazed look of fear in its eyes. In the span of a second, Aislin noticed the boar already had two arrows in its back and a sadness consumed her for the poor suffering beast. She knew it was part of the hunt and not the hunter’s fault, but her connection to the animals always made their pain her own. It was her responsibility to hunt, but in this moment, it was also her responsibility to end the boar’s suffering.

  With the swiftness of a lightning strike, Aislin released the arrow at her running target just before the animal’s tusk would have connected with her stomach and gutted her. The boar squealed for only a second before the arrow through its eye took its life and silenced its suffering. Side-stepping the animal's body as he skidded to a halt directly where she had been standing, she looked down at the beast and said a quick prayer to the gods to be kind to the animal’s soul and thank him for the sacrifice he had made to feed her people.

  Only a few seconds later, a hound came barreling through the same brush the boar had destroyed only a moment earlier, growling wildly and barking profusely at the now dead beast until its owner ran through the path, chasing the sounds of his hound.

  Coming to a halt, Daniel put his hands on his hips to catch his breath and pat his hound on the head. “Good hunt, Flidais!” Daniel said and scratched his now panting wolfhound behind her gray ear. Running a hand through his long brown hair, Daniel looked up and his slate gray eyes connected with hers in surprise. “Nice shot, Lin.”

  With a small smile and nod, she looked from Daniel to his dog, and started petting Flidais on the head. “You named her after the goddess of the hunt,” she said with a smile.

  “Aye, what name could be better?” he chuckled, patting his dog on the head and accidentally grazing Aislin’s hand with his own. He looked down at his strong hand on top of hers and flashed her a bright smile.

  Feeling slightly uncomfortable, she pulled her hand away and fisted it against her thigh. She had believed Daniel no longer wished to pursue her since he had kept his distance for the past few days, but right now his gaze ran over her and she swallowed, stepping back slightly. It was not that Daniel made her feel unsafe. He had been a nice enough lad and was fair of face with a ready smile. They had similar interests, both being Ráth Mór hunters, but she sensed he wanted more from her than she was willing to give.

  Clearing her throat, she looked around the forest to prevent eye contact. “We will need to get this boar back to the village.”

  “Aye,” he said, scratching the back of his head nervously. Licking his lips, he looked at her and breathed deeply. “Lin, give me a chance.”

  Aislin took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. The lad truly could not take nay for an answer, and yet, he was always kind and polite, making it hard for her to be firmer with him. Still she had told him enough times that she was not seeking suitors. “Daniel, I have told you. I am not the lass for you.”

  “Should I not be the one to decide that?” he asked, hurt distorting his features as he crinkled his brow.

  “Let me ask you something, Daniel. What is it you truly seek in a lass? You cannot seriously mean to wed with a wild woman who hunts and roams the forest. Nay man does. I decided long ago that I was not the sort of lass a man would marry and, if that is so, there is nay sense in a courtship,” she reasoned, praying he would finally cease his pleas.

  “I would accept you for who you are, Aislin. Eventually, you would have my child and surely settle down then. I could hunt while you stayed home and cared for our children and did… whatever it is that married lassies do.”

  His answer solidified the very reason she refused him and all men. They all claimed to accept her for who she was, but in the end, they expected her to bear their children and become a plump wife who stayed home to cook meals, mend tunics, and tidy the house… all with a crisp linen apron tied to her waist, no doubt. Shaking her head, she frowned. “That is everything I never wanted, Daniel. You hear, but you do not listen. I do not want to change who I am for anyone.”

  With a sigh of frustration, Daniel flared his nostrils and put his hands on his hips. “Listen, Aislin. Cannot you see that I—”

  “Ah! There you are, Lin! I have been looking for you, mo chroí,” a loud, jovial voice called from behind them and she froze, widening her eyes. She knew that voice but truly had no idea why he was here and not on the training field as usual. And why was he looking for her? And referring to her as his heart?

  Turning on her heels, she found Alastar right behind her now with his beautiful smile flashing, causing her heart to flutter. He was so close that when she turned, her chest bumped into his and their lips almost touched. “Alastar?” she whispered, taking one step back so she could gather her wits. Being so close to the man made her dizzy and his masculine scent of musk, pine, and leather filled her senses.

  “Mo chroí?” Daniel repeated, clearly as stunned by Alastar’s endearment as she felt.

  Alastar leaned in and grazed her lips with his, causing her to flinch yet melt all in one moment. What was happening? Why had he just kissed her? She looked up at him in confusion, crinkling her brow and placing a hand on his chest to steady herself. At least he was fully dressed now, wearing a red and blue plaid tunic so she need not awkwardly stare at his chest. Her mind reeled from that kiss. It had been but the softest graze of his lips on hers, but it had been her first kiss ever and it felt much more meaningful than he certainly meant it to.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” he whispered with a smile, tucking a stray strand of red hair behind her ear affectionately. He towered over her and she realized that even if she were to get on her tiptoes, she would have to truly stretch her body to bring her lips to his… not that she was planning on doing so.

  “Why?” she asked in confusion, crinkling her brow. She had no idea why he was seeking her out, why he had kissed her, called her his heart, or why, even now, he was looking down into her eyes and stroking her cheek.

  “Your skin is so soft and so smooth, like fresh cream.” Was he mocking her? Had he not teased Daniel only a sennight ago for speaking like a lovesick bard? Then it dawned on her with a flash of clarity. He was putting on a show for Daniel, trying to chase the lad away by pretending she was already involved with him.

  Though the reality that he was only kissing her and speaking so sweetly to chase Daniel away rankled more than it should, she could also see the merit in the idea. She did not want to hurt Daniel’s feelings, but mayhap this was just the way to keep him away. She narrowed her eyes on Alastar as he looked down on her still, hoping to tell him with her expressions that she was on to his game. And she could play it, too.

  Gripping his large upper arms with her small hands, she reached up on her tiptoes and tried to gently kiss him back, but her plan backfired when he groaned and covered her mouth with his own, slashing his tongue along the seam of her lips, seeking entry. In complete shock, she squealed and gasped, but he only pressed his advantage, slipping his wet tongue into her mouth.

  It was as if her entire body turned to mush in his hands and in that moment, she would have allowed him to manipulate her body in any way he saw fit. Just then, she realized Daniel was still watching. Of cou
rse, he was. That was the point of this morbid game, was it not? Pulling away from Alastar’s kiss and intense, burning gaze, she cleared her throat and flushed, feeling a ball of shame in her belly when she saw Daniel’s look of confusion and hurt.

  Alastar allowed her to turn her face, but he kept a firm grip on her hips. She turned away from him, but he only continued to hold her from behind. It felt strangely natural to be in his embrace, and yet her entire body felt as if it were on fire.

  “You left my home so abruptly this morning, I only wished to find you and give you a kiss,” Alastar said from behind her, causing her face to flush further. She knew he referred to their silent meeting outside his home today. She also knew he intentionally worded it to sound as if she had spent the night with him, in his bed.

  “I had to kiss you,” he whispered into her ear so quietly, she was certain it was meant for her ears only. What was he doing? If he was putting on a show for Daniel, why would he say such things, knowing only she could hear?

  “What is going on, Lin?” Daniel said with unfettered anger in his voice.

  “I… he… we… I mean—”

  “I have been courting Aislin for a while now, Daniel,” Alastar said with a sudden warning in his voice. “She wanted to keep it quiet, so we have been discreet.” His grip tightened on her hips and he pulled her back against his chest. “I am tired of hiding my feelings for her.”

  She gasped at those words of his, spoken with such intensity and deeper meaning that they caused an ache in her heart that she never thought to feel. Yet, she should be angry with him for coming along and making up lies, manipulating her emotions, as well as Daniel’s. What would they do after this? Simply go their separate ways and pretend he had not kissed her with a ferocity that felt primal, natural, and meaningful? Or was he so good at this game, that once Daniel took the hint, he could simply walk away as if it had never happened?

  Not bothering to look Alastar in the face, Daniel narrowed his eyes at Aislin. “You should have told me.”

  She frowned. His words were curt and out of line. Stepping out of Alastar’s grip, she put her hands on her hip and straightened her spine. “My private life is none of your concern. I tried to tell you that I was not interested. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, Daniel,” she lowered her voice and softened her features. “Truly, I never wished to do so.”

  “You said you weren’t the sort of lass men want to marry! You said you would not change for anyone!”

  Before she could respond, Alastar stepped between them and bore down on Daniel. “What makes you think I would ever change a single thing about Lin? I accept her for who she is. Her wildness. Her fiery passion to live a life she wants and her will to stand against those who would hold her back. Nay, I would not change a thing about her,” his voice trailed off as he looked over his shoulder at her and smiled.

  Confusion and uncertainty flooded her. She was living in this mystical place where his words felt real, and touched a very deep and personal place inside her that longed for just what he offered: for the love of a man who accepted her for all that she was. She had to struggle to remind herself that this was not real. He said these things to keep Daniel away from her and for no other reason.

  Daniel looked from Alastar to Aislin, shaking his head in disappointment. “Have it your way, Lin,” he spat. “Carry the boar back to the village yourself. Come, Flidais.” His faithful hound barked in response and stood up, stretching her limbs before following her master.

  Once Aislin was all alone with Alastar, her heart beat in overtime and the roar of the river behind her mimicked the roar of her blood in her ears. He looked at her and only half-smiled. It was different than most of his smiles. “Why did you do that?” she breathed then held her breath, half hoping he did it because he meant it and half hoping it had all been a ruse.

  Alastar chewed on his cheek, clearly trying to decide what to say in response. “Because I wanted to kiss you.”

  “You called me ‘mo chroí’. You obviously followed me into the woods,” she pushed for more answers.

  “All right, so I followed you. We had a… moment… out there in front of my house and I couldn’t leave it alone. I came out here, saw you shoot the boar, which was fantastic, by the way. It only made me want to kiss you more. Then Daniel showed up and I could see, once again, that he would not take nay for an answer, so I decided to give him something he could not argue against. But it does not change the fact that I came out here to kiss you.”

  “Mayhap I did not want your kiss,” she said defiantly, crossing her arms.

  He laughed and tilted his head. “You kissed me back, I am fairly certain.”

  “Because I knew you were only trying to put Daniel off, and I thought it may be my best chance to be rid of him,” she said with a huff.

  “If you truly believe that, then you are fooling yourself and only yourself. I felt the fire in that kiss.”

  “’Twas my first kiss,” she whispered and looked away, feeling herself flush. How did this man make her flush so easily?

  “Nay?” he said in disbelief. “You cannot be serious?”

  “I am serious. I never kiss lads. It only leads to… other things… and I am not interested in any of it.” She saw his eyes widen and she stepped back just as he stepped forward.

  “I am sorry,” he responded, drawing his brows together.

  “Sorry I never kissed a lad?” Aislin asked, but did not step back this time when he stepped closer.

  “I am sorry you believe your first kiss was all for show. I wanted that kiss desperately. I have dreamed of that kiss since the day I stepped foot on Ráth Mór soil and saw you come out of your house, berating your brother for taking too long to return home. I have wanted to feel your lips against mine since that day, and the desire never lessened. It only strengthened every day until today, when I could not take it anymore. I saw the way you looked at me.”

  She opened her mouth in protest but he put a finger over her lips and shook his head. “I saw it, Lin. You want me, too.”

  “I do not! You are so sure of yoursel—”

  He grabbed her by her forearms and jerked her body against his. Before she could even take a breath, his lips came down roughly on hers. She felt his tongue run along the seam of her lips like it had last time. This time, she opened up to him, not sure what to do or expect, but willing to allow him to teach her. When his tongue slid into her mouth, the damp warmth made desire pool down below and she couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips.

  “Gods, you taste good,” Alastar groaned as his tongue left her mouth and glided down her throat, to her chest, and back up again. He licked her the way he had licked the serving lass, only this felt different. When she saw him lick that lass, he had seemed playful, laughing the whole time. This time, he was unsmiling as he held her firmly against him, passion and desire guiding him. His tongue found her mouth again and slipped back in. If she had thought she was mush in his hands before, now she was molten, ready to boil over and melt into him completely, irrevocably.

  “I hope your second kiss makes up for the first,” he growled into her mouth, devouring her as if he had lost control of all his senses, rubbing his hands up and down her arms, though in the moment she would have allowed him to touch her everywhere. He tasted of mint and mead and the combination was enough to make her want to suck his tongue into her mouth. When she did, he groaned and returned the favor. By the gods, this was dangerous. If she didn’t stop this now, she ran the risk of giving up all she had fought to keep. Her senses. Her freedom. Her heart.

  “Lin? Is everything all right? I heard Daniel say— what are you doing to my sister?” Aislin shrieked at the angry growl that came out of her brother’s throat and tried to pull away from Alastar, but he wouldn’t release her.

  “Eoin,” Alastar said calmly. “I was kissing her.”

  “That was more than a kiss! You were… were… I should kill you!” Eoin stepped forward but Aislin blocked him.

/>   “Nay, Eoin. I kissed him.” She lied. Her heart was pounding and her mind was reeling. She did not know why, but the lie had just tumbled out of her mouth in some sort of protective maneuver for Alastar. He had lied to help her with Daniel, now she would lie to protect him from her brother’s wrath.

  “Bollocks, Lin! I know you did not kiss him first…” Eoin shouted and stepped forward again.

  “Were you not asking me just a sennight ago to give him a chance?” she reasoned.

  “A chance, Lin! Not your cursed virtue!”

  She gasped and stepped back, clutching her chest. “All I did was kiss him, Eoin. Hardly the same thing!”

  Eoin scoffed at her words. “When it comes to Alastar, there is nay difference. He was moments away from lifting your skirts!” Eoin looked her up and down in disgust. “Not that you have much skirt to lift!”

  She flinched, for truly his words felt like a slap in the face. Mayhap even her own brother did not understand her, not really.

  “That is enough!” Alastar barked. “I would never have taken advantage of Aislin! I have more honor than that!”

  “Do you?” Eoin roared, grabbing the hilt of his sword. “I warned you not to touch my sister! Show your honor. You will marry my sister or I will gut you.”

  “Nay!” Aislin shouted, balling her fists.

  “Aye,” Alastar responded at the exact same time, calmly nodding his head.

  “What?” Had she just heard correctly? After all this time, she was actually going to be forced into a marriage simply because she kissed her first lad? “Nay! Eoin, you are mad!” Then she looked at Alastar and poked a sharp finger into his ribs.

  He flinched and shouted in pain. “Ouch! What is it with you two poking me so hard?”


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