Stern Desire Love Redeemed

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Stern Desire Love Redeemed Page 27

by Leah Shay

  "Yes, she is."

  "I knew it! Rachel will have to pay up."

  "You two have a bet going?"

  "Yes, and I won." I gloated.

  "Why hasn't she said anything?"

  "She'll tell you when she's ready."

  Aunt Magg leaned back in her chair and took a sip of her tea. "Do you realize how alike you and your mom are? So it should not be a surprise that she has not said anything to you as yet about her new romance."

  "I'm curious. How alike are we?"

  "Nobody is good enough, and you both always find a reason to chase men away without giving them a chance."

  "Well, I'm picky when it comes to men."

  And yet I ended up with Jared Stern, a man with more secrets and issues than any man I'd ever met.

  "You both don't trust men."

  "We have our reasons."

  "You both are so secretive with each other about your relationships."

  "I can tell you anything, Aunt Magg, but when it comes to my mom I don't think she believes anyone is good enough for me, so I don't tell her anything. Or she is the last to find out and then she gets offended."

  My mom loved Gregory Carmichael, my dear friend from high school. In her eyes, he was the man for me. When I ended up with Rob, I knew she never approved. She loved Jared. I was not surprised. Who wouldn't? But I also knew that she would not condone the pregnancy, moving in with Jared even if it was weekends only, or letting him adopt Nate.

  After breakfast I called Dr. Russell, a well-known psychotherapist, to make an appointment for Jared. Then I left with Shai at my side to go to the salon to get my hair done.

  Mike was his jovial self and led me and Shai to the private area.

  "Mike, I need a different look," I said as I sat in the chair.

  "Any ideas?"

  "Layers, highlights, keep it long."

  "Baby, you are going to look fabulous when I'm through with you."

  "Mike, what do people wear to the club these days?"

  "The tighter and sexier, the better, girl."

  "Where can I go?"

  "Downstairs. Ask for Sarah in La Bell Boutique and she'll help you."

  "I hate shopping," I said under my breath.

  "Well, let's bring the clothes to you."

  Mike called the boutique. "Sarah, it's Mike. I have a client here who needs club clothes. Sexy but nothing too revealing. She is a petite, size four, olive complexion, shoe size 6."

  I listened as he accurately told Sarah my measurements without asking me for the information.

  I was under the dryer when Sarah came with a rack of clothes. Mike helped me select a couple of outfits including a dark brown, snake skin legging and some matching snake skin wedges.

  "Sorry, Mike, if those are real snake skins, it's going to creep me out. I can't have that on me."

  He laughed. "You should see your face, but it's faux."

  "That I can do."

  Mike chose several outfits that I liked. On a mannequin in the salon was a wig that caught my eye. It was a look that I was not daring enough to try as a permanent hairstyle. It was super short in the back, medium length to the front, spiky in the middle with light brown highlights. A wild, edgy look and I loved it, so I got that, too.

  When Mike was finished, I had caramel highlights medium and long layered with light curls. As Mike applied the finishing touch, my phone chimed. I thought it was Jared but it was Jenn.

  Jenn's text: Free for lunch?

  My text: Can meet in an hour.

  Jenn and I met up for lunch. Shai inconspicuously watched from the distance. Jenn was already seated, sipping a cocktail when I got to the restaurant.

  "Like your hair," Jenn commented.

  I sat across from her, an ice cold refreshing glass of raspberry lemonade on the table for me.

  "Thanks, Jenn. What's with the red hair?" I asked.

  "Always wanted to try out this color. Not too red?" she asked as she ran her finger through her hair.

  "No, it suits you."

  "Okay, forget the chit-chat. What's with your shadow?"

  "What shadow?" I asked, not knowing what she meant.

  She glanced over to Shai, who was sitting by the bar.

  "Oh, my bodyguard."

  "Umm." She nodded and took a sip of her drink.

  "Why don't you have some smart comment to say about this?"

  "Because I don't."

  "What do you know, Jenn?"

  We remained silent as the waiter returned and placed our dish in front of us. I looked displeasingly at the well-presented salad.

  "I ordered you a salad," Jenn said.

  "Thanks for that, Jenn." I frowned at her. "And you are going to sit there and tempt me with that steak."

  "Sorry, I'm not the one who's pregnant," she whispered.

  "Tell me what you know, Jenn. Do people still think it's his nurse?"

  "They have gone to great lengths to find out who Jared Stern's new love is. A week ago we had a patient in the ER whom I overheard asking the nurse about the rich guy who was here. Being the curious person I am, I took that patient. He had been admitted for abdominal pain, somewhat unkempt, and smelt of alcohol. The questions he asked aroused my suspicions. He was looking for a story, an undercover reporter. So, I told him that the doctor wanted us to monitor his intake and output and I was going to insert a Foley catheter into his penis."

  I chuckled as I stabbed at the lettuce with my fork.

  "By the time I went back, he was gone."

  I watched as she placed a very tempting, mouthwatering piece of steak in her mouth.

  "So, how is this bodyguard thing working out for you?"

  "I miss my life. I'm scared. I fear that when the public finds out who I am, I will have no freedom, no privacy, no peace. I hate it. The only time I feel somewhat normal is Mondays through Wednesdays when I'm in my house and I go from home to work. The rest of the week when I'm with him, if I disappear for ten minutes it's like the president of the United State has gone missing."

  "So, my next question. When are you going to tell him?"

  "If and when I tell him, you'll be the first to know." I had to steer her off this topic before she ruined our lovely lunch by trying to tell me what to do. "Did you get my text a couple of nights ago?"

  "No, I didn't. What was it about?"

  "Jared purchased St. Mary's."

  Jenn's mouth fell open. "You are fucking kidding me!"

  I shook my head.

  "Well, I'm happy. Everyone was worried not knowing what was going to become of the system, and a lot of people feared they would be out of a job, so it's a wonderful thing."

  "Would you like to be on the board?"

  "What?" she exclaimed. All eyes within ear shot were on us. Shai's alert eyes surveyed the room, then settled back on me.

  "He asked me, but you were meant for that position. You and I know what it feels like to be at the bottom, and we need someone up there who can make a difference and is on our side."

  "First thing on the agenda," she said, trying to be serious. "The nurse to patient ratio will be one to five."

  "Good luck with that one."

  My phone chimed.

  Jay's text: Just checking in.

  My text: At Cheesecake Factory with Jenn. Do you need anything?

  Jay's text: I do need something sweet, but it is not cheesecake.

  My text: Take you to my candy shop later.

  Jay's text: Love that analogy. Perfect description. Nothing could be sweeter.

  My text: What time will you be home?

  Jay's text: By 4:00.

  My text: Later, my love.


  I was awakened by keys being thrown in the crystal bowl in the foyer. I rushed to the bathroom, quickly wrapped my hair, and put the wig on. With my finger, I brought the long bang across my forehead, spiked the middle up, and smoothed down the back. It was a different look for me. Jared was on his phone. I followed his voice to his office, pass
ing J.C. in the hallway.

  "Interesting look," he said trying not to look too surprised.

  I smiled and hastily made my way down the hallway.

  Jared's office door was open and, after entering, I closed it behind me. He looked up, stopped his conversation in mid-sentence, and gawked at me. I anxiously waited for his response, but he was shocked and staring blankly at me. He hung up the phone on whomever he was talking to and placed it on his desk.

  "What did you do to your hair?" he said in dismay.

  "You don't like it?" I asked with a timid look on my face.

  He was standing directly in front of me now.

  "I wish you had said something to me before you did this."

  "You're mad?"

  "No, I'm not. I just can't believe that you would cut off that gorgeous head of hair." His phone rang and he turned to get it. Whomever he hung up on was probably calling back.

  "I'll call you back," he said into the phone.

  "You hate it, don't you?"

  "I like it," he said as he approached me again. "It gives you a trendier, sexier, edgier look." He kissed me on the forehead.

  "But it's not I need to put in extensions?"

  "No, it's a different look, and it suits you. I'll just have to get used to it."

  "You said all the right things, but it's a wig."

  I removed the wig and shook my head. My new hairstyle came flowing down.

  He smiled and shook his head in disbelief. "You got me good, and you'll pay later."

  "I'm ready to pay right now," I said teasingly as I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me.

  "Sorry, but I have a call to make and a game to finish."


  "I have to finish the game you interrupted last night with me and my son."

  "Is that why you're home so early?"

  "I came home early to spend time with my family."

  "I'll be waiting."

  "I love your hair."

  "Thanks, babe. Where are we going tonight?"

  "Club Athens," he answered as he sat in his chair and picked up his phone to make a call.


  Jared and Nate's relationship had blossomed into something that I could have only hoped for. They would always bring a smile to my face with every encounter or interaction they had. Nate finally had a father figure in his life. Jared's dedication to the relationship had paid off. He had the tendencies of a great father. His family came first, and he'd protect us at all costs. Jared was strong, very supportive. I admired their trust and respect and how they related to each other. Jared spoiled him but was not afraid to say no. He was always present and would always be there for him. Nate had been an independent kid, and even though we had stepped into Jared's world where someone was invariably there to cater to our every needs, there were things that Nate still had to do and Jared supported me on that. We supported each other's decision-making.

  I was looking forward to tonight. We were going out on the town and Jenn and Miguel were joining us. Not knowing what to do with myself, I wandered into the library looking for something to read. As my fingertips slid over the spine of each book, I came upon Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities. I removed it from the shelf and relaxed on the extra wide window sill that was converted into a comfy window seat, adorned with pillows, and partially hidden by drapes. The view was spectacular. I was on top of the world, the city at my feet. This was my newly-discovered cozy spot, my place of solitude and repose.

  Shai woke me. Numerous stars and a huge full moon that looked like it was too close to the earth peeked through the dark Miami skies.

  "Is something wrong?" I asked.

  "We couldn't find you for a minute," she answered.

  Jay came bursting into the library. "There you are. You scared the shit out of me."

  "Here I am. Where could I have gone?"

  "I looked in here. I didn't see you."

  "Maybe you need a smaller place where we can easily find each other. This is my new hiding spot." I tapped the space next to me and he sat.

  "Babe, you need to relax, and stop stressing so much. By the way, I made that appointment for you. It's next Wednesday at 9:00."

  "Okay. I left something on the bed for you."

  On the bed was a small, pink box. Inside was a pair of black thongs; not an ordinary pair of thongs because next to it was a small remote control. I inspected the thongs and felt something hidden in the crotch area.

  "Do you want me to wear this tonight?"

  "It's up to you."

  "I'll think about it." I took the box into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I removed the instructions from the box.

  Waterproof. That's good to know.

  Wireless remote with twelve vibration functions.

  Works up to twenty-five feet.

  Works under water.

  My big concern was getting electrocuted or burned by a stimulator or vibrator or whatever this was called. The last thing I wanted was to end up in the hospital with second degree burns to my private area! I'd seen a great deal of weird stuff in my nursing career, none I'd soon forget. It was amazing the things people used to pleasure themselves - fruits, vegetables, bottles, homemade toys, vibrators stuck in the rectum that had to be surgically removed. And the stories that went with these incidents were just as crazy. Whenever I thought I'd seen and heard it all, there was another one that beat it.

  The tingling on my fingertip increased as I pressed the button on the remote control. That should be interesting, but out in a club, what would my reaction be? My next choice was to put the thong on and try it out, but I'd let Jared have the first go at it.

  Dressed in some chocolate brown, snake skin leggings that I had conveniently made an easy access entrance, a multi-colored, low-cut, chiffon shirtdress, some Zanotti wedge shoes and my new wig, I did not recognize the person in the full-length mirror. She was sizzling hot, sexy with an edgy, bold, and fun personality that would surely turn heads.

  "Whoa," Jared said as I came out of the bathroom.

  "Close your mouth, babe. You'll get drool on your expensive shirt."

  Jay was looking ravishing as ever in some tight blue jeans, a white, embroidered, detailed shirt, and brown boots made out of some sort of skin that I was sure was not faux.

  "Mom, you look hot!" Nate said as he came in to say goodnight. "Have a good night, you two, and don't stay out too late."

  Nate left us staring in awe at each other. I swear he thought he was the parent sometimes.

  In the elevator I slipped the remote to the panties in Jared's pocket. He smiled, placed his hand around my shoulders, and pulled me against his hard body.

  Jared reached into his pocket as we exited the Four Seasons and I immediately froze. He smiled and held up a very unusual key. It was crystal sapphire with the Aston Martin logo embedded in the crystal. He pressed a button and the door handle lit up.

  "Nice car," I said as he opened the door for me to a sleek, shiny, silver Aston Martin. He sat next to me in the luxurious interior of two tone, dark mocha and tan, sandstorm leather with aluminum and wood grain accent.

  "What do we have here?"

  "It's a 2012 Aston Martin Virage Volante. It's my birthday present to myself."

  He reached across me for the seatbelt and buckled me in. His decadent cologne filled my nostrils. His closeness, his breath on my cheek, made me weak on the inside. I jumped, shrieked, and grabbed my crotch as a tingling sensation against my clit sent my v-jay into spasms, making me instantly wet. I closed my eyes and melted into the seat and resisted the urge to climb over and straddle him. Still inches away from me, Jared smiled and gave me a lingering kiss on the cheek. I shivered on the inside. He sat back with a pleasing smile on his face and started the car. I was startled again by the powerful roar of the engine when he started the car.

  "You are very jumpy tonight," Jared said with a sly smile.

  I pretended I did not hear him.

  With the touch of
a button, party music filled the air. I sat back in the soft leather. A memory of last night's escapade surfaced. My ass began to sting from the very thought.

  I turned to look at Jared, so composed and confident behind the wheel. "Can you explain something for me, babe?"

  "Sure," he said, not taking his eyes off the road.

  "How is vaginal sex different from anal?"

  He glanced at me and smiled. "It's tighter, naughtier. The tightness of the anal sphincter around my cock, and when the rectum sucks me into your hot, velvety canal it's amazingly pleasurable." He flashed me a teasing smile. "Your vagina envelops the entire length of my cock snuggly in its wet, warm, sweet, soft, silky love canal. I'm like a kid in a candy shop. I can never get enough of that sweet goodness, and never want to leave." His hand massaged the growing bulge in his pants. "Kyra, baby, your ass is tighter, but your pussy is so much better."

  I settled back into the seat very satisfied with the answer he provided.

  "How was anal sex for you?"

  "Painful, but I had one of the most intense, out of this world, orgasms."

  "Would you let me fuck you in the ass again?" His eyes were off the road.

  "Jared, keep your eyes on the road."

  "Would you?" Eyes still on me, he waited for his answer.

  "Yes," I said hurriedly. "Do you want to get us killed?"

  "Relax, Kyra, I'm on a straight road and the collision avoidance is on. I can practically drive this car with my eyes shut."

  I smirked at him.

  "When you are ready, let me know. All you have to do is ask. I'm more than willing to give all of myself to you."


  Jared parked outside the club. He leaned over and kissed me and a more intense tingle than the last zapped my clit. I moaned against his lips as the aching in my groin returned. The aching only he had the cure for. Jared unlocked the door and it was opened by Shai, who was standing outside. He attempted to pull away.

  "Please don't stop," I begged and leaned forward to capture his lips.

  "Shai will take you in," he said.


  "For your privacy."

  Unaware that we were being followed by Shai and J.C., I got out of the car and noticed the black Dodge parked behind us. Shai led me upstairs to a private VIP area. The club was crazy. It was loud and techno music had the club-goers in a mad frenzy on the dance floor.


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