Her Fake Christmas Eve Billionaire Boyfriend

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Her Fake Christmas Eve Billionaire Boyfriend Page 15

by Chelsea Hale

  “The Christmas brunch is our big tradition this morning, but we can grab some coffee and a little breakfast without spoiling that tradition,” Emery whispered. The lights were dim in the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Emery dear,” her grandpa said from the kitchen nook area. Alice was next to him and the two were holding hands over the table. Steaming mugs sat in front of each of them.

  “Morning, Grandpa. Eating breakfast before brunch?” She wiggled her eyebrows at him. For years they’d been the first up on Christmas Day, and she’d looked forward to each year when she’d have time with just her grandpa in the morning.

  Even last year Owen hadn’t joined her for this tradition. It felt right having James here now though, and fitting that Grandpa had Alice by his side.

  Her grandpa laughed. “That’s where breakfast goes in the order of meals.”

  They’d always had breakfast before brunch, much to the bewilderment of her parents. Brunch was a big deal, and they’d been concerned about Emery spoiling her appetite, but she and Grandpa had always had their mug of hot chocolate and usually some sort of Christmas sugar cereal when Emery was younger.

  Emery took out two mugs from the cupboard. “Exactly,” she said.

  “You should try some of Alice’s Egg Nog flavored hot chocolate.” He gestured to the pot on the stove. “I think it’s a new favorite of mine.” He looked at Alice lovingly.

  Alice beamed. “The trouble with it is I can’t make a small batch of it.”

  “It sounds delicious,” Emery said.

  Once they had their mugs full, they joined Grandpa and Alice at the table.

  James took a sip of his hot chocolate. “This is very good, Alice.”

  “It’s my favorite hot chocolate all month long,” Alice said. “Now, I feel like with all of the running around we’ve done the last few days, we’ve had very little time to talk. How did the two of you meet?”

  The top of Emery’s hot chocolate foamed and she swirled it around on her spoon. “We met through a mutual friend at a coffee shop.” The memorized line came automatically.

  Alice nodded. “Mutual friends are always nice to have.” Alice squeezed her grandpa’s hand and made eye contact with him.

  Emery hadn’t realized just how cozy her grandpa had become with Alice. It seemed much more serious than she originally realized.

  “There’s much more to it than that though, isn’t there, Emery?” James chimed in.

  She didn’t want to let the panic show on her face but telling her grandpa’s girlfriend that they had a fake relationship was not going to be helpful. “What do you mean?”

  “She’s right we met at a coffee shop. Emery arrived first. I was late because I wasn’t sure about the setup. Part way through coffee with our friend Emery left to get to work on time. I was sitting at the table like a complete idiot because she’d walked out the door, and I wasn’t sure what to do.”

  Emery listened intently, wondering why James was elaborating on their story.

  “So, our good friend knocked some sense into me. He said that if I didn’t go after her that I was even more of an idiot than he knew I was. The next thing I knew, I was praying that the light stayed red for five more seconds so that I could run across the street and catch up to you.”

  “I hadn’t expected that,” she admitted, remembering the look in his eyes at that moment with such clarity it took her breath away. He was making it sound like he’d chased after her. She kept her hands on her mug, trying to keep her nerves steady at this new information.

  “I hadn’t either,” he said, turning to her instead of looking at Alice. “But then walking with you the rest of the way to your work, and the conversation we had outside your office. I knew we had a … connection.”

  She nodded at the word connection as she breathed in his words. Their connection had been a fake relationship deal and a hug. A hug she could still feel. The weight and emotion of that moment as their starting point hadn’t fully sunk in until now.

  He grabbed her hand across the table, interlocking his fingers with hers, playing with the Sapphire ring on her finger. “And every day since then we’ve had either coffee for breakfast together or dinner or both.”

  “And you’ve seen each other every day for the last two months?” Alice asked, her eyes dancing at the romantic sound of it.

  There was no way that Emery could say that. They had just met, and she didn’t want to outright lie. True, they had seen each other every day since they met, but she couldn’t say that they’d done that for two full months. She was about to set the record straight but stopped.

  James shook his head. “Sometimes I travel, so I don’t see her every day, but I haven’t stopped thinking about her since we met, and she’s never far from my thoughts. If I’m traveling somewhere, I can’t help but think of her and how much more enjoyable the trip would be if she was with me. I miss her when she’s not around. She lights up a room and has brought such happiness into my life.”

  “And you’ve brought happiness into mine,” she said, before she could process what she was saying. They were really connecting. He’d told her things about their relationship that were real. He didn’t have to make up the story about chasing after her. Elation spread through her body, making her feel light and warm. There was something between them, something more than just helping out a friend.

  James’ eyes widened for a fraction of a second but recovered from it with a grin. “I love you,” he said. He leaned closer to her.

  Emery hoped with everything in her that she could believe those words, but at his admission of love, she wondered if it was just for show in front of her grandpa. She guarded herself but didn’t take too long to respond with the classic line from Star Wars. “I know.”

  Chapter 27

  Emery wasn’t kidding when she said brunch was a big deal. The whole event was decked out. He had watched her mom do most of the decorating work over the past couple of days, but she had a house staff that seemed to respond to everything she needed as well. Each day more and more decorations were added.

  They formal brunch was held in the dining room. Christmas decorations covered the long table and a large twelve-foot tree stood at one end of the room. Christmas music played lightly through unseen speakers. Everyone was dressed in either red or green or both.

  Marta took a picture of the eight of them by the tree, and James smiled. This was a perfect moment.

  Several guests arrived, filling the vacant chairs at the table set for twenty. James and Emery were placed across from Kristi and Owen in the center of the table. Buffet tables were set up at either end of the dining room, holding several dishes of food.

  “Make sure you grab one of the orange cinnamon rolls first,” Emery whispered to James as they stood in line for their food. “They always go quickly. Marta is known for her breakfast rolls.”

  James put two on his plate. “Thanks for helping a guy out. You’re the best.”

  “Just making sure you have a merry Christmas!”

  After filling their plates, they returned to the table. Centerpieces ran the length of the table. They were low enough to be able to hold a conversation across the table.

  James tried the orange cinnamon roll first. The orange frosting melted in his mouth with the flaky pastry. “You weren’t kidding about these rolls. They’re delicious,” he said to Emery.

  Emery smiled. “Told you. Good thing you grabbed two. Though, Marta does always save an extra for all of us in the kitchen. I usually eat mine after presents before we have dinner.”

  James watched as everyone seemed to have a pleasant time during brunch. Emery talked with the other couples around them, including Kristi and Owen.

  It had been a good week, but it was quickly coming to an end. He didn’t want to think about that right now. He just wanted to enjoy his last full day being Emery’s boyfriend. He’d done a good job helping her get over her pain and hurt from last Christmas, but now he wanted to do more. He didn’t want t
o pretend anymore. He just wanted her in his life.

  “So, Emery, I know you said you’d think about it, but have you given any thought to being my Maid of Honor?” Kristi asked.

  James wondered what Emery was thinking? Was she thinking that it was a low blow to ask her in the middle of company where it would be shockingly rude to decline? He hoped not. He hoped she’d be okay with it. He found her hand underneath the table, playing with the napkin corner on her lap, and took her hand immediately in his.

  She glanced down at his hand on hers, then looked up at him and smiled. She turned to Kristi, nodding. “I have given it some thought. It’s very kind of you to think of me. I’d be happy to be your Maid of Honor.”

  Kristi looked like she might cry at the news. “Really? You mean that?”

  Emery nodded. “I do.”

  James squeezed her hand at that moment, and she squeezed his back.

  “And does that mean James will be a groomsman?” Kristi asked.

  Both Kristi and Owen looked at James, waiting for him to speak.

  Emery squeezed his hand again, and he felt reassurance from the small gesture. They’d figure out how to get out of it later, but right now, this was the best way for him to be a supportive and loving boyfriend.

  “Of course I will,” James said.

  Kristi clapped her hands together, a gesture that reminded James of Emery’s mom commanding a room. “This is the best Christmas gift we could ask for. Thank you so much.”

  * * *

  James sat on the couch next to Emery. Brunch had been amazing. After the last guest left, they gathered in the living room.

  Christmas presents were handed out to everyone next to the twelve-foot tree. Emery had included his name on all of the cards, and he felt a little strange about accepting the praise for the gifts.

  James kept his arm around Emery’s shoulders, and she snuggled into him while they waited their turns to open presents. They’d received some joint presents and James had even received a few specific for him. He’d give them back to Emery once the trip was over. He wouldn’t feel right about keeping them, but the thought of including him had been so nice.

  He passed a present to Emery. The box was wrapped in a dark red paper with a gold bow. Emery looked at him with wide eyes as she unwrapped it without tearing the paper. Inside a wooden, velvet-lined box, was the set of Nutcrackers he’d bought for her from the ballet.

  Emery lifted them out of the box carefully and gasped. “I love them. Thank you.” She leaned over and gave him an unexpected kiss on the mouth, throwing him completely off. He’d barely registered that she’d kissed him before she pulled quickly away. “These were the best ones for sale. They’re perfect!”

  “Merry Christmas,” James said, still spinning from her kiss.

  “I have something for you, too,” Emery said, with a glint in her eyes. “I know we said not to bring many gifts with us, but I couldn’t resist packing this with me.”

  He eyed her suspiciously but tore the paper from the box with a loud rip. He opened the lid and laughed. “Where did you find this? I’ve always wanted one of these.” He took the Yoda hat out of the box and placed it ceremoniously on his head.

  “It’s totally you. You’ll have to sport that to the next basketball game,” she said, laughing.

  “You’re big into basketball?” Owen asked.

  James cleared his throat, not wanting to talk too much about it. His name wasn’t always directly tied to the team, but he still wanted to be careful. “Yeah, I make it to games when I can. Go, Chargers.”

  Owen nodded. “I like basketball too.”

  Gifts continued being opened. James gave Emery another gift.

  Emery tilted her head at him but opened the present. She pulled out a stuffed Wookiee that held a note. He’d written: “When you’re done kissing him, I can do better.” She laughed at the note, which was what he was going for, sort of. The Wookiee held a long jewelry box. She opened the box and took out the sparkling necklace.

  For a moment, Emery was speechless as she looked at it. She turned to him. “James, this is beautiful. But this is too much.”

  Everyone clamored over the necklace. Kristi’s ooh’s and ahh’s were loud.

  Emery raised her eyebrow just slightly. “You really shouldn’t have,” she said sweetly.

  He knew why she would think that, but he wanted to spoil her anyway. It was a good boyfriend thing to do in front of her family. “I couldn’t help it,” he said. “When I saw it, I thought of you.” She lifted up her dark, curly hair, and he clasped it around her neck.

  “Thank you,” Emery whispered. “I love it.” She gave him another kiss.

  Chapter 28

  Emery turned off the lamp next to her bed. Christmas Day had gone better than expected.

  Surprisingly brunch went well and talking with Kristi about her upcoming wedding hadn’t brought on the negative feelings about her ex like they had before.

  “Thank you again for the gifts,” she said to James. “You are so thoughtful.”

  “You’re welcome,” James said. “Merry Christmas, Emery.”

  “It really was a Merry Christmas, thanks to you.”

  A loud pop came from the floor. “What happened?” she asked.

  “I’m pretty sure I just popped your air mattress. I only shifted my weight.”

  She giggled. “It was on its last legs anyway. I’m pretty sure there are several pieces of duct tape holding it together.”

  “Well, it’s only for one more night,” he said.

  Emery hesitated for a minute. She didn’t want him sleeping on the hardwood floor the last night they were in Boston. She wondered if she could find another air mattress in the attic somewhere. She doubted it.

  “You’re going to be so uncomfortable if you sleep on the floor. There’s plenty of room on the bed.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “It will be fine.”

  “I’ll sleep on top of the covers,” he said, bringing the pillow and blanket he’d been using on the floor.

  He situated himself and Emery turned over, laying on her back but looking toward where he lay in the darkness. “Better?”

  “Much better. Thanks.”

  “I can’t believe how fast this week has gone by,” she said. Tiredness from the night before when they’d stayed up until after 3:00 a.m. watching Star Wars began to settle in and her eyes closed.

  “It really has.”

  Emery yawned. “You’ve been the best fake boyfriend. I can’t even begin to tell you what you mean to me.”

  “Really?” he asked. His words came to her as if through a fog.

  “Mm hmm.” She yawned again, wishing she could stay as awake as she’d been for all of their other nighttime conversations. She tried to fight it, but sleep took over.

  Chapter 29

  “Emery?” James asked into the darkness.

  “Hmm,” she answered.

  He could tell she was fighting sleep. They’d had another long day and hadn’t had much sleep the night before. But he couldn’t think of falling asleep while Emery lay next to him. Even though he was on top of the covers next to her, he could still feel her heat.

  He’d been thinking all day how to ask her out for real. She’d just thanked him for being her fake boyfriend, but he wanted more than that. He wanted it to be real. It felt real to him.

  “What do you think about giving this thing between us a chance?” Was that too blunt, too bold? He felt silly bringing it up on their last night, but it was better late than never.

  “Hmm,” she said again.

  James listened in the darkness.

  Emery’s breathing was even and regular.

  “Em? Are you awake?”

  She didn’t respond.

  He blew out a breath. “I wish I could get to sleep as easily as you. But how can I sleep when you’re next to me?”

  He let his mind wander over Christmas Day and the whole last week. When had he had
so much fun with someone? Never. He wished he could talk out what he wanted to say to Emery, but he didn’t want to disturb her sleep.

  Tomorrow he would ask her out. And after that he’d ask her to be his girlfriend for real. This was going to work.

  * * *

  James walked up the skybridge with Emery. Their full flight from Boston to Chicago had been cramped. They’d gotten the last two available seats on the plane and there had been no option to upgrade to first class. But none of that had been important. He had been next to Emery, that was what had mattered.

  Part way through the flight she’d gotten sleepy and rested her head against his shoulder. He had put his arm around her, wishing that the flight was a little longer.

  He had less than two minutes before he’d head to his connecting flight, not his personal jet, and she would go find her luggage on the baggage carousel. Asking her out for real was proving to be harder than he imagined.

  He held her hand as they walked up the ramp. This time he couldn’t remember if he had initiated the handholding or if she had. It had been a regular, daily occurrence that it felt natural. He pulled at his coat, wondering why his mouth was dry.

  Just ask her. This isn’t complicated. You’ve gotten to know her. It should be easy. “So … thank you,” he finally said when they reached the top of the ramp.

  She raised her eyebrows at him. “Thank you? For what?”

  He mentally smacked himself. Just ask her. He cleared his throat. “For letting me spend time with you—and your family at Christmas.” The words were not on his side.

  “Why are you thanking me for that? You did me the favor of coming and pretending to be my boyfriend.”

  Yes, why was he thanking her and bringing up his past like that to just throw at her? Now he felt like he needed to explain instead of ask her out. Fine. He could do both.

  “Christmas is a hard time for me. It has been ever since I was young. My parents were busy and I was often alone in the midst of their parties and social gatherings. It was nice to see that sometimes that doesn’t happen—that the whole family is involved in the process of charity work.”


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