The Initiative: In Harm's Way (Book One)

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The Initiative: In Harm's Way (Book One) Page 8

by Bruce Fottler

  “The truth? We went to the Hilltop Steakhouse for dinner. Things were going good. We had a nice time. I behaved. She even drove in case I had too much to drink, because I always like to drink a lot there. When we got back here, she wanted to see my apartment. I tried to put her off, but she insisted.”

  “Oh, no,” Sam muttered.

  “I'm serious, it was her idea!”

  “Okay, I get it. Keep going.”

  “We got here and had a nice talk over a couple of beers. Then she saw I had some vodka and started reminiscing over how she used to drink it all the time with her boyfriend in high school. She hadn't had any since then and wanted to have a small shot. I guess we both ended up having more than we should have. She started rambling more about high school, her boyfriend, and getting blazed. That surprised me, her doing that shit. She didn't seem like the type.” Carlos paused as he stared at a cabinet in the kitchen area.


  “I remembered that I kept a little weed from our college days that was still good.”

  “Oh, God,” Sam groaned as he buried his head in his hands. “I thought you gave that shit up!”

  “We took some hits and things really got weird. She couldn't stop talking about that douche-bag she dated in high school, and how much they did together, how far they went, and how she vowed to stay away from it after she got her shit back together. While she was telling me, she kept getting closer to me on the couch and getting all touchy. I just couldn't control myself and we started fooling around. Nothing too far because she kept saying she had a vow to keep and didn't want to cross the line.”

  “How long did that last?” Sam cynically asked.

  Carlos paused and a sheepish look overcame him. “Maxie, I'm sorry. She just kept pushing further and I couldn't hold back.”

  “What happened?!” Sam angrily exclaimed.

  “Nothing, really. I mean it almost happened, but she pushed me off and left.”

  Sam's anger built into a rage. “This was you behaving?”

  “Sorry, Maxie, she put me in a bad situation.”

  “Jesus Christ! You're seriously going to try to pin this on her?” Sam hollered. “Did she offer the vodka and weed?”

  “Okay, yeah, that I fucked up.”

  “You think? I promised Angela that you were harmless! I gave her my word that you were a good guy! So the first opportunity that comes along, you get her high and think that was a green light to try to bang her? This has to be by far the worst fucking thing you've ever done!” Sam stood up to leave. “We're done! I don't ever want to see you around again! And if you ever come near Angela, I swear to God I'll beat the living shit out of you and kick what's left of your worthless ass into the fucking Charles!”

  Sam stormed out.

  Carlos looked down to his nearly empty bottle of vodka, picked it up, and chucked it at the far wall. It bounced off and shattered as it hit the hardwood floor.

  Regal Apartments - Lowell, Massachusetts

  Sam didn't bother going back to the party. He was still too angry at Carlos and deeply ashamed by what had happened. He entered his new apartment and immediately went to the refrigerator to find a beer. After a swift pop from the bottle opener, he dropped onto his couch and tried to ponder how he could ever face Angela or anyone else in the CYA group. He was also conflicted over the abrupt end of a long friendship with Carlos. In all, it was hard enough to come to terms with roommates he could no longer trust, but everything else that was part of his life seemed suddenly changed in one evening by an act he didn't perpetrate. His eyes teared up at the very thought of what he figured Susan must be thinking, which led to a chilling realization. It was bad enough to lose Carlos as a friend, and to fall out of favor in the CYA group, but it would all be unbearable if it cost him Susan as well.

  The doorbell rang. He hesitated because he'd never heard it ring before. He figured it had to be Carlos, there to patch things up, to salvage their friendship. He put his beer down and reluctantly went to the door. It would figure that Carlos wouldn't let him go so easily, but he didn't know if he had the will left to deal with him.

  Sam slowly opened the door and braced himself. To his surprise, it was Angela. She quietly stood and looked at him with tired, bloodshot eyes.

  “Come in, please.” It was all Sam could think to say.

  She walked in without uttering a word. Sam closed the door and followed her into his living room.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, but then winced. “Sorry, stupid thing to ask. Of course you're not.”

  She sat on his couch without a reply. Her gaze was distant and unfocused.

  “Look, I can't even begin to apologize. I let you down. What Carlos did was way over the line and I'm totally done with him. I just got back from ripping him a new one for what he did. I'm so sorry, I didn't think he'd ever try something like that. I feel horrible about it.”

  Sam sat down next to her. She looked up at him, gave him a fond smile, and gently put her hand over his.

  “I don't blame you for what happened.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you didn't do anything wrong.”

  “You know, Laura and Sues talked to me about him. They had concerns. I thought Laura was being too uptight about it, but I should have known better to ignore Sues.”

  “It's okay,” Angela pleaded. “He was your friend and you were just trying to help both of us. I should have been more careful. I don't know what I was thinking. I moved it along way too fast and made a stupid decision.”

  “There's no way any of this is on you.”

  “Oh, Sam, I should have known better. I've had way too much experience with this in my past. I was flirting with a situation I thought I could control better. My tolerance to certain things isn't the same as it used to be.”

  “Angela, he tried to date-rape you.”

  “I don't think I'd call it that,” Angela immediately replied. “We were both too wasted to realize what we were doing until it was too late.”

  “Oh, God, I'm just so sorry.”

  “Please, don't be. It's all okay, now.”

  “I should have done more to protect you.”

  “Sam, please focus and listen to me. You made an honest mistake and I don't blame you. I'm just sorry you lost a friend over it.”

  “I think Carlos and I really stopped being friends a while ago. I should have cut him off months ago, before something like this could happen.”

  “Sam, please, how many times do I need to say that I don't blame you?”

  Sam sighed. “You should. I made a very bad call. You might not blame me, but I doubt that's going to carry very far with anyone else. Laura was especially pissed.”

  Angela scowled and moved her hand up to the side of his face. A warm smile grew as she looked into his eyes. “Never mind about everyone else, especially Laura. She's a fucking idiot for letting you get away.”

  She leaned in and gave him a long, passionate kiss.

  Sunday, July 10, 1994

  Regal Apartments - Lowell, Massachusetts

  Sam's clock radio slowly came into view. After squinting, he saw the time was a little past seven o-clock. The morning sun leaked in through the shades as he rolled onto his back. His hand brushed up against another warm body. Angela rustled and turned to him. Her arm came across his chest and gently rubbed it. She leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek.

  “Good morning.”

  “Hi,” Sam said awkwardly.

  “Sorry, is my breath rancid?”

  Sam nervously shook his head. “No, it's not that.”

  “Sam, relax,” Angela implored with a giggle. “Wait, is this you having regrets?”

  “Well, it just hit me that, um, I let things go too far.”

  “I disagree.”

  “But after Carlos tried to--”

  “You're not Carlos.”


  Angela kissed him again. “You know, most of the guys in our group are supposed
to be Christians, but they still give me the same creepy leer I get from most men. It's like they're undressing me with their eyes. I find it ironic how you've never gone all-in to be a Christian, but yet you've treated me with more respect than anyone. I've always felt comfortable around you.”

  “Why did you stick around the group if all that shit was going on?”

  “It happens a lot to me, so I'm used to it. Besides, all my girl-pals more than offset the creepy leering. Also, if I didn't stick around, we wouldn’t have found each other.”

  “I suppose you're right,” Sam replied with a satisfied beam.

  “And, yes, you were pretty amazing last night,” Angela said with a big grin. “Sorry to be so abrupt, but I really need a shower.”

  “No problem, it's through there,” Sam gestured as she got out of bed. She walked across the room completely naked without a hint of embarrassment. Sam couldn't bring himself to look away from her. She stopped and turned back to him at the bathroom door.

  “Oh, do you have an extra toothbrush?”

  Sam paused, and suddenly realized he was staring. “Sorry, wow, I guess I was leering.”

  Angela smiled. “I believe the correct term is ogling. Not the same thing.”

  “There's an extra toothbrush in the linen closet. Towels are in there, too.”

  “Thanks,” she replied with a nod and continued into the bathroom.

  “Oh, my God,” Sam whispered to himself with a big smile. “Did all this just happen?”

  * * *

  “So, sorry to bring this up, but I'm really curious about what happened to you after you left Carlos's place,” Sam said to Angela while they ate cereal at his breakfast table. “Laura said you didn't come back until late yesterday. Carlos said you left around midnight.”

  “I dropped in on an old college friend over in Cambridge. I was so shit-faced that I probably shouldn’t have been driving. I'm amazed I made it there without crashing or getting bagged by the cops. I stayed the night at her place, slept in, and spent the rest of the morning dealing with a wicked hangover. It's been a long time since I've had one of those. Then I went back to my apartment where Laura and Emily tried to tag team me to spill what happened.” Angela paused to let out an exasperated sigh. “I know they mean well, but they like to butt-in too much. I don't know what it was like for them living in Pennsylvania, but there are times I miss my parents' house in Belmont. Living at home was a pain to deal with, but at least I got more space there.”

  “I guess you're going to have an interesting time trying to explain last night to Laura and Emily. That's two nights in a row now.”

  “Oh, quite a scandal,” Angela sarcastically replied with a crafty grin. “I'll just tell them I spent the night having mind-blowing sex.”

  Sam blurted a laugh. “Part of me wishes you'd really say that to them. How did you find my apartment last night?”

  “I called Sues. She wasn't there, but her roommate found your new address.”

  “Uh oh,” Sam moaned. “I'd always trust Sues to be discreet, but her roommate will probably spread it around.”

  “Oh, well,” Angela said with a coy grin.

  “I just don't want anything to blow back on you. I'm sure they're all going to be pissed at me for what went down with Carlos, but you had sympathy on your side. Probably not so much after they find out you stayed the night with me.”

  “I'm a big girl now, Sam. I'll deal with it. It was my choice to be with you and I don't regret that one bit. I only regret it took so long to figure that out.”

  “It's funny the things that are right in front of us the whole time.”

  “So, I've wanted to ask you this. Why did you move out of the Bridge House, really?”

  Sam hesitated. “It's complicated.”

  “Ron and Tom? Complicated?”

  “Things hadn't been going too well with them lately. I think I've been living with them too long and the time was right to leave.”

  “I can actually relate. Laura and Emily have known each other since childhood. I first met them when we all went to Gordon College. They were always roommates, but we all hung around and had some good times together. We got a lot closer after we moved into the apartment together, but I still felt like I was the outsider. They're as close as sisters and can get too exclusive. It sounds silly, but lately I've had an unsettling feeling that I'd get voted out of the apartment when the lease is up.”

  “Maybe they're just jealous of all the creepy leers you get?”

  “Honestly, I'd be happy to let them have them all.”

  Bridge House - Lexington, Massachusetts

  It had to be done, Sam reckoned.

  Since he had stormed out of the party early the night before, he'd left behind a few last items that he intended to take to his new apartment. It was mid-afternoon when he drove up, hoping Ron and Tom were elsewhere. He breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see their cars in the driveway, but one lone, familiar car was parked there instead. It was Susan's Jetta.

  He entered through the side door into the kitchen and found her patiently waiting at the kitchen table, watching TV. As soon as the door closed, she shut it off and turned to him.

  “Hey, Sues. Why are you here?”

  “Duh, waiting for the guy who bailed on his own party last night,” Susan replied in a pensive tone.

  “Yeah, long story. How did you know I was coming over?”

  “I sort of figured you'd be back sometime soon,” Susan replied while pointing to a box of the items he had left behind. “I think I found everything you meant to take with you last night, if you had stayed around.”

  Sam pulled out a chair, moved it next to her, and sat. “You deserve to know what happened.”

  “I agree. Is Angela okay?”

  “She is, but she had a close call with Carlos on Friday night. He got her wasted and tried to date-rape her. She was able to leave before anything happened.”

  “Date-rape? Really?”

  “Yeah, Angela doesn’t want to call it that, but I think that's what really happened. I had a talk with Carlos.”

  “I'm glad she was able to bail before anything happened.”

  Sam paused. “I guess this is the point where you can taunt me about how right you were about him.”

  “Of course I was right about him,” Susan said with a frown. “Wish I wasn't.”

  “I wish I listened to you.”

  “Me too. Did you let her sleep in?”

  Sam only replied with a perplexed expression.

  “Angela called my roommate for your address. I'm guessing she found you since Laura and Emily are having kittens over her not coming home again last night.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “I saw them at church this morning. They couldn’t keep their mouths shut about it while trying to keep their mouths shut about it, if you know what I mean.”

  Sam paused and took in a deep breath. “You're right. Angela stayed the night with me.”

  “Thanks for being honest.”

  “Are you mad?”

  Susan shifted in her chair and looked around the kitchen. “Did you two hook up?”

  “Yes, we did.”

  “Again, thanks for being honest. Is this something serious or was it just an itch you wanted to scratch?”

  “Actually, it was Angela that got things rolling. It just felt right.”

  “So, it's serious?”

  “Yes, although I have to admit that I never pictured us together until last night.”

  Susan smiled and leaned over to give him a kiss on his cheek. “Then I'm happy for you.”

  Sam let out a deep sigh of relief. “I thought you'd be upset.”

  “Well, I'm not condoning all the pre-maritial sex that likely occurred, but I'd be upset if you two went through that without wanting a relationship. That would have made you no better than Carlos.”

  “I wouldn't do that to her.”

  “I didn't think you'd do it either, but a beautiful, vulner
able woman showing up on your doorstep can be an awfully big temptation.”

  “Well, we're together now. Things turned out pretty well, despite the mess Carlos made. But I was mostly afraid I'd somehow lose you in this mess.”

  Susan laughed. “You told me the other day that you'd never want to get rid of me. Well, that one's going to haunt you for a very long time, mister. Besides, we pinky-swore on that monthly dinner date and I'm holding you to it. I hope Angela doesn’t have a problem with our arrangement.”

  “Probably not, and I wouldn't care if she did.”

  “Good, now we can discuss damage assessment.”

  Sam snorted. “Damage assessment?”

  “Yeah, because your new girlfriend’s likely walking into a lot of trouble at bitch central. Yes, I'm using bad language again, so get over it. If Laura and Emily don't already know you two hooked up last night, they will soon. You know how well the grapevine works around here and how everyone looks dimly on promiscuity. I hope Angela's up to dealing with it.”

  “She's expecting it.”

  “Good. She always seemed pretty smart to me.”

  “And Laura? I imagine she's pretty upset with me.”

  “Oh, yes,” Susan replied with a chuckle. “It's amusing how you two are still on the same wavelength.”

  “Ron and Tom?”

  “I'd say you wiggled out of an awkward situation with some brilliant timing on your move. Best to get your stuff and leave before they come home. I'd say we have another half-hour to ourselves before they arrive, maybe less.”

  “Anyone else I need to be concerned about?”

  “Are you joking? Do you remember how many people you had over for your going away party?”

  Sam cringed. “Yeah.”

  “I'll start working spin control after things settle down.”

  Sam looked around and frowned. “I hate leaving things like this.”

  “You can't blame yourself for something Carlos started, although I never saw the Angela hook-up coming.”


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