Wild Hearts_A Wild Lake Wolves Prequel

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Wild Hearts_A Wild Lake Wolves Prequel Page 9

by Kimber White

  I don’t know how long the vision lasted or how long I locked my lips with Luke’s. But, the kiss remade me. He tasted like salt and spice and something distinctly male. His scent intoxicated me. I wanted so much more. I felt like I would die without it. But, Luke finally pulled away, circling his fingers around my wrists.

  We broke from each other, both gasping. Sweat pooled between my breasts and my clothes felt like a prison. Oh, God, I wanted to shed them and writhe on the ground with this man doing all the wild, wanton things I’d imagined.

  “Patricia,” Luke said. He was the wolf, but it seemed I didn’t feel fully human. I couldn’t speak. I could only feel. I wanted more, so much more of him.

  I put two fingers to my swollen lips. His touch seared me. I squeezed my eyes shut then reopened them, trying to drive out the dangerous thoughts swirling in my head. Because they were dangerous. They had to be. This wasn’t me. I couldn’t give in to this kind of abandon. Too many people depended on me. I barely knew this man. Except, the moment that last thought entered my head, I knew it wasn’t true. He hadn’t claimed me physically yet. Still, something about him felt like it was part of me even though I knew that held no logic.

  “Patricia,” he said again.

  “Tell me the truth!” My words tore out of me. My breasts heaved with exertion and my vision clouded. In another instant, I didn’t know if I could stop myself from throwing myself at Luke again.

  “Yes!” His words came out as a low hiss. “Yes. You’re mine. God help us both, but I think you are. It’s impossible. It’s dangerous. And I can’t be selfish enough to act on it again.”

  “What do you mean again?”

  Luke reared back as if I’d slapped him. The pain in his face tore through me. He took an unsteady step backward, heaving.

  “You’ll get hurt,” he said, his voice so low I had to strain to hear him. “I can’t protect you like this. Able would just be the beginning. If I took you. If I mated with you and marked you, every wolf in the state would know you were mine. And they’re coming for me, Patricia. I can’t stop it. And you’re not a wolf. Sela was. God, she was strong and powerful. She killed men to protect our children, but they still took her down. Able’s pack did that.”

  “But why?”

  Luke dropped his shoulders. His eyelids hooded and I reached for him again, placing my hand against his cheek. He flinched as if my skin burned him. He closed his fingers around my wrist. When he met my gaze again, the fire in his eyes kindled that irresistible urge inside of me. This time, I held my ground.

  “Harold said this was about Lucia,” I said, hating to give voice to something so horrible. Sweet, precocious, beautiful Lucia. She was barely more than a baby.

  Luke let out a slow sigh and nodded. “In large part, yes. Able and men like him view her as a rare prize. Able’s thirst for power is so dangerous, Patricia. He’s Alpha to the largest pack anyone has ever seen. Twenty wolves, maybe more by now. I told you, he controls them completely. He’s looking for a mate and he wants a full-blooded she-wolf. I told you, he tried with Sela and she died fighting him off. And now he wants...”

  “Lucia’s just a little kid!” I yelled. My stomach roiled at the thought of what would happen to Lucia if Able or his pack cornered her.

  “She won’t be forever. Able’s willing to rip her from her family and wait until she comes of age. One on one, I could defeat him. But he’s got over twice as many wolves in his pack. I told you, all of them willing to kill and die for him.”

  “So why doesn’t he? What’s he waiting for? I’ve heard other wolves, Luke. Up past the lake. Were those Able’s wolves?”

  Luke tore a hand through his hair. “Not all. There are a few other packs in the area. Your land is special.”


  Luke sighed. “Centuries ago, this was shifter territory. All of northern Michigan and into Canada. Way before your family claimed it. By the time they did, we were on the verge of extinction like we are now. But, this place still draws shifters. If I hadn’t come along when I did, it would have been another pack.”

  I shuddered as I completed the thought he didn’t utter. What would have happened to us if Able and his pack got here first?

  “They won’t openly challenge me,” Luke answered my unspoken question. “At least, not yet. They’re waiting for Able to make his move. If he does and wins, he’ll try to absorb what’s left of my pack and claim these lands.”

  “And Lucia with it,” I said, my voice sounding hollow to my own ears.

  “And Lucia with it.”

  “But what if he loses? What if you defeat Able?”

  “I told you. I can’t. Not with the size of his pack. Because it would never be one on one. He’s got that pack locked in like they are one unit. We’re outnumbered almost three to one.”

  “So what?” I started to pace along the shoreline. “You just sit here and wait? It’s a stalemate?”

  “For now, yes.”

  I turned, flapping my hands to my sides. “What can I do? How can I help?”

  “You already are,” Luke said, his eyes shining. “By letting us take refuge on Wild Lake lands, you’ve bought me time.”

  “Time for what?”

  “Time to see if I can forge an alliance with one of the other packs. If I can get two or three of them to stand with me against Able, we have a solid chance.”

  I swallowed hard. Something about Luke’s posture changed. There was something he didn’t want to say. I pressed. “An alliance. Luke, what would you offer in exchange for their help?”

  “That’s for me to worry about. Pack politics don’t concern you.”

  I wanted to throttle him at the same time I wanted to kiss him again. “But it does. You can’t stand there and tell me otherwise. You’re on my land now. But, it’s more than that. I don’t know what this is between us, but it’s something. Don’t tell me it isn’t. I’m involved now. My brother is involved now. He was with Marcus and Charlie when Able’s wolves tried to take them on. And Able...God. When he touched me, Luke. He knows.”

  I couldn’t say it. It turned out I didn’t have to. The alarm in Luke’s eyes cut through me. He came to me again, sliding his hands around my waist. Warmth flooded through me and it got hard to think.

  “And that’s why I can’t take this any further with you. It’s too dangerous. If Able knows what you are...he might try to hurt you to get to me.”

  My heartbeat thundered in my ears. “What I am? Luke, say it. What am I?”

  There was nothing but breath between us. One beat. Two. Luke’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, stalling for time. Then, he said the two words that would change everything.

  “You’re mine.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but no words would come out. Then, it didn’t matter. The air seemed to split with a keening howl that made my knees weak. Luke let go of me and dropped to all fours. His breath came heavy and his wolf eyes flared.

  It was the pack. It was Victor. Just an hour ago, I wouldn’t have been able to distinguish one howl from another. But, something happened to me when Luke held me in his arms and kissed me. I was more a part of him somehow.

  His fingers elongated into claws. I went to him and cupped his chin while he still had one.

  “What is it?”

  Luke dropped his head. He looked at me with a fierce expression and said a single word that cut me to my core.


  Chapter Ten

  Luke shifted into his wolf and ran ahead of me as I climbed on Rascal and followed. The horse seemed to sense danger and tore over the wooded trail, nearly unseating me. We followed the sound of Victor’s howl. A few other members of the pack raised their voices in a wailing chorus that made my blood run cold. I could now pick out each wolf just by the sound of him. Luke’s kiss had done that to me; I was sure of it. I shuddered at the thought of what else we might share if he did mark me the way I craved.

  Marcus and Charlie sounded the most
agitated. I could hear their short yips beneath the longer notes let out by Victor, Peter, and Roy. Jody growled and kept himself a little further away from the pack. Then there was Luke. He hadn’t raised his voice to the packs yet, but I felt his wolf’s heart, rapid and strong as if it were beating inside my own chest.

  The pack stood high on a ridge overlooking the lake. They’d be concealed by a line of pine trees to anyone looking up from the farm. But, I knew Harold would hear them too. I only hoped my father couldn’t. The last thing we needed was him showing up with that shotgun.

  Rascal skidded to a stop and I slid off his back. Luke bounded up the hill on powerful legs, his ears perked high. My pulse hammering, I ran after him. The sun had started to set, but the humidity rose. My shirt clung to me, caked with sweat, and my hair curled in wild tendrils. When we reached the top of the hill, Luke raised his head and howled. The sound of it sent a current of heat through every nerve in my body. It had a similar effect on the rest of Luke’s pack. They each dropped their heads in a low bow, submitting to their leader.

  Then, Luke shifted. The air itself seemed charged with the magic of it, covering me in gooseflesh. He stood tall with squared shoulders and muscles rippling over his strong back and hard-cut ass. He seemed carved in marble like Michelangelo's David. Every inch of him was chiseled perfection.

  Victor, Peter, and Marcus shifted, rising to their full height. A blush heated my cheeks and I cast my eyes downward to avoid gawking at their nakedness. But, I was the last thing on any of their minds. Joe and Jody stayed in their wolves, pacing the perimeter as Luke spoke to the others.

  “We left Charlie and Roy down at the cabin to look after Jarred,” Victor said.

  His words sent fear shooting through me and I could barely feel my legs. Jarred. They were guarding Jarred. No one said anything about Lucia.

  “Where is she?” Luke asked, his voice booming with rage.

  “She and Jarred were playing by the lake. She took off when Charlie turned his head for a second to help Jarred with a crappie. They were fishing.”

  “I told him to stay away from the lake today!” Luke advanced. Victor dropped his head and took a step back. Joe and Jody jumped back as if the ground in front of them had become electrified. My own ears buzzed as the realization of what I witnessed dawned on me. Luke was doing something to the other members of the pack. His eyes became molten silver, flashing against the setting sun. He communicated something to the others on some telepathic frequency that sent them all shuddering.

  Then he broke it off and Victor straightened his back. I grew bold, coming to Luke’s side I put a gentle hand on his arm. “She couldn’t have gone far,” I whispered.

  A muscle jumped in Luke’s jaw as he clenched it. “She won’t have to before she gets herself in real trouble. If she crosses the boundary lines of Wild Lake…”

  “She won’t,” I said, though I had no way of knowing for sure. “She’s smart, Luke. She probably just got sick of hanging around a bunch of boys and wanted a few minutes of peace to herself. I know what that’s like.”

  Luke gave me a cockeyed expression that made laughter bubble up inside of me. As if he couldn’t imagine why any girl would think she’d need a break from the rest of them. The moment I said it, I felt sure I was right. I had more in common with that sweet little girl than I first realized.

  Marcus did let out an irritated snort as if I’d lost my mind. Placing my hands on my hips, I stared him down. “You think you boys are such a treat to be around all the time? I wouldn’t be surprised if she just wanted to take a private swim away from prying eyes for a few minutes.”

  Luke jerked his chin toward the others, communicating on that telepathic link again. Victor and Peter shifted in unison, Marcus held his ground for a moment longer, his eyes flicking from Luke to me, then back again. For being one of the youngest of Luke’s pack, I sensed lingering defiance in him that the others didn’t share. But, he was no match for Luke. When Luke took a step toward him, Marcus went to his hands and shifted, giving me one last look with glinting gold eyes before he scampered back into the woods, heading for the cabin like the others.

  “I’ll meet you there,” I said, grabbing Rascal by the reins.

  “This isn’t your problem,” Luke said.

  “Oh, really? This is my land. I know it better than you do. You want help finding Lucia before it gets dark, I’m your best bet.”

  Luke came to me. His eyes were hard, but his touch, gentle. He ran his knuckles along my jawline, sending a flash of warmth through my whole body. “I know the land well enough. I told you, a long time ago, this territory belonged to my kind.”

  “Maybe so, but what do you think will happen when you try to march up to one of my neighbor’s houses asking questions about a lost little girl if it comes to that? They don’t know you, Luke. And they sure as hell aren’t going to trust you.”

  He opened his mouth to argue, then clamped it shut. Instead, I got fumes as he flared his nostrils and started to pace. God, this man drove me to distraction. I couldn’t help but ogle his beautiful body as he paced near the trees. I’d seen naked boys and old men before, but never a virile man in the prime of his life like Luke. A dark dusting of curls covered his chest and I had the urge to trail my fingers over the hard muscles of his pectorals. His cock swung free and I covered my mouth to suppress a gasp at the size of him.

  I should have been afraid of him, but I wasn’t. Instead, my insides churned and that familiar craving sparked through me. I felt liquid heat between my legs and knew if I tested it, I’d find myself soaked.

  Clearing my throat, I tried to rein in my lust-filled thoughts. There was still the matter of a missing six-year-old. “Why can’t you tell where she is, uh, just with your mind?”

  Luke stopped pacing and turned to me. Before he could answer, I asked a series of rapid-fire questions aimed at keeping my more carnal desires at bay.

  “I felt it. You could talk to the pack without, well, talking to the pack. Right? I couldn’t tell what you were saying, but like I said, I felt it. Should I be able to do that? Does it hurt them? So, why can’t you just, you know, call to Lucia?”

  “She’s too young. She and Jarred both. It’s not until they’re fully mature that they can integrate with a pack like that. And it’s even worse because Lucia’s a girl.”

  Scrunching my face, I put my hands on my hips. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

  Luke’s face softened. “It’s hard to explain.”

  “You think that’s because I’m a girl too? Try me, wolfman.”

  He came to me, putting a soft hand on my shoulder. I was still acutely aware of the state of Luke’s undress. It made it hard to think.

  “Female wolf shifters are rare. I told you that. Those that exist tend to be more...uh...independent than their male counterparts within the pack. Someday, when she’s old enough and Lucia chooses a mate of her own, she’ll be connected to him, but not subservient in the way the rest of the male pack members are. She can be an equal to her Alpha mate. She can even be an Alpha to her own pack, or so I’ve heard.”

  “Unless someone like Able Valent gets to her first,” I said. Terror gripped my heart at the memory of what it felt like when he pushed his mind into mine. “Even a female shifter isn’t safe from a...what did you call it...Tyrannous Alpha?”

  Luke pulled me close. His body heat warmed me and I inhaled his scent. I felt so safe in his arms. On a preternatural level, I knew I might belong there. He kissed the top of my head then pulled away.

  “I need to get to the cabin and talk to my son. I may not be able to call to Lucia like the other pack members, but I can sure as hell scent her. Come on.”

  “Ah,” I said, stepping back. “So you admit you do need me.”

  The growl of exasperation Luke made gave me goosebumps. He snapped the air with his teeth and I gasped. One thing was clear, we couldn’t go on like this. Or at least, I couldn’t. It would take superhuman strength for me to deny
the lust I felt around this man. He had it. I didn’t. With every moment that I spent with him, the reasons not to give in to it seemed to blow away like dandelion seeds.

  I mounted Rascal as Luke dropped to all fours and let his shift overtake him. His wolf stood proud, tilting one ear, then the other. Those fierce, silver eyes of his locked with mine, making the back of my neck throb. Then, Luke bounded off into the woods, headed for the cabin.

  More than anything, I wanted to follow him, but I knew the smarter bet was to head to the farm. Luke might be able to scent his daughter, but I had an instinct of my own. Lucia was captivated by Rascal. She’d begged for a chance to ride him. Kicking my heels against Rascal’s flank, I pointed his nose toward home.

  Harold and my father were waiting for me when I got there. Harold jutted his chin and gave me a wide-eyed glare behind my father’s shoulder, trying to transmit his own telepathic message. Something was wrong.

  I dismounted and led Rascal over to the wash rack. He’d picked up a fair amount of burrs in his tail and I started picking those out.

  “Where have you been?” Dad grabbed the hose and turned the nozzle on. Running his hand under the water, he tested it before leaning down to spray the mud off Rascal’s hind legs.

  “Just out for a ride,” I said, hoping he wouldn’t press.

  “Out for a ride. Pat, you’re behind on all your chores. I needed you to sit with Grandpa while I went out for the day.”

  I bit my tongue to keep from snapping at him. God, no wonder I related so strongly to little Lucia. Part of me cheered her on for rebelling enough to carve out some time to herself. But, the moment I thought it, a shadow passed over my heart. I could still feel the faint echoes of Able’s touch. It wasn’t safe for her with him out there.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, pulling the saddle off Rascal. I looped his bridle and reins over my arm and walked into the barn to hang them. Harold followed close behind. He grabbed my elbow.

  “We’ve got a problem,” he whispered. But, he couldn’t finish before Dad led Rascal in behind us.


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