The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3

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The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3 Page 9

by A. J. Medina

  Ser Hector moved to the outside of the circle and Ser Erwin squeezed himself into the circle. “On guard!” he shouted.

  Tessa raised her sword slowly, having trouble with its weight, while Aednat appeared to be lifting a toothpick. “I’ll teach you to laugh at me,” Aednat warned.

  Aednat stepped leg over leg, circling around Tessa. Tessa matched her movements waiting for her to strike. Aednat swung her sword up and brought it down in one smooth arc. Tessa side stepped and struck.

  “One point for Tessa. Again... On guard!” Ser Erwin yelled.

  Aednat’s face screamed bloody murder. She wasn’t happy that Tessa scored so easily. Tessa waited as Aednat traced a circle around her again. Aednat swung her sword sideways trying to cut Tessa in half. She nearly did, when Tessa dropped to one knee and tapped her kneecap.

  “Two points for Tessa.”

  I could swear I saw smoke billowing from Aednat’s ears. Tessa on the other hand stood ready with the focus of a hunter trying to slay a bear. “On guard!” Ser Erwin belched.

  I could see Aednat working something out in her mind. She had picked the smallest of us thinking she would be easy to destroy and yet there they stood. Tessa, two points—Aednat, none. But Tessa was a waiter. She waited for Aednat to move first and then she countered. She was a quick little thing, using her small size to her advantage.

  With a rebellious yell, Aednat charged with her sword aimed at Tessa’s heart. Tessa rolled out of her path and jumped to her feet. Before Aednat could stop and turn, Tessa thrust her sword into her lower back. “Three points and the winner, Tessa. Come to attention facing your opponent and salute,” Ser Erwin said applauding, and we all joined in.

  Aednat passed Tessa on the way back to her spot in the circle. Tessa threw a remark her way, “It’s always the big ones,” and then laughed. Aednat stopped, turned and took a step towards her. “Back to the circle,” Ser Hector ordered.

  Aednat stopped in her tracks and they stared at each other. I was amazed at how brave Tessa was. She stood there looking up at the bear and not blinking, waiting for Aednat to try something. “Did you hear me?” Ser Hector asked drawing his sword, the sound of the metal screeching as it slid out of its sheath.

  Ser Hector grabbed her arm and flung her around. “DID YOU HEAR ME!” he bellowed, now standing nose to nose. Her eyes went wide, her expression changing from one of anger and resentment to one of fear. Everyone’s expression had changed to fear wondering what was going to happen next.

  “Aye, Ser Hector,” Aednat was able to spit out.

  “Then why didn’t you follow my orders?”

  She didn’t respond.

  Ser Hector stepped away and walked around the circle meeting our gaze. “Orders are not voluntary. When you are given an order... you follow it!” He crossed back over to Aednat. “BACK TO THE CIRCLE!” he barked, his sword aiming at the circle of frightened — now probably wishing they hadn’t volunteered — knights.

  Aednat turned and ran back to her spot. On the way she dropped her practice sword and had to go back to retrieve it. Ser Hector was glowering at her. She bowed and ran back in line.

  By the time I was chosen all of the girls had went except me. The boy that chose me was named Liam. He stood just a bit taller than me and his second skin wrapped around his chiseled arms. We saluted without being told to and waited for Ser Erwin to yell, on guard.

  I overheard Aednat saying to the boys how strong my legs looked. Someone, a boy, said “they were nice,” and another girl — I think it was Ryanne — said “I wish mine looked like that.” One of the boys said something stupid, “Why? So you could pull a cart.” A boy, I think his name was Thomas, said “Her legs look stronger than mine. I like them.”

  My fight with Liam began and at one point I spun him around, lifted my leg and kicked straight out, sending him flying into the other boys. Needless to say he wasn’t happy about that. Some of the girls began chanting my name. “A-lora... A-lora... A-lora.” He rushed at me and I side stepped while smacking him on the shin with my practice sword, I named it woody. Woody cracked him good. He tripped over himself and ended up with a mouth full of dirt.

  “Two points for Alora,” Ser Erwin announced.

  I stood and waited for his next move. Getting to his feet he spat the dirt out of his mouth and wiped his chin. This time he came slowly. He lunged and struck, but I countered his movements. Every time he swung his sword, mine was there to meet it.

  His technique was sloppy and I was getting tired of him. On his next swing I slapped his sword and then smacked his fingers. He dropped his sword and let out a screech. Lunging forward I ended the match by touching woody to his chest.

  “Winner... Alora!” Ser Erwin cheered.

  “That’s not fair. She smacked my hand,” Liam protested.

  Here we go…

  “Well my boy. She won the match. Salute,” Ser Erwin ordered him.


  “Salute!” Ser Hector commanded him louder.


  I raised my sword and my fist to my chest while Liam stormed off to get back in the circle, looking like he was about to cry. Boys really hated losing, but I guess not as much as they hated losing to a girl. They better get used to it because by the looks of it, the five of us weren’t going anywhere.

  “Looks like they have some new competition and her name is Alora,” Ryanne said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  I was bumped from behind, spun and nearly fell. Ser Hector was making his way over to Liam and drew his sword as he kept charging forward. Everyone standing next to Liam stepped away, giving him a wide berth.

  “Ser Hector... Ser Hector... Halt!” the princess commanded from the balcony. It didn’t look like Ser Hector was listening to her. He kept charging, when all of sudden the wizard landed in front of him causing a small gust of wind to blow dust at my face. I blinked furiously trying to keep the dirt out of my eyes. Where did he come from, I wondered. And how did he do that?

  The wizard stood, grabbed hold of Ser Hector and turned him to face the princess. The wizard whispered into his right ear and Ser Hector acknowledged what he was saying. “My apologies, Princess. I didn’t hear you.” Ser Hector tapped his left ear.

  Princess Evelyn curtsied.

  I watched as the wizard shoved him back in Ser Erwin’s direction. The wizard began to pace back and fourth with one hand behind his back and the other on his chin. He stared at the ground as he paced. I swear I could almost hear the gears churning in his mind. He quickly came to attention by my side and called Liam over to us. “Boy... apologize.”

  He looked at his feet. “I shouldn’t have to apologize for losing.”

  “It’s not because you lost,” the wizard explained, “it’s because you showed disrespect.”

  The boy pointed at me. “But so did she. She cheated.”

  I was worried that the wizard would agree and call me a cheat. I don’t think I cheated, though. My smack of his knuckles should of technically been the final point, but to be sure, I struck him again.

  “Nay, young man. She fought as required. Best your enemy and use whatever resources you have available. You on the other hand, didn’t salute and you disobeyed Ser Hector.”

  He looked down knowing what the wizard said was true.

  “A knight must be honorable and obey orders. You have broken those rules,” the wizard declared.

  “Wizard,” I interrupted, “we’re learning about honor and the code. If he would apologize for his mistake, I ask of you, please give him a second chance.”

  The wizard pondered over my request. “Boy, are you regretful of your actions?”

  “Aye, Wizard.”

  “Alora has asked me to forgive your actions and give you another chance. What say you?”

  “I would very much like another chance. It won’t happen again. My apologies.”

  The wizard pointed to me. “Then ask Alora for her forgiveness.”

br />   “Must I really repeat myself?”

  “Nay,” Liam answered, and then he looked at me with hate in his eyes and then glanced at the other boys. I had defeated and embarrassed him and now the wizard wanted him to apologize to me.

  “We are waiting Boy,” the wizard said, his impatience growing.

  I was puzzled. I didn’t expect the wizard to make him apologize to me. I merely thought he would ask the wizard’s forgiveness and move on. Now I knew the boy was doomed.

  The wizard’s tone was stern. “Well. Are you going to apologize?”

  “I... I can’t.”

  “You can’t or you won’t?” the wizard asked.

  “I won’t.”

  “Then you are dismissed. Gather your things and I will prepare a carriage to take you home.”

  Liam left the courtyard with his head held down. Why was it so hard for him to apologize? Why would he let such a simple thing stand in his way of becoming a knight?

  “As for the rest of you. Learn from the boy’s mistake. He allowed his ego and pride to rob him of a great opportunity. I want you all to think about what has transpired here. If you were in his shoes, would you apologize to the person who pleaded for you? Would you risk losing what lies ahead, simply because your pride stood in the way? Ser Erwin, Ser Hector... they are yours.” The wizard left the courtyard and went into the city.

  “The wizard has dismissed him. He will be sent home. Do any of you wish to go home?” Ser Erwin asked.

  I shook my head. I didn’t have a home to go back to. The butterflies started again as I wondered what would happen if I did something that got me sent home. What would I do then? I trembled at the thought.

  “I asked, do any of you wish to go home?” he repeated.

  “Nay!” I cried out.

  “We have one final match remaining. What is your name?”


  “Alora versus Lucah. Salute...! On guard!”

  Chapter 10

  Lucah pointed his sword at me, holding it up by the side of his head with both hands gripping its handle. I did the same. We mirrored each others movements like we did so many times before on the hill. “Are you going to attack?” he asked.

  “Are you?” I teased.

  He chuckled and then stepped forward and slashed from his right. Our swords collided as I mimicked his movement. He pulled back and his sword came down overhead. I blocked it again, but this time he was close enough and I kicked his shin. He cried out and I lunged in to strike.

  “Point for Alora,” Ser Erwin announced.

  Lucah’s expression was still one of confidence and this time he didn’t wait. As soon as Ser Erwin yelled on guard, he charged. His sword flew this way and that. He came in fast and hard. Just when I countered his strike, he kicked my shin. This time I cried out in pain and he gained a point.

  It was two points to two when I felt the fatigue kicking in. Our match had lasted longer than any other, plus the fatigue was accumulating from my match with Liam, and Lucah was fresh from waiting his turn. I had to do something, but what? Lucah knew most of my moves. I’ll try one I never showed him.

  He stepped in and tried to kick my shin again, but I lifted my leg in time for him to connect with the air instead. I planted my foot, and swung my sword to his ribs. When he blocked it, I spun around trying to land a back fist on his face, I figured it would stun him long enough for me to strike him with my sword.

  When I spun, my fist connected with air, he had ducked and his sword smacked my fingers. I dropped my sword and when I knelt to pick it up, I felt his tap on my shoulder.

  “Winner... Lucah.”

  Lucah was already saluting when I came to my feet. I raised my sword hand to my chest and sliced it to my side.

  “Places,” Ser Hector ordered.

  Me and Lucah took our places back in the circle.

  “That was brilliant,” Tessa said to me when I stood next to her.

  “Aye, but I lost.”

  “That’s fine, you’ll get him next time,” she said in her usual cheerful tone.

  I lost, but only because I showed him that move. Using my own move on me, that was so… he made me look like a fool.

  Ser Hector spoke. “The wizard had planned to teach you, but he has not returned, therefore I—”

  “Ser Hector,” the princess called, waving her hands trying to get his attention. He didn’t hear or see her.

  Ser Erwin tapped him on his shoulder and pointed in the direction of the balcony. The princess was pointing out past the courtyard gate. The gate door opened and the wizard stepped into the courtyard. As the door shut behind him he spoke. “Knights, I would like you to form three ranks. Leave an arms length in front of you and on both sides. Do you understand?”

  No one did.

  He grabbed Lucah by the shoulders and placed him in the front row. “Four boys line up to his right.” The wizard spaced them out an arms length from each other and then said, “Girls, line up behind each boy.” When we took our places he commanded us to line up again, this time in height order, the tallest standing behind Lucah. So it was, that Aednat ended up behind him. Then Davina, then me, then Ryanne and finally Tessa. The wizard walked between us like a snake slithering along, making sure there was enough room and then commanded the rest of the boys to fall in behind us, using the same technique.

  The wizard walked in between them and checked their spacing. “When we ask you to fall into ranks, this is what we ask. Remember the spacing. Remember the height order. Whether you realized it or not, there were lessons being taught during those matches. It wasn’t just to find out who was the best amongst you.” He stopped in front of Aednat. “What did you learn?”

  “I learned to follow all orders without question.”

  “Excellent.” He stopped in front of me, “What did you learn?”

  “I learned that size doesn’t dictate abilities.”

  “Excellent.” He passed Ryanne and stopped in front of Tessa.

  “And you, what did you learn?”

  “I learned the bigger you are, the slower you are.”

  He laughed. “Knights, please sit.” I sat down on the spot. “Sit cross legged and place your swords across your laps.”

  I did as he commanded.

  “We are going to perform an exercise that will help you to clear your minds. Meditation is part of what wizards do. We must listen to nature... to the environment, becoming one with it. This lesson is very important. You will need a clear mind when you perform magic, focusing only on the magic and nothing else. Close your eyes and think of nothing.”

  I closed my eyes, but how do I think of nothing? I found myself thinking back to when Lucah ducked and slapped my fingers.

  “With your eyes remaining closed, think of the sky. Imagine its colors as the sun rises and then as it sets. Can you see it?”

  “Aye,” I answered. Someone said nay.

  “Who said nay?”

  “I said nay, Wizard.”

  “And you are?”

  “My name is Silas.”

  I waited to hear what would come next. “And why can’t you see it?” the wizard asked while walking towards him.

  “I can’t see color.”

  “Then how do you see?”

  “In shades of gray.”

  “Well then, imagine the shades of gray the sky creates just for you. Can you do that?”


  Can’t see color? Shades of gray? That’s weird. I wondered if anyone else with violet eyes could only see shades of gray. They aren’t that popular, rare even. One of the reasons that they captivated me whenever he stared at me with them.

  “Now, I want you to think of your favorite thing to do or place to visit,” the wizard said.

  I instantly thought of my meadow and the hill, running barefoot with the soft grass underneath me and the wind in my hair.

  “Open your eyes!” he yelled.

  My eyes were instantly open. I forgot about everything.
The only thing on my mind was the back of the head in front of me, until the main gate opened and a man and two boys entered. The boys were each pulling a small cart full of armor pieces.

  “Ah, the smith is here,” the wizard said.

  The wizard and smith exchanged pleasantries and such, and then he asked us to stand. “The smith has brought along some armor for fitting purposes. This will take some time as they try each piece on you.”

  “Oh Wizard…,” the princess cooed, “I don’t think it’s proper for them to measure my ladies.”

  “But Princess, they are my knights.”

  “Aye, but they are my ladies first. My maidens and I should be the ones to fit them.”

  “I wasn’t aware that you were versed in the ways of armor, m’lady,” he said with a sarcastic undertone.

  “I’m not, but proper etiquette must be practiced.”

  “It’s fine, Wizard,” the smith said. “My boys can help her.”

  “Very well then.”

  “Thank you Sers,” the princess said and then clapped twice.

  Moments later she appeared in the courtyard with our chamber maidens and we were the first to be fitted. I couldn’t see the looks on the boys faces, but I assumed it wasn’t one of kindness. Special treatment didn’t seem like a good idea, but how does one challenge a princess? Very carefully I suppose.

  After the boys in the front row were ordered to step forward three paces and the ones behind us were ordered to step back three paces, there was enough room for Princess Evelyn, our maidens and the smith boys to work. They started with Aednat and Davina and when they made it to me, Neala took a cloth measuring tape and measured my torso. She wrapped it around my chest and then my waist, calling out numbers each time. “They don’t have chest plates for you and will need to fabricate them,” Princess Evelyn started. “You have curves in different places than the boys. Well, some of you do.”

  Tessa gasped and then giggled knowing full well the only one the princess could’ve been talking about was Aednat.

  She continued by measuring from my neck line to my shoulder’s edge and once she was done calling those numbers out, she measured from my ankles to my waist and finished by measuring along the inside of my legs. The smith boys handed Branna the shoulder armor and forearm armor for my right side and Neala tried the armor for my left. They exchanged a few before they found the right sizes and then marked them down on parchment along with my other measurements.


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