The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3

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The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3 Page 27

by A. J. Medina

  “Aye. I understand.”


  For our sake? What had I gotten myself into? All I wanted was to be a knight. Now I’m a knight, a wizard, and am going to wash with the queen and the princess. What else could possibly happen to me?

  When it was time, Neala led me to Queen Rosaleen’s chambers. The fear as I was led into the washroom when I was disguised as Neala came rushing back. Last time I was more scared of getting Neala in trouble than myself. This time it was my own safety I was concerned about.

  I concluded from that previous interaction that the queen didn’t like Neala and had reservations about me. And here we both were about to walk into the queen’s washroom.

  What if the queen didn’t like me? Would she ask the king to chop off my head? Could the queen do that? Did she have that kind of power?

  I laughed at the thought. The king was in charge. He ruled the kingdom. The queen was just his bride. She had no real power over the king’s first knight. I felt I was afraid for no reason.

  When we entered the queen’s chambers, a chamber maiden waited at the entrance that led to her washroom.

  “Please undress out here. The queen commands it,” the maiden said to us, and then pointed to a soft, pillow covered chair in the corner. “You may lay your and Lady Alora’s clothing over there,” she told Neala.

  When we walked over to the chair, Neala said, “Please sit, m’lady.”

  I sat down and she removed my shoes. After they were off, I stood and she helped me remove the amber gown I had chosen to wear. After I was done, Neala removed her own shoes and dress and the queen’s chamber maiden opened the door to the washroom and announced me. “Presenting, Lady Alora.”

  “You must enter before me, Alora,” Neala whispered.

  I nodded and walked in with Neala following behind me.

  The queen was visible as soon as I entered. Her maiden was washing her arms and I stopped and waited since I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do.

  While I waited for some sort of instruction, I studied the queen again. I was in awe by how beautiful she really was. Her skin was so smooth. She didn’t even have wrinkles on her skin where there should be some. If there was anyone in the castle city more beautiful than her, I hadn’t seen them yet.

  Except possibly for the princess. Even though she was young, she was beautiful. She still had a youthful face and body, but I could tell she would be just as, if not even more, beautiful when she becomes a queen.

  The princess was already in the bath with the queen getting washed and it sounded like they were arguing. Something about a man who had come to visit.

  “Nay, Mother. I won’t do it!”

  “You will do it!” Queen Rosaleen said with a stern tone before she turned her attention to me. Her voice had changed from her stern, telling the princess what to do tone, to a higher royal sounding one. “Ah, Alora. So happy you could join us.” The queen held out her hand and invited me into her bath. “Please, come in. The water is warm and comforting.”

  I was about to take a step forward when Neala rushed around me. With her head bowed down and eyes focused at the floor in front of her, Neala climbed into the water and then held out her hands to help me in.

  I climbed the steps, squatted and sat down on the edge, and then placed my feet and legs into the bath. Following her lead, I took hold of Neala’s outstretched hands and allowed her to help me into the water.

  Neala grabbed a washcloth and some soap and started scrubbing my back while the queen and princess’ own servants washed them.

  “I won’t do it!” Princess Evelyn shouted once more.

  “Hush now, child. We will discuss this when we are alone.”

  The princess’ lips pouted and she looked down into the water.

  “Hello, Princess,” I said.

  Just when the princess lifted her head, I crossed my eyes, smiled and waved at her.

  The princess laughed and it seemed she had forgotten why she was so upset a moment ago. The queen’s maiden knelt down to wash her legs, and the queen turned to me to see why the princess was laughing.

  “Oh, Alora,” the queen said, “please stop that. You look like a fool.”

  That was the whole point of it, but I wasn’t about to tell her that. I stopped waving and uncrossed my eyes, giving my head a little shake to help them focus again.

  The princess laughed at that and the queen let out a sigh.

  “You’ve lived in the palace for some time now. How do you find it? Much better than that turret you shared with the other girls, I presume.”

  “I like it in the palace, but I also enjoyed living with the other girls. It gets lonely sometimes having a room all to myself,” I said.

  “Ah, I see. We haven’t spoken much since you moved into the palace. I’ve been busy, but now I’ve decided to make time for you. Alora the wizard. The name being spoken around the castle city.”

  Neala finished washing my back and moved to my arms. “I wasn’t aware my name was being spoken throughout the city.”

  “Oh yes. Everyone speaks of you. How you defeated The Apprentice and saved the king.”

  “I was just doing my duty.”

  “Ahh, humble as well—”

  “I won’t do it, Mother!” the princess said again.

  “Now is not the time, Evelyn. Hush now!”

  “I won’t do it!” the princess said, and then slapped her hand on the water causing it to splash at the queen. The other two chamber maidens gasped, but when I looked at Neala, she was grinning from ear to ear. It was a good thing that her back was to the queen.

  Queen Rosaleen addressed the princess’ maiden. “You there. My daughter’s maiden.” The queen snapped her fingers. “Guenavere—”

  “Her name is Genevee,” the princess corrected.

  The queen turned to Princess Evelyn, said, “I don’t care what her name is,” and then returned her attention to the princess’ maiden. “Bring my daughter her elixir.”

  The princess pouted again, but when Genevee handed her the mug, she drank it.

  “Now hush. I want to hear more about Alora.”

  “Aye, Mother.”

  The queen turned her attention back to me. “Tell me of your parents.”

  I looked down to Neala for something, anything. A sign as to how much I should say. I got nothing. Neala was focused on my legs and didn’t look up. Not even once.

  “Well, Your Majesty—”

  The queen shook her head and waved her hand. “That will not do. I prefer you to address me as... My Queen.”

  My Queen? That’s what the servants called her. Is that how she sees me? As just a servant?

  “Aye... My Queen.”

  I told her about my real father being a knight and how he was killed in battle. How I lived with my mother and Biron in our cottage in Kingsley and how they were horribly killed. I tried not to cry, but it didn’t matter how hard I tried to hold back the tears, they still came.

  Upon seeing my distress, the queen tried to console me. “Now, now. It’s alright. Why don’t you have some of my elixir?”

  “Thank you, but nay.”

  “I must insist.” Queen Rosaleen addressed one of the maidens. “My daughter’s maiden, what ever your name is, get her a mug.”

  As I told the queen my story, Neala had already made her way up my legs. She stood up in front of me and her eyes screamed something at me.

  What were they screaming? Was it fear? Aye, it was fear.

  The princess’ maiden handed me the mug and I took it. I stared down into the dark fluid that it held and wondered what it was.

  “Maybe just a sip,” I said, and then raised the mug to my lips.

  Queen Rosaleen’s voice sounded low and sinister. “A sip is all you need.”

  I could feel the warmth of the liquid flowing down my throat. The taste was not unpleasant, but it didn’t taste great either. It tasted similar to a flower filled tea.

  And then I felt strange.
  I didn’t quite understand why. I pulled the mug away and looked back into it. “What’s in this?” I asked.

  “It’s my own special recipe,” the queen answered.

  Neala held out her hands to take the mug from me and I was going to give it to her when the queen stopped me.

  “Nay. Hold onto it. Drink more.”

  I pulled the mug back, bringing it closer to my chest and just stood there. Neala was standing in front of me since she finished washing all the parts of me that were above the water line. The princess’ maiden did the same. The queen’s maiden also stood in front of her looking down at the water. The maidens appeared to be waiting for something.

  I felt my body rock slightly, almost as if there was a strong breeze and when I regained my balance, my vision blurred for an instant before coming back into focus.

  “Tell me, Alora. Of this Silas. Do you love him?”

  The queen was studying my body while she waited for my answer. She looked me up and down, which made me uncomfortable. I wanted to tell her to stop staring, but how could I? I couldn’t tell the queen what to do.

  I thought about the question. The answer was simple. Of course I loved Silas. But I didn’t want to tell the queen that.

  “Drink more of the elixir. It’s good for your health. And a knight needs to be fit and strong.”

  I nodded and lifted the mug to my lips. This time my face felt hot. Something wasn’t right.

  “Do you love him?” the queen asked again.

  This time I answered right away. “I do.”

  “Does he love you?”


  “Would you kill the king if he asked you to?”

  I didn’t know what to say. What kind of question was that? Why would she ask such a thing? I tried not to answer. I didn’t want to answer, but I couldn’t stop myself. My lips began to move.

  “Nay. I serve the king.”

  I heard the words after they came out. I was glad they weren’t different ones. I didn’t understand what was going on. It was almost as though I had lost control of myself.

  The queen appeared content with my answer and sat down in the bath. “Please ladies, sit.”

  Before I could tell my body what to do, I was sitting down in the bath. “Alora, come sit next to me,” the queen commanded.

  I was in a half squat, about to sit down, when I stood up again. After placing my mug down on the edge of the bath, I walked over to the queen and sat by her side.

  The queen lifted her foot and her maiden began scrubbing the soles of her feet. The princess did the same.

  Neala knelt down and waited for me to do the same.

  My face still felt hot and I didn’t like it. Something felt... wrong.

  I lifted my foot so as not to look out of place, but I didn’t feel like myself.

  “You love this Silas, this Apprentice, and yet you serve my husband.”

  My vision blurred again for an instant and then came back into focus. Was that a question or was the queen stating what she knew as fact?

  The queen continued. “Will you serve me?”

  I wasn’t sure what the queen was asking. “I don’t understand.”

  “Oh my. Where’s your elixir? Have you finished it?”

  “Nay. I don’t want any more.”

  “That hurts my feelings, Alora. I just want you to be fit and strong. Don’t you want that?”

  I did want that, but I didn’t need her elixir for that. “I do, but I’m fine without it. Thank you for making it, but I’m fine.”

  The queen paused and looked around the room, first to the princess, who was sipping on her mug of elixir, and then at the maidens.

  Neala never once looked up from my feet. Even after they were clean, she just kept scrubbing.

  The queen glared at Neala, the hatred obvious to anyone who was paying attention.

  “Very well. Suit yourself,” the queen said. “That’ll be all then. We’ll talk again soon.”

  Rising to her feet, Neala offered me her hand. I took it and stood.

  I guess that was my queue to leave.

  As Neala dried me off, the queen returned her focus to her daughter. “You will meet with Lord Allen and you will treat him with respect and do as you’re told.”

  “Aye, Mother.”

  Neala increased her pace, scrubbing my body dry as fast as she could and then dried herself in a fury. She opened the door and waited for me to pass through it so that she could follow. Helping me with my sleep shirt, Neala pulled it down and then helped me slide into my shoes. When she was done helping me, Neala put on the clothes she had come with. When she finished getting dressed, she opened the door to the queen’s chambers and we both left the queen and the princess to what had somehow become a one sided conversation.

  Chapter 10

  The next few days went by without anything bad happening. The queen didn’t send for me again like I thought she would, so I spent the days visiting with the knightlys and making sure everyone was ready for our journey.

  As much as I tried to get Neala to join in on our practices, she wouldn’t. She simply stood off to the side and watched. I wanted her to learn how to fight because I didn’t know what we might encounter out there.

  Her response was there were too many people watching and it wouldn’t be appropriate for her, as a servant, to join in.

  Since I refused to force her, I stopped trying.

  Today was the day. We were leaving the castle city in search of the dragon wizard and since I couldn’t sleep any longer, I lay in bed and waited for the sun to rise. With one arm behind my head and one foot rubbing on my other leg, I stared off into the darkness.

  Laying there, I thought about last night and my visit with Silas. I played back the memory in my head...

  Neala was fully dressed in her brown dress and I had on my sleep shirt. The first time I disguised myself, I left her naked in the closet. I didn’t mean to and I wasn’t going to do that to her again. This time we would swap. My clothes wouldn’t fit her body perfectly, but since our sleep shirts are pretty much one size, she could where it.

  Neala’s hair was braided identical to mine and I drank the potion of deceit and imagined Neala’s clothes on me and my sleep shirt on her. In a flash both our clothes switched onto each other’s bodies, and then I left Neala in my room hiding in my closet.

  After making it through the palace, I went down the steps that led to the dungeon...

  A snort came from next to me. Neala must’ve inhaled too deeply in her sleep. It was comforting having her sleep by my side. It seemed a lot less lonely with her there.

  Neala rolled over and the back of her hand slapped me in the face. Pushing it aside, I laughed, imagining what it must be like to have a sister.

  Where was I? Oh yes...

  The guard was at his post and when he saw me, he stood at attention.

  “Good evening, Neala,” he said.

  “Good evening,” I answered him. “I have a message for Silas from Lady Alora.” I used the best impersonation of Neala that I could.

  “She sends you so late. Perhaps the morning would be a better time to visit him?”

  “Nay. She leaves at dawn. Before the city can awaken. May I enter?”

  “Very well then.” The guard placed his key into the main gate. “Enter.”

  “Thank you, ser.”

  I bowed my head at him and entered to see my love. With a clank from behind, as the main gate shut, I hurried to see him.

  The dungeon was dark with only a small lantern lighting the area. I could barely make him out in his cell.

  “Silas,” I whispered.

  He didn’t hear me.

  “Silas,” I whispered again. “Wake up.”

  His body stirred.

  I raised my voice and it came out way to loud. “Silas!”

  This time he was startled. He moved up against the wall as fast as he could. “Who’s there?”

  “Shhh. Silas it’s me.”
  Inching forward carefully, he squinted and lowered his voice. “Neala?”

  It was clear that he had been beaten again and this time his hair had been shaved off.

  I shook my head. “Nay, it’s Alora.”

  “Alora? What are you doing here so late?”

  “I came to say goodbye. I’m leaving in the morning on my journey.”

  Silas stared at me with those eyes of his.

  I retrieved the bread I had brought for him, remembering how weak he was the last time I had visited him, and he took it.

  Silas chewed the bread as we stood on opposite sides of the metal bars. I told him how much I would miss him. He said he would miss me too and not to worry about him.

  How could I not worry about him? The king had implied that he would be sentenced to death eventually—when his usefulness ran out. What if he was put to death before I returned? What if this was the last time I saw him—ever?

  I pulled the potion out of my pocket.

  “Before I go, I want you to remember me as me, not as Neala.”

  Silas grabbed my hand. “But what if you get caught? The guard can enter at any time.”

  “I won’t get caught.”

  I drank the potion and Silas reached out with his hand. He rubbed my hair between his fingers.

  “Hair of fire. I had forgotten how beautiful it is.”

  “Then I’m glad I took the potion so that you could see me as me.”

  Silas wrapped a hand around my lower back and tried to pull me close to the bars, but he wasn’t strong enough, so I moved the rest of the way. Holding me there in silence, I couldn’t help but remember him with his hair and how he used to run his fingers through it. My eyes flashed, lighting up the cells, and suddenly his hair was back. I ran my fingers through it, not sure if it was just my imagination.

  Silas slid his fingers through his hair and gazed into my eyes. All was as it should be with him. His hair was back and his wounds were healed. If only he was free and at my side. Why did Silas have to be The Apprentice? Why couldn’t he simply be that boy I met at the auditions?


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