The Dare: Sterling U: Book 1

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The Dare: Sterling U: Book 1 Page 8

by Amanda Ray

  Chapter 14


  The sun is seeping through the blinds, my eyes are so heavy they feel like bricks but the warmth of Letty's ass pushed up against me makes me smile through my fatigue. I woke Letty up two more times last night for some more delicious sex before we finally crashed. I got about three hours of actual sleep and since my alarm hasn't gone off telling me to get up yet, I know that it's got to be before six. I have practice this morning but the thought of leaving Letty's naked, warm body is literally making me come up with different scenarios to get out of practice. Do you think coach will buy it if I say my dog got hit by a car and that's why I missed practice?

  After coming up with about a dozen ridiculous excuses I know that there's no way I can-or really that I would-get out of practice. Instead, I take in Letty one more time before getting up. Scanning her body, the slight curve of her spine as she's arched into me. The way her dark brown waves cascade over her shoulder. The little dimples above her ass. I can't help myself from running my finger down her delicate skin, tracing her spine and then moving to her sides down to her full hips. She twitches slightly, arching back into me more and my dick comes alive. God, I want her again. I have to hold my breath and bite my lip to prevent myself from taking her again. When she stills again, letting out a little moan, I throw my head back on a low grunt. Fuck. I swear she's doing this shit on purpose.

  I slowly slide out from behind her on the couch, paying careful attention not to wake her up. After what I did to her last night, the least I can do is let her get some sleep. Letty didn't want to move us to the bedroom, it didn't bother me. I took her over the couch. The way she let me ram into her from behind while she held onto the back of the couch, how she pulled my head closer and turned her head for our mouths to lock. Fuck, this girl got me good. I don't know what it is about her but I just can't seem to get enough. I need to get my head on straight. I need her to fall for me before the auction in March.

  When I finally got clear of the couch I ran to the bathroom to take a shower- it was freezing cold until my dick forgot about Letty's sexy body and it shriveled up like a raisin- I grabbed some breakfast, wrote a quick goodbye note to Letty and slipped out the door to practice. She was still sleeping, a low snore was filling the room when I left her behind. Damn, I wish I could have just stayed there all day and went round after round with her.

  The locker rooms were empty when I arrived at practice and I was still riding my high from last night when my teammates started to stride in. "Someone got lucky last night." Drew, one of our defensemen said when he walked past me. "Yo, forreal, it looks like some grade A pussy got to you, B. What's up man? Is she yours or can I get a taste too because you look higher than cloud nine right now!" That comment came from our forward Ronnie-also known as Ronaldo, a big son of a bitch with an even bigger mouth. My smile faded and I scowled over at Ronnie. "Yo, my bad, B. Don't mean nothing by it. I was just asking, okay?" Nate walked in with Kyle and Mason- one of our goalies. "You're just pissed because you haven't gotten laid lately, Ronnie. Lay off his dick."

  Mason snickered, "I mean who can really blame him. B's got a nice dick. If I were into guys I'd hop on that. Maybe give it a little spin. A pow-pow here, a pow-pow there." I shook my head, trying not to fall over with laughter at how this conversation turned. "What the fuck does pow-pow mean?" Kyle and Nate asked at the same time and I'm glad because I have no fucking idea either. Mason wasted no time explaining, "Oh, you know. A pow-pow." He demonstrated by standing on one of the benches and thrusting his groin forward while pretending to hold onto someone's hips. "Okay, ladies! Time for-" Coach Jones suddenly stopped when he saw Mason thrusting into the air, "-Mason! Hump the God damn air on your own time! Sit the hell down!"

  "Sorry, Coach." Everyone busted out laughing, myself included. These guys are insane but I love them- most of them.

  When we all settled down Coach started up again, "So we have some important things to discuss. Apparently the Football and Lacrosse teams have been doing better than expected this year and the Dean has decided to combine our annual auction into one night instead of the usual separate functions at the end of everyone's season. He wants to show that the University’s athletics department is united and he figures there will be a better turn out this way. Who the fuck knows’l Coach Jones shrugged and we all snickered.

  We all hate the annual function. Usually the auction is about selling stupid shit for us to get extra funding for our hockey program but apparently this year they want us to split the funding between us, football and lacrosse now. Wonderful. At least there will be other people there to suffer with us in our monkey suits. "The Dean and faculty have also concluded that they feel that we would get more funding with not only auctioning off products but with auctioning off dates with the players."

  Grunts, moans and "what's" flew out across the room. My dumbass just laughed at the thought of people giving their hard earned cash for a date with half of these clowns. "Coach! What the hell? I ain't no gigolo!" Ronnie bellowed, followed by Kyle saying, "Aw. Don't stress too much 'naldo. I'm sure you'll have a great time with one of the old ladies that bids on you." More laughs and snickers. "Coach, is this forreal? Do we really have to stand on the stage like a piece of meat and let people fucking bid on us for a damn date?" Nate asked. "I can get my own damn date. I don't need someone to bid on me!" Drew stated.

  "Enough!" Coach's yell shut us all up, "This is the way it is gentlemen. You don't like it? There's the door. It's one damn night. You stand up there, look pretty, get bid on....hopefully by a pretty lady, and you get a free fucking dinner. It's one night! The money goes to the program and we can continue to play damn hockey! Now, shut up and get your asses ready and on that ice in ten minutes!" Coach began to walk away, when he reached the door he turned around before leaving, "Oh. I almost forgot. The auction is no longer in March like usual. Since it's combined now, the Dean moved it to December thirty-first. Think of it as a New Year's celebration."

  More groans and grunts filled the room as everyone complained about the inconvenience of this new arrangement. Not only were the guys pissed about the new auction rules but that it now interfered with New Year's Eve plans and that we had to come back to school during winter break. That wasn't the reason my face was as pale as a ghost though. I looked over at Nate who was focused on me before I looked up to see Ky's wicked gleam. The sick bastard was loving this. He sauntered over to me like he was the king of the fucking world. "Well this just got interesting." He laughed and I let out an aggravated sigh. "I'll be looking forward to which consequence you're going to choose, B." Ky shut his locker and made his way out to the ice. I shook my head and raked my hand through my hair. Fuck. My. Life.

  Nate came over to me, "What are you going to do now?" All I could do was shake my head, "I don't know man. I gotta step up my game though. I thought I had until March but now I only have two months! I'm not losing this dare, Nate." He looked down at me, studying me for a minute before he opened his mouth, "Well. It seems like it only took you a month to fall for this girl so hopefully her heart works just as fast." Before I could even respond Nate was out the doors making his way to the ice and I was left sitting on the bench in the empty locker room feeling like I just got punched in the gut.

  What? Nate was crazy! I haven't fallen for Letty. Especially not in a month. Especially since I've hated her since freshman year! And she hates me too! Last night changed things but not that much. Not like that. Now my body just wants her. Craves her. But not my heart. I haven't fallen for her. I don't want her like that. Do I?

  "Two months." I said out loud talking to absolutely no one, "You've got two months to get her to fall for you. She's going to fall for you. She has to." With that I stood up and made my way onto the ice for practice. Letty will fall for me. She has to. She's going to. Right? But I couldn't help the slight tightening in my chest at the thought of her not falling for me because Nate was right. I have fallen for her and now I'm totally and completely fucki
ng screwed!

  Chapter 15


  I woke up in Brooks’ apartment mildly stunned and completely sore. God, last night was amazing but utterly stupid! There is no way in hell I'll be able to face him today. I need time to wrap my head around what happened. I know that I let last night happen because I said I was someone else but I wasn't expecting it to be so damn good!

  My body still feels his touch, his kisses, his tongue, oh my god his tongue. I'm practically panting just thinking about it.

  I close my eyes tight attempting to get up off the couch, my body feels like I just got done doing a marathon. Which, I mean, I guess I did. Brooks and I went three rounds last night, each one better than the last. I was not prepared for it to be like that. When I caved and decided to sleep with him I thought it was going to be one and done. I'd ride him, get off and be out of the house but apparently he and my body had different plans. I passed out after the first round. Brooks decided to wake me up by running kisses all down my neck. Biting. Nibbling. All the way down until he reached my nipples, the sensation was too much. I instantly woke up, soaking wet and ready for him.

  He was a lot rougher the next two times but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. When he took me over the couch from behind there was something about giving him control that turned me on even more. I've never done that before. Sure, I've slept around. There's nothing wrong with a girl liking sex. Hell, I love sex. Did I have sex too young? Yeah. Do I regret it? Nah. With everything else I've been through it's a miracle I'm even at this college. I don't have time for regrets. So yes, last night was unexpected but I don't regret it. Not for a second. And even though my body feels like I'm a ninety year old limping everywhere, I know that if Brooks took me again right now, it would so be worth it.

  But that's precisely why I can't face him right now! He was too good. I liked it too much. I need space so I can go back to hating him and not craving his touch. I thought caving. Being someone else last night and finally sleeping with him the craving would be gone. Disappear. But it’s only intensified and it’s making me terrified about what I’d do when he comes close to me again.

  When I saw that Brooks had left me coffee and a note on the counter an unusual feeling came over me. I couldn't place it but the warmth inside filled me and I felt like I was going to cry so I booked it out of there as fast as I could. Walking into my apartment, I try my hardest to be as quiet as I can. Not wanting to draw attention to myself and listen to Savvy gloat about being right. Or rather her looking at me and knowing that I slept with Brooks. It's better if no one knows. I managed to make it in and out of the shower without seeing her but the minute I went to grab something to eat before class she scared the ever living shit out of me, "So how was wonder boys cock last night?"

  I don't think I've ever jumped so far in my life. My hand came up to clasp my chest just as a squeal left my lips. "Jesus, Sav! You scared the shit out of me!" She chuckles before sauntering over to the fridge I'm holding open and grabbing a water. "That good that you're in a daze huh? Damn. I think I'm jealous."

  "Don't be. It's never happening again! And don't say anything to anyone!"

  "Who the fuck would I tell? And you know damn well, I know how to keep a secret so why are you even saying that?"

  I shrug looking pathetic. Savvy has kept all of my secrets, as well as some of her own, so honestly I don't even know why I said that. "I know. I'm sorry. I love you. I think I'm just confused is all."

  "Confused about what?" She quirks her eyebrows at me while she downs her water bottle. Her reading glasses are perched on the top of her head and I stare at them as I gulp down some water of my own before meeting her eyes. Letting out a deep sigh I admit, "I liked it. Like, a lot. I wasn't expecting that. At. All. And I don't know what to do about it!"

  Savvy shrugs at me, "So you fuck him again. And again. And again. Until it gets out of your system. No big deal." She looks me up and down before narrowing her eyes, "Unless it is a big deal? Do you like him?" I almost spit out my water at her. Choking, I try hard to catch my breath while she giggles at me. "No! I do not fucking like him. Not even a little! He's arrogant and stubborn and fucking annoying! And honestly, I know nothing about him! I don't even think I want to know anything about him!"

  She laughs, grabbing her book she turns to walk away, "Don't think huh? Mhm. Whatever you say, Letty. Just know that I love you no matter what, okay?" I narrow my eyes at her, she turns to look at me over her shoulder and I nod. What the hell does that mean? Before I get the chance to ask her, she walks out the door, most likely on her way to the library.

  On my way to class I can't get Savvy's words out of my head. Do I like him? No. Absolutely not. How can I? I hate him. He's the most annoying person I have ever met in my entire life and I've met a lot of people! Growing up in the foster system I was surrounded with people. Moving from home to home, all I did was meet people. I can't like Brooks. I know nothing about him. You have to actually know someone to like them, right? So why is there a small piece of me that thinks Savvy is right. That thinks that I might actually, sort of, kind of, like Brooks.


  This just made things a hell-of-a-lot more complicated. My mind is still on this stupid revelation when I enter my anthropology class and therefore I miss basically the whole lecture because of fucking Brooks! Why is my mind on him! But maybe this is a good thing. This will help me hate him again! Asshole is messing with my concentration. Yes, that is partially my fault but really? Come on. If he never kissed me I would be fine! This is his fault! Therefore, I can blame him and hate him even more. Just then my phone lights up with a text from-speak of the devil.

  Asshole: Hey. Interested in a repeat of last night, cowgirl?

  I roll my eyes at his words and it takes everything in me not to say yes. Instead I respond with a Fuck Off!

  Asshole: Huh?

  I don't respond and I don't plan on it. Mission to hate Brooks again has been put in play and I need to stay as far away from him as I can! Fuck him and his great love making skills! Him and his dick are not getting anywhere near me anymore. You can be damn sure of that!

  Chapter 16


  It's been three days. Three fucking days and Letty hasn't responded to any of my texts. I even tried going past her job but I was too chicken shit to go in and see if she was there. If she didn't want to fucking talk to me then Fuck. Her. But God, I just wanted to fuck her.


  My mind has been racing since Halloween and then when Coach Jones told us that the auction was moved up, it was like my stomach plummeted to the floor and I haven't been able to pick it back up. I go to bed thinking about Letty. Her lips. Her body. The way she tasted. The noises she made. I toss and turn, I wake up every damn day with my dick so hard it damn near hurts. I've tried to take care of myself in the shower the past two mornings but it doesn't help. It's nothing compared to the way she feels and when I try to think of her to get myself off it's like my body gets even more turned on. Is that even possible? Yeah. I don't know but tell that to little B because man he thinks Letty's vagina is some sort of heaven and wants nothing else. Fuckin shit! This is ridiculous!

  It's Saturday morning and I'm in the shower turning damn near purple from the sting of the cold water. Why the hell isn't she answering me! I know I can be a dick but I'm pretty sure she liked my dick when it was inside her the other night. So what gives? I remember her saying it was a one time thing but then she didn't have a problem with it when we had sex two more times that night. Hell, she even stayed the night instead of leaving right after.

  I shake my head trying to bring myself to the here and now. This shit is ridiculous. A girl should not be getting under my skin like this, let alone Letty. Fuck. I've been calling her Letty. I let out a defeated sigh before turning off the water.

  Wrapping a towel around my waist I make my way into the kitchen to grab some coffee when a thought pops into my head. I left her coffee. Shit. Does she not like c
offee? She's only ever had that chai tea or hot chocolate I think? Is that why she's pissed? Because I didn't know? Well, fuck her then. I was being nice. I didn't have to leave her shit. I laugh to myself. Why the hell would she ignore me over me leaving her coffee? "Who the fuck are you laughing at dude?" My heart almost fell out of my chest at the sound of Nate's voice.

  "What the fuck man! Where did you come from?" he simply holds up his key, laughing and walks to the fridge. "We got a game in a few hours so I wanted to make sure you were ready. You've been acting weird the past few days. You good?"

  "Yeah man. I'm good. Always good." Nate narrows his eyes at me, he could always read my bullshit.

  "Yeah. Mhmm. So what is it? The girl?"

  "She's in my head, Nate. I don't know what the fuck to do!" I look down, sigh and continue, "I thought this shit was gonna be easy. You know? Get her to fall for me. One, two, three. Easy peasy. I kissed her because I mean what girl doesn't want to kiss me, right? But that shit just ended up fucking me over because then all I could do was think about kissing her. And then we slept together on Halloween. She fucked me up. And not in the literal sense! Well, at least not just in the literal sense-"

  Nate snorted at that. "- I can't stop thinking about her, Nate. About everything. I feel like a fucking pansy. She's in my head. I know I have to complete this dare man but there's something happening to me. Something about her. And the fucked up part is that I don't even really know her. I've hated her for the longest time because she's gotta be so good at everything and it pissed me off but honestly I think it's fucking sexy and....Fuck! You see!"


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