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From Alpha to Omega

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by Cilla B Anthony

  From Alpha to Omega

  By Cilla B. Anthony

  Text copyright @2019 by Cilla B. Anthony


  I have been extremely lucky on this journey to write my books. Even though their lives are full, I can always count on, Jennifer, Erin and Birgit to help make sense of it all. I’d also like to thank Kudi Design ( for the beautiful cover.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  A note from Cilla- please read

  A/b/o is my favorite trope and I write it quite often because I love the dynamics. One of my favorite tropes under a/b/o is turning an Alpha into an Omega. What I don’t like about the trope is that once the Alpha has been turned, he’s suddenly the perfect Omega and the perfect parent and partner.

  When I wrote this story, I wanted an Omega who didn’t suddenly become the perfect mate just because he grew some extra parts. I wanted him to fight the sudden loss of freedom, the impending parenthood and to defy his Alpha.

  In this story Brogan fights the loss of his rights while his body is telling him to bow down to Cade. His fight is so hard that abortion as an option for him. If this is a trigger, please skip chapter 17.

  Chapter 1

  Brogan Ford looked at the mail that had just unceremoniously been dumped onto his desk by a very pissed off Omega. As far as he was concerned all Omegas were pissed off so that was nothing new, but he didn’t have to work with all Omegas, just this one; Benji Collins. King.

  He kept forgetting that part.

  Benji and his mate Liam have been together forever, but sometimes Brogan still saw him as crazy Benji Collins from their childhood and potential Alpha, not the bitch he has become since he first went ass up for Liam. Because of their past, Brogan tried to show Benji more respect than he did most Omegas, but Benji’s attitude made it hard to do that. Instead of keeping his head down and doing as he’s told he had to speak up and try to be an Alpha’s equal.

  When Benji came into his office with that attitude sometimes it’s all Brogan can do to keep his wolf at bay and not jump over his desk and bite down on his neck until he submitted as an Omega should. He refrained because Liam was his friend and he’s sure that not only would he be upset but so would all the other partners. So instead he gritted his teeth and let Benji have his way.

  He’d thought that when Benji had pups that he would want to stay at home with them as all good O’s would, but not the activist, Benji Collins. King. No, he left his pups in a daycare and came to work and not even Brogan’s needling made him feel bad about leaving them.

  He’d like to place the blame on Liam’s head, but he couldn’t because all their partners were responsible. They all grew up together and Benji was one of the guys until he presented as Omega at sixteen. Brogan remembered that day well. They were at Brogan’s playing a game of shirts and skins basketball when suddenly, the most tantalizing scent hit their noses and Liam beat all of them back to get to Benji. Everyone else continued to treat him the same but Brogan knew he wasn’t and treated him accordingly and Benji resented that.

  Brogan’s mother was an Omega and his father made sure that she knew her place, serving Alphas and then Betas. If she didn’t try to do anything outside of her household duties, she was fine and treated with the utmost care, but his father never once tolerated her stepping out of line.

  His Alpha siblings had been soft on her, but Brogan was like his father and made sure that she knew her place in the hierarchy of the household.

  Unlike Benji, she had been trained as a proper Omega. Just because she didn’t present until she was a teenager didn’t mean she hadn’t shown signs. When he looked back on their childhood Benji had shown signs as well but because it seemed that everyone else in their group were going to be Alphas, they closed their eyes to Benji not doing the same. Until they couldn’t.

  He quickly went through his mail, calling it a day when he saw the letter from an Omega Right’s group. For some reason, they kept soliciting him, but he thought that Benji had something to do with the letters. Brogan was going to have to talk to Liam about getting his mate under control. They could pay a Beta with a family to support, do what the Omegas did, and Brogan would only have to tolerate his presence at gatherings like the one tonight at the local watering hole.

  Checking his watch, Brogan decided to call it a day. He and the guys were going to meet at their favorite bar, Henry’s to wind down after a long week. Once he’s had a couple of beers, he’d forget Benji and his belligerent ways. At least for tonight.

  Thirty minutes later, Brogan walked into Henry’s and paused at the entrance of the main room. Pinching his thumb and forefinger at the bridge of his nose, he squeezed his eyes shut against the smoke that was burning them and to adjust the darkness of the room. Once his sight was clear, he surveyed the half-filled room looking to see if any of his friends had arrived.

  Not seeing anyone from the office, Brogan figured that he was the first one there, so he glanced, around the room to find a table that would accommodate their large group. Once he spotted a large partially hidden, empty table in the corner of the room, he made a bee-line for it. As he rounded the corner the part that was hidden by a wall revealed that the table wasn’t empty. In a chair hidden from view sat Benji Collins-fucking King; Liam’s Omega. He really was going to have to reconcile with the change in the man’s name and status because if he didn’t it was just going to give Benji something else to bitch about.

  Brogan bit back a curse as he saw the man sitting there, his head back against the wall with his eyes closed and his hand wrapped around a bottle of beer. It reminded Brogan of a pose that he sometimes affected after a long hard day.

  The pose made Brogan laugh, Benji was an Omega with a cushy job - even for an Omega - working for his Alpha at the company that his Alpha and his friends owned, so how hard could his day have been?

  Benji was your typical Omega in many ways, short, soft, pretty features and loyal, and in many ways, he was not. He was also confrontational, outspoken and defiant and Brogan didn’t understand how Liam put up with him. Had he been Brogan’s he would have had the little bitch collared kneeling at his feet the way his mom had done.

  Sometimes he was so blunt that Brogan forgot that Benji was an Omega until he saw the red Ω on the back of his hand. All Omegas were born with the brand and it turned red once they were mated.

  He steeled himself as he walked towards the table and greeted the Omega with a nod of his head before sitting in the chair the furthest away from him. This has been a long week and even longer day, and he didn’t want to deal with a fucking O whining about his lot in life and not for the first time, Brogan wished Liam had just left his bitch at home.

  No one else brought their mate and it didn’t matter to Brogan that Benji worked with them. The O should be at home cleaning – something or taking care of his kids. He was most likely here more for convenience than anything else, Omegas couldn’t drive without a licensed driver with them. The reasoning being because their heat could hit them at any time, but Brogan believed that it was because they were too simple-minded to keep their mind o
n the road.

  There was no threat of the O going into heat, no Benji was here because Liam didn’t want to have to take him home and then come back, but that was just an excuse. There were car services that would take Benji home while Liam enjoyed his night out and Brogan wouldn’t have to deal with the little fucker.

  Hell, Brogan would even pay for the Omega car if he could have the night Benji free.

  As soon as his ass hit the chair, the server was on him to take his drink order and while he waited for her to return with his jack and coke, Brogan searched the half-filled bar for Liam or anyone else, so he would not be alone with Benji.

  “He had to hit the head, so you can relax because despite being an Omega, I really don’t need you to entertain me. God knows that I don’t want to waste my breath on someone who can’t get past the fact that I’m an Omega and therefore doesn’t believe that I’m worthy of getting to know. What’s the adage, seen but not heard?”

  “No one will ever accuse you of that, and besides, I like you fine,” Brogan corrected, “I just can’t get past the fact that even though you are cuddled and loved to death, and shouldn’t have a worry in the world, you demand more. It’s not enough that you’re able to work, you want jobs that rightfully belong to Alphas and Betas. Just be happy with your lot in life and stop all of your bitching and perhaps then I’ll take you seriously.”

  “We just…” Benji began, “You know what, I can’t explain what’s wrong to someone who doesn’t believe that there is something wrong in the first place, so just enjoy your drink and pretend that I’m not here.”

  Sarah, their server, thankfully chose that moment to bring him his drink and as he took his first sip, from his peripheral view, he saw Benji glaring at him. See this was another reason that he didn’t deal with Omegas’- too fucking emotional. The O’s heat was probably due soon and he was just being hormonal.

  Brogan knew that perhaps he himself was being a bit unreasonable, he didn’t know if it was because he was jealous of their close bond or the fact that his girlfriend, Lara had been out of town for the past week. Now that she was back, she chose to go out with her friends, and he was taking out his frustration on Benji.

  They fell into an uncomfortable silence that was only eased when Liam joined them followed by the other partners in their company, Tate Wingate, Christian Stephens, and Brody Cameron.

  The others didn’t bring their mates or dates, but technically since Benji worked with them that was okay with Brogan if he didn’t start his grumbling about Omega rights. When they first started the advertising agency and Liam finally mated Benji, the Omega was on suppressants, but the doctor advised them they unless they were willing to risk sterility, he had to go off the sups and now Brogan was blessed with one week a month that was Benji free. Liam gave the man too much freedom, if he had taken him in hand when they first mated, he wouldn’t have this problem.

  “…gotta be rough man, to just be turned like that,” Tate said as he found a seat around the table, “how do they decide who gets to be the O-excuse me- Omega,” Tate corrected when he spotted Benji in the corner rolling his eyes at the derogatory name for Omegas.

  “What are you rambling on about now Tate?” Brogan asked. He wasn’t really interested, he just wanted to turn Benji’s attention away from him.

  “This episode of the news documentary I saw last night, I’m surprised you haven’t heard about it because it’s all over social media today. It’s a little heard about phenomenon where two Alphas, both straight, are mates. As you know once they find each other they know that they can’t be apart and must consummate the mating, but neither wants to be an Omega.”

  “Well that’s impossible,” Brogan scrunched up his nose as though he tried to picture how two Alphas could mate, “two Alphas can’t mate, it’s almost physiologically impossible so how does that work?”

  “Apparently by deception,” Christian another of their partners answered. “It seems that one will drug the other and consummate the mating with knotting and a claim mark while the other is passed out and when they wake, they’re an Omega.”

  “I didn’t know that could happen,” Benji admitted. “Imagine the ramifications of turning an Alpha into an Omega.”

  “Well, it looks as though you don’t know all things Omega then huh?” Brogan sneered, “I guess I’ll have to find another O expert then.”

  “Okay, Brogan that’s enough!” Liam snapped.

  The waitress from earlier came and took a drink order from the new arrivals and because he couldn’t place an order for himself, Liam ordered another drink for Benji as well.

  As he placed an order with the server, Brogan used this to cover his embarrassment for snapping at Benji. In a way he could understand the man’s frustration, because the thought of being an adult and not being able to do things for yourself would probably drive him mad, but at the same time, Benji was old enough to know how the world worked and stepping outside his role was only going to bring him trouble.

  “So, what happens to the turned Omega?” Brody asked. Brogan was sure that it was just to break the tension because like Liam, Brody was mated to an Omega and they both walked around as though they had discovered the key to the fucking universe. Both were always spouting that it was okay to have a relationship with a Beta, but Alphas and Omegas were designed for one another.

  “I mean if he or she is an adult, especially if they are in our age range, they have accrued belongings, perhaps property or even own their own businesses, what happens then?”

  “Their new Alpha gets it all,” Tate told him, “and there is nothing they can do. Not even family members can claim their assets once the new Omega is mated. Some of the new Omegas are saying they don’t believe that they are soulmates and destined to be with one another, they believe that the Alphas were just trying to get their hands onto their assets and want some sort of law put in place. They want to be able to retain their belongings.”

  “Sounds fishy to me,” Brogan said in a bored voice. “I see this as just another item on the agenda on the part of the Omegas to get equal rights,” he said as he made air quotes with his hands. Brogan wasn’t sure if it was the earlier confrontation or the alcohol that was now coursing through his veins, but tonight the tight reign he normally kept on the need to piss Benji off was loosened so he looked at his friend’s mate and said. “If an Alpha is so easily placed in a position where he can be drugged and knotted, it seems to me that he wasn’t that much of an Alpha, to begin with, and already had Omega tendencies so the Alpha who turns him was just giving him what he wanted so there is no truth to the claim.”

  He could see that Benji was upset and instead of retaliating, Benji jumped up from the table and ran out the door.

  “Fuck you, Brogan,” Liam spat as he ran out the door towards his mate.

  The occupants of the table sat in stunned silence as Brogan did nothing except toss back the rest of his drink.

  “I know that I’m often accused of being an ass, and quite often it’s true but even I have never done anything that dickish,” Tate reprimanded through gritted teeth.

  “I…” Brogan started.

  “I nothing,” Tate spat. “Did you know that I have been seeing an Omega for the past two months, but I haven’t introduced Jaime to you because I can’t explain to him how I can be friends with someone who is a classic Omega-phobe?”

  Brogan was shocked, Tate has been seeing someone and hadn’t shared the news with him. He and Tate were closer than anyone else at the firm and considered the man his best friend. He knew that the blond has been blowing off engagements with him and Lara, but he had no idea this was the reason.

  “Even though he knows that you don’t mean it, you need to apologize to Liam at least,” Christian suggested. “And you can give your usual half-hearted apology to Benji later,” he added when Brogan gave him a look that said that he didn’t want to.

  Taking a wary glance around the table, Brogan knew that his friend was right, and the res
t of the group would hound his ass until he apologized. He still didn’t think that he was wrong, but he was outnumbered. Soon it seemed that everyone but him would have an Omega in their lives. Christian was mated to an Omega named Paige who unlike Benji was unable to whelp pups, but Brogan hadn’t given her a hard time about that so, he wasn’t a big a dick as everyone thought.

  If Brogan had been mated to her, he would have had the bond dissolved once the doctor told him that she couldn’t breed. If he’d have been the dick everyone thought him to be, he’d have asked Christian why he stayed with a defective O, but he’d kept his mouth shut. Not that it did him any good.

  Reluctantly, he got up from the table and made his way to the door to see if Liam and Benji were still in the parking lot so that he could apologize and get this over with. He saw the tall man comforting his little Omega and almost convinced himself to turn around, but he needed to come to grips with his dislike of the fairer sex, and Benji.

  If he thought about it, Benji hadn’t really changed who he was since he and Brogan have known each other, it’s just that Brogan has expected him too. He can’t say that it was easy for Benji to go from carefree to having to get permission to conduct his daily living. Brogan’s not so sure that he could do it, but he didn’t have to and Benji did.


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