From Alpha to Omega

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From Alpha to Omega Page 2

by Cilla B Anthony

  Before he opened the door, Brogan tried to find the right words for both Liam and Benji. He knew that apologizing to the Omega was going to go a long way with his friend, but it still irked him that he had to apologize to him.

  As he stood there, he caught a waft of something faint, but amazing and realized that he was hungry. The great thing about Henry’s was that he also served great food so he would place an order to appease the appetite that he was working up from making this apology.

  Once the door opened, Brogan was greeted by a fist to his jaw. Liam somehow knew that he was coming and lay in wait for him. Brogan supposed that he deserved this, but that didn’t mean that he was going to take it, so he swung back. His slight height advantage packed on muscle and less emotional state gave him a small advantage and sent Liam to the ground.

  “Stay down Liam,” Brogan advised softly aware of the group standing near the door. “I don’t want to fight you.”

  Liam didn’t take the advice and stood up and swung at Brogan causing a small scuffle away from the door of the club. Brogan grabbed Liam by the collar of his button-down and pressed his back up against the wall of the building before landing another punch. Liam tried to break free and retaliate, but Brogan had stepped away leaving the angry man swinging at air, so he grabbed for Brogan pulling him into his body. As both Alphas had been drinking, neither were steady on their feet and ended up with Liam on his ass near the brick wall of the building and Brogan slightly on top of him.

  Brogan rolled off Liam and shifted his large body until he was seated beside Liam with his back against the wall as well.

  “Why do you hate Omegas so much, Brogan? Benji hasn’t done a damned thing to you but expressed that he wanted more freedom than he has, and you act as though he some kind of terrorist.”

  “I don’t hate Omegas,” Brogan sighed as he rubbed his hand down his face.

  “Oh, so it’s Benji then?” Liam growled.

  Okay, he was not really doing a great job of explaining, “I don’t hate Omegas and I don’t hate Benji; it just that I think that everyone has their place and should stay in it. Omegas are limited at what they can do and how they think and that’s why they can only get jobs specifically designed for them.”

  “Oh, you mean they can’t do much beyond receptionist and clerk jobs then.”

  “That’s exactly what I mean, and they shouldn’t have much more than that anyway because sooner or later they will leave the job for babies anyway.”

  “Perhaps they have babies because that’s all anyone thinks that they can do,” Liam countered. “We have pups but Benji is still working and doing a damned good job at both. My mate is smart and had he been born an Alpha or a Beta, he would have been one of our partners and not the office lackey. He hates the job, but it keeps him from going crazy.”

  “But he wasn’t, and he needs to understand that,” Brogan said softly. “He is an Omega and that won’t change. I personally don’t see the fascination with them. With my Beta I’ll have a true mate, we can plan and have things that wouldn’t be available if Lara was an O.”

  “You’re an idiot if that’s what you think. Benji and I have the same material things that you and Lara have; we have a house and we can go on trips and our bank account is quite healthy, but we have things that you and Lara will never have. We have a true bond, he actually understands what I feel, and he puts me first. Always. It’s never I don’t want to, it’s what do you need, and I know that it’s Omegist, but then there’s the sex. Hell, you can’t even knot your precious Beta. Chances are you can’t even give her a baby.”

  “So what?” Brogan shrugged as nonchalantly as he could because that was a sore spot with him and Lara. They were at the point where they were talking babies and he was going to give her a claim mark but as far as she was concerned, that was contingent on babies. “All that means is that I don’t get tied with Lara especially when all I want is a quickie. If we can’t have a baby, then we can get an O to carry for us.”

  “By the way, stop fucking calling him an O, he’s an Omega. You should give them that much respect that since they are good enough to carry a child for you and your barren Beta. Omegas and Alphas were made for each other, Betas aren’t really needed and that’s why they are the ones to keep the antiquated Omega Laws enforced. If you ever give in and get tied, Lara would be history, because there is nothing like sex with your Omega.”

  “I agree that we have a difference of opinions, but I promise that I will not be a dick about Omegas any longer, besides, I’m hungry and I don’t know what that wonderful smell is but I want to get the biggest one Henry can cook.”

  “What smell?” Liam asked as he shot Brogan a puzzled look.

  “C’mon man you have to smell that, it’s like a steak fresh from the grill, all bloody and rare, but there’s something sweet as well.” He took a deep breath and inhaled the wonderful scents. “Cinnamon.”

  Liam stood up and brushed the seat of his pants clean before extending a hand to Brogan to help the big man up, “Must be your hunger talking, because I don’t smell anything. I’m glad we had this - err talk, Brogan, but tonight has been ruined for Benji so we’re gonna head home. Brogan I. I don’t know how much more of this we can take. Overnight Benji went from being your friend to being something you try to scrape from the bottom of your shoe. He’s a good man and if you don’t recognize that then things will have to change.”

  Brogan’s attention was on the smell that was drawing him in and he barely acknowledged Liam’s warning or his good-bye. He couldn’t understand how Liam couldn’t smell that, but he was going back inside now to get whatever it was. He watched as Liam made his way back to his car where Benji was waiting before turning to make his way back inside.

  As Brogan got closer to the door, he saw her. Standing in the group he and Liam had passed earlier, she was a beautiful redhead with a heavenly body and a devilish smile, but most importantly, she was the owner of that wonderful smell. What he thought was hunger wasn’t, it was pure unadulterated lust. The smell was her scent and he wanted to wallow in it.

  Chapter 2

  Tentatively he gave her a dimpled smile as he sauntered towards her, his chest puffing out and standing taller, in an attempt to appear as Alpha as possible. The closer he got, the more turned on he became. His blood felt as though it was on fire, his dick was hardening, and he was doing everything in his power to keep from pressing the heel of his hand on it to keep his knot from forming.

  This was his mate.

  Brogan watched as she turned to speak to one of her companions and as she turned, the smell became stronger, he realized that the wonderful scent was not from her but her friend.

  When she stepped aside, she revealed a petite body with spiky dark brown hair, full lips, and eyes that he wasn’t sure if they were green or if it was just the reflection from the neon in Henry’s sign. An Omega. His fucking mate was an O. Brogan knew that after all the shit he had given Liam for Benji, he was going to catch hell for this, for having an Omega as a mate, but until he could bury himself in his Omega, Brogan couldn’t bring himself to care.

  The closer he got the better the smell and the harder he became, he went from half hard to a full salute to the group that was standing between him and his mate; and stepping up to the group, he made two discoveries. His mate was a man, and even worse, he was an Alpha and not the Omega Brogan thought a man as petty as this one would be.

  If he had any doubt about this being his mate, the way the blond scented him and returned his stare erased it. His eyes, (and yes, they were green) darkened and as if by a magnetic force, he made his way towards Brogan.

  Before they could touch, the redhead stepped in front of his mate.

  “Whoa,” She said as she placed her hand on Brogan’s chest.

  “Danni is everything okay?” a stocky long-haired blond man in the group asked the redhead.

  “I’m not sure Simon, but it looks as though Cade has graduated from college and found a mat
e on the same day.”

  “Mate?” Simon echoed as he walked closer to where the three of them stood.

  “Yes, mate,” Brogan growled in frustration. His blood was running hot and his fingers were itching to touch his mate, and there were two idiots standing between them. “Now please step aside.”

  Danni and Simon parted, and his mate held out his hand, blushed and said, “I’m Caden, but everyone calls me Cade.”

  Finally, Brogan was able to touch him. The simple touch sent a wave of heat and want, coursing through his body. Suddenly his skin was too tight and itchy, and his knot was swelling. Now he understood what Liam had been trying to tell him a few moments ago. No, Cade wasn’t Beta, but he was mate and even the hottest sex between him and Lara couldn’t compare to this man’s simple touch.

  Closing the space between them, Brogan leaned in for a kiss and before he could taste those plump lips, Simon cleared his throat and said, “Get a room.” Causing Cade to blush with embarrassment.

  “I think he’s right,” Cade murmured softly as he moved closer to Brogan. “But I don’t have a car, we rode with Elias and Simon...”

  “’S all right,” Brogan smiled loving the fact that he was going to be able to impress his mate as he thought about the Dodge Challenger he had recently purchased, “I’m parked over there,” he said as he absently nodded his head towards the parking lot.

  Brogan clicked the key to allow Cade to get into the front seat instead of opening the door for him, right now he was an Alpha and wouldn’t appreciate the gesture. However, once he turned, Brogan was not going to allow him to lift anything heavier than a fork and even then, Brogan was entertaining ways to be able to hand feed the beautiful man.

  Turning the ignition on, Brogan turned and twisted in his seat to look at Cade. “I. I live with someone and I can’t take you to my home, do you have somewhere we can go?” he asked hopefully.

  “No, I um. I don’t,” Cade told him. “I share an apartment with my friends Simon and Elias. Oh, God, please tell me that we…”

  “Our first time is not going to be in a car, especially since I know that we won’t stop at one time. We can find a hotel. I can call Lara from there and let her know what happened, but I promise that I won’t take you home until she is gone. I know that we didn’t plan this, but I want to give her time to find a place to live.”

  “That’s fair. If push comes to shove, we can go back to my apartment, but with them there it just won’t be comfortable. I just graduated from college, so I can’t afford to rent a hotel room for the time that we’ll need.”

  “I can,” Brogan informed him. “I own an advertising business with some of my friends and we're quite successful. After the initial mating week is over, we’ll see about getting you a job there if you want. Liam’s Omega, Benji works there and I think that the two of you will get along fine.”

  “We’ll see,” Cade responded.

  There was a hotel in the downtown area that the agency often set up their clients, and that's where Brogan headed because he had to get his hands on his sweet little mate. If he thought that Cade’s scent before was driving him crazy, they were nothing compared to how they smelled in the confines of the car.

  He wanted to roll the window down because the scent was making him dizzy, but he chose not to because he didn’t want anyone else scenting his pretty little mate.

  Cade didn’t speak again until they were in the elevator and that when Brogan sensed a change in Cade’s scent. There was a sour smell creeping in the delicious scents from earlier.

  “Cade?” Brogan asked hoping that the acrid scent didn’t mean that Cade was changing his mind.

  “I’m nervous. I have never been with an Alpha before, never thought about it, so I don’t know how this is going to work.”

  “We’ll get this figured out,” Brogan assured confidently giving the man his best smile. “I mean Google has the answer for everything.”

  Nerves were getting to Brogan as well and he was sure that Cade could scent that. They were warring heavily with the lust that was ramping up each second in Cade’s company. The conversation from Henry’s came to mind. He had nothing on him to sedate Cade but he was much bigger than his mate who was a foot shorter so the struggle should be brief.

  One thing he was sure of was that there was going to be some kind of fight because Cade’s wolf would not submit without a fight, but Brogan’s plan was to keep him off guard until he was ready to strike.

  The room was nice, but they didn’t come here for the décor. The reason Brogan chose it was because he was sure the bed would be comfortable and it more likely to be disease-free. Once the door closed, Brogan was on Cade. He was going to use this lust in his favor, so he reached down to take those soft lips in a heated kiss.

  Oh, God he thought, they were as soft as he thought they would be, so he took his tongue and ran it along the seal of Cade’s mouth until Cade allowed him access and Brogan’s knees buckled at the taste.

  “Gotta see you, Cade,” he begged, and he began to undress the smaller man. It was like unwrapping the best Christmas present ever.

  Once they were both undressed, Brogan pulled Cade’s smaller body into his so that his back was to Brogan’s chest, and he bent down to place kisses along the shorter man’s jawline. When he reached the sensitive spot behind Cade’s ear, he sucked on it wishing that he could place his claim bite now, but it would be just for show. Their claim wouldn’t be cemented until they were knotted but it would help make Cade aroused and relaxed so that he would put up a weak struggle when Brogan was ready to enter him.

  Brogan continued to work that spot until he felt Cade shiver and melt into him. Sensing that this was his chance, Brogan used his large hand and pulled Cade’s hands back until they were trapped between their bodies.

  “Brogan, what the fuck?” Cade nearly shouted.

  “You Omega, me Alpha,” Brogan said as though that should have been understood the moment Cade got into the car. Moving the struggling man towards the bed Brogan pinned him down with his weight and reminded himself that he had a plan in mind from the moment he realized that Cade was an Alpha so it wasn’t his fault that Cade was unprepared.

  It was like he told Tate if an Alpha could be so easily subdued and turned then he was leaning towards being an O anyway. Brogan was just helping him along.

  “Don’t do this Brogan, please,” Cade begged. “Especially since you don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “You know that this has to be done, Cade, Alpha and Omega, and besides, it’s not that hard to figure out who’s who. Right now, you only have one hole and my dick will fit there nicely.”

  The one flaw to turning an Alpha was that he was not going to be wet until he was turned, to show some compassion, Brogan looked around the room for something that would ease the initial coupling for Cade and spotted an assortment of lotions on the nightstand. Loosening his hold slightly, Brogan leaned forward to reach for one of the bottles and that’s why he didn’t see it coming.

  He had leaned down to give Cade another kiss and before he knew what happened, Cade had thrown his head back into Brogan’s face with such force that Brogan thought that his nose was broken. The instinct to check the damage made him drop the lotion and grab his nose left him open for Cade’s next attack.

  With lightning speed and precision that bespoke of training, Cade punched Brogan in his stomach twice before the big man rolled over in pain not sure whether to grab his nose or his mid-section. A few seconds later when he saw Cade’s hand come towards his face, he ducked thinking that he was going to be hit again and turned his head, unknowingly exposing the area just below his ear that Cade obviously wanted to exploit, the Vagus nerve.

  Brogan felt a painful pinch to the same area that he’d been suckling on Cade moments earlier, but Cade was the successful one as that was Brogan’s last memory before he blacked out.

  Chapter 3

  Brogan moaned as he tried to open his eyes. Everything was fuzzy and h
e couldn’t understand why everything hurt, but when he rolled over on his back the pain radiating in his ass reminded him of what happened the night before. How could this tiny little man have taken him down so easily?

  What was that he’d said to Tate last night? Something stupid about an Alpha having Omega tendencies if they can be caught off guard so easily. What a load of bull shit that was. He had assumed because Cade was so much smaller and had such delicate features that he would be the Omega but this morning it was him with a headache and a throbbing ass.

  Shifting to try to find a dry, comfortable spot on the bed wrought another groan from Brogan. He couldn’t understand why even his neck hurt and when he rubbed his hand on the spot where the shoulder and neck met, he felt it.


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