From Alpha to Omega

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From Alpha to Omega Page 4

by Cilla B Anthony

  “I’m sorry Mr. Ford, I’m sure you can understand how fickle these systems can be,” the manager shrugged.

  “Of course,” Brogan smiled impatiently tapping his legs wanting this to be over with so that he could go talk to Liam and the others. They were in the little office for what seemed like hours instead of the actual fifteen minutes. He knew that Cade was going to miss him soon and he wanted to have this finished when he next saw the man.

  A knock on the door eased the tension in the room and before the third party opened the door, Yvonne sent him a look of utter disgust before she asked, “Why would you choose to be an Omega? You had the world at your fingertips and now you have nothing. Coming in here as though you still have knot, trying to handle money.”

  “Wha…?” Brogan asked, not sure how she knew but the disgust in her voice and the revulsion on her face told him that she did.

  “Thank you for coming so soon,” The manager told the person on the other side of the door before opening it wider to admit Cade fucking Cooper.

  Chapter 5

  Brogan had been gone when Cade woke, and from the smell of the room he was sure that the Omega was most likely in the shower down the hall. He wanted nothing more than to wait for him and fuck him all over again, but he had an interview this morning and that would surely make him late.

  Wanting to give Brogan his privacy, Cade decided to make breakfast for his mate. They needed to talk, but not this morning. He needed a clear mind when he went into the interview and the few times that he and Brogan have spoken, he knew that this conversation was not going to be stress-free.

  Breakfast was simple, bacon, eggs and toast and his beloved coffee. He hoped that this was okay with Brogan because it was all he had to offer this morning. Later he would find out what Brogan’s favorites were and go shopping. He waited for Brogan to join him, and after some time he went to check on his mate to make sure that he hadn’t drowned.

  The closer he came to the bathroom was when Cade realized that something was wrong because he heard no sounds of water running or any kind of movement from the bathroom, but he knocked anyway.


  It was just as he thought, there was no answer from inside the room, so he tried the handle and the door opened to an empty room.

  Cade checked the time and muttered “Fuck!” when he realized how late it was. He wasn’t sure where Brogan was but he’s pretty sure that his mate would go home first. Like Cade, he would need bath and clean clothes so Cade rushed to shower and shave so that he would have enough spare time to drive by Brogan’s place to see if he was there.

  The blue suit he wore was the one his mom sent to college with him because she wanted him to have something nice to wear to church. In the four years he studied at the University of South Carolina the suit never once saw the inside of a church, but it did make him look more adult when he wore it in a professional setting.

  He was doing great as far a time was concerned, so he looked at the papers he’d printed out at the hotel to get Brogan’s address. He knew that time was not going to be on his side this morning, so he took the time to register Brogan as an Omega and their bonding as well that morning after as he waited for his new mate to awaken.

  He wasn’t old fashioned enough to make him wear a collar, but if he kept up the behavior, he’s exhibited this morning he would have to consider getting him chipped. Sure, this morning he more than likely went to his old home, but the next time -well he’d wait to see if there was a next time.

  Cade pulled onto the street that was listed a Brogan’s address on his driver’s license and slowed down in front of house number 508 and felt a modicum of relief when he saw Brogan’s fancy car, a Dodge something parked in the driveway. He hoped that the Omega enjoyed the drive because it would be the last time he did because Omegas weren’t allowed to drive without a licensed Alpha in the car.

  That’s why he needed to talk. Things like Brogan picking up his car keys and driving were once taken for granted but now he was no longer to do on his own. Cade gave Brogan the benefit of the doubt, but surely, he knew that Omegas weren’t allowed to drive. This was not a new law, it showed that Brogan didn’t think. Now that he was in his home, Cade thought that since he was not ready to share his new state with the world, Brogan would stay there in familiar surroundings until he finished his interview and they would have that talk.

  Satisfied that Brogan was safe, Cade made it to the interview with fifteen minutes to spare.

  Ten minutes after sitting down and speaking with the interviewer, Cade was offered the position and he fought hard to contain his excitement because he needed this more than ever now that he had someone else depending on him.

  Everything was going well when his phone rang, it was the bank manager at County Federal Mutual advising him that his registered Omega was there attempting to illegally withdraw money and if he wasn’t there within the next fifteen minutes then he would be turned over to the police and sent to an Omega Center.

  Cade tried to explain the situation to his new employer, but was told that if he left then the position would go to the next candidate and he was tempted to stay, but if the police came there was the very real possibility that Brogan would be made a ward of the state and be sent to one of the county farms for wayward Omegas.

  Twenty minutes later he was standing outside a glassed cubicle staring at Brogan flirting with the teller and pretending that he was still in control, that he was still an Alpha.

  Taking a deep breath, Cade knocked on the door and waited for the manager to answer. The confrontation that was about to happen he wasn’t looking forward to because it was going to be loud and public and Cade was a reserved person. He knew that Brogan wasn’t happy with the way things turned out between them, but he can’t believe that he would do something this reckless.

  There was a look of utter shock on Brogan’s face when Cade walked into the office, and it gave Cade a moment of satisfaction to know that he’d caused that look. He wasn’t going to rethink the collar, but he was going to get the chip. When they left this embarrassing situation, they were going to the nearest Omega Center and have that taken care of immediately.

  “Brogan,” Cade greeted his mate, but to his surprise, Brogan didn’t say anything, he stood up and walked out of the office and the building.

  Thanking the bank manager for his kindness, Cade quickly followed Brogan outside. He had to run to catch the man because his long legs made it harder for Cade to catch up.

  Cade caught up with Brogan at his car.

  “Stop, Brogan!” Cade demanded when Brogan turned the key in the ignition, “You can’t leave.”

  “Watch me,” Brogan laughed.

  “Stop!” Cade demanded again frustrated by the Omega's display of disobedience, “You’re an Omega and you cannot drive without and licensed Alpha riding with you.”

  “I’m not riding in that piece of shit,” Brogan declared. He wasn’t giving in because Cade was right, but he knew that by the look of disgust on the tellers face that if he drove from the bank, she would call the police before they pulled out of the parking lot.

  Biting back the anger that was building, Cade locked his car and climbed in next to Brogan who peeled out of the parking lot before Cade could fasten his seatbelt.

  The ride back to the apartment was quiet and Cade was thankful for the reprieve, so thankful that he closed his eyes to stave off a headache that was building.

  When the car stopped, Cade opened his eyes to take in the house he’d passed earlier in his search for Brogan.

  “This isn’t my apartment,” Cade says in confusion nor was it the Omega Center. He would make an appointment later because it seemed as though he and Brogan were about to have that talk.

  “No, it’s not, but then you really didn’t want to go there did you?” Brogan sneered. “I mean now you have ownership of a beautiful house and why would you want to go back to a dump that you have to share with obnoxious roommates. That’s pro
bably why you chose me because of my money so you wouldn’t have to struggle anymore.”

  Cade stared at Brogan; chose him? Nature chose to put them together, a pair of Alphas who were both out just looking for a good time. The most Cade had ever hoped for last night was a hookup with Danielle’s friend, Brock Lopez, because the dude was hot.

  Instead, he is being led by emotions that he’s never felt before towards an even hotter man who was looking at him in the same manner a starving man would a steak. Simon and Danni were worried because they were sure how this would end, that he would be Omega and they wouldn’t be allowed to see him again.

  To be honest, on the ride to the hotel in his head he had tried to envision his life as an Omega, because he was sure that he would be on the losing end of their struggle and even now he’s still surprised that he’s not the one smelling like spun sugar and stargazer lilies at dusk.

  “You sit there full of self-loathing and judgment. I didn’t fucking choose you, you felt the pull, hell you were the first to act on it!” Cade gave a snort, “I can still see the goddamned shock on your face when you realized that it was me who was your mate and not Danni.”

  “You didn’t lose anything, I lost it all. Because you couldn’t wait to file paperwork, I had no choice on how to distribute what I worked so hard for!”

  “I filed those papers because I had a fucking job interview this morning for a very good job and I had to leave it because you had to go and pretend that you’re still an Alpha and now I have nothing. I have to start over. I’m younger than you Brogan, I get it, I haven’t had the time to establish myself, but I will not let you fuck up my future because you can’t get it through your head that you’re an Omega now. Oh, and by the way even if I hadn’t filed those papers, you still would not have been able to conduct business, not with that mark of Omega on your hand.”

  Cade watched as Brogan checked the back of his hand in amazement as he traced the red symbol present there. Once the big man realized that he was marked, his face crumbled, and it was fascinating watching the myriad of emotions that played across his pretty face.

  He could tell that gaining the mark of the Omega never occurred to him, and he imagined that it still hasn’t occurred to him that he was going to lose the pawprint on his chest that signified his Alpha status.

  “Brogan is everything okay?” a feminine voice asked from her mailbox at the end of the driveway next door. “If this young man is bothering you, I can call the police.”

  Cade could tell that Brogan was torn, that he wanted to take the escape in the form of the neighbor, but the sight of the mark of the Omega made him change his mind. Cade hadn’t known the man that long, but he was sure that this was not the way he was going to let people know that he was no longer an Alpha.

  “I’m good, Issa,” he told the older woman as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “just a business disagreement.”

  Cade could tell the moment Brogan remembered the mark on the back of his hand because he quickly put it in his pocket. Cade was sure that if he thought that it would help him, Brogan would willingly cut off that hand to avoid having that mark.

  “Okay, then,” she smiled and dismissed them as she went back to look at her mail.

  Following suite Brogan opened the door and Cade hurried and followed because he wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to slam the door in his face, but he didn’t. Brogan left the door open and walked straight to the kitchen and grabbed a beer.

  While Brogan went into the kitchen for beers, Cade sat on the sofa and ran his hand over his face in an attempt to mentally prepare himself for the rest of their conversation. The thoughts running through his head were interrupted when he was attacked with kisses by a cute little dog. He looked to be a retriever of some sort, but he was just what Cade needed at this moment to break up the tension in the room.

  “Janie, down!” Brogan ordered the dog, who ignored Brogan in favor of the belly rubs that Cade was now giving her.

  “She’s fine,” Cade told Brogan wanting to put off the conversation a little longer, “Janie and I were just getting acquainted with one another.”

  “There’s no need to suck up to her because she belongs to Lara,” Brogan informed him as he gave Cade one of the beers he was holding. “Here take this and let me put her outside so we can talk.”

  The anticipation of the conversation was back and now a headache building at the base of his skull and he knew that by the end of said conversation the headache would have his brain trying to escape through his eye sockets.

  It didn’t take long for Brogan to let the small dog outside and now he was back standing in front of Cade with his head cocked to the side staring at the Alpha.

  Instead of talking, Cade took a pull from the bottle and looked up at Brogan’s long, lean body. When Brogan remained silent. Cade took his time, and when his eyes landed on Brogan’s pink mouth wrapped around the bottle, Cade felt himself grow hard at the sight.

  He had to tear his eyes away because now wasn’t the time for him to think about sex, they were a long way from that. They should be locked away getting to know one another, but instead, they were doing their best to keep from killing each other.

  “Do you mind if I go change clothes?” Brogan surprised him by asking.

  “No,” He shook his head because the time apart would give him time to get his thoughts and his body together. “We might as well be comfortable while we work this out.”

  After Brogan disappeared up the stairs, Cade stood and took off his jacket and tie before rolling up the sleeves of his shirt and he was sure Brogan was making himself comfortable as well. As he waited, he took in his surroundings and he liked what he saw as long as he didn’t have to live there. The house was… a magazine showpiece; it was all straight lines, metal and glass and the only colors were black and white with a touch of red.

  The combination of Brogan and some girl.

  The décor was so not Cade, he felt so uncomfortable in the room and he suddenly looked down at the white sofa and hoped that the dog didn’t soil it when Cade let her play on it. He was looking for a spot when he heard keys in the front door, and it was suddenly swung open revealing a petite brunette whom Cade assumed was Brogan’s girlfriend.

  Make that ex-girlfriend.

  “Who the fuck are you?” That same girl demanded from where she stood in the doorway. “Where is Brogan. Are you the reason he’s been missing for the past couple of days?”

  Oh fuck that headache just moved forward and was now throbbing at his temple, but he tried not to let that show as he moved to greet her. Holding out his hand to her he introduced himself, “Hi, I’m Cade. Cade Cooper a friend of Brogan’s.”

  She didn’t take his hand, in fact, she looked at it as though it was something beneath her, “I’m Lara, Brogan’s girlfriend. And speaking of Brogan, where is he?”

  He hadn’t really thought about the woman in Brogan’s life. He had mentioned this girl briefly on their way to the hotel but that was it. He could tell from her lack of scent and from her ability to scent Brogan on him that she was a Beta. Had he known he would have felt sympathy for her, after all, Cade had claimed her man, but her attitude took away any compassion he had for her.

  Hearing her call his mate hers rankled. He wanted to shout he’s mine, but he wouldn’t do that to Brogan. He wanted his mate to be the one to decide when he told people that he was no longer an Alpha, he could at least give Brogan that much.

  “He’s upstairs changing…” Cade started.

  “Changing or washing off the weekend of fucking anything that moved. Look. I don’t know who you are, but I’m going to kill Tate for pulling a stunt like this!” Staring at Cade disdainfully, she asked, “What did he do, go out and find some random O for Brogan to fuck?”

  Biting his tongue, Cade held back from shouting at her that he was an Alpha, not an Omega, random or otherwise, but he kept quiet. It’s not the first time he’d been mistaken for an Omega, even after he’d popped his k
not. He was used to it and had even resigned himself to a life as an Omega on the ride to the hotel.

  However, he did make a mental note to ask Brogan about Tate and his place in Brogan’s life, but then the fact that this Beta who thought that she could have a good relationship with an Alpha wasn’t necessarily a good judge of character. For now, he’d reserve judgment on this unknown Tate.

  “I assure you that he was not fucking everything that moved,” Cade smiled with the knowledge that he was the one doing the fucking and just to let her know that he was not an Omega, he subtly let out pheromones in an attempt to let her know different. “When Brogan comes down, he’ll explain where he was this weekend.”

  He may not have screamed that he was Alpha, but her assumptions made him angry and his anger had him scenting the room with enough pheromones that even her weak Beta nose picked up his scent. The brunette’s eyes widened when she picked up the scent that was definitely Alpha by giving a not so subtle sniff. Cade grinned because Beta or not, she responded to the Alpha in the room by releasing weak pheromones of her own. He’d bet her panties were a little wet even.


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