Slave to a Vampire - Book 1 Catherine

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Slave to a Vampire - Book 1 Catherine Page 14

by Katrina Kahler


  As instructed, Catherine headed for Bastian’s study the following afternoon. The other girls muttered and whispered behind their hands, but Maxine shushed them and sent them to their duties.

  “You will be working on the books for the plantation and any other writing task that Master Lavelle wishes to give you,” Maxine informed her as they reached the study. “Everything is ready for you. When you are finished for the night, you are to go to your new quarters. Up to the main floor and then to the attic room.”

  Catherine stared at her confused. “I’m staying in the main house?”

  “It is what the Master wishes, so yes. Tend to your work.” She did not say another word, leaving Catherine to settle in at the desk and begin her work.

  She’d barely started when the door opened and Bastian walked in. Catherine jumped to her feet to curtsy, but he waved it away. “Please, continue.” He took a seat in the corner of the study. Catherine tried to do as he said, but she felt his eyes on her.

  The night went slowly. The first few hours were very difficult, she struggled to concentrate with him in the room. She closed her eyes and pretended she was back in the home of Charles’ father, working in his study with the roaring fireplace and the scent of the sea air in her lungs. That smell at least was still here on the night breeze. A few deep breaths and she opened her eyes to begin her work again.

  Before too long, the sun was almost ready to rise. She stifled a yawn and stood. For the entire night, Bastian had not moved from his seat in the corner. She remembered at the last second to curtsy to him before heading out the door. He didn’t say a word. Catherine heard the other girls down the hall, but she turned away from them and headed up to the attic room instead. There was a full-sized bed, small dresser with a mirror, a fresh set of clothes for her to sleep in and even a meal, steaming on a silver tray.

  Maybe working directly for Master Lavelle was worth some of these new luxuries.

  The next afternoon she went to work as before. This time, Bastian was already in the room waiting. She curtsied then went to the desk to begin. The whole night he sat there, not moving or saying a word. She felt his eyes on her the entire time. After the fourth night, she began to grow accustomed to his strange behavior and thought nothing of it. She allowed herself to become engrossed in the work, enjoying the feeling that she was actually doing something worthwhile, instead of cleaning an already clean house.

  As the fifth night started, she once again entered the room to find Bastian seated in his usual spot. She curtsied and set to work, but only moments after, she found he’d moved the chair ‘til he was right on the other side of the desk opposite her. His gaze was intense and she found herself unable to concentrate.

  Not entirely sure where her bravery stemmed from, Catherine set down her quill and lifted her gaze to his. “Master Lavelle, is there something I can do for you?”

  His brow lifted as his lips twitched in a smile. “I thought you were already doing something for me,” he said softly.

  “Yes, Master Lavelle, but you sit here every night watching.”

  “Can I not watch a beautiful woman at work? Your handwriting is so delicate and the way you focus on your task, it is refreshing.”

  She smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thank you, Master Lavelle.”

  “Are you happy working in my study instead of cleaning?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “And your new room, is it sufficient enough?”

  “More than I’ve had before in my life, Master Lavelle,” she admitted. “But I’m afraid I do not understand your generosity.”

  He sighed and stood, motioning for her to stay seated. “The other night, I’m afraid you saw me fighting my demons. There are times when I cannot control what rages inside me.” He stared out the windows, hands clasped behind his back. “You saw me at a bad time…and I admit there have been occasions when I have shed blood for being disturbed at the wrong time.”

  Catherine felt her pulse quicken at the tone of his voice. It became deeper, more of the growl that she’d heard the other night. Slowly he turned. There was no smile on his face as he stared at her. Instead she saw something else in the deep recesses of his eyes.

  Loneliness. Years and years of loneliness.

  “But you,” he went on quietly, “you did not stand in fear before me. You did not run or cower. Why is that?”

  She thought about it, trying to understand herself, why she did not fear this strange man who clearly had problems that she’d seen all too clearly. “I…I don’t know,” she told him slowly. “I saw something else in your eyes, Master Lavelle. Something that looked sad beneath the anger.”

  For a moment his lip twitched and she thought she’d said the wrong thing. Then he laughed quietly and held out his hand. “Please, come with me.”

  Catherine’s breath quickened. What could he want with her? Did he mean to take her? There were always rumors that the masters were looking for girls to keep them company. Her hand shook as she reached out for his. He pulled her to her feet then quickly led her from the study and down another hall towards the back of the mansion. His hand was cold beneath his glove and she tried to understand how that could be so. The weather was hot and humid all the time. How could he stay so cold?

  They came to a stop outside a large set of mahogany doors. “This is my private room,” he told her, reaching for the silver knobs. “No one is ever allowed in here without my express permission. I want to share it, with you.”

  She nodded as he turned to stare at her and his smile fell just a little.

  “Are you frightened of me now, Catherine?”

  “No, I’m just…I wasn’t sure where we were going, Master Lavelle.”

  He laughed again. “Nothing to fear. Do you trust me?”

  Did she trust the man who had bought her at a slave auction? Catherine wanted to say no, but all she could think to say was, “Yes, of course.”

  Once again he turned to the doors then slowly pulled them open. “Welcome to my sanctuary.”

  Catherine followed him inside and stared around at the shelves upon shelves of books. She smiled as she spun around, trying to take them all in. “Never before have I seen so many,” she whispered in awe. “These are beautiful. How did you come to have so many?”

  “Many years spent collecting,” he said.

  She turned to find him watching her, the smile gone from his face and the sadness had returned. There was a hint of anger in his eyes and she quickly lowered her gaze. “I’m sorry, Master Lavelle, I am not supposed to ask questions of you.”

  Bastian’s frowned at her. She curtsied, not sure what she had just done to upset him so.

  “Why are you frightened of me all of a sudden?”

  “I don’t know, I’m sorry. It is just that I have seen the evilness of men over the past year.” As she finished speaking, her voice lowered to a whisper.

  “Show me your eyes, Catherine.”

  Suddenly he was in front of her and she hadn’t even heard him move. As the doors clicked closed behind them she realized she was entirely alone with him, this man she could not help but find oddly attractive with his pale skin and fascinating crystal eyes. He reached a gloved hand out to her chin and gently raised it up. The moment her gaze met his…it was like the first time all over again. She could not lower her eyes, even if she wanted to.

  “That’s better. I am not like those men, Catherine. At least, not anymore.”

  “I understand,” she said.

  He stepped back from her, tilting his head as he picked up a strand of her hair and held it. “Since you arrived in my home, I have watched you closely. You are not like the other girls. There is a fire in you, a drive. Your intelligence fascinates me. Your beauty is an added feature I will admit, I enjoy staring at you. I can do this for many hours.”

  She felt her face warm. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Please, when we are together, you are Catherine and
I am simply Bastian.”

  She nodded, too stunned to say anything else.

  “In this room, I have found peace on my worst days, but not until I met you and watched you stare down my demons did I realize what I was missing. Someone whom I could truly speak with, who would not judge me for what I am.”

  Catherine frowned. “Don’t you mean who you are?”

  His laughter filled the library and he reached out, touching Catherine. It warmed her to see him smile and his eyes come to life. “You make me smile. This is why it must be you who helps me.”

  She took a few slow steps around the room, running her fingers over the books as she took in the titles, thinking over his words “And what exactly must I help you do, Bastian?” Just saying his name made her pulse quicken and she glanced over her shoulder to see that a more serious look had appeared on his face. Not anger, no it was something deeper. As if he wanted her.

  “For a long time, I have been alone,” he said quietly.

  “But you have a plantation full of people?”

  “It’s not the same as having someone I can trust. Someone I can talk to. As you saw by my books, those around me are not always honest company.” He went to her and took her hand carefully in his. “I will admit my past is marred by various dark deeds, most of which I am not proud of, but alas I cannot change them.”

  His other hand reached up and cupped her cheek. He held her so softly it was as if he wasn’t touching her at all, but she felt the presence of his hand as her eyes met his. Her head told her to run far away from this man, but her heart made her step closer into his touch.

  “What is it you want me to do?”

  He motioned her towards the other side of the room where a large ornate desk sat, hand carved with intricate designs depicting scenes from some dark devil world. On top was a black leather-bound book, but when he flipped to the first page, it was blank. Beside it was a black-feathered quill that he picked up and handed to Catherine.

  “I need someone to write down my story, my whole story. And I want that someone to be you, Catherine. Will you do me this honor?”

  What would Liam think? What would her friends think? Would they call her a traitor for siding with their Master, for being kind to him? She had seen his demons unleashed that night, had seen what his rage and strength could cause. Felt it lurking just below the surface.

  But the man that stared at her now fought to keep the demons at bay. Slowly she reached out her hand and clasped the quill in her fingers, sat down behind the desk, and dipped the tip into the black ink.

  Thank you so much for reading Slave to a Vampire – Catherine.

  Reviews are like gold to authors and if you enjoyed this book, I would greatly appreciate if you could take a couple of minutes and leave a review.

  Warm thanks

  Katrina x

  Book 2 - Is Out now!

  Bastian tells his story to Catherine.

  Have you read?

  Angel – Book: Guardian

  Available for FREE, click on the link below.


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