It Started With a Whisper

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It Started With a Whisper Page 3

by Dawn Brower

  “Do not attempt to change the subject. I want to know how you came to be on a first name basis with Lord Lovell. Do explain.”

  “There truly isn’t much to tell.” Priscilla took a sip from her glass. “I became acquainted with him at the Baxtor masquerade and we struck up a friendship.”

  “One that permits the use of Christian names?” Tabitha’s brows drew together in frustration as she stared at her sister. “We agreed to remain unattached for this season.”

  “Well, that was quite some time ago, and I’ve since changed my mind. If you really must know, I have agreed to allow Lord Lovell to call on me. As I said previously, I wish to be courted. It is part of having a season, after all.”

  Tabitha shook her head, at a loss for words and no longer wanting to argue with Priscilla. “Very well, but I hope you do not come to regret your decision.”

  Priscilla grinned, her eyes twinkling. “I am quite certain I will not.”

  Tabitha begged to differ. However, she held her tongue. Priscilla had the right—even if she was wrong—to make her own choices. After taking another bite of her biscuit, Tabitha asked, “Where are Mother and Father?”

  “Still abed, I assume. I’ve not seen them yet this morning.” Priscilla brushed a curl away from her cheek. “Now that I have told you about my evening, do tell me about yours?”

  “There is nothing to share.” Tabitha averted her gaze.

  “Touché. I will pluck the goose down if I am wrong.”

  Tabitha jerked her gaze back to Priscilla. “Truly?”

  Priscilla gave an amused grin. “I am quite certain there is a story to share. Now tell me where you disappeared to around midnight.”

  “I do hope you are ready to pluck those geese because I merely went for a stroll in the conservatory.”

  Priscilla leaned forward. “Is that so?”

  “Indeed. I needed a bit of space. As you well know, the ballroom was quite crowded.” Tabitha nonchalantly placed a bite of egg into her mouth. She’d be a horses arse to admit the truth—especially after the dressing down she had just given Priscilla over Lord Lovell.

  The patter of footfall caught Tabitha’s attention, and she nearly choked on her food when she glanced at the doorway. Father entered the room with Mother on his arm and Lord Harcourt behind him.

  “It looks as though the truth just strolled in.” Priscilla gave her a smug grin.

  Tabitha swallowed hard then meet her parent’s appraising looks. What the devil could this be about? Why was he here…in her breakfast room? They could not possibly—

  “Lord Harcourt came the moment he was made aware of the gossip column’s content this morning.” Father placed a folded paper in front of Tabitha.

  Lady X’s column. She scanned the words, her attention catching on a few key phrases: delicious scandal…Lady Tabitha and Lord Harcourt…kiss. She closed her eyes, willing it to go away and all the while knowing it would not. Red-hot fury consumed her as she looked up, meeting Lord Harcourt’s gaze.

  “You did this!” She stood so fast that her chair wobbled in her wake. “It’s all your fault! You bloody—”

  “Stop it this instant, young lady!”

  Her father’s voice boomed through the room, stopping Tabitha midway between the table and Lord Harcourt. She glared at the rogue but didn’t dare say another word. Within a few rapid heartbeats, Mother stood beside her with a comforting arm around her shoulders.

  “Tabitha, darling, you must settle yourself. What is done cannot be undone.”

  Tabitha met her mother’s tender blue eyes and drew in a shaky breath. “Very well, but what are we to do about…”—she glanced between her parents—“the situation?”

  “You are well aware that we want what is best for you and your sister.” Father smoothed his cravat.

  Tabitha gave a curt nod.

  “Your reputation is of the utmost importance if the two of you are to be properly wed and our family name to remain above reproach. As my daughter, you have a duty to the dukedom.” He paused, his gaze searching hers.

  “Yes,” Tabitha said, her voice shaky.

  “Lord Harcourt also understands the importance of propriety. Though he is not the man your Mother and I would have chosen—”

  “No.” Tabitha’s heart sank, her stomach threatening to cast up its accounts.

  Father’s features became stern. A clear warning that Tabitha had better mind her manners as well as her mouth. She glanced at the carpet then back to Father.

  “Lord Harcourt is an honorable man. He will make you a good husband.”

  Mother gave her a gentle squeeze. “The engagement will be announced tonight.”

  “Tonight?” This had to be a nightmare. The sudden urge to pinch herself nearly overwhelmed her, but one look at Mother confirmed that she was not sleeping.

  “Yes, tonight at dinner. I have already sent out invitations.” Mother smiled before releasing her hold on Tabitha. “Now that you are properly engaged, we will allow the two of you a few moments of privacy.”

  Tabitha watched after her parents half in shock and half in terror as they strolled from the room. How could she have allowed herself to be scandalized? More importantly, how could she get out of this farce of an arrangement?

  “I have brought something for you.” Lord Harcourt’s voice broke through her muddled thoughts and she turned her attention to him.

  “I do not want anything you have to offer. Including Marriage.” Tabitha turned toward the window, wishing she could crawl through it and disappear.

  He stepped up behind her and reached his arm around her. He held a large, sparkling yellow diamond ring in his fingers. “It was my grandmothers. A family heirloom.”

  “I will not marry you, Lord Harcourt.” She fought to ignore the warmth spreading through her at his nearness. His muscled chest pressed against her back and strong arm around her made her want to cede to him, but she could not.

  “Now that we are engaged, you should use my given name, Colin.” He spoke closer to her ear, sending a wave of pleasant tingles through her.

  Another moment of this and she’d be rendered helpless. Tabitha inhaled a deep breath as she stepped out of his hold. Turning, her gaze collided with his. “Keep your ring, Colin.” She spoke the words with as much conviction as she could muster.

  “Come now, Tabitha. You cannot mean to refuse him. Not after the scandal you caused.” Priscilla pushed her chair back and stood.

  Drat! Tabitha had forgotten all about her sister being present.

  Priscilla snatched the ring from Lord Harcourt’s hand. “My, what a beautiful design.” She smiled, turning the ring over in her hand. “And that stone is brilliant. Try it on.” She held the diamond out to Tabitha.

  “It will not poison you. I promise.” Lord Harcourt gave a bone-melting grin. “Here, allow me.” He took the ring and reached for Tabitha’s hand.

  Resigned for the moment, she allowed him to slip it on her finger.

  Chapter 6

  Both Lord Harcourt and Lord Lovell were seen leaving the Duke of Montrose’s Mayfair mansion yesterday morning. By nightfall, it was confirmed. Lord Harcourt and Lady Tabitha are betrothed. This promises to be the most anticipated union of the season.

  Colin could hardly fathom what had possessed him to chase after Tabitha and kiss her in the open corridor at the Baxter masquerade, nor could he explain the ease he felt when he offered for her. He’d spent all of his eight and twenty years pleasantly unattached, and before getting involved with Tabitha, he had no designs whatsoever on settling down.

  Of course, he would have had to eventually, if for no other reason to secure his necessary heir. Nonetheless, he hadn’t been in any rush to choose a bride. In fact, he could not imagine why any man in his prime would relinquish his freedom to the bonds of matrimony. Not when bachelorhood proved so enjoyable.

  Now he found himself consumed with Tabitha. Perhaps it was her beauty. Maybe her spitfire personality. More likely a combination of
all of her attributes. She bewitched him every time they came near one another—made him want her, desire to be with her—even if they were merely sitting in the same room. He adored the challenge she presented and the fact that she did not behave as every other woman he’d pursued had.

  When they had parted this morning her final words had been, ‘I will wear this ring only until I can figure a way out of this disaster’. He had chuckled quietly, shaking his head as he took his leave. Tonight when he arrived for their engagement supper, he fully expected to find her cold and resistant. But to his amusement, she had embraced her role as his betrothed.

  Colin had watched her, first in the drawing room and then in the dining room, as she made easy conversation with the guests, smiling and laughing as though she hadn’t a care in the world. Every time she flashed the large yellow diamond she would glance at him and smirk with mischief dancing in her blue-violet gaze.

  Once dinner drew to an end the men retired for brandy and cigars while the woman made their way to the drawing room. Colin lingered near the dining room door as the guests filed past on their way to their respective amusements. When at last Tabitha and Priscilla strolled by, he reached out a hand, stilling Tabitha. “Allow me to escort you, sweet.” He took her gloved hand and wrapped it around his arm.

  She stiffened for a moment, her expression faltering, before giving a brilliant smile.

  He led her from the room at a slow pace in order to allow distance between them and the others. Confident that he would not be overheard, he said, “You are putting on one hell of a performance.”

  She angled her head to glance at him. “I am sure I do not know what you are referring to.”

  “Come now. You have been making merry all evening when we both know that is not the case. Unless, my sweet, you have had a change of heart.” He placed his free hand over hers where it rested on his arm and gave a gentle press. To her credit, she did not react other than to smirk at him.

  “More like a change of mind.”

  “Do go on,” he said, drawing out his words.

  “I intend to make everyone believe that I am pleased with this match despite how I truly feel.”

  “In time you will come to favor me.” He grinned roguishly. “I am quite certain you will have no complaints once we are married.”

  “You are delusional if you believe a word of that rubbish.” She drew in a breath. “I am merely pretending to fancy you until I can break our betrothal. That way, when I beg off, all of society will blame you. It is only a matter of time before I catch you in a transgression.”

  The devil she would! He’d not allow it. Colin had already come to like the idea of having her as his wife. He enjoyed their banter, longed to be in her company when they were parted, and imagined having her in his bed, bearing his children, and passing idle hours amusing one another. She could search all she wished, but she’d come up empty. He would not give her any reason to break their engagement.

  Once the others had turned the corner, he guided Tabitha backwards until her back came against the hallway wall. Bracing one hand on the papered wall, he leaned in. “The only transgressions I will be making, will be with you.”

  Tabitha had thought Colin was going to kiss her. She tipped her chin up and pressed her eyes closed in anticipation. Her pulse quickened as she waited, longing for his touch. And then he was gone. Without a single utterance, he removed his hand from the wall, turned, and left her alone in the corridor. Heaven help her but she was attracted to the rake.

  Pulling in a steadying breath, Tabitha smoothed her gown then joined the ladies in the drawing room. It did not take long for Priscilla to seek her out. Her sister dragged her off to a far corner before asking, “Did he kiss you?”

  Tabitha’s heart sunk, but she did not allow it to show. “Why ever would I allow him that privilege after the trouble he caused the last time?”

  Priscilla waved her silk fan through the air. “Because the damage is already done. You are free to enjoy his attentions now.”

  “I have no wish to enjoy anything from him.” Tabitha notched her chin. “He will not be my husband. I am confident a reason to beg off will present itself, and when it does, I will seize the moment.”

  “I fear that you are sabotaging your own happiness by holding so fiercely to that idea. Have you stopped to consider all that you could gain? Lord Harcourt seems genuinely enamored with you.” Priscilla’s gaze took on a dreamy quality. “You could find love if you’d stop being stubborn.”

  “With a known rake?” Tabitha laughed. “I do not think it possible.”

  “Love changes people. Give him a chance and you may discover just how wrong you are.” Priscilla snapped her fan closed and tapped it on her thigh. “That is it!”

  “What the devil are you talking about now?” Tabitha narrowed her eyes at Priscilla, her brow furrowing with confusion.

  “You are afraid to give him a chance because you already care for him.”

  “Hogwash.” Tabitha shook her head. “I could not care less where Lord Harcourt is concerned.”

  “Prove it.” Priscilla grinned. “Allow him to court you until you discover a reason to beg off. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised.”

  Tabitha sighed, growing weary with the conversation.

  “I will speak plainly since you are my sister. Now that Reginald is courting me, I am happier than I have ever been. I want the same for you.”

  Tabitha could not deny her sister’s words. The proof was written all over her face—in the sparkle of her eyes, the slight blush of her cheeks, and the brilliance of her smiles—she was enamored with Lord Lovell. Could Tabitha experience the same with Colin?

  She’d long dreamed of falling irrevocably in love. Of having a family of her own and a husband who doted on her as Father did on Mother. She glanced across the drawing room to where Mother sat chatting with a group of ladies. No one could question whether or not Father made her happy. Tabitha did want the same for herself but never had she imagined gaining it from a renowned rake.

  Priscilla placed her hand on Tabitha’s shoulder. “Take a chance, Tabitha. See where it leads.”

  “I will take your advice under consideration, but I make no promises.”

  Priscilla beamed, excitement radiating from her. “Excellent! You can start tomorrow. You and Lord Harcourt can join Reginald and me for a ride in Hyde Park.”

  Before Tabitha could argue, Priscilla strolled away to rejoin the others.

  Chapter 7

  By all accounts, Lady Tabitha is brimming with anticipation and excitement as her wedding day approaches. Likewise, Lord Harcourt appears to share her enthusiasm as the pair are spotted together daily, most often with smiles firmly in place and eyes twinkling. You can fairly feel the love radiating between them. What’s more? Lady Priscilla seems to have set her cap toward a most willing Lord Lovell.

  -Whispers from Lady X

  The previous fortnight had passed in a whirl for Tabitha as Colin diligently courted her. He arrived at her home every afternoon and took her for carriage rides in the park or strolls in her family’s gardens. In the evenings he attended her at balls, dinner parties, and musicals. Each day she found herself looking more forward to spending time with him then she had the day before.

  Bit by little bit he had chipped away at her resistance, earning her affection and stoking her passion. Most importantly of all, they had struck up a friendship.

  A sennight ago, Colin had taken her to Gunter’s for ices after a ride in Hyde Park. They had sat beside each other in the carriage enjoying their treats. His thigh brushing against hers had warmed her more than the sun shining down on them. She’d wanted to kiss him, and so she had.

  The memory flooded back to her.

  She glanced over at him through the veil of her eyelashes. “I have yet to taste the pineapple.”

  “It is delicious.” He took a bite followed by an exaggerated, “Ummmm.”

  “Won’t you let me try it?”

nbsp; He grinned wickedly as he placed another bite into his mouth. “Come here,” he said, pulling her close.

  Tabitha melted against him as he brought his spoon to her lips. It was the most intimate thing she’d ever shared with a man, and it made her crave more. “I wish to taste it on your lips.”

  She brought her mouth to his taking all he offered. A bone-melting kiss that sent heat flaring through her. When he pulled back she could not stop herself from exclaiming, “Heavens,” as she fanned her hot cheeks.

  “I share your sentiments, sweet.” He winked. “And there is much more where that came from.”

  “Always the rogue,” she said, swatting at him playfully.

  He chuckled as he captured her hand and in a moment she found herself laughing as well.

  Tabitha glanced at Colin who now stood holding his battledore next to her. They were joined in Hyde Park by Priscilla and Lord Lovell for a game of shuttlecock. Tabitha held her own battledore in one hand and the feathered ball in her other. “Ready?”

  “Yes,” Priscilla said, her battledore held out to strike the ball.

  Tabitha gave a hard whack sending the ball over to the other side where Priscilla hit it back. It went wide and Colin smoked it with his battledore sending it back to Priscilla. For a while the four of them kept the feathered ball soaring back and forth like a little confused sparrow. They cheered each other on, teased, and laughed as they continued to keep the ball in the air.

  Lord Lovell gave an exceptional whack that sent the little feathered orb soaring into the space between Tabitha and Colin. She swung for it at the same time Colin did and their battledore’s collided, missing the ball entirely.

  Tabitha bent to retrieve the ball and was distracted by a rustling in a nearby bush. She glanced at the shaking branches, but could not see what caused it. How curious. Collecting the ball, she stood and handed it to Colin before smiling at Priscilla and Lord Lovell. “Give me a moment.”


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