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Harbour Page 19

by Claire Boston

  It took very little time to clear out the wardrobe. Kim gathered the empty clothes hangers and hung them back in the cupboard. He seemed content to let her do the discarding. She appreciated it. She opened the dresser and took handfuls of clothes, shoving them in another bag. Within about twenty minutes she was done. The empty drawers and cupboard reduced the weight on her soul.

  “Where do you want them?” Kim asked.

  “By the front door.”

  While he carried them out, she started on Mark’s personal effects–combs, aftershaves, deodorants. She piled them all into a bag and tied it off. Now to clean. She would scrub every speck of Mark from this room. Alyse fetched a bucket of water and cleaning products from the laundry and scrubbed the walls, the doors, every surface Mark might have touched. Kim joined her and they worked side-by-side, not speaking but both determined to finish as fast as possible.

  With only one door to go, Kim asked, “Do you want me to vacuum?”

  She nodded. “It’s in the laundry.”

  Alyse had never seen Mark pick up a vacuum, but Kim knew what he was doing. It soothed her.

  She went to find Humphries. “Can I do the lounge room?”

  “Yes,” he said. “The only room we still need is the office.”


  The vacuum switched off, and Alyse took one of her candles into the bedroom where Kim was packing up the machine. She closed the windows and lit the candle, placing it in the centre of the dresser where nothing could catch alight. The candle was in a cute glass container so there was no danger of any wax spilling.

  “What’s next?” Kim asked.

  “The lounge room.” She had boxes in her shed which would be the right size for all Mark’s DVDs and games. “I’ll fetch a few containers.”

  Clouds had gathered, and the air wasn’t as crisp as it had been this morning, but it smelled sweet. She wanted to dance, sing and laugh. Across by Mark’s shed, another team of technicians were labelling evidence and packing it into a large van. When they had finished, she was removing the building. She could donate the shell to the motocross club and they could turn it into a toilet block. She grinned.

  When she returned to the house with the boxes, she handed Kim one. “Everything in here is Mark’s.”

  His eyebrows lifted as he took in the bookshelves filled with DVDs but didn’t comment. Instead he asked, “Is someone coming to get his stuff?”

  “Not yet. I can store it in the shed for now.”

  They began, working side-by-side to fill the containers. Then all that was left were the devices. Alyse unplugged Mark’s gaming machine and threw it into a box.

  “Hey, Aly, these are yours, right?” Kim held two MVP basketball trophies.

  Her heart squeezed. “Yeah.” She took one from him. “I forgot I had them. Where were they?”

  “In the cupboard.”

  She set the trophy on the coffee table. This summer she’d sign up for a basketball team. She might be rusty, but she could buy a new basketball and use the old hoop by the shed to practise. Excitement simmered in her stomach.

  They repeated the cleaning process, scrubbing, dusting and vacuuming until the room was clean. Next time she was in town, she’d buy some incense to burn in here. An exorcism.

  Humphries came into the room. “Alyse, we have the camera footage from last night. Can you take a look? You might be able to identify the person who broke in.”

  “Of course.”

  She went into the kitchen where they’d taken over the table and watched the footage, Bosch and Kim by her side. A large man, about the same height as Mark, but a little slimmer passed underneath the camera. She frowned. “Is that Craig?” Son of a bitch.

  Kim nodded. “Could be.”

  Her heart beat faster.

  He was far more involved than she’d realised. What was he searching for? She turned to Bosch. “What now?”

  Bosch pressed her lips together and then smiled. “Are Mark’s things ready to go out?”

  She nodded. “They’re by the front door.”

  “Why don’t you call Craig and ask him to pick them up?”

  Alyse loved the idea of Craig being caught in a trap. “I’ll call him now.”

  Craig answered immediately. “Alyse, how are you? Have you heard from Mark?”

  It was the first time he’d ever cared about her welfare. She needed to be nice, get him out here. “I’ve had enough, Craig. I can’t do this anymore. If you hear from him, please tell him he’s not welcome on my property again.”

  “Alyse, calm down. Aren’t you rushing things?”

  Was he kidding? “He’s been terrorising me for years,” she snapped. “I should have kicked him out a long time ago.” Craig had stood by and done nothing to help.

  Bosch touched her arm, motioned for her to ask. Of course.

  She swallowed her anger and made her tone contrite. “I’ve packed his clothes and things. Can you come and pick them up? I can’t bear to see Mark again.”

  “Of course. I’ll be right there.”

  “Thank you, Craig. I really appreciate it.” She sighed. The years of practice seeming sincere were coming in handy. “Park by the front door. That’s where all his stuff is.” She hung up.

  “He’s coming?” Bosch asked.

  “Yeah, he’s on his way.”

  “I’ll get my men to shut Mark’s shed and move the cars out of sight. We don’t want to give Craig any reason to run.”

  Alyse was really beginning to like this woman. “I’ll watch for him in the lounge.”

  She and Kim returned to the lounge and she opened the window to let in some fresh air. The black leather couches had to go. They loomed in the space, taking up almost all of the room, declaring dominance. She’d move them out to the shed until she could get rid of them. A beanbag would be preferable. And that obnoxiously large TV just reminded her of Mark, so it had to go too. Maybe she could donate them to a homeless shelter or a refuge.

  The trophies on the bookshelf caught her attention. Kim must have dusted them and put them back.

  “How are you feeling?” Kim leaned against the doorframe watching her.

  “Good.” She smiled. “Great even. I know Mark’s still out there, but I’m optimistic. Maybe Craig even knows where he is.” She picked up one trophy, remembering the joy and pride she’d felt when she’d won it. “I’m going to start playing basketball again and I’m taking control of my business. It’s going to be a new phase for me.”

  His smile warmed her heart. “I’m happy for you, Aly. And I’m here for whatever you need.”

  She moved to him and slipped her arms around his waist, hugging him. “Thank you.” A slight whiff of the frangipani cleaning product they’d used tickled her nose, but she ignored it, resting her head against his chest.

  Being in his arms felt so right.

  Someone behind Kim cleared their throat. Alyse stepped back, her face warm as Adam stood in the hallway, looking out the front door.

  She moved back into the lounge and asked, “What do you need, Adam?”

  “We need to go over what to do when Craig arrives,” he said. “We want you to invite him in here. I’ll be outside in case he runs, and Lincoln is down the hall. Ask him to take a seat and offer him a drink and then leave him here.” He turned to Kim. “I need you to stay in the kitchen.”

  “What are you worried about?” Kim asked.

  Adam grimaced. “We don’t think Craig will have a weapon, but just in case he has, we want as few people around as possible.”

  “No,” Kim said.

  Alyse placed a hand on him. “I’ll be fine. Craig doesn’t suspect anything and I’m good at hiding my fear. He won’t have time to think it’s a trap.”

  “I don’t like it,” Kim said.

  “You don’t have to,” Adam answered. “But it’s either the kitchen, or out in the shed.” He stared Kim down.

  Kim swore. “All right.”

  At the crunch of tyres outsi
de, Alyse hurried to the window. Craig parked his four-wheel-drive by the front gate. “He’s here.” He must have been in town for him to arrive so fast.

  “Come on.” Adam grabbed Kim and hurried him away.

  Alyse let out a breath. She could do this. As Craig walked up the steps, she opened the door. “Hey, Craig.”

  Concern crossed his face. “I’m sorry my brother hurt you again.”

  She stepped back to let him in. “Me too. Come into the lounge so you can see how much stuff there is.”

  She closed the door behind him, relief filling her. He was inside. “Can I get you a drink?”

  He stared at all the boxes. “You’re really kicking him out.”

  Why did he sound so surprised? “Yeah. Can I get you a coffee?”

  He nodded. “That would be great.” He poked around in one of the boxes.

  Alyse strode down the hallway and passed Lincoln whose expression was grim. Behind her, he said, “Hey, Craig. We’d like to ask you a few questions about what you did last night.”

  She smiled.

  Chapter 18

  Alyse’s phone rang as she reached the kitchen. She looked at the phone and continued down the hall. “Hi, Zamira.” Her words faded, but in the lounge room Craig’s voice was raised in a slightly panicked tone. Kim smiled. He deserved whatever was coming to him.

  “When Alyse returns, you two should probably go out to her shed,” Bosch said.

  The police had taken over the lounge and kitchen, so there wasn’t anywhere for them to sit. “All right.” Maybe he could help Alyse with some work out there.

  Alyse walked back in. “That was Zamira,” she said. “The Malay women have been in touch with their families and are getting counselling.”

  “That’s great.”

  Alyse nodded. “She invited me for coffee tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Are you going?”

  “Yeah. We decided it would be safer to meet at the bakery.”

  Good idea. With the police almost finished, Alyse’s safety was at the forefront of Kim’s mind. Maybe he could convince her to stay in town with him until Mark was caught.

  “How about we hang out in the shed while they question Craig?” Kim said. “You can put me to work.”

  She grinned. “You may regret the offer, but all right.” She asked Bosch, “Do you need me for anything?”

  “No. We’ll come and get you when we’re finished.”

  The sun was low in the sky as they walked across to the shed and the lack of clouds meant there was a particular bite in the air. Over by the man cave, the doors were open again and the lights were on.

  There was a certain amount of satisfaction knowing Mark and Craig wouldn’t get away with what they’d done.

  Alyse flicked on the large overhead lights. Her van was parked with the new bed still inside. He’d get Adam to help him carry it inside after they were done with Craig. “What can I do?”

  She studied him with a small smile that made his blood warm. “You’re pretty good with a paint brush, aren’t you?”

  He nodded. “What needs painting?”

  She pointed to several dozen wooden boxes across the shed. “Those.”

  He followed her over. “Are they hive boxes?”

  “Yeah. They’re called supers. I have some that need replacing and I want to put a few new ones out too.”

  “OK, show me what to do.”

  Some time later, Bosch entered the shed with a couple of police officers. Outside, night had fallen. They’d been painting for longer than Kim had realised.

  “We’re done for the day. These two will patrol the grounds overnight.” Bosch introduced them and Kim shook their hands.

  “Is there much left to do?” Alyse asked.

  “We should be done tomorrow.”

  Alyse tapped her thigh. “When you catch Mark, he’ll go to jail, won’t he?”

  “For a very long time,” Bosch assured her. “I’ll talk to you about testifying in the morning.”

  Alyse hunched her shoulders.

  “Are Adam and Lincoln still here?” Kim asked.

  “No. They arrested Craig and took him in.”

  They’d have to move Alyse’s bed into the house later.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Bosch left the shed with the officers.

  Alyse sighed. “Let’s call it a day. I need food and a shower.”

  Kim finished the side he was painting and then cleaned the brush. When Alyse turned off the shed lights, it plunged them into darkness, though someone had turned on the porch light. He took Alyse’s hand and heard her sharp intake of breath.

  “Sorry.” He hadn’t even thought about what he was doing. He tried to release her hand, but her fingers tightened around his.

  “Don’t be.”

  He couldn’t make out her expression in the dark.

  They walked across to the house and walking hand-in-hand with Alyse at the end of a day’s work felt so right.

  In the kitchen, Alyse pulled two microwave meals out of the freezer and held them up. “These do for dinner?”

  “Yeah.” But first he wanted a shower. “Do you know if Ryan dropped off my things?” It would be nice to change into something he hadn’t been wearing for two days.


  Kim rang his friend.

  “Sorry, mate. I didn’t get a chance,” Ryan said.

  Damn. He should have bought some clothes while he was in Albany. “It’s fine. I’ll pick them up tomorrow.” He could do that while Alyse was with Zamira.

  “No luck?” Alyse asked.

  He shook his head.

  “How about we wash your clothes tonight? I have a dressing gown that should fit you.” She hurried out of the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with a fluffy navy blue dressing gown and a pair of shorts with a drawstring waist.

  He tried the gown on. It fell to about calf length on him but he managed to belt it up. As long as he made no sudden movements, he shouldn’t expose himself. “Thanks.”

  “Go have a shower. I’ll heat dinner.”

  “Have you locked the doors?”

  “I’ll check them now.”

  Kim waited until she returned and confirmed the house was secure, then he went into the bathroom. At Alyse’s request, the investigators had removed the surveillance cameras. He showered quickly, not wanting to leave Alyse alone. Then he slipped on the shorts and the fluffy gown, adjusting the belt to make sure it wouldn’t come undone. He’d have to be careful he didn’t spend the evening flashing his chest at Alyse. He gathered his clothes and took them through to the laundry. Before he switched on the washing machine, he called to Alyse, “Do you have any washing?”

  “I’ll leave mine for the morning.”

  He added the detergent and put the machine on the washer/dryer setting. As he walked into the kitchen, the microwave dinged.

  “Great timing,” Alyse said. She switched the meals, placing the steaming container on the table and set the microwave going again. Then she turned to him and her grin was like a supernova. “Love the outfit.” Her chuckle sang to his heart and Kim resisted the urge to pull her close.

  “I make it look good.” He posed.

  She shook her head. “I’ll have my shower. Don’t wait for me to eat.”

  Kim poured them both a glass of water. The curtains were closed, reminding him Mark was still out there, still a threat. What could he do to protect Alyse?

  He sat in front of his limp corned beef and vegetable meal. He picked at it and debated whether to call Adam. No, he would still be with Craig, and Adam couldn’t tell him about the case. Until Mark was caught, Alyse was in danger.

  Perhaps he should booby trap the doors and windows, figure out an escape plan if Mark showed up. Kim’s car was still parked outside, but he could move it next to Alyse’s bedroom window.

  The microwave finished and he took Alyse’s meal out. How could he protect her from a man with a gun? He was useless. His presence wouldn’t prevent
Mark from attacking her, it would more likely encourage him.

  The simple truth was they needed to find Mark and put him behind bars for good.

  Could they lure him out somehow?

  Not without a way to contact him, and he’d heard Bosch say they couldn’t trace Mark’s phone.

  Alyse returned, her long red hair towel-dried, and wearing black tracksuit pants and a grey hoodie. It wasn’t anything special, but it still looked good on her—the pants tight enough to hint at her lush bottom and the jumper not so baggy he couldn’t glimpse her rounded breasts. He shouldn’t be admiring her body. She didn’t need that kind of attention right now. He sipped his water. “Have a nice shower?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” She sat across from him and started eating.

  Kim forced himself to eat some of the bland meal. “Are you happy with what you achieved today?”

  She grinned, a beam of sunshine, and Kim’s breath left him.

  “Yes. Today has to go down as one of the best days ever. I cleared Mark out, went on a boat without having a complete meltdown and I kissed…” Her face flamed and she glanced at her food. “You.”

  He cheered inwardly, but he stayed outwardly calm. “The kiss was a highlight for me too.”

  Her smile captured her pleasure. He wanted to kiss her again.

  Slowly. Everything with Alyse had to be slow and careful so he didn’t frighten her.

  “I’m glad.” She cleared her throat. “I thought tomorrow we’d finish the work in the shed.”

  “Sounds good.” Staying at home while the police were still here would be safer for her. He hoped she didn’t need to check any of her isolated hives anytime soon.

  Kim threw the meal container in the bin and put the kettle on. He yawned, covering his mouth, exhaustion hovering over his body.

  Alyse laughed. “Sounds like you’re as tired as I am. How about we go to bed early?”

  The vision of sleeping next to Alyse was appealing, but it wasn’t what she meant. “Sounds good to me. Will you sleep in the master bedroom?” He got two mugs out of the cupboard.


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