All Our Lives

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All Our Lives Page 9

by Violet Haze

  Because I’m lonely.

  I’m far away from my friends and co-workers and the life I’ve always known. And I miss them all.

  I miss him.

  “You don’t have to do this.” Soft-spoken as always, she waves a hand at the growing circus of people outside the window. “This is the best way to let the world know you’re living and have returned home, as it allows us to control everything, but you don’t need to. Marshall and I are simply glad you’re alive and well. You needn’t do this for our sake.”

  “It will never get easier, will it?”

  “No, darling, it won’t.”

  My nose tingles as tears spring to my eyes even while I shake my head. “I have to do this. For me.”

  And little does she know, my public announcement may coax Tobias’ ex-uncle out of hiding, for Ivor and I are convinced he knows who we both are, and will recognize me.

  I can’t back down.

  Because until he’s caught, my life won’t move forward. And I refuse to live in fear.

  “I’m ready.”

  We leave the room, and minutes later, we’re standing outside the gates as cameras flash. I’m standing between Marshall and Francis, who introduce me.

  I can barely keep up with the questions flying around the moment they are informed as to my identity. They are all over the place — wondering why my name is different, where I’ve been all these years, how long they’ve known — on and on. Most are deflected with a soft smile, and a ‘that’s private’ comment, until soon my grandparents are thanking the press for coming to the statement, requesting that they continue to respect our privacy.

  And when we’re finally inside the house, I realize how tired I am.

  “I’m going to rest for a little while.”

  My grandparents nod as if they completely understand, and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m out within seconds.


  “Joce, open your eyes.”

  At first, when I open them, I’m convinced I’m dreaming.

  Iris and Dexter are sitting on my bed, grinning at me.

  “What?” I rub my eyes and sit up. “Are you guys real?”

  Iris tackles me in a hug.

  “I guess that answers that.” I embrace her back, then pat her shoulder. “Let me up!”

  She giggles, returning us both to a sitting position.

  I raise a brow at her as I cross my arms over my chest. “Explain.”

  “You’ve been really depressed.” This comes from Dexter. “And we couldn’t stand it. So we came to cheer you up.”

  “Yeah. We saw you on t.v.,” Iris says with a grimace. “The whole thing looked a bit brutal. They were real nosy!”

  “Aw, you guys are the best. I’m fine though, really.”

  They both scowl at me and jump off the bed. “Come on, we’ve got a surprise for you downstairs.”

  “It’s not a skating party, is it?”

  Laughing, they trap me between them, each holding one of my hands as they lead me down the steps.

  I stop abruptly in the doorway, noticing two things in that instant: the sun is setting, which means I’ve slept a bit longer than I intended.

  And there, standing in front of the bay windows, is Tobias.

  It’s crazy, but the moment he turns and locks his beautiful dark gaze I missed so much with mine, my legs move of their own volition.

  The sound of the doors closing behind me as Iris and Dexter leave us alone barely registers as I reach Tobias, and throw my arms around his neck.

  He says nothing, cradling my head as I bawl into his neck, sobs forcing their way out of me as I cling to him. I don’t know how long we’re standing there before he picks me up and carries me over to the couch.

  Arranging my body so I’m straddling his lap and we’re eye to eye, he gazes at me, his mouth in a grim line. “I’m sorry. I tried to stay away, but I couldn’t do it.”

  “What?” I move my hands to his shoulders, relaxing as I return his stare. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “I lied. I am an asshole sometimes.”


  He brings his hands up and grips my upper arms, moving his face close to mine so our lips are barely a whisper apart. “Your phone call made me angry, mostly at myself. I thought I was doing the right thing, but it was stupid. I’m stupid.” He kisses my cheek before resting his forehead against mine. “I was trying to decide when I should visit and surprise you, then I saw you on t.v. and you looked so scared, even with the smile on your face. And I was angry at all their questions, and the fact I wasn’t here to stand next to you. I fucked up, Joce, and I’m sorry, but I won’t wait for you, because you’re going to have me by your side from this moment on. If you don’t know what love is, then I’ll fucking show you, like I should’ve from the beginning.”

  My eyes round in surprise. “What about your work?”

  “They have my number if they need me, but I’m not leaving your side unless there’s an emergency, and it better be a really big fucking deal or I’m going to fire them all.”

  I laugh even as tears fill my eyes. “You didn’t call me.”

  He moves his arms up until he’s cradling my head in his hands. “I don’t have an excuse. I should’ve called you, no matter what I thought.”

  “Did my grandparents know you were coming?”

  “Yes, I called them after I saw you on t.v. They sent their car to pick us up from the airport.”

  I know he’s waiting for me to say it’s okay, or tell him to go away. And for a moment, I entertain the idea of sending him away, the ache in my chest still smarting from his rejection. But I can’t do it, because I believe he really isn’t going anywhere this time.

  “So, what are you waiting for?” I ask with a smile. “Aren’t you going to kiss me?”

  In an instant, his hands are all over me, pulling me as close to him as possible and groans.

  “We should go to your room,” he mutters against my lips. “Anybody could walk in.”

  “Fuck that.” I yank at his tie, sliding it off and tossing it on the floor, grinning at him. “Everybody knocks here, and it’s been three fucking weeks too long.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  With a naughty chuckle, his hands slide underneath my skirt, slipping between my legs. Moaning as he slips his hand inside my panties, I reach between us and after removing his belt, unbuckling his pants at the same time he thrusts his fingers inside me. Reaching into his pants, I grasp his cock and pull it out, squeezing and stroking as he strokes my g-spot.

  “Oh, oh!” I move my hips, unable to resist fucking his hand, my body starved for his attention as I release him and place my hands on his shoulders to support myself. “Yes, right—god, that feels so fucking nice.”

  He moves his hand faster, making the tension build higher and higher, until I arch my back as my orgasm hits full force.

  Cradling my trembling form in his arms, he picks me up and lays me on the floor with a muttered, “Fuck it.” Within seconds he’s fucking me deep, my fingers digging into his shoulders, legs wrapped around his waist tight.

  “Fuck, I missed this.” He captures my mouth with his, plunging his tongue into my mouth over and over, mimicking the actions of his cock briefly before pulling back. “Dammit, I missed you, Joce.”

  “I missed you, too.”

  His thrusts falter for a second at my declaration, then speed up as he grips my hair and holds me still, groaning into the side of my neck. He pulls his cock to the tip, tugging my hair back to bare my neck, as he sinks back in slowly.

  There are no more words between us, and when he comes and collapses against me, he whispers, “I really like your skirt.”

  My response is to laugh, my first genuine laugh in what seems like forever.

  And for the first time in weeks, the ache in my chest lifts, leaving me with the feeling that perhaps everything would be okay after all.

  But I don’t dwell on it.

stead, I pull Tobias’ mouth back to mine and show him how happy I am in this moment.


  I slip out from under Tobias’ arm, needing something to drink.

  I usually leave a bottle of water next to the bed, but his arrival threw me off, making me forget.

  Slipping on my robe, I tip toe across the room and out the door, heading down the steps and into the kitchen.

  As I’m about to turn on the light, I’m grabbed from behind, a hand going over my mouth as I instinctively scream against it, the assailant’s other arm holding mine down. All I can do is kick, but the person dragging me knows their way, and holds me high enough my feet skim the floor, unable to make contact.

  Seconds laters we’re outside, and I deduce I’ve been taken out the back door, which I wouldn’t have noticed stood open in the dark.

  I still struggle against my attacker to keep up appearances that I’m panicked, making sure to take in everything I can. The size of the frame and his hand against my mouth let me know I’m being taken by a man. As we get further and further from the house, I rack my brain trying to figure out a way to get loose.

  Then, I remember something I saw in a movie once.

  And I stop struggling, going limp to throw him off.

  He falters in his step for just a moment, but it’s all I need.

  I move fast, jamming my elbow back into his stomach. He grunts, his hand around my arms loosening, freeing me enough that I clasp mine together, thrusting up and back with my elbow, catching him in the nose, then switching arms and slamming my other elbow into his groin.

  As soon as his reflexes cause him to let me go to grab himself, I stumble away toward the house, screaming at the top of my lungs. “Fire! Help me! Fire!”

  I can’t see anything in the dark, and lose my footing, landing on the ground and twisting my foot.

  Opening my mouth to resume my screaming, something slams me in the back of the head, sending pain radiating throughout my skull as the man says, “Lights out, bitch.”

  It’s on the edge of passing out that I place the voice.

  Mr. Cain.


  Two voices are arguing as I come to.

  “You weren’t supposed to hurt her, you fucking idiot.”

  I keep my eyes closed, afraid if I open them they will notice I’m awake, and I want as much information as possible.

  I don’t recognize the man berating Mr. Cain, but I listen while quietly testing the ropes tied around my hands and feet. I’m unable to move much, as I’m laying on a bed in a dark room, but I turn my head toward the voices.

  “She attacked me and ran. Was I supposed to let her go?”

  Mr. Cain’s voice is whiny and I can’t resist a smile. I might be lying tied up in this bed, but if I hadn’t slipped in the grass, he’d’ve been bested by a woman.

  They move out of hearing distance, and I move my hands furiously, hoping he messed up enough for me to get loose, but the ropes have no give.

  Apparently he can do one thing correct.

  With no idea where I am, I can’t even hope Tobias will find me. I didn’t see any lights turn on in the house when I’d been screaming, which means I can’t be sure they even know I’m missing yet.

  That I’ve been kidnapped.


  Nobody can claim I have all the luck, at least.

  I freeze as the door opens, and I hear someone flip the light switch, then pull up a chair to the side of the bed.

  “Open your eyes.” It’s the strange man’s voice, only it’s soft and cajoling, deceptive in its sweetness. “Your breathing gives away the fact you’re awake.”

  I blink rapidly at the brightness of the light, my head still aching from the blow; knowing what I’ll see when I look at the man who has Mr. Cain under his thumb, I keep my face blank.

  And as I meet his heartless bright blue gaze, in a new visage which does nothing to mask his sinister nature, something Tobias said what seems like an eternity ago comes back to me.

  “It was my uncle Artemis who grabbed you in those woods, and once he had you sufficiently drugged he convinced you we were cursed, and the only way to break the spell was to kill me.”

  That sentence gives me the tools I need to connive my way out of here.

  At least, I hope so.

  Either way, if I’m going to die, I’m going to die while trying to get free. So, I do what he least expects.

  Thinking of how happy I’ll be when I get out of here, the smile that slowly glides over my face is natural, and his face fills with confusion as I say, “It’s about damn time you came for me, Artemis.”

  He stumbles up out of his chair, sending it sliding back as his face drains of color, staring at me in horror. “You know who I am?”

  “Yes.” I keep the smile on my face, acting as I’m thrilled to see him. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”

  “Is this a trick?” He hisses the words, back against the wall, hand white from gripping the doorknob to death. “How do you know my name?”

  “It’s your eyes, Artemis. I would recognize you anywhere.” I want to choke on the words, but I know my very life depends on me tricking him sufficiently; I sweeten my tone, lowering my voice as a lover would. “I’m yours, remember? Isn’t that what you said you wanted me to remember in the woods? How we were meant to be?”

  “I don’t believe you. You married him.”

  “Artemis,” I whine, trembling my lower lip to appear as if I’m about to cry. “I had to; he was going to take my diner! I simply did what I had to do until you found me.”

  His stance softens as he releases the doorknob, coming toward the bed once more.


  I wiggle on the bed, letting out a sob while keeping my gaze on his face. “Please untie my hands,” I beg, keeping my eyes wide, and connected with his. “The rope’s hurting me.”

  He leans over me, the scowl back on his face, as he murmurs, “Do I look fucking stupid to you?”

  I gasp as his hands circle my throat, cutting off my air, his eyes full of hatred.

  “That stupid bitch didn’t even do her job. I hire her to do one thing — kidnap and murder you as an infant — and what does the stupid cunt do? Kills your mother and takes off with you.” He relaxes his fingers, allowing me to gulp for air, before tightening them again. It’s all I can do to focus on his words while trying to remain conscious, praying for a rescue. “She hid you well. I don’t know where the fuck she was keeping you the day I murdered her and the man she married, but you’re one lucky fucking bitch.”

  Again he releases his grip, my body automatically seeking the air it desperately needs for only seconds before his hands tighten again. “Hurts doesn’t it? It’s too bad I have to kill you quickly, since you attacked Mr. Cain, screaming enough to alert someone. I was looking forward to fucking you one final time.”

  He squeezes tighter, and I close my eyes, my body going numb.

  That’s when I hear someone call out Artemis’ name.

  His hands lighten, but it’s too late for me as I finally pass out.


  “Come on, love. I need to see those beautiful fucking eyes of yours. Please wake up.”

  At the sound of Tobias’ tortured words, I try to do as he commands, only to frown as my heavy eyelids refuse to follow his order.

  “Did you see that? She frowned.”

  “You’re seeing things.”


  “No, I’m not.” I feel him take my hand in his and squeeze it. “I saw that, love. Open those eyes. I know they’re heavy, but you can do it.”

  I focus, lifting them a little.

  I repeat this twice more until my eyes open completely.

  Where I discover myself surrounded by people as I lie in a hospital bed.

  “Fuck, am I happy to see you awake,” Tobias grounds out, getting close enough to my face to block everyone else out. “Don’t try to talk, love. They had a tube down your throat unt
il a few hours ago, so it might be quite painful if you try to speak.”

  I lift a hand, and make a writing motion in the air.

  He pulls back, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone. After messing with the screen, he hands it back to me. “This is the best I can do.”

  I shrug, turning the phone to make the on-screen buttons big enough, as I painstakingly type out a message with what little energy I have. When I’m done, I hand the phone back to him, which he reads aloud.

  “You look like hell. Give me water.”

  I close my eyes as everyone laughs, followed by Tobias demanding someone go gets the nurse so they can give me some water.

  I fall asleep seconds later, my fingers interlaced with his.


  It’s another two days before I’m released from the hospital.

  And five more on top of that before anyone lets me out of bed at my grandparents’ house.

  Yet, when I finally convince them I’m fine, the first thing I do is demand an explanation of what happened after I passed out.

  Which is how I end up sitting in the library on the couch next to Tobias, wondering why Ivor, my grandparents, Iris, and Dexter have joined us as well.

  Just as I’m about to demand an explanation from Tobias, in walks the last man I expect to see.

  Mr. Cain.

  As he makes sure to keep his distance, I glare at Tobias, yanking my hand from his. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  “He saved your life.”

  I jump up, pointing an accusatory finger in his direction, even though I keep my eyes on Tobias. “Is that what he fucking told you? He kidnapped me.”

  Tobias stands up, placing himself in between me and Mr. Cain, who won’t even meet my eyes. “Calm down, Joce. It’s not what you think.”

  “It is exactly what I think! He’s the one who dragged me out of the house.”

  “Look at me.” He holds me in his grasp, saying nothing until I do as he says. “That’s it. Sit down and let him explain.”

  I don’t know what it is, but suddenly I have the feeling I missed something important. I do as he requests, yet continue to glare at Mr. Cain as he steps forward.


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