Clash (The Forever Duet #2)

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Clash (The Forever Duet #2) Page 9

by Jennah Thornhill

  “Shit! Dylan help me, she’s having a panic attack.” Neil is in front of me in quick time, but it’s too late. My chest is tight and white spots blur my vision.

  Another knock on the door has me falling to the floor, curling up into a ball and wrapping my arms around my body. The voices that I know belong to people who care about me, all fade into the background, and I lose myself to the fear that whoever is out to get us is actually at Dylan's door.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Get some water, quick.”

  Dylan runs into the kitchen at my order and I stroke Bon’s hair.

  I try to break through to her by talking to her as softly as I can. “Bonnie, baby. Can you hear me? You need to breathe. Come on, I’m here. I promise no one will hurt you.” Taking her by the shoulders I help to sit her up and take her face in my hands. “Look at me Bon… it’s just me. I’m here.”

  Opening her eyes and focusing on me, I help her to follow my pattern of breathing. “That’s it: breathe in… and out. And again.”

  She does as I ask until she finally starts to come out of it. Water leaks from the corners of her eyes and gradually makes their way down her cheeks.

  “That’s my girl. Keep breathing slowly.”

  Flinging her arms around my neck, she holds on to me as tight as she can. All this seems to have her terrified, and I refuse to have her like this. This isn't Bonnie. She’s one of the toughest women I know.

  Dylan walks in with a glass of water at the same time Serena walks in with the pizzas.

  “Can you just give us five, guys, please?” They both nod at the same time as Dylan puts the glass at the side of me and Serena places the pizzas on the table, giving us some privacy.

  “Bonnie, look at me.”

  She lifts her face from my neck and gives me her eyes.

  “Do You trust me?

  “Yes,” she answers quietly with a nod.

  “Do you believe I won’t let anyone hurt you?”


  “Okay then. What happened?”

  “I don’t know. I just got it in my head that whoever is out to get us was here, now. I don’t know; I just got scared.”

  I pass her the glass of water, and she takes a sip.

  “My hearts pounding.” Pulling the glass from her lips she takes my hand and places it in the middle of her chest.

  “Take deep breaths. You'll be okay in a minute.”

  She nods and carries on with the breathing exercises. Her eyelids flutter, and as they close, I shift the hair from her face tucking it behind her ear with the tips of my fingers and resting my forehead on hers. Her breathing begins to even out and, holding her face in my hands, I put my lips to hers and kiss her. I don’t let it go too far, even though the only thing I want to do right now is take her to her bed and make love to her.


  “Much,” she answers with a sad smile.

  Softly kissing her forehead, my lips linger longer than necessary so I shout Dylan and Serena back in. Serena rushes over as Bonnie moves from the floor to the couch. I stand with Dylan so Serena can give some comfort to her friend.

  “I have to find out who’s doing this, Dylan. I won’t rest until I do.”

  Slapping my back in friendly comfort, Dylan grabs a slice of meat feast pizza, taking a bite. If I know him as well as I think I do, he’ll be silently plotting to find answers his own way.

  After her panic attack, I’d taken Bonnie home. She’d pleaded with me to stay the night with her, and after what I’d witnessed at Dylan’s, there had been no way I was going to leave her alone—not to mention I had nowhere else to go, the fact I am homeless seeming to have been forgotten amidst everything that had happened.

  Bonnie’s soft body rolls toward mine until she’s right up against me and I can feel her warm breath on my cheek.

  “Hmmm, I could get used to having you in my bed every morning.”

  I pull her closer, tucking her into my side. “So, could I. I have to book into a hotel today though, it’s not fair on you if I stay here.”

  The corners of her mouth turn downwards. “I’d feel safer if you were here with me.”

  “I don’t want you to think I’m moving too fast.”

  “Neil, really? That stupid bitch has kicked you out of your house, we have some mental case looking to fuck with us and you don’t want me to think you’re moving too fast? I think we’re long past that now.”

  Tugging on her hand, I pull her on top of me. “Even so… I know it’s my house but, I can’t kick her out with nowhere to go… maybe I’ll stay here until I find something more permanent than a hotel, how's that?”

  “I love that idea.” Bonnie moves forward sealing her lips to mine. It’s safe to say it’s not morning by the time we roll out of bed—more like lunchtime—and the rest of the day is spent enjoying each other’s company, watching Netflix and being a normal couple.

  The next morning, we get up and get ready for work.

  It’s the simple things—like sharing a kiss in the morning and eating breakfast together and actually wanting to be in the same room as the other person—that are something to behold. It’s a pity we don’t have long, though. Once I’ve drunk my coffee, I thread my tie under my collar and knot it before slipping on my jacket.

  “You sexy fucker.” Bonnie steps up to me fisting the lapels of my jacket. “I’ll see you later?”

  “You better believe it. Now give me a kiss.”

  She gives into my demand pushing up to her tiptoes and puts her mouth on mine. Tilting her head to where I want her, I give her a kiss to remember. “I love you. See you later.”

  Her tongue darts out to lick her lips as she stands with her back against the kitchen counter. I take one last look behind me, giving her a wink as I pull the door closed, heading off to work.

  I could definitely get used to this.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I’m not required at the office today, which is a good thing… I think. I can’t face Dylan and Serena after what happened at their place. I don’t want them thinking I’m losing my mind. I hadn’t been lying either when I’d told Neil I’d feel safer if he stayed here, but I can’t be a cling on either. He still has a job to do. I don’t want him to think of me as a weak woman all because someone has decided to be a dick and come after us. I’ve always been independent, and I don’t want to have to start relying on Neil just so I can breathe properly.

  Him bringing me out of the panic attack solidified it: he’s it for me. No one will ever take his place, and with me is where he should be. We’re both where we should be and that’s together.

  Bringing my fingertips to my lips, I can still feel his kiss lingering there even though he’s left for the day. I head into the kitchen, switch the coffee machine on and place my cup underneath the spout whilst I get out all of my designs, spreading them across my kitchen table.

  Work. Do what I do best and focus on what’s important, and that’s getting everything ready for the fashion show. The last thing I want to do is let Dylan and Serena down when they’ve put themselves on the line for me. It will also keep my mind busy and from thinking about shit I can’t control.

  Three cups of coffee later, I’m sketching away when my phone pings with a text.

  Serena - I’m bringing you some lunch. See you in 30. Xx

  I quickly type out a reply and close down my messages, realising I’ve been lost in my own little world of fashion for almost four hours now. Raising my arms above my head, I stretch out my back and crack my neck from side to side before nipping to the loo.

  As I head back down the stairs, I see through the glass in my front door a figure walking down my path. Thinking it’s Serena, I open it only to be greeted with the biggest bunch of flowers I’ve seen. They’re that big, the poor delivery guy has to stand on his toes to look at me over the top of them.

re you Bonnie Jones?” he asks, and before I can answer, he’s thrusting them in my direction. I guess the surprised look on my face tells him all he needs to know.

  “Th… thank you,” I stutter out.

  “Don’t thank me, thank the poor guy who’s just paid for them,” he says as he heads back to his van.

  Heading back in the house, I close the door with my foot and carry the most beautiful array of lilies, roses, and peonies I’ve ever laid my eyes on into the kitchen. Lying them down onto the side, I pluck the card from the middle.

  Us against the world, baby.

  I love you.


  I need this and I hadn’t even realised it. I need his reassuring words. They ground me—make me believe we can get through this. I quickly find a vase in the cupboard under the sink and arrange them so every single flower can be seen before placing them in the bay window in the living room. It’s then I see Serena pull up in the drive and climb from her car.

  Going to the door once again, I open it and let her in.

  “I brought you greasy food; I thought you might need it.”

  She lifts up a bag and I smile at her.

  “It’s definitely needed.”

  We head into my living room and dive into the food that’s bad for us but oh so fucking yummy.

  “How are you?” Serena sucks on her milkshake and looks at me over the rim of her cup.

  I could lie to her, but she’s been my best friend for so long that the bitch would see straight through it. Instead, I swallow the mouthful of food I have and tell her the truth.

  “If I told you I wasn’t scared, I’d be lying, and I’ve done enough of that to you recently.”

  She scoffs but doesn’t comment. “The other night at your place was a first for me. I don’t know what happened. It came from nowhere. I’ve been keeping busy and trying my best to not think about it.” I take another bite of my food at the same time Serena places her to one side and sits closer to me.

  “You know I’m here for you, right? Don’t ever think that I’m not. You’re not alone. We’ll get to the bottom of this. The guys have been trying non-stop all morning trying to figure it out. I’m pretty certain Dylan has even hired a private investigator to help. The fucker thinks I don’t know because I wasn’t allowed into that particular meeting, but I have my ways of finding shit out.”

  I laugh at the fact he can’t keep anything from her.

  She rubs her hand on my arm, and I swallow the lump down that’s forming in my throat, and her arms wrap around me, squeezing me tight.

  “Now let's finish this food before it gets cold.”

  We do just that whilst laughing at the way she’d threatened Dylan's balls when she confronted him about knowing about me and Neil.

  “Seriously, Bon. You should have seen his face: he went so pale I thought he was actually gonna pass out. I’ve never seen a man hold onto his dick and balls so fast.”

  Strawberry milkshake spurts out of my mouth as I laugh even harder. This, right here with my best friend, is what I’ve needed as well. She never fails to bring back the real me.

  When we’ve both finished eating and laughing, Serena’s phone buzzes and she sighs as she looks at the screen.

  “That’s my fun over for now: I’ve got to get back to the office.” She stands from the sofa and gathers up all the rubbish from our lunch.

  Taking it from her, I head into the kitchen and put it all into the bin.

  She shoulders her bag and looks at me, hugging me again, “Keep strong, Bon. Everything’s gonna be okay, I promise.”

  Squeezing her back as my way of an answer, I let her go and we both head to the door. I pull it open and standing on the other side looking like she’s been dragged through a bush backwards is Sarah.

  Oh fuck!

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Dylan comes bursting into the office. He drags the chair from the opposite side of the desk and sits down crossing one leg over the other.

  “Take a seat why don’t you?”

  Sliding something across to me from where he’s sitting, he folds his arms and waits.

  I take the scrap of paper and turn it over, reading the name on the front. “Private investigator?”

  “Yep, and he’s one of the best. I’ve rung around some of my old contacts and his name came up a few times, so I gave him a ring. He’s waiting for you to call. I can tell him so much, but he needs you to give him the rest of the details.”

  “Okay. I’ll call him later.”

  “Say nothing to Serena, though. I don’t need her in on this: she’ll take over and boss him around like she does. I love her to death, but god that woman can take it to extremes.”

  “It’s about time you fucking married her. You’re like two peas in a fucking pod. I don’t think you realise just how alike you are.”

  As I look up, Serena is walking past the office looking in. I smile and wave, causing Dylan to turn around in his chair.

  “See…” He looks back at me. “Fucking bloodhound.”

  “Do you honestly think you can hide this from her?”

  “I’m gonna try.”

  Shaking my head, I check my phone to make sure I haven’t missed any important messages and turn my attention back to Dylan. “What kind of questions did he ask?”

  “I told him about the notes, so you need to get that one that was sent to Sarah as well as the ones Bonnie has had.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? I have to go back around there?”

  “Man, up dude.”

  My desk phone rings, and seeing the number ID, I shoo Dylan from my office. “It’s a lawyer friend about the house.” Waving my arm like a lunatic at him, I send him packing for now and I answer the phone.

  “Neil Montgomery.”

  I listen to his legal bullshit, which most of it I know, we just deal in different kinds of law. “Do I have a leg to stand on that’s all I wanna know.”

  He tells me the house will need to be split in equal halves once it's sold and the mortgage is paid off.

  “Do I have to buy her out and does she have to move out?” Once he tells me what I want to hear I thank him and put the phone down.

  Punching the air with a ‘hell yes,’ I leave my office and go to Dylan’s to tell him the news.

  Sliding my phone into the inside pocket of my jacket, I pick up my car keys and leave for an early lunch to go and see the crazy bitch. I need that note, and I need to give her the good news about the house. Of course, I’m not that cruel—I’ll give her time to find somewhere else first.

  “Where are you off?” Dylan asks as I bump into him not looking where I’m going.

  “I’ll be back soon. I’m going to the house to get that note from Sarah. I won’t be long. If I’m gone for more than two hours, call a search party.”

  He laughs as I step onto the lift. He thinks I’m joking — I wouldn’t put anything past her at the moment.

  On reaching the carpark, I unlock my car and make the journey to my old house.

  Forgetting that she made me leave it behind the other day, I search on my key ring for the key to the house, banging on the door when I remember,

  “What do you want?” Sarah asks, pulling the door wide open to me. She looks pale and a little dishevelled. I’m not used to her looking anything more than perfect if I’m honest. I try to ignore her appearance for now, not that I'm a complete bastard, but because I need to have the note in my hands.

  “Remember that note you received a couple of weeks back, have you still got it?”

  “Why would I tell you?”

  “Are you going to let me in, and I’ll tell you why?”

  She sighs but moves out of the gap of the door so I can walk in. She goes into the drawer of the unit and pulls it out holding it up between two fingers. “Now why do you want it?”


  “Don’t say that bitch’s n
ame in my house.”

  “Be careful Sarah. And for your information, it’s my house. I signed the deeds and because I’m clever, it was a sole contract so you’re actually in my house. If I wanted to be a nasty bastard, I could tell you to move out and I’ll live here, but I’m not that heartless. You will be getting some documents in the post though from a lawyer. When you do receive them… you’ll need to sign them and send them back.” Pushing my hands into my trouser pockets, I rock back on my heels feeling a little more satisfied than when I’d arrived. “Now the note.”

  She hands it over to me. “Would you have ever told me if it weren’t for the note?”

  “As little as you think of me Sarah, yes I would. I was actually thinking of doing this. Things haven’t been right between us for a long time—long before Bonnie, even you have to admit that…” I pause a second for thought, “this bastard, whoever it is, thought he was being clever and beat me to it.” I pause on a swallow. “Have you had anymore?”

  Shaking her head, she reluctantly hands it over.

  I take my wallet from my pocket and place it at the back. “Thanks. You’re not the only one to have received one. Someone’s out to get us, Sarah, and I need to find out who.”

  “You can leave now,” she answers, emotionally detached and venom lacing her tone.

  Abiding by her wishes because I don’t need any more hostility than there already is between us, I leave. At least she doesn’t blindside me today and try to hit me as I leave. I look back as I reach the car, but she slams the door shut. With a snigger, I head back to work.

  Stepping out of the lift, I make my way to my office while flicking through my phone.

  Serena calls out to me. “Neil, I’m off for lunch. Do you want me to bring you anything back?”

  “No thanks, gorgeous, I’ve eaten.”

  She waves me off and I turn my attention back to my phone. With all my attention on my screen, I don’t realise there’s anyone walking towards me until I collide with them and the device is falling out out of my hands and hitting the floor. As I bend down to grab it, I see a man's shoe and trouser leg. I stand to my full height and come face-to-face with Tommy, the little fucker.


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