by Lynn, Sandi

  I lifted my head up and looked at him. “When you saw her in the kitchen after your drunken night at the club?”

  He raised his eyebrow at me. “She told you about that?”

  “Yes, and she said something about a list of rules you had and how you thought she broke one of them. What’s that about?”

  “Nothing that you ever need to know about. The only thing you need to know is that my list of rules was one of my regrets,” he said as he kissed the top of my head.

  “Mom said I’ll know who the right person is when he looks at me and takes my breath away.”

  His grip around me tightened. “She’s right. You’ll know it in an instant. Now, do you think we can go somewhere else and talk? It’s really raining, and I’m tired of being wet.”

  I laughed as I pulled away from him. “Let’s go home, Dad.”

  He took my hand and we walked out of the park. “I’m really sorry, Dad. I never meant to hurt you, and if I could take back the events of yesterday, I would.”

  “I know you’re sorry, Julia,” he said.

  We climbed into the Range Rover and headed home. “Go upstairs and get into some dry clothes. We’ll go out to lunch and stop by the store to get a new phone since you broke yours.”

  “I’ll pay for it. I’m sorry. It was all my fault.”

  “It’s okay, Princess. Do you have any idea how many phones your mom has broken because of me?”

  I laughed at him as we headed upstairs and went into our bedrooms to change. As soon as I changed into some dry clothes, I knocked on his door, and he told me to come in. “Are you ready, Dad?”

  He sat down at the end of the bed and patted for me to come sit next to him. “I have one question, Julia, and please don’t be embarrassed by it. I need to know that Brody used a condom.”

  Oh God, I wanted to die when I heard those words come from my father. I knew it took everything he had to ask that.

  “Yes, Dad, we used a condom. If it makes you feel any better, it wasn’t a good experience at all, and I consider it one of my regrets.”

  I saw his eyes fill with tears. He put his arm around me, and I put my head on his shoulder.

  “Oh, sweetheart, it’ll be one of the best experiences of your life when you’re one hundred percent ready. I promise you,” he whispered as he kissed me. “Now, let’s go get some lunch. Where do you want to go?”

  “The Shake Shack.” I smiled. “They have the best burgers in the world!”

  My dad looked at me, shook his head, and sighed. “All right, if you insist on a lunch full of grease. You certainly are your mother’s daughter.”

  “Nah, I’m just kidding, Dad. I know how much you hate that place.” I laughed. “Let’s go to that restaurant where we get those really good salads.”

  “Now, you’re talking.” He smiled as we both got up from the bed.

  * * *

  The first thing we did was to stop at the store to get my new phone. My dad brought my other one with him so they could transfer all my contacts and pictures. As soon as I got my new phone, we walked arm and arm down the streets of New York to the restaurant. When we arrived, we were promptly seated, and I couldn’t help but notice the table of women sitting across from our booth. They watched as my father strutted across the restaurant and sat down. Their staring continued throughout our lunch. I told my dad that I needed to use the restroom and that I’d be right back. I watched as their eyes diverted to me when I walked by and they looked me up and down. After I used the restroom, I walked over, sat down across from my dad, and looked at the women at the table across from us.

  “Hi, do I know you?” I asked with a wide smile.

  “Julia, stop,” my dad said.

  I got up and walked over to the table, asking the women if I knew them. “Are you sure we haven’t met before? What about him, over there?” I asked as I pointed to my dad, who was giving me an evil look.

  “No, I don’t believe we’ve met,” one of the women spoke up.

  “Really,” I said as I put my hand on my hip and looked at each of them. “See, I thought maybe we knew each other by the way you were staring at me and my father since the moment we entered the restaurant. So, since we don’t know each other, then I’m going to assume that you won’t be looking our way anymore. Am I correct?”

  The women looked at each other in embarrassment and then looked at me and nodded their heads. “Enjoy the rest of your lunch, ladies.” I smiled as I sat down.

  “Julia Rose, what the hell?”

  “Daddy, please. They wouldn’t stop staring so I thought maybe we had met before and I just didn’t remember.”

  We got up from the booth, and as I walked in front of my father, I heard him apologizing to the women at the table. We stepped outside and my dad hooked his arm around my neck.

  “You just wait until I catch some boys staring at you,” he said in a sinister voice.

  * * *

  We entered the penthouse, and my mom came walking from the kitchen. She walked over and kissed my dad on the lips, and then put her arm around me and kissed me on my head.

  “I’m glad to see the two of you worked things out.” She smiled.

  “Look at the phone Dad bought me,” I said as I held it up to my mom.

  “Nice phone, Connor,” she said as she looked at him.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Julia thought it would be a good idea to say a few words to a table of women at the restaurant where we had lunch.”

  “Why? Were they staring at your dad?” my mom asked as she looked at me.

  “Yes. They were staring at him the entire time, and then they looked me up and down, so I felt like I had to say something.”

  My mom high-fived me and smiled. I looked at my dad and he walked away, shaking his head while mumbling something under his breath.

  “Don’t you ever get tired of it, Mom?” I asked.

  “Sometimes, I do. But your father is a very sexy man, so you really can’t blame them for looking.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t think of Daddy being a sexy man. I draw the line at handsome.” I smiled.

  I took my phone and went upstairs to my room. The first person I sent a text message to was London.

  “Hey, I got a new phone, and I’m not grounded anymore. Why don’t you come over so we can talk about yesterday?”

  “OMG! Collin told me what happened, and I’m really sorry. I’ll be up in a second.”

  After I thought about it, I ran downstairs and asked my dad if it was okay that London came over. He said it was fine and he thanked me for asking. I was relieved that my dad and I were back on good terms. He was the most important person in my life and the thought of hurting him the way I did killed me. I walked over to where he was sitting at his desk and kissed him on the cheek.

  “What was that for?”

  “I’m sorry for everything I said the past couple of days. I don’t hate you, and I’m very happy that you’re my dad.”

  “Julia. Thank you, baby. I love you so much,” he said as he reached over and hugged me.

  “I love you too, Dad.” I smiled as I walked out of his office.

  When I approached the kitchen, I heard London talking to my mom. I walked over and hooked my arm around her neck.

  “Upstairs, now,” I said.

  “Yes, ma’am! See ya, Mrs. Black.” She smiled.

  We ran up the stairs to my room, and I shut the door as London lay down on the bed.

  “So, how was it? Have you talked to him? I bet your dad almost killed him.”

  “You’re asking way too many questions. First, it was awful, and I want my virginity back.”

  London turned her head and put her hand on mine. “The first time is always hard. It’s like learning to ride a bike. Just get back on and try again. Eventually, you’ll get it right.” She smiled.

  I sat up and looked at my phone. I opened up my contacts and sent a text message to Brody.

  “Hi, I can’t wait to see you again. C
all me.”

  “Was he gentle?” London asked as she sat up.

  “Yeah, he was, and he kept asking me if I was okay.”

  I looked at my phone and saw nothing. He didn’t text me back yet.

  “Don’t worry about it, Julia. He’ll text you back. He’s probably busy right now.”

  I gave a small smile as something inside me told me that I wouldn’t be hearing from him again.

  Chapter 7

  A couple of weeks passed, and I hadn’t heard a word from Brody. It was driving me crazy and I was becoming depressed over it. I headed down to the art studio where my mom was painting a new picture.

  “Hi, honey,” she said.

  “Hey, Mom. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Sure, baby,” she said as she put down her paintbrush, wiped her hands, and sat down on the couch next to me.

  “I haven’t heard from Brody since that day.”

  She put her arm around me. “I was going to ask you if you’d talked to him or if you were still seeing him.”

  “I’ve called him and I’ve text messaged him, and he won’t respond,” I said as I looked down and put my head on her shoulder.

  My mom sighed as she tightened her arm around me. “Sometimes, we have to learn things the hard way. The best thing to do is lift your chin up and move on. He’s bad news, Julia. I know he was your first, but believe me when I tell you, it’s for the best. Because if you were with him, you’d be missing out on the person you were really meant to be with.”

  “It still hurts,” I said as a tear fell down my face.

  “I know it does, baby. Time heals all wounds and it’s going to take time. I promise you’ll start to feel better every day.” She smiled as she lifted up my chin. “Now, let’s go to Black Enterprises and pick up your dad so we can all go to the gym.”

  “Is Collin coming with us?” I asked.

  “No, he’s over at Hailey’s house getting help in Biology.”

  “I bet he is.” I smiled.

  “Julia Rose Black. Don’t talk like that!”

  We went up to the penthouse, changed our clothes, and headed over to my dad’s office to pick him up. I called London and asked if she wanted to go with us, but she hadn’t been feeling well lately and she said she was in bed. I was starting to worry about her because, over the past week, she wasn’t acting normal, and she wouldn’t tell me what was going on.

  When we arrived at Black Enterprises, I could hear my father yelling from his office. I looked at my mom and she rolled her eyes.

  “Great, I hope he’s not in a mood.” She smiled.

  The minute I opened the door, he looked up at us, and threw his phone across his desk.

  “Am I glad to see my favorite girls.” He smiled as he walked over to me, kissed me on the cheek, and then hugged my mom tightly.

  “What was all that about, Dad?” I asked.

  “Just a business deal gone bad. Nothing for you to worry about, Princess.”

  “All right. Are you ready to go to the gym?” my mom asked him.

  “I’m more than ready to get the hell out of here.” He smiled as he put his arms around both of us and we walked out of his office.

  * * *

  We walked through the doors of the gym and went to our private locker room. As soon as my dad changed his clothes, the three of us climbed on the treadmills. Most teenagers would be embarrassed to be working out with their parents, but I wasn’t. I had my headphones in, listening to my music as my mind was still reeling over Brody. When my time was up on the treadmill, I stepped off, grabbed the towel from my dad’s hand, and looked across the gym as Brody Sullivan was lifting weights. I gulped at the sight of him. Instead of feeling weak in the knees and butterflies, I felt rage, anger, and hostility. My skin started to heat up as I threw my towel down and stomped over to the weight bench. He was on his back, doing bench presses when I stood over him, staring down into the eyes I wanted to poke out. He lifted his weight and I grabbed it. Holding it with him over his head.

  “Umm... hey, Julia. How are you?”

  “I’m good, Brody. How are you?”

  “I’d be better if I could put this weight down.”

  I looked straight ahead and saw my mom and dad watching me. My dad took a step forward and my mom grabbed his arm and held him back. I helped Brody put the weight back on the bench and he sat up and looked at me as he wiped his face with a towel.

  “Why haven’t you called me?” I asked.

  He looked down as he wiped the back of his neck. “I’ve been busy.”

  “Funny, you weren’t busy when you were trying to have sex with me.”

  “Julia, lower your voice,” he said as he stood up and looked around.

  “You took something from me and then you ignore me?”

  “I took what you gave. You wanted it and you were more than willing to give it up. Don’t play the good little girl, Julia,” he said as he started to walk away.

  I grabbed him arm and stopped him. “Did you use me for sex? Did you only date me because you wanted to have sex with me?”

  “Listen, Julia. You need to leave me alone. I’m not interested in you, and I’m sorry if you became attached.”

  I actually felt my heart break when he said that. “You didn’t answer my question.” I demanded an answer.

  My mom and dad walked over, and my mom at Brody.

  “Hi, Brody,” she said as she hooked her arm around his neck and squeezed.

  “Mrs. Black, you’re hurting me,” he said.

  “My daughter asked you a question and you will give her an answer.”

  He looked up at my dad, and my dad just shrugged his shoulders.

  “Sorry, Brody. You play, you pay. I’ve been there, done that and, believe me, it’s not pretty. Piss off a woman and be prepared to deal with the consequences.”

  “Okay..okay. I only dated you to have sex with you.”

  My mom tightened her grip around Brody’s neck after he said that. I felt like a complete fool and I wanted to cry right there. But I wouldn’t give him the pleasure of seeing me break. So I did what seemed natural. I grabbed his crotch and held his royal jewels in my hand. By this time, everyone in the gym was staring.

  “It’s okay, Brody. Because these, right here in my hand, are nothing to be proud of.”

  I held up my pinky finger from my other hand in front of his face. “See this? This is your dick. Now every time you see me, and I hold up this finger, you’ll be reminded of how small you really are,” I said as I let go of his balls.

  “You’re a crazy bitch. You know that?” he said.

  My mom leaned closer to him and whispered, “Did you know that this is my gym? My husband bought it for me as an anniversary gift. So you better listen very carefully, Mr. Sullivan. You are never to step foot in my gym again. Because if you do, I’ll charge your dumb ass with statutory rape. Have I made myself clear?”

  Brody gulped as he looked at me. “Yes, Mrs. Black, I understand you,” he said and then looked at my dad.

  My dad shook his head slowly. “Sorry; her gym, her rules. I think you better apologize to my daughter.”

  “I’m sorry, Julia. I’m really sorry if I hurt your feelings,” he said as my mom removed her arm from him.

  “Save it for someone who cares,” I said as I stuck up my pinky finger and called Bobby, our security guard, over. “Please escort Mr. Sullivan out and make sure he doesn’t come back, ever.”

  “Sure thing, Miss Black.” He smiled.

  My dad walked over and put his arm around me as I started to break down.

  “Julia, hold it together. Don’t give him the satisfaction,” he said as he walked me back to our locker room.

  I held it in until we reached the room. As soon as the door shut behind me, I sobbed into my father’s chest. He held my head against him as he told me it would be okay.

  “I know it hurts, baby. Let it out.”

  “You…you…were right all along,” I sobbed.r />
  My mom walked over and rubbed my back. “We all make mistakes, Julia. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be human. I know you’re hurting, but we’re here for you.”

  And that was what happened when I was sixteen. I lost my virginity, disappointed my parents, and I managed to get over Brody Sullivan. My mom was right; time does heal all wounds and the best way to heal those wounds: find another hot guy!

  Chapter 8

  I’d dated a multitude of boys over the past year. My dad kept a careful eye on me for the fear that he’d catch me having sex in the penthouse again. My mom took me to the doctor and had me put on the pill. She told me not to mention it to my dad because he wouldn’t understand. I hadn’t had sex since my little romp with Brody, because of all the guys I’ve dated, none of them were worthy. London and I went to the mall practically every day after school. We’d sit in the food court and watch the hot guys walk by. We were on a mission, or should I say, I was on a mission to find the perfect boyfriend because London was still dating Rob, whom I couldn’t stand. He was only using her for her money and for sex. As much as I tried to tell her, she would just tell me that I was jealous. I was really concerned because he used drugs and, sometimes, when I’d see London with him, she looked high as hell.

  I had an art competition coming up in a few days, and I needed to finish the painting that I was entering in the contest. The prize was a $15,000 scholarship to Columbia University and the winning portrait would be displayed on the wall in one of their most prestigious halls. I really wanted to go away to college, but when I mentioned it, I saw the hurt and sadness in my dad’s eyes. He told me that he would support whatever decision I made. I liked to tease him, so one day, I told him that I had applied to a university in Italy. He went on a rant and threw his hands up in the air. It was funny to see him get all worked up. Later that night, I overheard him talking to my mom, and he told her that if I was serious about going to Italy, then he was going to start looking for a house, and they’d live there for the next four years. I quickly told my dad that I was joking and that I wanted to go to Columbia, here in New York, so I didn’t have to leave him or my home. He wrapped his arms around me and held me so tight, I could barely breathe.


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