by Lynn, Sandi

  I turned my head and looked out the window. I felt bad for this kid and I couldn’t believe his mom wasn’t sitting by him. What the hell kind of parent was she?

  “I can switch seats with your mom if you want her to sit here,” I said.

  “Nah. You’re cool.” He smiled.

  For the duration of the flight, Jacob and I talked about a lot of things. I told him about Hailey, and he told me all about his disease. He said he didn’t have any friends because the other kids were scared of what he had. When the plane landed, I sat in my seat until Jacob’s mom came over to get him.

  “Hey, Mom. This is Collin. He’s my new friend.” He smiled.

  “Nice to meet you, Collin. I’m Diana.” She smiled.

  She was an older woman and she looked tired. As we walked off the plane together, I reached in my pocket and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and handed it to Jacob.

  “Here, go buy yourself a souvenir from Chicago.” I winked.

  “Wow! Thanks!” he exclaimed.

  “That’s very nice of you, Collin, but Jacob can’t accept that.”

  “Sure he can. Please, just let him have it.”

  “Thank you. You’re a very kind man.”

  Jacob and I high fived, and I waved goodbye to him and Diana. As I got into my car that I arranged to have pick me up, I noticed Jacob and Diana standing around. Jacob had told me on the plane that he and his mom had no money because she had just lost her job and she was spending what little savings she had on this trip for him. I told the driver to hold on and I got out of the car. I walked over to Diana and asked her to please let me give them a ride to their hotel. She resisted at first, but after Jacob’s pleading, she agreed.

  “Where are you staying?” I asked.

  She looked down before answering me. “I was just going to have the cab driver take us to a motel that was the cheapest. This trip happened so fast and at the last minute, I didn’t have a chance to really find something.”

  There was no way Jacob could stay in a dirty motel. Not with his condition. I had an idea.

  “Listen, before you shoot me down, let me explain. You shouldn’t be staying in a not so clean place with Jacob’s condition. I’ll bring you with me to the hotel I’m staying at and I’ll pay for your room for as many days as you’re going to be in Chicago.”

  Diana put her hand up and immediately got defensive. “No, absolutely not. No. I won’t allow it. It’s very kind of you but you’re a stranger and you don’t know us, and we don’t know you. Plus, I would never allow it.”

  Jacob had his head laying on her shoulder and he looked tired. “Diana, listen, Jacob told me that you lost your job and you’re using what little you have for this trip to see the specialist. I’m going to introduce myself and then you’ll know me.”

  I held out my hand. “Hi, Diana, I’m Collin Black and I work for Black Enterprises in New York City. I’m here in Chicago to deliver some plans to our Chicago office. My parents are crazy lovers, my sister and her husband are expecting their first child, and my girlfriend of six years left me to study fashion in Italy. Please let me help you out because I really like Jacob and he’s my friend.”

  She cocked her head and stared at me. You’re the son of Connor Black?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am. Do you know my father?”

  “No, not personally, but I know who he is. He holds charity events every year for children with autism.”

  “Yes, he does. See, now you know my family and you know we like to help people. So please, Diana, let me help you and Jacob.”

  “Your parents would be very proud of you.” She smiled. “Thank you, Collin. I promise to pay you back.”

  I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to Ellie.

  “Hey, babe. I’m in town. Let’s do some clubbing tonight.”

  “It’s about time, Mr. Black. I was wondering when I’d see you again.”

  “Tonight, babe. How’s seven o’clock?”

  “Great. I’ll be downtown anyway, so I’ll meet you at your hotel.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Ellie was a sexy girl and I couldn’t wait to get her into bed again. My phone rang and it was my mom calling. Shit, I forgot to call her when I landed.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Are you alive? You said you’d call when you landed.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom. I got distracted,” I said.

  “Seriously, Collin?”

  “Seriously, Mom,” I promise to explain when I get home. I have to go. I just arrived at the hotel.

  The driver took our bags from the trunk and handed them to us. Diana and Jacob stood in front of the Waldorf Astoria and wouldn’t stop staring at it.

  “Come on. You’ll love this place.” I smiled.

  They followed me inside and up to the desk.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Black, I have your suite ready,” the hotel clerk said.

  “Thank you. I also need to book an additional room for my guests.”

  “Sure, Mr. Black. How many nights will your guests be staying with us?”

  I looked over at Diana. “Just two nights,” she said.

  “Are you sure? You’re welcome to stay longer,” I spoke.

  “I’m sure. After we see the specialist tomorrow, we’re flying back the next morning. I can’t afford to stay in Chicago any longer than necessary.”

  “Two nights,” I said to the clerk.

  Diana and Jacob walked over to the glass elevator and stared into it. I leaned over to the clerk and I whispered, “I want you to tell them that the mini-bar in the room is free and so is room service. Just bill everything to my room.”

  “Will do, Mr. Black.”

  I called Diana over and the clerk handed her the key. She explained to her how all room service and the mini bar were free to guests.

  “Are you sure that’s free?” she asked her.

  “It’s a perk of staying at the Waldorf Astoria.” I winked.

  The bell hop walked over and took their bags. Diana hugged me, and with a tear in her eye, she thanked me for all my help.

  “You be brave tomorrow,” I said to Jacob as we high fived.

  “It’ll be a piece a cake.” He smiled.

  They stepped into the elevator and waved as it took them up to their floor. I pulled my phone from my pocket and called my dad.

  “Hello,” he answered.

  “Hey, dad. I need you to send the plane to Chicago the day after tomorrow to pick me up.”

  “Collin, I bought you a round trip ticket.”

  “I know, but something happened.”

  “What do you mean something happened?” he asked. “Are you telling me that you can’t even fly to Chicago without getting into some kind of trouble?”

  “I didn’t get into any trouble, Dad. I met someone.”

  “Jesus Christ, Collin, I’ve heard enough.”

  “No, Dad, you have to let me explain. I met a kid. A sick kid.”

  “What?” he calmly asked.

  I explained to him about Jacob, and I told him about Diana and how she lost her job.

  “What you did for them was very nice, son. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I have to go. I need to get these plans over to the office and then I’m off to meet some friends.”

  “Stay out of trouble.”

  “I will. Bye, Dad.”

  Chapter 3

  I walked through the doors of Black Enterprises and, as always, I was warmly greeted by all the ladies. I took the elevator up to Mac’s office.

  “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Mchottie.” She smiled as I walked through the door.

  “You do know your flattery will get you some of this,” I said as I grabbed my crotch.

  “Would you like me to tell your father that you’re sexually harassing me?” She smiled as she kissed me on the cheek.”

  “The sad part is, he’d believe you.” I pouted. “Here are the plans,” I said as I handed them to her.

, Mackenzie, is the head manager at the Chicago office. She oversees the entire office and makes sure it runs smoothly. She’s an older woman and had been working for my dad since he first built the Chicago building and she’s known me since I’d been a baby. She’s hot for her age and we like to joke around. Too bad she wasn’t into guys.

  “So what did you do?” she asked.

  I sat down in the chair across from her desk and folded my arms. “What do you mean?”

  “Your dad wouldn’t make you fly these all the way to Chicago unless you did something to piss him off.”

  “I went out, got drunk and brought a girl home. I don’t think it would’ve been a big deal if she hadn’t walked out of my room naked and right into my dad.”

  Mac sat at her desk and shook her head. “Collin Black. Get your head out of your ass! What’s the matter with you? You just can’t bring a random girl home with your parents down the hall. The least you could’ve done was get a hotel room. It’s not like you can’t afford it.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I screwed up. It won’t happen again. I really pissed my mom off and that’s the last thing I wanted to do.”

  “Lesson learned. I understand the pain you’re going through over Hailey. Trust me, I’ve been there. But, screwing every woman that looks your way isn’t the answer to healing your broken heart.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “I know and I don’t want to talk about Hailey. She’s my past and that’s where she’s staying.”

  “All right, but I want you to remember that everything happens for a reason. It’s hard to see it now, but you will someday.” She winked.

  I got up from my seat and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “It’s a shame you don’t dig guys. You’re missing out on this.” I winked as I grabbed my crotched.

  “Get the hell out of here before I call your daddy.” She smiled.

  “You wouldn’t.” I pointed before opening the door.

  “Probably not.” She laughed.

  I walked out of Mac’s office and down the hall to the elevators. I heard my phone beep and when I pulled it from my pocket, there was a message from Ellie.

  “Hey, hot stuff. I’m in the lobby at your hotel. Where the hell are you?”

  “On my way, babe. Got held up at the office. Tell the hotel to let you in my room. I’ll be there in fifteen.”

  As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I opened the door and didn’t see Ellie. I walked into the bedroom of the suite and shook my head as I smiled and began to unbutton my shirt.

  “It’s about time, hot stuff. I was getting lonely in this big bed by myself.” She smiled as she lay there totally naked.

  “No worries. I’m here now and I can promise you that you won’t be lonely anymore,” I spoke as I grabbed the bottle of Jack, took down my pants, and climbed on the bed.

  * * *

  The ringing sound of my phone made my head hurt more than it already was. I rolled out from under Ellie’s arm and grabbed my phone from my pants pocket.

  “Hello,” I whispered.

  “Are you up?” my dad yelled into the phone.

  “I am now.”

  “I need you to head to the office and pick up the plans sometime today. Mackenzie is going to have the changes made and then we’ll be set to move ahead.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  “Late night last night, Collin?”

  “Yes, dad. Can I call you back later?”

  “Yeah, Collin. Call me back when you feel better.”

  “Bye, dad.”

  I set my phone on the nightstand. I looked over at Ellie as she lay there sound asleep. We went out last night, drank too much, and had sex all night long. I missed Hailey and there was no denying it. Every time I would go to sleep with a girl, I thought about her. That was why I never slept with a girl unless I was drunk. If I was drunk, I didn’t have to think about her. If I was sober, I’d feel like I was cheating on her, even though she left me. I couldn’t help but think about Jacob and Diana. His appointment with the specialist was today and I thought maybe it would be cool to hang out after. Ellie started to stir when I got up and pulled on my sweatpants. I walked over to the window in the living area and opened the curtains. I looked out as the sun brightened the sky. After a few moments, I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed my phone. I pulled up Hailey’s name and began sending her a text message.

  “Hey, how have you—” I started to type. Looking at my half-typed message, I threw my phone down on the couch and ran my hands through my hair.

  “What’s wrong, hot stuff,” Ellie said as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

  “I just have a lot on my mind. I have some things I need to do, so, I’m going to take a shower and head out. You can order room service if you want.”

  “Nah, I’ll just grab my stuff and go. I had fun last night. How about we do it again tonight?”

  I turned around and looked at her with a small smile. “I wish I could, but I can’t. I have something else to do tonight and my plane will be here early tomorrow. But, thank you for last night.”

  “Any time you’re in town, hot stuff!” She smiled as she kissed me on the cheek and walked back to the bedroom.

  I stepped in the shower and, when I got out, Ellie was already gone. After getting dressed, I went to Diana’s room to see if they left for the specialist yet. There was no answer when I knocked, so I walked down to the front desk and left a message for her and Jacob. I had the hotel bring a car around and when I was on my way to Black Enterprises, Julia called me.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “How’s your head?”

  “Fine, why do you ask?”

  “I talked to Dad a few minutes ago and he said you had a late night again and you sounded like shit. I think he’s really worried about you.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “There’s no need to worry about me. I’m fine. So what if I like to have fun, maybe he should try it some time.”

  “I’m thinking that dad sees himself in you when he was younger. You heard the rumors.”

  “Too bad. I’m not him, and I’ll be fine.”

  “Promise me,” she said.

  “I promise. Now I have to go because I’m at the office.”

  I pressed end and shook my head as I stepped out of the car. As I was walking into the building, Mac was coming out. She looped her arm around mine and turned me around.

  “Did you have breakfast yet?” She asked.

  “No, why?”

  “Good. You’re coming with me then. I’m starving and we can go over the designs. I spoke with your dad last night.”

  We pulled into the restaurant, ordered breakfast and as soon as we started going over the plans, my phone rang. I pulled it from my pocket, and it was Diana.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Collin, it’s Diana. The desk gave me your message.”

  “Hi, Diana. I was wondering if maybe you and Jacob would like to hang out this afternoon. I thought maybe we could go to the Field Museum. I think Jacob would love it. I know I did when I was his age. Actually, I still do.”

  “That’s very nice of you, Collin, but we don’t want to impose on you. I know you’re a very busy man.”

  “Actually, I’m not that busy and I want to. Jacob will love it. I’ll be back to the hotel in a couple of hours. Okay?”

  “Thank you, Collin. We’ll be here.”

  I hung up and Mac gave me a strange look.

  “Now you’re seeing someone who has a kid?” she asked.

  “Nah, I met them on the plane. Jacob is a sick kid and they flew here to see a specialist. Diana just lost her job and spent the last of her savings on this trip for him. I feel bad for the kid, so I think a trip to the museum would be good for him.”

  “My…my, look at Collin Black acting like a responsible adult.” She winked.

  “Okay..okay. Can we get back to going over these plans?”

  Chapter 4

  “WOW!” Mom look!” Jacob po
inted as he ran to Sue, the largest and most famous T. Rex on display.

  I let them run ahead as I stayed back and smiled at how excited he was to be here. I knew he would be. My mom and dad used to bring me and Julia here all the time when we were kids. I brought Hailey here once, but she didn’t like it. She said it wasn’t her thing and I was kind of hurt by it because this museum was one of my favorites. I walked over to where Jacob and Diana were standing, and Jacob looked at me with a huge smile on his face. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of Sue, the T. Rex and sent it to Julia.

  “Sue is going to eat you up Julia!”

  “Lol, what are you doing at the museum?”

  I used to say that to her every time we’d come here, and she’d get scared and hold onto my dad for dear life. My mom used to tell me not to tease her, but I couldn’t help it. It’s the one thing she wasn’t so sure of at the museum, so I used it to my advantage. I asked Jacob and Diana to stand in front of the T. Rex so I could get a picture of them. After I took it, I sent it to Julia.

  “I brought Jacob and Diana here.”

  “Dad told me about them. That was really nice of you.”

  “We’ll talk about it when I get back to New York.”

  As we entered the Dinosaur Hall and Jacob ran ahead to see the wooly mammoth, I asked Diana about the appointment with the specialist.

  “How did the appointment go?”

  “Same as always. There’s nothing really new they can do for him. The doctor gave me a script for a new antibiotic for when Jacob gets another lung infection and he’s going to discuss other optional treatments with his regular doctor in New York.”

  “I’m sorry, Diana. I wish there was something I could do.”

  “You’re sweet, Collin, thank you. But Jacob and I will be fine. I’ve been a single parent now for about five years, ever since his dad died in a car accident.”

  God, I didn’t know if I could hear any more. Diana reminded me of my mom. She was strong and she seemed like a fighter. Jacob looked back at us and took both our hands as he led us over to another dinosaur display. After we left Dinosaur Hall, we stopped and grabbed some sandwiches at the Field Bistro. I could tell Jacob was getting tired and he started to cough.


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