by Lynn, Sandi

  “No, Amelia. You and Cheri stay at the hospital. I’ll send Ralph over to pick you both up and then take you where you need to go.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. I’ll see you later. I love you.”

  “Thank you, babe. I love you too.”

  I immediately called Ralph and had him pick the girls up. I told the salesclerk that I wanted two dozen red roses. As she was getting them together, I heard a voice behind me.

  “Fancy seeing you in here.”

  I turned around. “Hey, Hailey.”

  “Buying flowers for your girlfriend?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I am.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “No reason. I just saw you standing here when I was walking by and thought I’d drop in and say hi.”

  The clerk handed me the roses with a smile, and I gave her my credit card. “Well, we’ve said hi and now it’s time to say goodbye.”

  “I’m leaving for Paris in a couple of days.”

  “Good for you. You always liked Paris.”

  “Yeah. Maybe I’ll meet some hot French dude who will sweep me off my feet with his incredible French accent.”

  “I hope you do, Hailey. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get going. Good luck.”

  I began to walk away and stopped when I heard her next words.

  “Tell me one more thing. Does she make you happier than I ever did?”

  “Yes. She does,” I said as I closed my eyes and lowered my head.

  “Then I’m happy you’re happy. See ya around sometime, Collin,” she said as she placed her hand on my back and then walked away.

  My phone started to ring and when I pulled it from my pocket, I noticed it was my dad calling.

  “Hello,” I said.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “Down the street at the flower shop.”

  “Good. Do me a favor and pick up some roses for your mom and then you can drive me home since you sent Ralph on an errand.”

  Oh shit. I forgot he didn’t drive to the office himself.

  “Okay, Dad. What color roses for Mom?”

  “Be creative and get a mix of colors. I’ll meet you in the parking garage.”

  I hung up and walked back up to the counter. The clerk smiled at me.

  “Sorry, but I need two dozen roses in a variety of colors.”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Black. This wouldn’t happen to be for your mom, would it?”

  “Yes.” I smiled.

  She made up a bouquet of colorful roses and handed them to me. I left the store still thinking about the question Hailey asked me and the sadness in her voice when I answered her. My phone rang and it was my dad again.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Pick up some pink roses for your sister.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Okay, Dad.”

  I walked back into the flower shop and the woman smiled at me again.

  “I need two dozen pink roses please.”

  “Sister?” She smiled.


  “Your dad always bought her pink roses. I’ll be right back.”

  She handed me the roses, and before I left the store, I dialed my dad.

  “Hello, son.”

  “Before I leave the flower shop is there anyone else you want flowers for?”

  “No. Just your mom and Julia. I’m assuming you went there to buy Amelia flowers, correct?”


  “Then you’re all set. Hurry up and get back here.”

  “I’m on my way,” I said as I hung up.

  * * *

  I stepped into the apartment and Amelia came from the direction of the kitchen. The corners of her mouth curved up when she saw the roses I was holding.

  “Are those for me?” She smiled.

  “No. Some girl at the office gave them to me.”

  The look on her face was priceless. She stood there and narrowed her eyes at me.

  “What girl?”

  “I don’t know. She’s new. Anyway, she told me she loved me and then gave me these. Aren’t they pretty?”

  “She told you that she loved you?”

  “Yeah. Isn’t that weird? I was totally flattered, and she was really hot. But I guess if you want the flowers you can have them.” I smiled.

  “NO THANKS!” she said in a huff and walked away.

  Okay, maybe I took that a little too far. Now I needed to make things right.

  “Of course these are for you, baby. I was just teasing.”

  “Go away, Collin. In fact, I’m just going to stay at my place tonight.”

  Oh shit. What the fuck have I done?

  “Amelia, I was teasing. Please, baby. We have dinner with my parents tonight. They’re expecting us.”

  “Then you can tell your parents about the girl at the office!” she spat.

  She was looking around the apartment for her shoes. “Amelia, please. These are for you. I’m sorry I teased you.”

  “Nope. I don’t think you were teasing, and I just really need to be alone right now, Collin.”

  “Really? How are you getting back to your place?”

  “A cab like every other New Yorker,” she said as she opened the door.

  I walked up behind her and slammed it shut. “Please don’t do this.”

  She turned around and looked at me. “Are you hurting?”

  “Yes. Really bad right now.”

  She smiled. “Good. That’ll teach you to fuck with me, Mr. Black.” She laughed and ducked under my arm.

  “AMELIA!” I exclaimed as I started chasing her around the apartment.

  She laughed as she ran through the kitchen. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”

  “You wait until I catch you. You’re going to be punished.”

  “Only if it involves you holding my wrists above my head and a wall.”

  I stopped dead center in the middle of the apartment. She stopped and turned around.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Really.” She smiled.

  “Now or after we get back from my parent’s house?” I asked.

  She twisted her face and looked around. “Both.”

  “Deal!” I said as I unbuttoned my pants.

  Chapter 30

  “Jesus Christ, you’re hot,” I said breathlessly as I pulled out of her.

  “See what happens when you get me all wound up?” She grinned.

  I let go of her wrists and gently kissed each one. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  “Yeah, you did. But it hurt so good, baby.” She winked.

  I kissed the tip of her nose and looked at the clock that hung on the wall.

  “SHIT! It’s six fifteen! My mom is going to kill me,” I said as I ran and grabbed my pants.

  I picked up Amelia’s clothes off the floor and threw them at her. “Hurry up and get dressed. We were supposed to be there fifteen minutes ago. The one thing my mom hates is when people are late.”

  “Collin. Calm down.” She laughed.

  “Oh no. This is no laughing matter,” I said as my phone rang. I picked it up from the table and it was my mom. “See. I told you,” I said as I showed her the phone.

  “Crap,” Amelia said as she ran and grabbed her shoes.

  We ran out the door and up the stairs to the penthouse. There was no time to be waiting for an elevator. I opened the door and as soon as we walked in, my mom came scurrying from the kitchen.

  “Why didn’t you answer when I called you?” she asked as she pointed at me and then hugged Amelia.

  “We were almost here.”

  “You’re late!”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “Go sit down. Dinner is almost ready.”

  We walked into the dining room and my dad smirked at me. I walked over to Julia and gave her a kiss on her cheek before I bent down and took the little hand of my nephew.

  “Hey, Brayden.” I smiled.

soon as dinner was finished, I took Brayden from Julia and walked into the living room. My dad was already sitting down with his after-dinner scotch in hand.

  “Your shirt is buttoned wrong. Is that the reason you were late? Amelia must have really liked those roses.” He winked.

  A wide grin spread across my face. “She loved them and that is the reason I was late. I lost track of time.”

  “Good for you.” He smiled as he held up his glass.

  Brayden started crying and I tried to rock him back and forth. It wasn’t working.

  “Dad. Help me. Why’s he crying?”

  He chuckled. “Maybe he’s hungry. Here, let me take him for a moment.” He got up and took him from my arms. Holding Brayden made my dad happy. He just hadn’t been quite the same since Denny passed away. My mom and I had a conversation about it, and she said all my dad needed was time. I walked over to the fireplace where Denny’s ashes sat in an Urn.

  “Dad, when are you spreading his ashes?”

  “I was thinking we could all go next month. Brayden will be a little over two months and Amelia will be on semester break from school, right?”


  “Then it’s set. We’ll go right after Christmas and spend a couple of weeks there. It will give me time to arrange things.”

  “What things, Dad?”

  “Things for Jacob and Diana.”


  “I gave it some more thought after you left, and I think you’re right. It would be the best thing for them. But only if Diana wants to go.”

  “Bring her and Jacob to California with us, Dad. That way she can spend a couple of weeks there and get the feel for everything.”

  “I already planned on it, son.”

  I walked over and gave him a light hug, being extra careful not to squish Brayden. “I know I don’t say it enough but, I love you, Dad.”

  “I love you too, Collin.”

  “What’s going on in here?” Julia asked.

  “Just having a father/son chat,” my dad replied.

  Amelia and my mom walked in the room and my mom took Brayden from my dad.

  “I have an announcement to make,” my dad said as everyone quieted down. “I’ve decided that we’re going to fly to California for a couple of weeks, as a family, and spread Denny’s ashes right after Christmas. That way we can spend the holiday in New York and then spend New Year’s in California.”

  “What about the company, Dad?” Julia asked.

  “No worries, princess. The company will be fine without us for a couple of weeks.”

  Amelia looked at me and smiled. I couldn’t have been happier to take her to California with me. The only thing that worried me were the horrific memories of what happened there.

  * * *

  Amelia and I walked hand in hand down the streets of New York looking at all the Christmas lights and decorations that lit up the city. She was in an exceptionally good mood because her classes had ended, and she completed her first round of clinicals. I wanted this Christmas to be special for her and one she’d never forget. She told me she had spent the past two Christmases alone. My heart broke when I heard that because no one should spend the holidays alone. We stopped at Starbucks before meeting my family over at FAO Schwarz. Julia and Jake wanted to take Brayden to see Santa Claus and do some shopping. She wanted it to be a family affair and then my dad wanted all of us to go see the tree at Rockefeller Center.

  “This coffee tastes exceptionally good right now,” Amelia said.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I’m freezing, and it feels good to have something hot.”

  “I can warm you up and inject you with some hot liquids if you’d like.” I smiled.

  “I’m going to take you up on that offer when we get back to your place.”

  “Move in with me,” I blurted out.

  “What?” she laughed.

  “I’m serious, Amelia. I want you to move in with me.”

  “I already practically live there,” she said.

  I grabbed her hand from across the table. “It’s not the same. I want all your stuff there. Your clothes, your makeup, all your girly things. I want it all to invade my bathroom and closet space. I want you in my bed 24/7 and I want to know that there isn’t any other place for you to go. I want my home to be your home, our home.”

  “Oh my God, that’s so sweet,” the girl sitting at the table next to us spoke. Amelia looked at her and laughed. “Why don’t you ever say things like that to me?” the girl said as she reached across the table and smacked the guy she was with.”

  He looked over at me. “Dude, thanks a lot.”

  I chuckled as I squeezed Amelia’s hand. Her beautiful blue eyes that put me in a trance every time I looked into them, stared at me.

  “Yes. I will move in with you and the only reason why is because you give amazing sex!” She winked.

  The girl at the table next to us reached over and once again smacked her boyfriend.

  I stood up with the biggest smile on my face and wrapped my arms around Amelia. “I love you so much, baby. Thank you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I hooked my arm around her, and we walked out of Starbucks. All the way down to FAO Schwarz, I kept kissing her cheek and pulling her into. We stepped inside and I saw Julia and Jake by the stuffed animals.

  “Hey, sis,” I yelled.

  She smiled as she held up her arm and waved us over. I bent down and gave Brayden a kiss as he lay asleep in his stroller. “He’s such a good boy,” I said to Julia and Jake.

  “I’m happy you think that. I’ll be calling you tonight when he’s up screaming his head off at three in the morning.”

  “Ah, no thanks.” I chuckled.

  My mom and dad walked up behind us and my mom kissed my cheek and then looked at me strangely.

  “You have that look.”

  “What look?” I asked.

  “The same look your father gets when he’s really happy about something. What’s going on?” She smiled.

  I looked at my dad and he rolled his eyes.

  “Well, I do have some news that I’m really excited about.”

  “Please tell me Amelia’s not pregnant,” my dad said with seriousness.

  “NO, Dad! I’ve asked Amelia to officially move in with me and she said yes!”

  I watched as my dad let out a sigh of relief. “Congratulations, son. Congratulations, Amelia.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Jake and Julia said.

  My mom stood there and stared at me with tears in her eyes. “Mom. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m happy for the both of you. It’s just my little boy is a man now and you’ve moved out and—”

  “Aw, Mom,” I said as I hugged her.

  “Come on, Ellery. Let’s take our grandson to see Santa,” my dad said as he put his arm around her.

  As Julia pushed the stroller and we followed behind. I saw the Big Piano. “Julia, look!”

  She stopped and smiled when she saw it. “Remember when we used to play that as kids?” she said.

  “Come on, let’s do it.”

  “Okay!” she exclaimed.

  The two of us stepped on the piano. “Do you remember what we used to play?” I asked.

  “I sure do,” she said as she stepped on a note.

  My mom stood in front of us and took a video with her phone. My dad stood next to her with a wide smile across his face. When we finished our song, Julia and I pulled Jake and Amelia in with us and we goofed around playing all kinds of tunes.

  “Excuse me children, but there’s a baby here who wants to see Santa and the line is getting longer by the minute,” my mom said.

  We laughed and stepped off the piano. When Julia set Brayden in Santa’s arms, he screamed, and I couldn’t help but laugh. As soon as they took his picture, I called Amelia and my family up and we all had our picture taken together with Santa.

  * * *

Christmas, baby.” I smiled as I rolled on top of her and kissed her lips.

  “Mhmm..Merry Christmas.”

  I rolled off her and reached under the bed where I stored one of her Christmas gifts.

  “I would like you to open this now.” I smiled as I handed her the small velvet box.


  “Just open it.”

  She slowly tipped the lid up and stared at the ring that sat inside.

  “It’s a promise ring. I hope you like it.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she took it out of the box. “I absolutely love it.”

  “Read the inscription.”

  “I promise forever with you,” she read.

  A tear fell down her cheek. I took the ring from her and held her left hand. “Would you wear it on your left hand?”

  “Yes. There’s no other finger that I’d want to wear it on,” she cried.

  I placed the ring on the finger of her left hand and brought it up to my lips as I softly kissed it. “This ring is my promise to you. A promise of a future together and a promise of me being with only you. This ring also is my promise to marry you one day, because I can’t see spending my life without you. With this ring, I promise you forever and always and my forever love.”

  I held onto her hand as she cried and wrapped her arm around me, pulling me down on top of her. “You have changed my entire life, Collin. I was in a really bad place and somehow you were the only one that brought me back from it, and I promise you I’ll never take this ring off. You have my love forever.”

  I smiled as my mouth crashed into hers and we made love for the next hour. Of course, we were late getting upstairs to celebrate Christmas with my family but when we walked in and my mom saw Amelia wearing the ring, she smiled and kissed me.

  Chapter 31

  We were on the plane headed to California and Jacob was in his glory with the new X-box games I bought him for Christmas. He and Jake played on the plane while Julia and I had a conversation.

  “I’m worried about Amelia and California,” I said.

  “Have you talked to her about it?”

  “No and she hasn’t mentioned it either.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Collin. You’ll be there with her and for her if she starts to freak out.”


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