by Lynn, Sandi

  “Do you want us to come with you?” Julia asked.

  “No. I need the two of you here. I’ll call you when I know more.” I kissed both of them. “I love you both very much.”

  “We love you too, Dad,” they both replied.

  I walked out and told Laurinda what had happened and that I’d be out of the office for a period of time.

  * * *

  Ellery was waiting outside the apartment building when Ralph pulled up. She flung open the door, climbed in, and wrapped her arms around me, holding me tight.

  “I’m so sorry, Connor.”

  “I know, baby. I am too.”

  “Did Jenny say what happened?”

  “No. I told her we’d be there as quick as possible. I need to be strong for her, Elle.”

  “You will be, baby. We all will be.”

  The limo pulled up in front of the house and I saw Cassidy standing at the door. The minute we got out, I ran to her and pulled her into an embrace. She was sobbing.

  “I can’t believe it, Connor. I can’t believe he’s gone.”

  “I know, sis. Where’s Mom?”

  “She’s inside, sitting on the couch. I think she’s in shock.”

  Walking inside, I made my way to the living room where I found my mom lying down.

  “Connor,” she spoke as she sat up.

  Sitting down beside her, I pulled her into me and comforted her. “How did he die?”

  “Heart attack. When he got out of bed this morning, he was irritable and not feeling well. He went into the bathroom and when he came out, he was clutching his chest and telling me to call 911. He passed away before they arrived. I screamed for the staff and Juan tried to give him CPR, but it was too late.”

  Ellery sat down on the other side of her and held her hand.

  “Don’t worry, Mom. We’ll take care of everything.”

  “No need, Connor. Your father and I took care of all the arrangements a couple of years ago. Cassidy already called the funeral home. The viewing will take place the day after tomorrow and the funeral will be the next day. After that, all family and guests will come back here to the house for a luncheon.”

  I got up from the couch and walked over to the bar, pouring myself a scotch. First Denny and now my father. He hadn’t been sick but maybe twice in his life.

  “I want my family here for dinner tonight at six o’clock. Call the kids and make sure they cancel whatever plans they may have. This is a time when we all need to be together.”

  “I’ll call them, Connor,” Ellery spoke.

  “I’ll do it, baby.” I pulled my phone from my pocket and did a three-way call with Julia and Collin.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “Your grandmother wants the family together for dinner tonight. Make sure you’re here at six o’clock.”

  “How is she?” Julia asked.

  “She’s in shock right now.”

  “We’ll be there, Dad. See you later,” Collin spoke.

  Finishing my drink, I walked back over to the couch and sat down.

  “The newspapers have already been called and they’re going to do a feature article on your father for tomorrow’s paper.” She got up and walked into the kitchen.

  I looked at Ellery as she grabbed my hand and pressed her lips against it. “Are you okay?”

  I sighed. “I don’t know. Don’t you think she looked a little robotic?”

  “She’s probably still in shock and it hasn’t hit her yet.”

  “I guess.” I put my arm around her and pulled her into me as I softly stroked her hair.

  * * *

  “Damn it,” I yelled as I struggled with my tie.

  Ellery walked over and took my tie in her hands. “Here. Let me help you.”

  “I’m sorry, Elle.”

  “Don’t apologize, sweetheart. This is very difficult for all of us.”

  She tied my tie and reached up and kissed my lips.

  I pulled her into an embrace and held her for a few moments. “I’m still mourning the loss of Denny and now my father.” I broke our embrace and placed my hands on each side of her face. “I’m so happy to have you to go through this with. You’re such a strong woman. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you.”

  Pursing her lips together, which gave way to a small smile, she spoke, “You’re not going to lose me, Connor.” Her lips softly brushed against mine. “We have to go or we’re going to be late.”

  I put on my suitcoat, grabbed my wallet, and we climbed into the limo and headed to the funeral. After the service at the church, where many tears were shed, we went to the cemetery and watched as they lowered my father’s casket into the ground. Sadness overwhelmed me as I held on tight to Ellery and my mother, while my children stood close, wiping the tears that fell from their eyes. As people walked up to us and gave their condolences, my eye caught the attention of a young man standing over by a tree a few feet away. He was the same man whom I saw lurking around the funeral home yesterday and the same man I saw sitting in the back of the church this morning. He stared straight at me for a few moments and then turned and walked away. An uneasiness settled inside me and I didn’t know why.

  “Dad, what’s wrong?” Collin asked as he came up next to me.

  “See that guy over there walking away?”

  “Yeah. Who is he?”

  “I don’t know. I saw him at the funeral home yesterday, but he didn’t talk to anyone. Just like he didn’t talk to anyone here.” I started to go after him. “Hey,” I yelled as I got closer. He kept walking and didn’t turn around. “Excuse me. Did you know my father?”

  He stopped dead in his tracks and lowered his head. I stopped behind him and waited for him to turn around, but he didn’t. He slowly turned his head to the side and, without looking at me, he spoke, “I met him once and I’m sorry for your loss. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere I have to be.” He continued to walk away.

  “Connor, what are you doing? Come on; we have to get to your mom’s house.”

  “I’m coming,” I spoke as I continued to stare at the man who said he’d met my father once.

  Chapter 13


  People were scattered throughout the first level of the house and outside in the back where my grandmother had set up fancy tables, centerpieces, and tents throughout her massive backyard.

  “Is this a funeral luncheon or a party?” Amelia asked as we looked around outside.

  “My grandmother goes over the top with everything. Obviously, funeral luncheons aren’t any different.”

  We walked around and visited with some of the guests that showed up, including Ashley and Ariel Braxton.

  “Wow. Your grandmother sure knows how to put on a funeral luncheon.” Ariel smiled as she gave me a light hug.

  “We were just talking about that. I know I already sent you my congratulations, but now that you’re here, I can give you a real one.” I reached over and gave Ashley a hug. “You looked amazing on the cover of Elle Magazine.”

  “Thanks, Collin. It was a lot of fun.”

  “How’s Alan doing?”

  “We broke up a few weeks ago. I finally realized, after two years of my dad telling me what an asshole he was, that he was. I’m much happier now that he’s out of my life.”

  “And what about you, Ariel? How’s Brandon doing? I heard he just got traded and now he’s playing for the LA Kings.”

  “Yes, and I couldn’t be happier. He’ll finally be back in L.A. where he belongs,” she said with excitement.

  The four of us talked for a while until I looked across the large, manicured yard and saw my dad sitting alone on a bench in the garden.

  “Excuse me, ladies. I need to go talk to my dad.”

  I made my way through the crowd of people and took a seat next to him.

  “You okay, Dad?”

  “Yeah, son. I just can’t stop thinking about that guy at the funeral. I don’t know why, and I
can’t put my finger on it. There was something about him.”

  “I think you’re obsessing too much over this. Maybe Grandpa helped him once and he wanted to pay his respects.”

  “Then why stand back in the crowd and not talk to anyone? Especially the family?”

  “Maybe he’s shy.” I put my arm around him. “Come on, Dad. Let’s get back to the luncheon. There’s a whole lot of people to talk to.”

  He looked at me with a small smile. “You’re right. Let’s go.”

  We walked back to the house and my dad went to find my mom while I stopped and talked to my friend, Liam Wyatt.

  “Liam, my friend. Thanks for coming.” I gave him a light hug.

  “So sorry about your grandfather.”

  “Thanks. I saw you at the funeral, but things have been a little crazy. I’m sorry I haven’t had the chance to talk to you.”

  “Nah, no worries. Oliver and Delilah send their condolences. They’d be here if they could, but they took Sophie to Disney World. Hey, I know this is weird and all, but is something wrong with Hailey?”

  “I don’t know. Why?”

  “I saw her in the house, and she was acting weird. It’s like she’s on something.”

  “Julia said the same thing a few days ago. I don’t know and, to be honest, I don’t really care.”

  Amelia walked over to us, holding Brayden. “Hi, Liam.” She smiled.

  “Hi, Amelia. Congratulations on marrying this fool.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  Laughter escaped her lips. “Thank you.”

  As we stood there talking, another good friend of ours walked over to us.

  “Collin. We’re so sorry for your loss,” Max and Emma spoke as they both gave me a light hug.

  “Thank you. I’m glad you guys are here. Hey there, Sarah.” I smiled as she held out her arms and I took her from Max. “You are getting way too big too fast.”

  Amelia and Emma walked away and left us guys to talk.

  “Any kids in your future?” Max asked.

  “Someday. I would like to wait a couple of years.”

  “All my friends are off getting married and having babies, and I’m still trying to find that perfect girl.” Liam pouted.

  Max hooked his arm around him. “I just saw you the other night with that smoking hot chick at the restaurant.”

  Liam rolled his eyes. “Oh, she was hot, and she knew it. She spent a majority of the night taking selfies and snap chatting. For a woman who was twenty-four, she acted like she was sixteen. I couldn’t get her home fast enough.”

  Max and I chuckled, and Sarah started to fuss and wanted to go back to Max. “I better go find Emma. Sarah’s getting tired.”

  “Thanks again for coming. I appreciate it.” I gave him a pat on the back.

  “No problem, friend. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Liam and I talked for a few more minutes and then he had to get to the office and take care of a few things since Oliver was out of town. We said goodbye, and when I went to find Amelia, I found her talking to Hailey.

  “Hey.” I wrapped my arm around Amelia’s waist.


  Hailey excused herself, and when she began to walk away, she dropped her purse and the contents spilled onto the floor. I bent down to help her pick it up and saw four prescription bottles full of pills and a small zippered baggie with a white powder in it.

  “What are these?” I asked her as I picked up the bottles.

  “Nothing.” She grabbed them from my hands and nervously shoved everything back in her purse. “I’ll talk to you guys later.” She stood up and walked away.

  “Maybe you should talk to her parents,” Amelia spoke.

  “It’s none of our business, Amelia. Please, I don’t want to discuss this again.”

  She wrapped her arms around me and pressed her cheek against my chest. “You always help people, Collin. That is one of the things I love most about you.”

  An anger began to brew inside of me. I was sick and tired of people trying to shove Hailey down my throat. I broke our embrace.

  “Why can’t you leave it alone?! I just lost my grandfather. Hailey is the last fucking person on this Earth I want to talk about!” I spoke in a raised voice.

  I ran my hand through my hair and walked away to get some air. I stepped outside on the porch and sat down on the swing. I felt bad for raising my voice at my wife and, judging from the expression on her face, she was hurt. As I was sitting there thinking of a million ways to apologize to her, my mom came out and sat down next to me, taking hold of my hand.

  “What’s going on, Collin? I saw you storm out and Amelia standing in the middle of the room. Did you two have an argument?”

  I sighed. “No, Mom. It was more of me just being an insensitive asshole.”

  “Tell me what’s going on. You know you can talk to me.”

  “Something’s going on with Hailey and everyone is expecting me to fix it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s doing drugs, Mom.”

  “Do you know that for sure?”

  “Yes. Julia saw her doing coke in the bathroom at Peyton’s birthday party and earlier, she dropped her purse. When I bent down to help her pick her things up, she had four bottles of pills and a baggie with coke in it. Julia and Amelia both want me to talk to her. It’s none of my business. She’s not my concern and I don’t want to get involved.”

  She gave my hand a squeeze. “Between you and me, Peyton expressed her concern about Hailey a couple of days ago. She and Henry do not like this guy she’s with. I know your history with Hailey isn’t good, considering what you went through, but sometimes, we need to put the past behind us.”

  “So you’re saying you put what happened with Ashlyn behind you?”

  “God no! She’s different. She’s a psychotic bitch who tried to hurt my family. Hailey isn’t like that. She’s a good person, Collin. She’s just lost right now.”

  I let out a sigh. “I hope she finds her way back someday, but I’m not going to be the one to show her the way.”

  “I understand.”

  Amelia walked out on the porch as my mom gave me a kiss on the cheek and went back inside the house. I held out my hand to her.

  “I’m sorry, Amelia. I didn’t mean to yell at you like I did.”

  She sat down beside me and laid her head on my shoulder. “I know you didn’t. I shouldn’t have pushed you like that. I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby.”

  Chapter 14


  My mom decided to take a little weekend trip to Cape Cod with Cassidy, Ben, and Camden. She asked me if I would go through my dad’s office and clean it out for her. She had already cleaned out his personal stuff, but the business was never her thing. She wanted everything out of there so she could turn his office into a sitting room. It was a Saturday morning and Ellery and I met Collin and Amelia for breakfast before we headed to the house. Collin drove himself, and after we finished breakfast, he drove us to the house while Ralph took the women into the city to do some shopping for the day.

  “Thanks for coming and helping me with this, son.”

  “No problem, Dad.”

  While Collin was going through the filing cabinet, I cleaned out the bookshelf. As I pulled some books from the shelf, a white envelope fell from one of them and onto the floor. I bent down to pick it up and noticed it was filled with pictures. Sitting down in his chair, I opened the envelope and pulled out a picture of me and my brother Collin at the beach. It was taken the day he died. As I sat and stared at it, an overwhelming sadness washed over me.

  “What is that, Dad?”

  “A picture of me and your Uncle Collin.” I handed the picture to him.

  “Wow. Look at the two of you. I know he was your twin brother, but you almost look identical.”

  I gave him a small smile as I looked at the other photographs. There was one of our family and my mom holding Cassidy on her christ
ening day.

  “Dad, you dropped one,” Collin spoke as he bent down and picked it up. He stared at it for a moment before handing it to me.

  “Is this you or Aunt Cassidy?” he asked.

  I took the photograph from his hand and looked at it in confusion. It was a picture of my father holding a baby in front of a house I didn’t recognize. “It’s neither of us. My father is a lot older in this picture.”

  “Then who is it? Is it Camden?”

  “No.” I looked through the remaining pictures. I stumbled across one of me and my dad at a banquet when he won the Businessman of the Year award. I held it next to the picture of him holding the baby and he looked the same. A sickness rose inside of me when my mind went to the place of something I didn’t want to believe.

  “Collin, I think my father had another child.”

  He laughed. “Dad, now you’re getting crazy. Grandpa would never have cheated on Grandma.”

  “But he did, son, and I knew about it.”

  Shock swept over his face as he stood there and stared at me. “Who was she?”

  “I don’t know who she was. All I know is that he spent a month with her in the Caribbean while Black Enterprises was failing.”

  “Dad, I’m sorry.”

  I looked down at the desk and tried to pull open the bottom drawer. It was locked and I couldn’t find the key.

  “Go ask Juan for a screwdriver. I want to know what’s in this bottom drawer.”

  A few moments later, Collin came back with a screwdriver. I shoved it in and busted the lock. When I opened the drawer, I found a file for the purchase of a house in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, dating back twenty-eight years ago. I gave the paper to Collin as I rummaged through the rest of the files.

  “I didn’t know Grandpa had a house in Cherry Hill.”

  “I didn’t either. Let’s go, son.” I got up from the chair and walked out of the office.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To Cherry Hill, New Jersey.”


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