by Lynn, Sandi

  “Attention. May I have your attention? I would like to welcome everyone here tonight on this beautiful evening to celebrate and congratulate Amelia and Collin. If you’re ready, please direct your attention to left and welcome Mr. and Mrs. Collin Black.”

  Everyone began to clap and whistle as Amelia and I made our entrance holding hands and smiling. I took Amelia up to the stage where the band was set up and I took the microphone from the planner’s hand.

  “I want to thank all of you for coming tonight and celebrating with us. This woman right here. This beautiful, God-given gift is the love of my life and I couldn’t wait to marry her and make a lifelong commitment with her. She’s what every man dreams of and she’s all mine. I love her and she loves me, and we didn’t want to wait, so we got married in Vegas.”

  Clapping, whistling, and the clanking of glasses filled the air as I turned to Amelia and we kissed. “I want everyone to have fun tonight! So let’s get this party started!” I yelled in excitement.

  We stepped off the stage and headed to our table for dinner. White tents filled the patio and large open area before it met the beach with round tables covered in white linens, white floral arrangements, and beautifully lit candles, which sat in the center of each table. White lights were strung throughout the tents, giving the atmosphere pure romance. After we ate an incredible meal, Amelia and I made our rounds and talked to our guests.

  “Hey, Peyton. Henry. Where’s Hailey?”

  “She called and said she wasn’t feeling well. She thinks she has the flu,” Henry spoke.

  I knew it probably would have been hard for her to be here, so I didn’t really blame her. Amelia went to talk to some of her college friends and I went over to see what kind of conversation was going on between my assistant, Ethan, and Liam.

  “You aren’t trying to steal my assistant out from under me, are you, bro?” I smiled.

  “Maybe I am.” He winked at Ethan.

  Ethan patted me on the back and walked away. We continued the evening with drinks, laughter, and dancing. Delilah took the stage and sang a few of her songs for us and everyone seemed to be having a great time. It was exactly what Amelia and I had envisioned. I walked over to where my mom was and gave her a big hug.

  “Thanks, Mom. This is amazing. Amelia and I are so grateful to you and Dad for doing this for us. I love you.”

  “Aw, my sweet boy. You’re welcome. But I’m still mad you got married without your family being there.”

  “I know, but can you please not stay mad too long. I hate when you’re mad at me.” I kissed her cheek.

  “You’re forgiven.” She smiled. “I love you and Amelia very much.”

  The party went into the wee hours of the morning and Amelia and I headed home to do some celebrating of our own. I insisted that Diana and Jacob stay at our house, but she said that they were staying with my mom and dad because newlyweds should be left alone. Amelia and I were going to meet them for breakfast in the morning because they were flying back to California in the afternoon so Diana could get back to work at the gallery.

  Chapter 28


  My head was pounding, and I felt so weak that I couldn’t even get out of bed to get Brayden when he woke up in the morning. Jake tended to him and, when he came back, he was surprised I wasn’t getting ready for work.

  “Julia, are you okay?”

  I shook as I pulled the covers up to my chin. “I don’t think so.”

  He placed his hand on my forehead and then ran to the bathroom to get the thermometer.

  “Baby, you’re burning up.” He slid the thermometer in my mouth.

  When it beeped, he read it and looked at me. “I’m calling your mom to watch Brayden. You have a 104 fever and I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  “No, Jake. I just want to stay in bed. Please. No hospital.”

  “It’s not up for discussion, Julia. Something is obviously wrong.” He walked out of the room and I rolled over, pulling the covers up over my head.

  Within moments, my mom and dad entered my room.

  “Julia, get up, sweetie. You need to get dressed.” My mom pulled the covers from me.

  “Princess, this is no time to play around.”

  Now I was aggravated. “I’m not playing around, parents. I don’t want to go to the hospital. Just give me some ibuprofen and the fever will go down.”

  “Sorry, but with your kidney problems and that fever, you’re going to the hospital.”

  Jake walked in with Brayden. “I just got off the phone with the doctor and he said you are to get to the hospital immediately. He’s already there, tending to another patient, so he’ll be in to see you as soon as he can.”

  I sighed as I tried to sit up but couldn’t. I was so weak that I couldn’t even see straight.

  “Connor, go. I’ll help Julia get dressed and then we need to get her into the limo. Make sure Ralph is downstairs.”

  My mom went into my closet and pulled out one of my sundresses. “This will be the easiest to get on, Julia,” she said as she lifted my night shirt over my head and tossed it to the side. She slid the sundress over me, and I couldn’t help but lie back down. She got up from the bed and went to get Jake and my dad.

  “Jake, go downstairs and put the car seat from your car into the limo and strap Brayden in. I’ll bring Julia down. Come on, princess; let’s go.”

  My dad lifted me from the bed. I placed my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest as he carried me to the limo. He carefully slid me inside and I laid my head down on Jake’s lap while my mom sat with us and Brayden and my dad climbed in the front with Ralph.

  We arrived at the hospital and the nurses were waiting for me. They immediately brought a wheelchair to the limo, lifted me out, and wheeled me to a room in the ER. An IV was immediately placed in my arm and the nurse wasted no time drawing all kinds of blood. Jake and my parents were in the room with me as I closed my eyes. All I wanted to do was sleep.

  * * *


  I was sitting in my office, working up some numbers for a huge meeting with Daniel Durant and his associates, when my dad walked in with Brayden. I looked up and instantly could tell something was wrong.

  “Dad, why do you have Brayden?”

  “Listen, son, we had to rush your sister to the hospital this morning and I need you to keep an eye on Brayden for us.”

  I got up from my chair and took him from his arms. “What happened? Is she okay?” I asked with worry.

  “She has a 104 fever and she’s very weak. Jake, your mom, and I are staying at the hospital with her and you’re the first person I thought of to look after Brayden. I guess I could have called Peyton, but I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  “It’s okay, Dad. He’ll be fine here with me. Tell Julia I’ll be by after work. Will you keep me informed about her condition?”

  “I will, Collin. I have to get back to the hospital. I’ll talk to you later.”

  As soon as he left, Brayden started to fuss. “Oh no, little man. Don’t be sad. Your mom is going to be okay.” I didn’t know who I was trying to convince, me or him. I was worried sick about Julia, and I felt helpless. The office door opened, and Ethan stepped in.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “They had to take Julia to the hospital. She’s really sick.”

  “Oh no. She’ll be okay, Collin. Don’t worry. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Can you go get the playpen and toys from Julia’s office and bring it here?”

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  I took Brayden over to look out the window. “See this view, buddy? This will be your view someday. You’re going to grow up and work for your mommy and your uncle and this could be your office one day.”

  He cooed and I smiled as I kissed his head. A few moments later, Ethan came in with the playpen and toys and set it up for me. I set Brayden down and scattered his toys all around him with the hopes that he’d stay occupied for a
while. I had to get these numbers finished and into the proposal for my one o’clock meeting.

  I looked up at the clock and it read twelve fifty-five. I closed the file, grabbed it, took Brayden from his playpen, and stepped out of my office. I looked around and Ethan was nowhere to be found and neither was Laurinda. Shit. I needed them to look after Brayden while I was in the meeting with Durant. I stood there for a few moments, and neither one of them showed up.

  “Well, it looks like you’re attending your first business meeting, little man. Make sure to take notes on how it’s done.” His eyes were focused on my file as he tried to reach for it.

  I walked into the conference room and Durant and his associates were already seated.

  “Mr. Black,” they spoke with their French accents as they stood, and we shook hands.

  “Thank you, gentlemen for agreeing to this meeting.” I took a seat and set Brayden on my lap. He started to cry. Shit. I smiled at the men and got back up, walking around the table. He stopped crying. I guess he didn’t want to sit down.

  “Mr. Black, we weren’t aware you had a child,” Durant spoke.

  “He’s not mine. He’s my nephew. My sister had to be rushed to the hospital this morning. She’s very ill.”

  “We are sorry to hear that.”

  “Thank you, but let’s get on with this meeting, shall we?”

  I conducted the meeting by walking around the room, holding Brayden. The minute I even attempted to sit down, he would start to cry. If Durant hadn’t flown in from Paris for his meeting, I would have rescheduled.

  “Your nephew is very cute, Mr. Black. Would you mind if I held him?” one of the associates asked.

  “Uh, sure.” I handed Brayden over to him.

  I continued on with my proposal and none of them were paying attention. They were all too busy fussing over Brayden. Durant looked at me.

  “Mr. Black, you seem like a great man and we’ve heard many wonderful things about your father and this company. Not many businessmen would conduct an important meeting like this with a baby in his arms. You took care of your nephew and conducted this meeting like a true professional.”

  “Why, thank you, Mr. Durant.”

  “I can tell you’re a good family man and we would be happy to do business with Black Enterprises.” He smiled. “We take family values very seriously at Durant Inc.”

  My heart began to race. This wasn’t a decision to make lightly. I didn’t expect an answer from Durant for at least a few months. This was incredible.

  “Thank you, Mr. Durant.” I smiled as I walked over and shook his hand. “You won’t be sorry about your decision.”

  “I’m sure I won’t be.” He took the pen from the table and signed the agreement.

  “Now, we better get going. We want to explore the city before we leave for Paris. My wife would love this little guy.” He took hold of Brayden’s hand and Brayden cooed at him.

  His associate gave Brayden a kiss and handed him back to me. “Have fun in New York and I’ll be in touch.”

  They walked out of the conference room and I started doing a little dance with Brayden. “Thank you, little man. How does it feel to have landed your first deal?”

  Chapter 29


  Julia was in and out of sleep most of the day. Finally, around three o’clock, the doctor walked into the room. It infuriated me that we’d been here since this morning and we still had no answers.

  “I have the results of your bloodwork and it seems you have a bacterial infection. I’ve had the nurse start you on a round of strong antibiotics and you should be feeling better in a few days. Until then, you’ll need to stay in the hospital and get plenty of fluids and rest. And I’m sorry to tell you this Julia, but no contact with your son. Not until the infection has cleared up.”

  “But, Dr.—”

  “No buts. This is very serious,” he spoke.

  Julia’s eyes filled with tears as Jake squeezed her hand. “It’ll be okay, baby. It’s only for a few days,” he spoke.

  “I’ve also gone ahead and put you on the transplant list.”

  “How long?” I asked.

  He sighed. “It can be weeks, months, or even years. Because of her age, she’s down on the bottom of the list. There are others who are in more desperate need of a kidney than Julia.”

  “That’s bullshit!” I snapped and Ellery placed her hand on my arm.

  “I know it’s frustrating, Mr. Black, and I would feel the same way if it were my daughter. My advice to you is to see if you yourself can find a match. But I will tell you that not a lot of people are just willing to give away their kidney. I’ll be by in the morning to check up on you, Julia. Until then, get some rest.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck as I walked over and stared out the window. Suddenly, Julia screamed.


  I turned around and Ellery and Jake were by her side, trying to calm her down as she cried. The pain on her face and the sadness in her eyes was too much to bear. I stepped out of the room and called Collin.

  “Hey, Dad. How’s Julia?”

  “She has a bacterial infection. Can you and Amelia keep Brayden until your mom and I come home? Julia can’t see him for a few days until the infection clears up.”

  “Shit. Yeah, of course we can. I want to come by and see Julia. Amelia will be off work soon, so I’ll drop Brayden off at home and then swing by. There’s something I need to tell you.”

  “Good news, I hope.”

  “Great news. I’ll see you soon, Dad.”

  I hung up and walked back into the room. Julia had seemed to calm down. I walked over to her and pressed my lips against her forehead.

  “Collin and Amelia are going to keep an eye on Brayden until we get home. He’ll be stopping by later.”

  She nodded her head and closed her eyes. Ellery and I stepped out of the room and went down to grab some coffee. Before we made it to the coffee bar, Ellery suddenly grabbed my arm and led me down an isolated hallway. Pushing me up against the wall, she smashed her mouth into mine. I didn’t know what the hell had gotten into her at that moment, but I wasn’t complaining.

  * * *


  As Connor and I were on our way to the coffee bar, I saw Ashlyn standing there talking to someone. She didn’t see us, but I couldn’t let Connor see her. I grabbed his arm and led him down a hallway, pushed him up against the wall, and passionately kissed him. He was going to question me about what I had just done, so I had to come up with something quick.

  “Baby, what the hell was that for?”

  “Are you complaining?”

  “Of course not, but we’re in a hospital.”

  “So what. It never stopped you before. I just felt like I needed to do that. We both needed it, Connor.”

  He placed his hand on my cheek and softly brushed his lips against mine. “You’re right. We did need it, didn’t we?”

  I gave him a small smile as I pulled him from the wall and hugged him, staring out and making sure Ashlyn was nowhere in sight.

  “Okay. I really need that coffee now.”

  He chuckled. “Let’s go and get it, then.”

  I was a nervous wreck. It was only going to be a matter of time before he saw her and then, when he did, the shit was going to hit the fan full force.

  * * *


  Shortly after we got back to Julia’s room, Collin walked in. He went over to her, kissed her head, and asked her how she was doing. Ellery, Jake, and I took a seat over on the small couch by the window so the two of them could talk. If anyone could talk to her, it was him. After their conversation, and Julia smiled, Collin walked over to us.

  “What’s this great news you have to tell?”

  “Let me guess!” Ellery shrieked. “Amelia’s pregnant!”

  “Good God. No, Mom. I closed the Durant deal, Dad.”

  “What?” I looked at him in confusion.

had that meeting with Durant today.”

  “No, son. That meeting was for tomorrow.”

  “No, Dad. It was today. Anyway, I had to take Brayden in the meeting with me because our secretaries were at lunch. Durant and his associates loved Brayden and they loved how I was with him and how I put my family first, so they signed the deal.”

  “Right there on the spot?”


  I was speechless at that moment. That deal had just made our company millions of dollars and my son closed it at the proposal. Even I had never done that. I reached over and gave him a hug.

  “Good job, Collin. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Even though Collin was more than ready to take over Black Enterprises, Ellery and I had talked, and considering Julia’s accident, handing over the company to them in three months was put on hold until we knew for sure how long this would affect Julia’s life.

  Chapter 30


  The next day, after I visited Julia in the hospital, Liam and I went out for dinner and a drink. Amelia was going out with her girlfriends to celebrate one of their birthdays, so I used the opportunity to hang with Liam and have some guy time. We ended up at a bar for some burgers and beer. As we were talking, eating, and having a good time, my phone rang. I pulled it from my pocket. Hailey was calling.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Collin. I need your help. Please.” She sounded like she was crying, and her voice was really low.

  “What’s wrong, Hailey?”

  “I need your help.”

  “Where are you?”

  “516 West 71st Street. Apartment 6B.”

  “I’ll be there soon.” I ended the call and asked Liam to come with me.

  When we arrived at the building, we took the elevator up to Hailey’s apartment. I didn’t even know she lived here. I knocked on the door and there was no answer, so I placed my hand on the knob, and it opened.


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